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sins, karma

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we all sin right? but how does it affect us....

i sinned bad today, i was going good everytime the oppurtunity came i said no iam not listening devil but today he won, what can i do, am i still loved, can i be a good person?
" Be Brave, Live Brave, Play Brave!"


I want you to ask yourself these questions: (1) Is there such a thing called Sin?
(2) Why are struggling to be a "good" person? (3) Does the devil really exist and does it makes sense for very smart and loving angel to end up evil?


I don't struggle to be good.  Overall I'm a really decent person until riled..LOL.  I like to laugh all the time and search out for people that are like minded.  I don't believe in the devil... I think that is man made.  It certainly does give some people the excuse to be A-holes though and blame their behavior on some external being.  Ba's their personality that is mean and doing things deliberately to hurt others. 

To me, THAT is wrong.. I wouldn't call it sinning but certainly wrong and not the way to grow as a kind person.  What was it that you did that you considered a sin, LP?


i dont want to discuss it because iam afraid my crediability will slide

this is for thoes who believe theres no such thing as demons etc.

my dads had a life filled with adventure and outhere people.
he had one friend who had practiced as a magician as a student, dad says he could do all sorts of unexplainded stuff, rub his hands and genereate sparks of electricity, one thing he could do was dad would sit down and meditate and so would the dude, and the dude would take dad on an adventure, one time he took him to medievil place and there was knights killing a dragon, they were invisibile to everyone cept tge dragon and they helped it, now whether this is true or not i dont no ( please dont post comments along the lines off 'your full of it blah blah blah thats impossible ). anyways back to the point, dad and his mate got ripped off at a caravan, so the magic dude summoned a real demon inside the caravan to destroy everything inside, the rip offs called the cops and as soon as the copper opened the caravan door the demon was gone ( once again you either believe it or you dont ) and trust me when i say my dad is a loyal and honoruable person, and he hates lying   
" Be Brave, Live Brave, Play Brave!"


Good is a relative term. So what standard do you wish to measure yourself against?

Whether demons exist or not is irrelevent. You are responsible for your actions. No one can make you do something you don't want to do. Focus on those things you want to do. When thoughts you dislike surface, observe them but don't be part of them, and simply let them fade. If you dwell on such thoughts they then have power over you, as you are submitting to them. Practice awareness and be aware of all your thoughts and actions.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


thanks for the advise
" Be Brave, Live Brave, Play Brave!"


Quote from: WalkerInTheWoods on October 25, 2006, 07:52:50
Good is a relative term. So what standard do you wish to measure yourself against?

Whether demons exist or not is irrelevent. You are responsible for your actions. No one can make you do something you don't want to do. Focus on those things you want to do. When thoughts you dislike surface, observe them but don't be part of them, and simply let them fade. If you dwell on such thoughts they then have power over you, as you are submitting to them. Practice awareness and be aware of all your thoughts and actions.

Well Said!!


Benjamin Franklin once said " nothing is innately good or evil, but thinking makes it so."....this could be applied to karma also....

I've talked to some people who practice magick, they say not all demons are evil, some are happily willing to help humans....

Leo Volont

Quote from: *LightProtector* on October 24, 2006, 00:57:14
we all sin right? but how does it affect us....

i sinned bad today, i was going good everytime the oppurtunity came i said no iam not listening devil but today he won, what can i do, am i still loved, can i be a good person?

Actually, you are wondering into questionable doctrine there.  Yes, the Catholic Bishops, and of course all of the Protestants have stood behind Paul in the feeling that all men are by nature sinful, and that no effort must be made against sin, but that Grace alone must be depended upon to uplift the Soul, by the Death and Blood of Christ...blah, blah, blah.

But there was the Bishop Pelagius, declared a heretic, but not because he didn't bring up a good point.  Pelagius observed that Sin was not an inevitable and necessary condition of Man.  We can exercise our Will Power to become good.  We can Will Ourselves NOT to sin.

Indeed, if one reads the Sermon of the Mount, indeed, if one evaluates the Teachings of Jesus in isolation and separation from all of Paul's writings, and the additions into the Gospels made by subsequent Paulist Sympathizers in the Christian Community, looking at only Jesus, then we find that we are asked to "Go and Sin no more and be thou perfect even as the Father in Heaven is Perfect".

Besides, the other Higher World Religions do not endorce Sin.  All of the other Religions quite frown upon Sin.  Christianity is the only Religion that takes the view that its primary role is provide a metaphysical excuse for Sin.  Well, that surely must be considered ridiculous.  The Job of a Religion should be to encourage Righteousness and assert Standards of Moral Quality, and NOT to provide some big excuses for Sin and distribute licenses for Evil.

Now, as to your own personal Sins....

Angels once came to me and lectured me upon the Black Sins and the Red Sins.  Red Sins were the regrettable sins that sprung from the appetites and urges of the body.  As long as one had some remorse concerning these Red Sins, and did not encourage a habit in them, and was willing to give them up when the Body would be given up at death, then one could transcend these Red Sins like one walks away from a shabby prison uniform after one is released from Jail.  But the Black Sins are sins of deliberate intent -- the Predatory Sins of Theft and Exploitation -- Sin for Profit and Power.  Such Sins put Black Marks on the Spirit and ruin even the Immortal Character of the Soul.

