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The key element of manifestation

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I have mentioned this many times throughout the years here, and I felt that someone needs to hear this now.

Many law of attraction concepts speak of positive thinking, intent and focus, but not all describe a key element -no insistence of an outcome/timeline and no insistence in which way the desire should manifest. Insistence is a highly limiting energy. It often comes with a secondary feeling of anxiousness and predicted disappointment if the outcome does not happen per set expectations and deadlines. There is fear in a sense of the unknown future. Will it happen or will it not. All of this creates resistance in terms of energy flows.

In my experience and careful evaluation of patterns that have manifested in my life, I have made the following conclusion:
Things manifest faster when only the excitement of how would it feel to have something is present, but not the condition to happen when and how. I only let myself feel. That's it. I don't insist on outcome or plan how can this be achieved. I surrender to the higher power and let it decide how and when to bring about the thing I feel excitement about. My job is to turn up the excitement volume and to feel as real as possible. Because I actually know that somewhere this IS real, and if we are multidimensional beings, that frame of reality I am tapping to is all mine. So, I know that it is real. Act and behave as if you already have it,  but do not be on the lookout for outcome. Just feel. The joy of feeling is what's important. It's not about faking good feelings. It's about knowing that nothing is impossible and trust that energies will bring that which reflects your vibration and your beliefs. Examine your beliefs if anything may be limiting and ask why do you have that belief. And know that beliefs are not facts and not something permanent. They are just tools. Know that they can be changed to serve you. Just because someone believes in something and presents facts to you doesn't mean that you should believe in the same thing. Facts mean nothing when comes to the nature of creation. There are many paradoxes that we do not understand but they can co-exist simultaneously, thus making nothing impossible. Just surrender to the infinite possibilities and let the higher mind arrange in what way your desire will come through. Trust! If you insist in only one way, then you are blocking a million other ways which may be more beneficial to you and you are not believing that any other way is a possibility blocking much of the energies.

Last week my team was chasing a very critical deadline. One of the VPs said to us, this must happen, because it's make it or break it. Well, I decided not to buy into that and just to let myself be filled with the feeling of success. That's all. I did not stress and insist on making that deadline. I just amplified the feeling of success. I let myself flow with the natural circumstances, taking actions along the synchronicities I was noticing. I also knew that I wanted to shift into a version of a reality frame in which my team members and everyone involved in that deadline would be on my wavelength thus manifesting collectively without fears. I imagined myself into that frame of reality. Well, we met the deadline and everyone called it a miracle, because all analytical data was pointing towards less than 1% possibility of success. I did not buy into that statistic because even a fraction of a percent to me is still a possibility and I amplify it simply by knowing, not through forcing it to amplify out of fear of the opposite outcome.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you for this excellent post LightBeam - all very true.

The single most powerful factor is BELIEF. Belief that a desire is already true Now, in this moment. And not will become true in the future, which never arrives as there is no future, only the Eternal Moment of Now.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Regarding manifestation of APs/OBEs ... I also noticed that the very feeling of excitement / thrill of joyful anticipation is best what gets me into the SP/Vibrational State. I project with an (inner) smile on my face, so to speak. This works best.  :-)


Great, Adrian and Volgerle! Feelings are the reflections of beliefs. Feelings can lead to the beliefs that trigger them and this is how beliefs can be identified. This is a good tool for negative beliefs. If anyone can not feel excitement then they have to analyze what feelings do they have and through them track what beliefs trigger them. Form there, analyze why the beliefs are there, where did they come from. What do they serve, what lessons. Is there anything that the person needs to change to complete the lessons and let go of the old beliefs as they no longer serve. Replace them with beliefs that reflect who does the person wants to be. Take actions to start behaving as that preferred personality.

But in general, we should follow our bliss every moment of every day. Not only passions about job, hobbies, purpose, but evaluate what is the option at any given moment of the day that will give you most excitement. For example, when you get up, do you think if you put on some music and start dancing while brushing your teeth will give you more excitement than to do this in silence feeling it as annoying routine. Make it interesting by adding elements of things that will amp the excitement.
If you are stuck in traffic, think about the magnificence of the multiverse, see yourself as an important part of it and that you are actually in it and not separate from all that magnificence.
Think about what can you do every moment to increase your excitement.
Be in the moment if you are in a beautiful moment, stop and think how amazing it is to be in that now and soak up every ounce of excitement.

