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Luciferian New Age Movement

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I Am

The reason I am posting this is because a lot of my friend and people from other forum have been raving and ranting about the works from various ascended masters.

The ascended masters have their own agenda.  The progenitor of the new age movement is the Theosophists.  I was a follower of this work until I realized the inklings of Luciferianism.  The Lucifer trust formed in 1920, changed to the Lucis Trust in 1922 is the major player in the supposed New World Order.

These societies masquerade around as if they are saving the world, one initiate at a time.  They are actually a satanic cult bent on controlling the world.  I know this seems like I am some religious bible thumper, but it's the truth.  The information they provide is so tempting.  They promise spiritual siddhis and usher in new technology as a sign of their spiritual prowess.

Be warned, these teaching seem to lead to higher power, but it is only an illusion.  Remember the dark side and the jedi have a lot in common they only differ in their inner most beliefs.  They both developer consciousness and oneness with the force, but one uses it for selfish power and the other for the well being of all.  

See beyond the illusion.

Information was never so easily given; the true god is within as well as without.  Channeling information is DANGEROUS, don't do it or believe in it.  The information appeals so easily to our intellect, and that is what they play on.  They so readily bestow deep spiritual information on to the neophytes, information on the real spiritual path has always been a path of self discovery, not blatant and ignorant spoon feeding of information.

Think of any real religion, the inner knowledge is cherished.  Taoism, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc... all of these religions speak of the inner knowledge, not information fed to you from some invisible source.  This inner knowledge has always been kept secret, except for those who seek it out, "seek and ye shall find."  The information swarms about so readily, this is against the code of just about every religions faction. "Milk for babes, and strong meat for men," has always been the saying of the occult, to hid information from "them."  Look how well information has been hidden to preserve it, the Torah has hidden encryption, the paintings which hid sacred geometries.  Look at the Da Vinci Code.  The true arcane knowledge has always been hidden, that is the way it is and will be.

The mindless drivel of the new age society has us focused on these so called ascended masters, lies.  No such thing exists.  The real information must be found and only true initiates will find the depth of the true information.  This is a microwave society that wants 3 easy lessons to become enlightened, no such thing exists.  I have to admit, a lot of information even from occult schools is being presented now, unlike never before, due to I belief of the 2012 event that is coming, but do not believe for a second that these channeled works have any good intention, look beyond the illusion of what they do, and you will see the truth.

The new age movement does not have good intentions.  If you have ever seen the movie the Omega Code, you should, it describes how Lucifer gains trust of humanity by offering a helping hand, when only he is only giving a hand up to his personal means of control.  If you have any works by channelers or ascended master, throw them out, they are filled with brainwashing information.
Gnothi Seauton


"i am" what forum are you referring to.......Please ? I like to see "things" for myself.
Always follow your conscience, instincts and intuition, trust your feelings, go within, be discerning.
Pay attention to your intention.
Beliefs and THE TRUTH have nothing in common.


Channeling information is DANGEROUS, don't do it or believe in it. The information appeals so easily to our intellect, and that is what they play on.
Most channelings just pretend to have some "spiritual" meaning. I don't think that they are even really channelled, more probably just generated by person's subconsciousness or even only called "channeling". It is impossible that some more spiritually developed entities would waste their time creating so much meaningless messages. Excellent example of such BS generator is here:


what is dangerous to some, is even more dangerous to many-  :wink:

I Am

Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
Channeling information is DANGEROUS, don't do it or believe in it. The information appeals so easily to our intellect, and that is what they play on.
Most channelings just pretend to have some "spiritual" meaning. I don't think that they are even really channelled, more probably just generated by person's subconsciousness or even only called "channeling". It is impossible that some more spiritually developed entities would waste their time creating so much meaningless messages. Excellent example of such BS generator is here:;read=41823

I agree a decent amount of channeling is b.s. but some of it is real.  There are people in contact with entities that do not have our best interest in mind.

It is not impossible, only implausible.  Some spiritual being do not want us to attain personal power.  Remember not all astral entities are evolved.  Simply because they exist on the astral state does not mean they are spiritually evolved, this is a misconception.

The forum I spoke about: is temporarily unavailable.  The ascended masters are not what they seem at all.  A lot of people doubt me, but look at the evidence.  Remember there are always powerful beings working for either team.

If you think control of this dimension is meaningless, then I am wrong.  If you think control over the human race on earth is meaningless then we are all safe, but as we all know there are people who are looking to create a new world order and have minion over us.  This control over man kind has been saught for for thousand of years by evil men and so called evolved entities.