So was your particular Sin a Red Sin or a Black Sin.  Did you give the girl next door a kiss behind the barn, or did you rob a bank and shoot the guard?

You will certainly survive it is is the one.   


a red skin i quess, even tho i did for a while make a habit out of it, but they were heaps more bad then kissing a girl behind the barn,
" Be Brave, Live Brave, Play Brave!"

James S

The words "sin" and "karma" really don't work in the same sentence.
"Sin" is from the Old English word "synn", meaning a moral wrongdoing or offence against God. It is a religious term.
"Karma" is much older - a Sanskrit word that literally translates as "action".
Karma relates directly to the universal laws of cause and effect. There's absolutely no judegement involved with karma, whereas sin implies judgement.

Too much looking at what is right or wrong, especially from a religious perspective is only likely to get you confused.
Try looking at your actions without any judgement as to what might be sinful or not, and instead look at them from the point of view of what works for you, or what serves you, and what doesn't. For an example, if you live in Kansas and you want to drive to California, driving towards New York is not going to serve you.
It's a simple analogy, but works on so many levels.

Also, doing things out of love and respect for yourself and others, rather than out of fear of what might be considered "sinful", will  serve you very well, and kreate the kind of karma (cause and effect) that you want.



well here's an example of how people can change from bad to good. in the past i was very depressed and my only thoughhts were of hate and revenge on everyone that did wrong to me. i didn' care about anyone but myself( litteraly) then i started meditating and the whole world changed. i now have a possitve atittude towards others and i smile a lot( few years back that was very rare) and have more friends. the point is we change all the time. you can't be the emobodiment of good, you can only try your best and if you stumble a few times you have to learn something from your mistakes and try and do better next time. 'sins' can be deemed very easily by changing yourself and learning from the past, but don't live in the past and regret this and that. learn and move on


Karma actually means desire. In other words, you create your own karma by desiring what you get.

Physics says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Maybe it's the same with our own actions/karma. As Jesus said, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." We plant our desires, and they come back to us in the form of karma.

We ask for what we get.

Sin schmin.


Karma really means, WORK. 

Sin is another word for a speed bump or roadblock to the true unfoldment of an individuals conciousness.

It is a mistaken action based on a mistaked concept. 

Most of what is called sin is derived from the part of a persons ego that supposed that they are seperate in some way from what they desire.

James S

Quote from: stiev on November 03, 2006, 01:33:52
Karma actually means desire. In other words, you create your own karma by desiring what you get.

Physics says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Maybe it's the same with our own actions/karma. As Jesus said, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." We plant our desires, and they come back to us in the form of karma.

We ask for what we get.

Sin schmin.

I'd be more inclined to rephrase that as "you create your own karma by doing what you desire", but essentially you've got the idea.

People have a great tendancy to overcomplicate karma by trying to enmesh it into their belief systems. As I mentioned before, the word "karma" is Sanskrit, and translates directly into english as "action". In the Hindu texts where the word "karma" was first used, it relates to the universal law of causality, in other words - cause and effect.


repent and it will be okay. :wink: :-)

and demons do exist..but they arent the big ugly monsters trying to kill you they are the beautiful fallen angels who make you think they are helping you when in actuality they are helping you.....kill yourself.


Quoterepent and it will be okay.
I've often thought that is a weird concept...a scape goat really.  For instance...  Let's say all week I cheat on my taxes, my husband and I molest some little kid.  BUT WAIT!  I can repent at the end of the week and all of the negative stuff I did is fine...I'll be okay. 

Yeah, right......


Quote from: TalaNay on November 06, 2006, 20:38:13
  I've often thought that is a weird concept...a scape goat really.  For instance...  Let's say all week I cheat on my taxes, my husband and I molest some little kid.  BUT WAIT!  I can repent at the end of the week and all of the negative stuff I did is fine...I'll be okay. 

Yeah, right......

I know. If this was the case, if you lied the day you died, without repenting, you'd burn in hell for eternity. Then, a criminal on death row that same day who repented right before the zap would go to heaven.  :roll:
No god would want that.

Also, why does it give you 2 points when I applaud you, TalaNay?


LOL... I think that means you smitted me first!  LOL!   But actually I thought I've stayed at seven consistantly for a couple days. :)

No God would be like that.  And another thing... if God does not judge or punish, why do some of these religions say that God is angry and will smite you? hmmmm...


Quote from: TalaNay on November 06, 2006, 20:38:13
  I've often thought that is a weird concept...a scape goat really.  For instance...  Let's say all week I cheat on my taxes, my husband and I molest some little kid.  BUT WAIT!  I can repent at the end of the week and all of the negative stuff I did is fine...I'll be okay. 

Yeah, right......

its not a simple thing of saying "im sorry" then poof your redeemed. repentance is somthing that begins and is centered on the inside. therefore if you would do all those things and say "im sorry" not really meaning it thats not repenting. you truly have to have a pure heart and a desire to turn from those sinful ways to truly be forgiven. and as far as doing a sin and dying you wont necessarily go to hell the Lord searches your heart. the Lord knows we can and will slip and fall but he gives us a chance to get back up. im no religious authority but this is my belief. :wink: