I need help: There is only One Being, everything else is a figment??

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Hi everyone,

     I have been looking into the matter of existence and have become very perplexed by the notion that we are all God himself, herself or itself.  It's something that I have suspected for a long time but now that I have read it in a published setting from Robert Bruce, I really do not know how to deal with it.
     Isn't the idea that there is only just one  underlying being that we are all a part of  extremely frightening and lonely?  That means that whenever I go outside and talk to someone, I am just God himself talking to himself, using control of time and space to make it appear that he(I) is talking to another being.  Suddenly I feel like I'm going crazy, like a boy who has has pretended to be many different characters but at the end of the day is all alone, listening to the emptiness of his own voice in different tones.
    Imagine that every other poster on this forum is YOU, and suppose you ask a question. The poster who answers your question is simply YOURSELF switching over to assume the role of that responder, but it is done at the same time that you ask the question, yet in a different dimension in time and space so it appears that you and the poster(you again) are seperate entities with a seperate consciousness. What are the other people's thoughts on this idea?  Are we or if we want to be accurate, you should ask yourself "AM I" alone in existence?  Please someone with experience give some insight on this as I am not a spiritual person and do not understand anything.  Iwas hoping to contact Robert Bruce but cannot find his contact information. 
     Thanks everyone!



at first i can be a little depressing and lonely. 

but then you realize that you are an infinitely unique expression.

a specific energy manifests to create you.

so, while you are talking to yourself all the time, you're also talking to an infinitely unique version of yourself.

but still, in the end, i suppose you can believe that there is one fundamental foundation for everyone to exist that is beyond comprehension.

and i think that is the part that you come to truly grasp in time.  the nature of the "all that is" is much grander and queerer that you can possibly imagine.  so don't fret. just keep experiencing your experience.
be awesome.


you are correct bluetiger. I had that not too long ago myself and yeah it is a bit depressing but at the same time you are NOT alone but at the same time you are. Can you see why?

There is only one soul. One soul that is experiencing itself over and over again in multiple different incarnations at the same time! that is the key aspect for me. Yes I am talking to myself but in a another incarnation, another experience of myself. In that sense to me I am not alone and yet I am. I drew a nice picture of this and I'm gonna refine a little bit.

And one can also argue well whats the point anyway in anything? well I read in another forum a wonderful reply to that which stroke me.

qoute "...7) What does any of this matter anyway? We all die in the end anyway...."

Well, in my eyes we are eternal beings, emanating from the Divine Creator Source, and that IS why it all matters. This is my personal experience, and my truth.

I encourage you to search your heart for your truth, and be willing to make the changes in your own life that you are seeking in the world.

Lighten Up~!  end qoute

Lighten up ^^

/ you can call me Kisel.


Yeah, it can be fairly crushing to the ego when it finds out that it's not the center of the universe. But what you are is so much greater than the ego you wear for physical living. The ego can't understand this though, hence the negative feelings.

But like G01kur_Kisel said, search your heart for truth. It knows whats up.


Quote from: Bluetigerx3 on June 06, 2010, 12:15:48
Hi everyone,

    I have been looking into the matter of existence and have become very perplexed by the notion that we are all God himself, herself or itself.  It's something that I have suspected for a long time but now that I have read it in a published setting from Robert Bruce, I really do not know how to deal with it.
    Isn't the idea that there is only just one  underlying being that we are all a part of  extremely frightening and lonely?  That means that whenever I go outside and talk to someone, I am just God himself talking to himself, using control of time and space to make it appear that he(I) is talking to another being.  Suddenly I feel like I'm going crazy, like a boy who has has pretended to be many different characters but at the end of the day is all alone, listening to the emptiness of his own voice in different tones.
   Imagine that every other poster on this forum is YOU, and suppose you ask a question. The poster who answers your question is simply YOURSELF switching over to assume the role of that responder, but it is done at the same time that you ask the question, yet in a different dimension in time and space so it appears that you and the poster(you again) are seperate entities with a seperate consciousness. What are the other people's thoughts on this idea?  Are we or if we want to be accurate, you should ask yourself "AM I" alone in existence?  Please someone with experience give some insight on this as I am not a spiritual person and do not understand anything.  Iwas hoping to contact Robert Bruce but cannot find his contact information.  
    Thanks everyone!
I think everyone gave you good information- but I'm going to simplify it a little more:
Pretend you're God in totality, and every part of creation is every part of  your body- if your hand wants to talk to your other hand, they still exist and talk to each other, even without you instantly realizing it.  So even though you are God manifest and so is everyone else, it doesn't mean that everything is a 'figment'- it just means that the way we perceive it is not all it seems- it's more.
Think of a hologram- every part of a hologram contains the entire information of the whole, no matter how small the part  you look at is.

