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When I die I want to - Fear of death topic

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I often find myself thinking about things I would like to do after dying.

For instance, I think of friends I enjoyed time with in the golden days of certain gaming communities. We are unlikely to have reason to come together again in this reality, but I would look forward to seeing them again in an environment with less limitations.

I feel like my entire life in this reality I have fantasized about being able to fly freely across the land. It is an experience feel is achievable through astral projection, but it hasn't happened for me yet. On one hand I'm not worried about never achieving it and add it to the mental bucket list of things to do after I die.

Then comes the rub. What is really left of our minds post death?

Enough to remember a bucket list or friends?

I suppose I fear the recycling process of consciousness destroying the things I love. Erasing the context that makes the events special. Creating a new perspective that makes experiences I value irrelevant.

Do you have a bucket list for post death? Should we feel like these things need to be done through astral projection during this life time to really be meaningful?


I just watched a movie on Netflix over the weekend, "The Discovery".  Interesting movie.
In it, a scientist makes a discovery in that he proved that something leaves the body upon death.
That's all the discovery was... no word about where that "something" goes.  Only that something leaves.  So where to... nobody still knows.
This "discovery" causes millions of people to question their own existence and drives their desire to be "there" instead of "here", so over the course of two years, four million people commit suicide.

To bring this back to your post/question... for me personally, I don't have a bucket list of things to do after I die.  I honestly don't really think about what I'm going to do when I physically expire.
I'm too busy trying to live the life I've been given here in the best way I can possibly do that.  Which, to me, is the entire reason we're here in the first place.

Learning to Love is too important to myself.  In a reality where you can have or do anything you want with zero consequences, you can't learn to love in an environment such as that.


Having life between lives regressions changes your perspective. After you pass on, it feels like you wake up.
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider."
- Sir Francis Bacon


hmm I was thinking on this very topic while contemplating suicide yesterday for a near future time, but enough about my problems. When I die I plan on going to train under a friend of mine from another life, he is a traveler/dimension hopper who goes around from different dimensions and time spaces collecting little Knick knacks for his collection among other things, except with me I will be doing the same thing except I will also be helping beings and spirits in need in any type of trouble situation, i will create secret rift where I keep my collectables from where I visit and to where I will also live, no one will be able to find me when I'm there but I will be able to still be in contact with the spirit world outside my home when i'm needed, i'll only be home when I want to relax and interact with my collectables, only friends will know how to contact me personally, and may if I allow it come visit, but even if they have been in my spirit home they still will not know the location, be cause it will be constantly moving and invisible , but I can enter from anywhere.


Quote from: Bloodshadow on July 18, 2017, 11:21:41
hmm I was thinking on this very topic while contemplating suicide yesterday for a near future time, but enough about my problems. When I die I plan on going to train under a friend of mine from another life, he is a traveler/dimension hopper who goes around from different dimensions and time spaces collecting little Knick knacks for his collection among other things, except with me I will be doing the same thing except I will also be helping beings and spirits in need in any type of trouble situation, i will create secret rift where I keep my collectables from where I visit and to where I will also live, no one will be able to find me when I'm there but I will be able to still be in contact with the spirit world outside my home when i'm needed, i'll only be home when I want to relax and interact with my collectables, only friends will know how to contact me personally, and may if I allow it come visit, but even if they have been in my spirit home they still will not know the location, be cause it will be constantly moving and invisible , but I can enter from anywhere.
Something tells me you have some unreal expectations... and those expectations drive your desire to project.  That's kind of a bad reason to project (my opinion, feel free to ignore me.  ;)).

Honestly, you sound like the "grass is greener on the other side" type person...
Here's a tip for you:  The grass is the same "there" as it is "here".  It's the same grass.  Work on bettering yourself "here", because nothing about you changes "there".

Let me ask you this... what if you end up in another reality which you can't personally control every aspect of to create your secret rift?  This is part and parcel of why you're here in the first place... you still have to learn to accept things and allow them to be as they are, instead of trying to control everything.  This is the problem with most people today, they try so hard to control their lives and that is what causes suffering (unreal UNMET expectations).


Quote from: Xanth on July 18, 2017, 16:24:59
Something tells me you have some unreal expectations... and those expectations drive your desire to project.  That's kind of a bad reason to project (my opinion, feel free to ignore me.  ;)).

Honestly, you sound like the "grass is greener on the other side" type person...
Here's a tip for you:  The grass is the same "there" as it is "here".  It's the same grass.  Work on bettering yourself "here", because nothing about you changes "there".

