The Astral Pulse

Spiritual Evolution => Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! => Topic started by: Eol007 on August 28, 2004, 02:10:07

Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: Eol007 on August 28, 2004, 02:10:07
Hi Kenneth,

Love yourself as you would have others love you!

I am sure you will remember just fine [:)]

That's it,

S [;)]
Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: Kenneth on August 28, 2004, 05:10:00
Hi EOL007,

Yup - I DO love myself, and I love my life - to the degree, that I would like to now ALL about it [:P].

This includes my "darker" feelings as well [}:)]

I could choose to stay in my love and (to a degree) ignorance - but I have chosen to journey through ALL of me, and for that purpose alone I have found, that I could use sort of a "General roadmap" of feelings [;)].

How can you TRULY love something, that you don't know by heart ?[:P]

(Yes - you can TELL yourself, that "I love this and that", even to the degree, that you actually starts to believe that you do [8D], but that is not (imho) TRUE LOVE. [8)] ... It often creates a "split" in your life as well, because your BODY doesn't by this "Dream-castle-Type of I love all and everything" thingy, that your mind is convinced IS the truth, so what do we normally do? ... Well, we CUT OF our feelings and the contact to our body, the things that are actually our widest dorways to our TRUE love [:O]. (And ALWAYS at hand!!! ... [;)])

(An example of this could be, that I have just recently become a father to a boy. The "Norm" of society - and hence my "idea" of how this is, is that "Offcourse I SHOULD love my child!!" - well, I found, (when applying my "what is REALLY going on inside of me" - shirt), that I cared for him, that I found him cute, and his helplesnes within the first days started "moving" me to care for him. But Love ? ... No, not yet I think - and THROUGH that "doubt" (By allowing the doubt the time and place it needs) I know, that Love will slowly happen. (And if not, well - then I honestly don't know by now, but if that is my "path", I will try to do my best to embrace it WHEN it happens.)

The "weak" side with many of the different paths and directions described in these forums is (IMHO), that they are described in a "general" and "dreamy" sort of way (Like describing a fantasy you have). Rarely have I seen something, that I felt was thought through thouroughly enough, that I could actually apply it in my everyday life as well.

(Robert Bruces NEW technique being a refreshing difference! ... If he just had said "Well, Just feel your energy, then you can have an Out of Body experience", instead of his thourogh and REAL, DOWN ON EARTH techniques and step by step descriptions, it would be like my exact feeling when I read many of these posts in here) [}:)]

True - there are many good points and nice thoughts - and there are also a LOT of Hot air, Dreams, and "I would REALLY like to be there myself" posts written in a way, like the author IS allready there. (My self not excluded [:P])

In short it is the difference between THINKING about doing it and DREAMING about how it will feel, and to ACTUALLY be doing it [;)]

I know, that Spirituality and Down to Earth explanations and directions IS possible (Even if it is NOT the normal thing, unfortunately). Yes - they DO require a lot of thinking and actually hard work - the important thing being the DOING and ACTIVE part on our behalf.

With kind regards - and STILL in search of this description of matched feelings....
Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: SmileySpirit14 on August 29, 2004, 19:23:58
How can you TRULY love something, that you don't know by heart ?

u dont need to know anything by heart. you can love anything or anyone with all the heart u possess and not know who they really are, it happens all the time. everyone is looking for love sooo much, and they want to be with the perfect person more than they meet someone who seems just right, who seems perfect: either bcuz you are so emotionally drained and noone would lift u up, and when someone does, its natural you'll fall in love. sometimes the truth isnt what you should seek. it will only shatter your happiness. appreciate what truth you have and don't greed for more, it will come to you
Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: Kenneth on August 30, 2004, 05:47:18

...And still, if there are anyone with the knowledge of the Paired feelings, i would be a very happy camper [:D]

Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: Eol007 on August 30, 2004, 07:53:10
Originally posted by Kenneth


...And still, if there are anyone with the knowledge of the Paired feelings, i would be a very happy camper [:D]

Hi, Pardon my earlier reply... The closest I have come across to what you are asking about is the concept of Negative and Positive Astral Soul Mirrors as presented by Franz Bardon in Initiation Into Hermetics. For a view on this see A Bardon Companion on Rawn Clarke's site Or perhaps this article 'Soul Mirror Work and the Elemental Equilibrium'

Take care,

Stephen [:)]
Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: daem0n on August 30, 2004, 08:20:55
when you love ideal in your head, and project it onto nearest person, you can't call it love, it's just deluding yourself, that's why the truth shatters this so-called happiness, becouse it's projected by ego and therefore insatiable

there is very little love in this world, to love means to accept, and not to expect, not this falling in-love thing almost everyone mistakes for true love, that way it is addiction, and should be accordingly dealt with
Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: Kenneth on August 30, 2004, 09:59:32
Hi EOL007,

Thanks - and Thanks !! [;)]
Title: Searching for "paired" feelings...
Post by: Kenneth on August 27, 2004, 17:13:32
Hi all!

I know, that there exists some very old "schematichs" on the organization of feelings and their matched pair. (Like Joy and Sadness, and Love and Ignorance etc. etc.)

I have been searching for this for a long time now, to find the feelings in my self, that I have hidden so well, that I actually have "forgotten", that I contain them as well [8D]

Any one have any pointers on this ?

With many kind regards,