If there are challenges, bring all of the feelings forth, don't try to suppress them. Process them in whatever way you feel, and always ask what is this serving me. What does the higher mind is bringing my attention to. What do I need to address. When comes to other people's involvement in your reality as a collective challenge, always respect their choices to go through their own lessons. No one is aware consciously that they are making decisions on a higher level, so it may not be apparent to anyone why is something happening, but it is always made as a choice on a higher level. If we have this knowledge at least we will go through the challenges with a degree of understanding and the suffering may be lessened.

So, amp everything that excites you and let go of the way you think the outcome should come about. Watch for post signs, synchronicities and follow them, take actions.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Yes LightBeam, you are perfectly correct and thanks for reminding me of this. Finding the joy and happiness of just knowing is difficult in this physical existence. All too often for me I'll say. I may not always respond to these little gems in comments but they never fail to bring me great joy. Love!

Hi Adrian, happy to see your comment. Hope you are doing well.


In the Art of Magick, there is an adage that most live by and that is "TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE". All thoughts/prayers, wishes, desires, etc. created are followed by the words "With harm to none and only Peace and Harmony in the Universe, so mote it be so it is done". The thought/prayer, wish, desire, etc. is then released to manifest and never focused on again. If it is meant to be, it shall happen.

It is simple and to the point and "trust" is paramount to the outcome.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Really cool experience... And the reason I like it is because I am attempting to learn, "Letting go."


Story time!  :)

Ten years ago I used to work in downtown Toronto for an Interior Design firm.  I was the office administrator.

Long story short, the owner of the company was a psychopath... I managed to stick it out there for a couple years.  Obviously, I started to look for a new job.  It wasn't until I had a complete breakdown in the bathroom one day when I pleaded for the universe to help or I don't know what I would have done.  I even pleaded to a god.  Those who know me know how "not me" that is. 

Anyway, my pleas of help were answered a short time later when I got the job I currently have.  It saved my sanity.  I can only assume that the intense Intent I put out into the universe was being listened to... and for that, I am eternally grateful.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on December 20, 2023, 15:07:11Story time!  :)

Ten years ago I used to work in downtown Toronto for an Interior Design firm.  I was the office administrator.

Long story short, the owner of the company was a psychopath... I managed to stick it out there for a couple years.  Obviously, I started to look for a new job.  It wasn't until I had a complete breakdown in the bathroom one day when I pleaded for the universe to help or I don't know what I would have done.  I even pleaded to a god.  Those who know me know how "not me" that is. 

Anyway, my pleas of help were answered a short time later when I got the job I currently have.  It saved my sanity.  I can only assume that the intense Intent I put out into the universe was being listened to... and for that, I am eternally grateful.  :)

When we hit that rock bottom, there are only two options, to propel ourselves up with such speed, or to give up. Our own strength and determination paves the path. But in the cases of rock bottom, the intent is so strong and explosive that typically produces very fast changes. I'm glad you were able to initiate that shift.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


If I may I would like to use Xanth's story to point something out. It appears that at the moment of the breakdown, Xanth you knew that you were done with this. One way or another you knew that it was ending and you could go no further. And knowing supersedes believing. Knowing is absolute in the moment of manifestation.

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Nameless on December 20, 2023, 13:32:43Yes LightBeam, you are perfectly correct and thanks for reminding me of this. Finding the joy and happiness of just knowing is difficult in this physical existence. All too often for me I'll say. I may not always respond to these little gems in comments but they never fail to bring me great joy. Love!

Hi Adrian, happy to see your comment. Hope you are doing well.

Thanks very much Nameless. I am here most days and will post when appropriate. Xanth has done an exceptional job to keep the forums running. I am very well thanks.

LightBeam: Once again excellent comments and observations, and also those by everyone here.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: LightBeam on December 20, 2023, 19:32:10If I may I would like to use Xanth's story to point something out. It appears that at the moment of the breakdown, Xanth you knew that you were done with this. One way or another you knew that it was ending and you could go no further. And knowing supersedes believing. Knowing is absolute in the moment of manifestation.

Excellent point LightBeam. Knowing is absolute. Or to put it another way, Belief is of the Mind, Knowing is of the Heart.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: LightBeam on December 20, 2023, 19:32:10If I may I would like to use Xanth's story to point something out. It appears that at the moment of the breakdown, Xanth you knew that you were done with this. One way or another you knew that it was ending and you could go no further. And knowing supersedes believing. Knowing is absolute in the moment of manifestation.
I couldn't have put it any better myself.  :)