And, to talk to Robert Bruce,  you need to go to Astral Dynamics.com, go to the forums, and head for the subdirectory of 'Ask Robert'.  He answers questions if he hasn't answered them a million times before.  If he has, I usually intercept them and point you to the places where he already answered them.


Hey Tiger, hey everyone, I really have to interract with this one..

When I realised as human that I was (a) god, and that all did emanate from me and that I was alone in the whole universe, I did indeed for a moment get very sad, and very lonely, however by having experienced love and also achieving the understanding on how love works I got pretty fast an answer to that, and realised that however (all) the love emanated from me, I didn't told you fellows what to do, how to act, that was yours to know, the free will you know, all I did was providing the live inspiration :-) so when I got that realised I got back very happy ! I was not alone !

We are all growing towards god, to achieve the same level and be together, all together, because we are all gods, the thing is now that we have to become individually independent, and that is only possible through spiritual blossoming, wich is only possible to experience by following the path of love.

With love,



relative to my recent evolution in perception, this kind of talk smacks of new agey whatnots and buddhists fortune cookies.

i don't want to be condescending, truly.  but i am having difficulty explaining what i mean.  i feel very deeply that the common comments people make in regards to this kind of topic are like super simplistic relative to reality.  that doesn't really explain well what i'm feeling, but it seems like the best i can do right now. 
be awesome.


It's like I'm keeping myself company! I don't mind me at all.


Quote from: personalreality on June 10, 2010, 23:11:56
relative to my recent evolution in perception, this kind of talk smacks of new agey whatnots and buddhists fortune cookies.

i don't want to be condescending, truly.  but i am having difficulty explaining what i mean.  i feel very deeply that the common comments people make in regards to this kind of topic are like super simplistic relative to reality.  that doesn't really explain well what i'm feeling, but it seems like the best i can do right now. 
Of course they are super simplistic.  The best way to explain is the simplest, because anything other than that has to be experienced, not 'understood'.

However, the OP seemed disturbed at this concept and his role in it, and one way to allay his feelings of despair is to give an example in 'real life' to why this is not so bad.  The explanation is not so much as important (in my opinion) as in the reason to why this isn't so bad.


IN THE BEGINNING there was only (insert singular God name here). He (yes, a he) looked around and was completely bored all by himself. He could create anything but really only was pandered at and never really felt he was TRULY respected. So He created from within himself a dual nature component which was the Holy Ghost (really just his feminine side, some fertile and nurturing aspect). Well, eventually after some arguing they made up and got bizy wid it. LO AND BEHOLD a Son was born and Adam Kadmon was his name. Since birth poor Adam was constantly into mischief and so has been sent to his room called Earth until he can admit to his wrong doings and apologize. At some point, whilst in his room, Adams female nature became obvious and so he produced billions of other Adams called Men (which is actually man AND woman, why I don't know). Now all heck has broke loose and the Holy Trinity is just not the same. I don't think it could be called a "figment" although I think that was what Adam wore initially when he was confused about his sexuality. Anyway, the Holy Trinity is composed of one, THE ONE, and so, yeah, that might be why you feel confused or alone.

This was posted for PR to help make things seem less simplistic. :|



i was trying to find a nice way of saying i'm more enlightened than you all.

be awesome.




i don't know if anyone gets that joke.

just by saying it i'm negating the possibility that i am enlightened at all.  (of course i'm kidding and don't believe that)

the last thing an enlightened being would say is "i'm more enlightened than you".  that phrase embodies the opposite of what one would suppose transcendence to be.  not that i would really know.

just wanted to make sure because i drop that joke a lot.

(it's also an inside joke between me and some friends)
be awesome.


You sure it's not an outside joke between you and some enemies?


your wit and ingenuity astounds me.

my brain seems to have lost it's ability to comprehend reality anymore because of the god like power you possess in your tongue sir!

you must be a demon.
be awesome.


I guess that means I can't be included in your "enlighteningness"  :cry:. I am, of course, assuming you were replying to me (I apparently get lost in the insided/outsidedness of these posts :-D).

Oh and I don't type with my tongue although my spouse might wish differently!(R rated)



once again you rapier wit has sliced through my feeble comprehension ability with the speed and accuracy of an arrow. 

please sir, no more.  i do not know if my puny brain can withstand another of your clever tongue lashings.

(though you don't type with your tongue, your typed words originate from verbal language meant for the tongue.)
be awesome.


     I have been looking into the matter of existence and have become very perplexed by the notion that we are all God himself, herself or itself.  It's something that I have suspected for a long time but now that I have read it in a published setting from Robert Bruce, I really do not know how to deal with it.
     Isn't the idea that there is only just one  underlying being that we are all a part of  extremely frightening and lonely?  That means that whenever I go outside and talk to someone, I am just God himself talking to himself, using control of time and space to make it appear that he(I) is talking to another being.  Suddenly I feel like I'm going crazy, like a boy who has has pretended to be many different characters but at the end of the day is all alone, listening to the emptiness of his own voice in different tones.
    Imagine that every other poster on this forum is YOU, and suppose you ask a question. The poster who answers your question is simply YOURSELF switching over to assume the role of that responder, but it is done at the same time that you ask the question, yet in a different dimension in time and space so it appears that you and the poster(you again) are seperate entities with a seperate consciousness. What are the other people's thoughts on this idea?  Are we or if we want to be accurate, you should ask yourself "AM I" alone in existence?  Please someone with experience give some insight on this as I am not a spiritual person and do not understand anything.  Iwas hoping to contact Robert Bruce but cannot find his contact information

Hi Bluetigerx3,

But that is the whole point.  You are a spiritual person but because you have not yet experienced the Truth, you feel like you' re not.  At this point you are the seeker of Truth and that puts you farther ahead on the Path than lots and lots of folks.  You will not be satisfied with mysticism and just Believing.  You want to know, to experience, and you will but it will not come in a fell swoop.  It will not come by racking your brain over it.  One eventually relaxes and surrenders into it.  Sounds easy,hey?  But it isn't.  Feeling sad or depressed is a hallmark that you are far away yet from your goal.  The hallmark of finding the truth, love and oneness is joy.

To find the Source of all that IS requires the discovery of who you really are.  At that point you begin to live as that.  You begin to relegate the mind, emotions and body to their rightful place as the tools to manifest who you really are.  At that point you no longer have to stuggle with mind games and emotions run amok.  It's a kind of Beingness that promotes calm and peace.  You won't end there.  There's much more but you must come to this point first.

How do you do that.  There are hundreds of religions and philosophies to follow.  some are good, some aren't.  There are hundreds of self-proclaimed masters.  Some are good, some are better, some have actually experienced God Realization,  some are just parroting words they have memorized and some are to stay away from.  Your heart intuitively knows Truth when you see it.  Your emotions and mind can be confused and fooled.  Studying the original founders of the major religions and philosophies is a safe bet.  You will find that their progression to realization was a result of much work and dedication.  Years, lifetimes of it.  Be patient.  We start from where we are and practice going within ourselves and sincerely wondering , Who am I, really.  We practice discerning the difference between conditional appearances and what is constant, forever, and therefore real.

The conditions of feeling frightened or lonely will eventually give way to great fullness and serenity by understanding that you are part and parcel of the Source as is everyone and everything.



Ah!  I think I get it now.  What I said, "i and I", is still a case of separation, isn't it.  Thanks!


I was haunted by this same question for along time in my journey, until I finally learned to drop down into my heart. When I opened and connected with the huge love energy I realized that this is who I truly was...this is God...this is I. So beautiful....peaceful yet exciting, I could happily stay in this space for all eternity. LOVE is they key!