It is all about control.  Just like in the matrix, we are all slaves, and we just don't know it.  A prison which you cannot touch, taste, or see.  All I know is the the Lucifer trust was formed by Alice A. Bailey a theosopher who is in contact with astral supposed "ascended masters."  If you wish to ignore this fact, and you think that all astral being are friendly, then we are doomed.

I suppose ignorance is bliss.
Gnothi Seauton

A Souls Fury

QuoteI suppose ignorance is bliss.

True bliss is Being One with the Moment being nowhere... Now-Here! or in case that meaning eludes some, "here now".

Frequency is Everything

James S

Hmmm... another "beware the new age movement" thread.

But isn't being opposed to it just as silly as being sucked in by it?
I guess it really is just another religion, and like all religions it has its good and its bad. At least no new ager has walked up to you and told you you'll go to hell if you dont follow his / her way!

Take from it what serves you well and leave the rest behind. Same goes for all religions - there's some benefit in all of them for people. Just learn who you are and be yourself without letting anyone tell you who you should or should not be.

As to channeling, yes absolutely there are a lot of frauds out there, ever willing to reap money from the gullible. Remember though that any communication with spirit can technically be termed channeling, not the least of which is when a person recieves intuitive knowledge from their own higher self.

As a medium I do a lot of channeling - angels, nature spirits and deceased humans alike. But like any good professional service provider, I stay very much aware of the need to use my skills for the benefit of others, not for self gratification. There are universal laws to consider that will come back and bite you on the bum if you abuse them.
With that in mind, consider that much of the true channeling that goes on within the psychic community is often no more than someone's late uncle Bob wanting to give them a bit of encouragement, or their great grandmother wanting to tell them to stear clear of a situation that could cause problems.



James, when you say you channel angels are you speaking in terms of repeating what you've heard audibly or do you mean channeled in the sense of being possessed?

For what reason do these angels say they need you in order to communicate to anyone?


Quote from: A Souls Fury

True bliss is Being One with the Moment being nowhere... Now-Here! or in case that meaning eludes some, "here now".

:wink:  :twisted:  :wink:  :razz:  :cool:


One the most helpful filters for me came from an engineers who worked for me years ago who fought a constant battle with rage and anger.  He told me that he learned in the Navy:  

"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity"
Stupid is probably too strong a term here, but I find the general thought helpful.

It is my experience that there is real evil out there, but I think there's a simpler interpetation from the same info that called out your excellent post.

I think we're in a period of instability as a result of leaving an evolutionary plateau and not yet reaching another.  Everything is in flux.  Even "the wise" are disoriented because the ordinals are are shifting around.  In that kind space, there's a need to establish a sort of "false real" just to get some rest.  In chaos theory these are the temporary structures that form up that will not hold.  I tend to think of it like a log jam in a flood -- it can seem pretty stable and reliable until the pressure builds up enough to wash it away.

Karla MacLaren (my hero) says the New Age is a religion created BY survivors FOR survivors.  I do think a new Real is moving in upon us, but the interpetations view and shaped by New Age tendencies -- even tendencies that have matured beyond the first reflex of new age -- will naturally contain all the skew survivors carry, including the desire for a wise and powerful "rescuers"

My experience of spirits is that they come in a wide range of capacities and intention.  Just like people, often those with the best intentions make the biggest messes.  I'm not sure that's all bad, though.  Evolution and birth both tend to be messy businesses.

If you are correct and the ascended masters are not what they seem, is it possible they are providing a needed raft in the storm for those who need a refuge?

James S

Quote from: Khah'pethJames, when you say you channel angels are you speaking in terms of repeating what you've heard audibly or do you mean channeled in the sense of being possessed?

For what reason do these angels say they need you in order to communicate to anyone?
Hi Khah'peth
Most of the time I repeat what I audibly hear. Only once to my recollection have I let down my mental barriers enough for a spirit to speak directly through me. It's a big step for me to have the trust and confidence in both the spirit and myself enough to let that happen.

As to why angels would use one person to help pass a message on to another - the simple answer is doubt, more precisely, self doubt. We recieve messages from Spirit all the time, but doubt prevents us from believing it ("that must have been just me talking") and acting on it. Sometimes we need to hear the message from another flesh and blood person before we believe.



Brilliant reply James !


The angels (or Arch-angels) are working through many thousands of people around the planet, so it would be remiss of us to say they are only working through me, you, him, or that person there !

This is an important threshold time for humanity and the support of those like Gaia, other beings like Uriel and Michael etc, are for the benefit of everyone who hears the messages coming through whoever is being used to convey them.

Love always


Quote from: James S
Hi Khah'peth
Most of the time I repeat what I audibly hear. Only once to my recollection have I let down my mental barriers enough for a spirit to speak directly through me. It's a big step for me to have the trust and confidence in both the spirit and myself enough to let that happen.

As to why angels would use one person to help pass a message on to another - the simple answer is doubt, more precisely, self doubt. We receive messages from Spirit all the time, but doubt prevents us from believing it ("that must have been just me talking") and acting on it. Sometimes we need to hear the message from another flesh and blood person before we believe.


I don't understand your rationale. If I were to doubt that I was hearing an external voice, why do you think I would believe you are hearing external voices? Actually, I would scrutinize another person's claim far greater than I'd ever doubt myself.

I do not wish to step on any toes. It's just that I am just highly suspicious of any entity that needs human assistance. Following other people is a matter of acceptance or dismissal. Only direct experience is valuable.

James S

Hi Khah'peth

S'Ok, no toes feeling trodden on here.  :smile:

Spirit guides, in whatever form, never have and never will need human assistance. Their there for our help, not we for theirs.
Trouble is we do too often doubt what we hear or see ourselves, or we just plain ignore the messages. It's all too easy to rationalise things away. When presented with specific messages from another person though, it's much harder to rationalise it away.

As an example:
I'd been given a message about a particular career path that I am chosing to follow. Recently however, despite the guidance I'd already recieved from Spirit, I started to doubt the validity of that path.

Last week, I attended a meditation circle that I don't normally go to. We also practiced mediumship as a group, or in pairs. A woman who's never met me before and doesn't know me or anything about me, gave me a message about my chosen path from one of my own spirit guides that was so precise and so specific, even down to very specific wording, that told me exactly what I had already been told by the spirits some time ago.
I couldn't ignore it, the message was too accurate!

I do know where you're coming from though.
I tend to be cautious when getting messages or being given readings by other mediums. I see a lot of them that either go fishing for information, or give out some vague generic ego stroking platitudes.
It sometimes gives me a perverse pleasure when I encounter these kinds of pseudo-mediums to tell them that I am a medium myself. They either become very professional, stop messing around and get right down to specifics, or they get flustered and start floundering, usually coming up with some feeble excuse as to why they were not getting the messages clearly.



Quote from: James S
Quote from: Khah'pethJames, when you say you channel angels are you speaking in terms of repeating what you've heard audibly or do you mean channeled in the sense of being possessed?

For what reason do these angels say they need you in order to communicate to anyone?
Hi Khah'peth
Most of the time I repeat what I audibly hear. Only once to my recollection have I let down my mental barriers enough for a spirit to speak directly through me. It's a big step for me to have the trust and confidence in both the spirit and myself enough to let that happen.

As to why angels would use one person to help pass a message on to another - the simple answer is doubt, more precisely, self doubt. We recieve messages from Spirit all the time, but doubt prevents us from believing it ("that must have been just me talking") and acting on it. Sometimes we need to hear the message from another flesh and blood person before we believe.


believing is a matrix.  :wink:
angels are a new term, the oldone would be: angel-daymon (purifying from the church view- )  :cool:


Quote from: Khah'peth
Quote from: James S
Hi Khah'peth
Most of the time I repeat what I audibly hear. Only once to my recollection have I let down my mental barriers enough for a spirit to speak directly through me. It's a big step for me to have the trust and confidence in both the spirit and myself enough to let that happen.

As to why angels would use one person to help pass a message on to another - the simple answer is doubt, more precisely, self doubt. We receive messages from Spirit all the time, but doubt prevents us from believing it ("that must have been just me talking") and acting on it. Sometimes we need to hear the message from another flesh and blood person before we believe.


I don't understand your rationale. If I were to doubt that I was hearing an external voice, why do you think I would believe you are hearing external voices? Actually, I would scrutinize another person's claim far greater than I'd ever doubt myself.

I do not wish to step on any toes. It's just that I am just highly suspicious of any entity that needs human assistance. Following other people is a matter of acceptance or dismissal. Only direct experience is valuable.

:cool:  :wink:

James S

"angels are a new term, the oldone would be: angel-daymon (purifying from the church view- )"

Yes. The origins of the word demon is from the Greek "daimon" or "daimonos" which simply means "spirit"

Nothing has changed, just the faces and the rhetoric...


A Souls Fury

thank you James, I needed that bit of info.. very interesting the whole misinterpretation of so many words over time.

Frequency is Everything


Arn de Gothia

I'm with the chinese, religion is poison. Trust noone but yourself


collective perception are allways false. :cool: