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Non-Duality in our Projections

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I've been having long discussions with the Bing AI Chat lately... today, for giggles, I asked:

QuoteHow can a non-dualist reconcile the concept of good and evil in an astral projection?

It's response:
Non-dualism, also known as non-duality, is a philosophical and spiritual belief that the universe and its components are not separate or divided entities but are one interconnected and indivisible whole1. This idea of oneness transcends all dualistic concepts, such as good and evil1.

In the context of astral projection, which is an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a subtle body, known as the astral body or body of light, through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body and travel throughout the astral plane2, the concept of non-dualism can be applied in a unique way.

From a non-dualistic perspective, good and evil are not separate entities but are part of the same whole. They are two sides of the same coin, so to speak. This means that what we perceive as 'good' or 'evil' during an astral projection could be understood as different aspects of the same reality, rather than opposing forces.

Buddhism encourages us to be wary of antithetical concepts, not only good and evil, but success and failure, rich and poor, even the duality between enlightenment and delusion34. We distinguish between the opposing terms because we want one rather than the other, yet the meaning of each depends upon the other34.

In this sense, during an astral projection, a non-dualist might perceive what others label as 'good' or 'evil' simply as different aspects of their experience. They might understand these experiences not as inherently good or evil, but as manifestations of the same underlying reality.

It's important to note that this is a complex philosophical and spiritual topic with many different interpretations. The explanation I've provided here is just one way to understand it. Different people might have different interpretations based on their personal beliefs and experiences.

I've been considering several concepts lately, one of which is non-duality and how it can exist with what we experience in our projections?  We routinely read about others experiences in where they interact with something evil, or in other cases they have good things happen to them and how all that relates to non-duality.  Really interesting.


It can be reconciled very simply as with good and evil in general.

Good and evil happens for an individual because they are conceptual overlays onto the simplicity of experience constructed out of the arising thoughts that decide that good and bad are happening for a 'me'.

If experience is just occurring without a me at the centre then it is not occurring for anyone but just what is arising and therefore it is neither good or bad but rather just what is.

Prior to your thoughts labelling an experience as bad - what is it?


Quote from: floriferous on October 12, 2023, 19:24:13Prior to your thoughts labelling an experience as bad - what is it?
Well, it's nothing I guess, it's just an experience. 
Which, I guess, describes just about everything. 

It really seems that it only makes sense on the grand scale of the cosmos - when you boil down duality in our individual, everyday life, it really doesn't apply very much.  Almost.


I would say it also makes sense in a relative way and not just in a grander, more absolute way because otherwise non duality remains a concept. It has to be embodied and applied to the everyday.

Individuality is just as much a part of non duality as the absolute perspective and the idea of no self. They are inseparable. In saying it doesn't apply to our everyday life you have made it out of reach when in truth it is staring you in the face.

It is only in our concepts about it we have made it out to be some deeply spiritual and unattainable plateau. The truth is its not even vaguely spiritual...and there's nothing to reach.