Let me ask you this... what if you end up in another reality which you can't personally control every aspect of to create your secret rift?  This is part and parcel of why you're here in the first place... you still have to learn to accept things and allow them to be as they are, instead of trying to control everything.  This is the problem with most people today, they try so hard to control their lives and that is what causes suffering (unreal UNMET expectations).

um yeah I was under the impression that this was a if I DIE post and that was what my answer was to, not something I will do while projecting I already have a goal for that and that is the merger with higher self so that I can help inspire and heal this world. Beside how is it unrealistic to do those thing in the spiritual/astral worlds if it is controlled by thought, and supposedly you are able to do what your hearts desire there. I'm for sure not going into any lights to be reborn, I never wanted to return here.

The people with knowledge are the ones who become stuck , cause they have their belief systems and when they die they become stuck in them, come on man have an  broad imagination, that's changing so that you don't become stuck in your own belief system. I believe in the unreal and unacomplishable stuff....... ok now i'm just babbling on so I will end this here, it sounded better in my head lol,hope you get the gist of what I was trying to say :oops: :-P :|


Quote from: Bloodshadow on July 18, 2017, 11:21:41
i will create secret rift where I keep my collectables from where I visit and to where I will also live, no one will be able to find me when I'm there but I will be able to still be in contact with the spirit world outside my home when i'm needed

Seems like I am not the only one that imagines these sorts of post-mortem activities and desires the creative power to construct grand things. Good stuff.

On the other hand you mentioned hiding from people. I understand it well as an introvert, I often want to be left alone in this reality too. It is probably not a good desire as it may be construed as an act of selfishness.

The not going into the lights thing and not wanting to re-incarnate is super common among the spiritual, I have found. They might say something like "this is my last incarnation". It is a wish more than a statement I suspect. I also suspect that saying you don't want to return here makes you likely to be forced to return until you stop wanting to leave. It could be one of the lessons required.

Think about it this way. The ultimate entity, call it god for ease of understanding, has to experience all of it. If being the ultimate entity is the direction you are heading you basically have to be ok with any experience.


When I finally die I want to do something different. I don't want to do this again, at least not right away.


@Thaomasofgrey- I was under the impression they don't force you to do anything, even if they could how could they if I don't enter the light, or come home so to speak, also becoming one with  the ultimate, being is definitely not one of the things i'm looking forward to at all, I rather be independent, not like everyone else, that's still like being a droid or something to me. also I don't see how me wanting to be in seclusion sometimes will make me selfish if i'm going out helping spirits and beings in need all the time, I don't have to do that then that would make me selfish, but that is something I always wanted to do.


Quote from: Bloodshadow on July 19, 2017, 03:16:11
@Thaomasofgrey- I was under the impression they don't force you to do anything, even if they could how could they if I don't enter the light, or come home so to speak, also becoming one with  the ultimate, being is definitely not one of the things i'm looking forward to at all, I rather be independent, not like everyone else, that's still like being a droid or something to me. also I don't see how me wanting to be in seclusion sometimes will make me selfish if i'm going out helping spirits and beings in need all the time, I don't have to do that then that would make me selfish, but that is something I always wanted to do.

Maybe we aren't forced, it is not quite what I meant. I suppose what I was getting at is that being happy anywhere sounds like something we may need to embrace to be capable of handling and getting the most out of millions of years of experiences. Perhaps you find you get bored after 10,000 years and have to choose incarnate again to learn.

When I mentioned becoming the ultimate being I wasn't suggesting becoming one with an existing being. It is you becoming the being by personal growth. It isn't so hard to imagine setting up your own reality simulations with your own created players. Perhaps you decide to experience what they do. If you cannot handle the experiences of your own creations you may hit a brick wall at some point.

I like the idea of independence too, just don't close yourself to new experience.

Sometimes in a given week I can barely get a moment to myself. When I hear that someone is visiting in the weekend I want to die! I do feel guilty and or selfish for wanting alone time though. Perhaps the operative word is want, soon as that is involved we have failed arguably!? 

We are alike in many ways I think. Suppose there is an astral ER scenario that requires all hands on deck for 10,000 years. The desire for seclusion becomes a problem after a while I fear. Of course this is a contrived scenario to make a metaphorical point about state of mind.


When I die I want to sleep for a very long time. And then once awake, perhaps do a lot of cartwheels.  :-D

Xanth - that movie sounds intriguing; was it good and would you recommend it?
We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


Quote from: Selski on July 19, 2017, 06:24:57
Xanth - that movie sounds intriguing; was it good and would you recommend it?
It was pretty cool.  The ending was confusing though and I had to look it up to fully comprehend what was going on.
Perhaps you'll have an easier time with it.  :)

But yeah, it was still pretty good.  I enjoyed it.