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It's a question about this schoolhouse, called life on earth. Share if you want,  why you think you've decided to spend this lifetime here on earth.

For my part, I think its to learn some lessons, such as  patience, which I need a good deal more of.  The tests pop up every day and I don't always pass. Still, if I try, I get to thinking about what I can do better the next time.

Does anyone have any serious thoughts along the lines of your pupose here?
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I'm sure that I'm here to learn lessons or relearn them -- I deffinetely did not come here perfected...  But I believe my main purpose in being here is to help out in any way that I am able to and maybe to share our connection with the divine through the creativity that has been given to me.          

That, or I took a wrong turn at Ursa Major

Euphoric Sunrise

I think i'm here for the same basic reason - to learn. I'm not sure if there is anything specific for me to learn, but i am learning none the less. Maybe i need to learn to be open more, and more confident, but then the lack of those things could just be with me because i need them to see something that i otherwise could not. Maybe i'll find out one day :P
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


clean up everything concerning all that i am and move on
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


For me, it's to learn to take necessary steps to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life even when they are scary or inconvenient and other people disapprove.


It looks as though the consensus is to learn lessons by our experiences here, and trying to improve. Thanks for your input, folks!

"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I belive I am to learn and to help. I also think I am here to teach or inspire or something like that. I have never been quit sure exactly what I am here for but I know I am here for a reason. Already I feel like I know a lot, I feel, almost old in some ways, but I still know there is a lot to learn.
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.


Good question, Nick. For the majority of people on earth (myself included) we do not seem to be here for 1 particular reason.

It is easier to observe the lives of others, good or bad, (e.g. Bill Clinton, Bin Laden, Mother Theresa, Hitler) & conclude that these individuals chose to use their earth lives for a definite purpose. It seems easier to associate these lives with "lessons to be learned" within the earth-life system.

But what of the regular joe-bloggs like myself ? Personally, I can think of a few develop my inter-personal & relationship learn to think of others. To become more patient. To control my anger.

I'll give this more thought and post again later,
kind regards,
I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


Looking back at the experiences I've already lived through, which are all health, self image, and confidance related.  I beleive I'm here to learn to to overcome and get past these issues. Also, from  a dream I had when very young, I beleive I've been specifically placed here to help someone.
"Doohicky" "thingie", "thingamajigger" and "what'sit" are all commonly accepted engineering terms these days. Impress your boss and use more than one in a sentance... Major brownie points!
-Corax a.k.a RavenCAD


Quote from: clandestinoGood question, Nick. For the majority of people on earth (myself included) we do not seem to be here for 1 particular reason.

It is easier to observe the lives of others, good or bad, (e.g. Bill Clinton, Bin Laden, Mother Theresa, Hitler) & conclude that these individuals chose to use their earth lives for a definite purpose. It seems easier to associate these lives with "lessons to be learned" within the earth-life system.

But what of the regular joe-bloggs like myself ? Personally, I can think of a few develop my inter-personal & relationship learn to think of others. To become more patient. To control my anger.

I'll give this more thought and post again later,
kind regards,

I don't think that there is one person in existence who does not have a definite purpose for being here. I believe that everything is so interconnected that without even one of the "regular joe-bloggs" (I love that term by the way :D  ) the world could be a drastically different place. But that is just what I think.
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.


I think we're pretty much in agreement, and as Mark mentioned, we're here for more than one reason. This topic now reminds me of what I'd read in a profound little book of Hermetic Philosophy called The Kybalion by The Three Initiates. I hadn't heard of it before reading about it here at the Astral Pulse forums. It was described in a post by Adrian.

That book has had an impact on me because its words struck me as being true. There is no real distinction, apparently, among all of us slugging away here on planet earth. We're all on the same path, (some of us stumbling) yet moving in the same direction.

It seems to me though, that the really nasty folk (such as those mentioned above),  must have made a lot more work for themselves along this path.

The following is taken from The Kybalion (capital letters and all):

QuoteThere are many planes of Being - many sub-planes of Life - many degrees of existence in the Universe.  And all depend upon the advancement of beings in the scale, of which scale the lowest point is the grossest matter, the highest being separated only by the thinnest division from the SPIRIT of THE ALL.  And, upward and onward along this Scale of Life, everything is moving.  All are on the Path, whose end is THE ALL.  All progress is a Returning Home.  All is Upward and Onward, in spite of all seemingly contradictory appearances."

So it would seem we're all here for learning. Our purpose(s) being revealed to us along the way. Then the tests that come our way provide us with an opportunity for personal responsibility. How we react (or not) is all a learning experience.

Here's one more excerpt from the book:

QuoteWe are all on The Path - and the road leads upward ever, with frequent resting places.

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I think I came here (in a deformed body) to learn compassion, not to judge others for what they look like, amongst other things. Maybe this life is a karmic lesson for me, and to restore my karmic balance. I think I also came here to help others too. In what way, I do not yet know, but I'm sure I'll find out.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. - Dr. Wayne  W. Dyer

Please visit Astral Planet.

Hannah b

In the current life I'm here to learn to love my existence the way it is and ( almost everybodys favourite) to be more patient...I hope I'll pass the exams this time, because I'm not planning to come back.
The only constant in the Universe is change


I think that part of why I am here is to learn that before any truth can be learned falsehood must be confronted and well as having the guts to stand up for the truth , where and when I see it.


I think that I am here to understand that I have no way to know why I am here...
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


now I know I know how a lot of use would like to think were here for a very important reason or were gonna be a hero, but i believe am have chosen to remain on earth for a reason beyond mine and any others comprehension. All my life Ive done some type of energy exercise since 4 thats how far back i can remember. I've always seen people out of the corner of my eye watching me wanting to tell me something but cant. every night my dreams symbolize me being someone of high spiritual being i am of such high spiritual understanding excuse me if i used the wrong term. I don't see the world as the world being what we can only see i see the earth as energy and part of a entricite precise web of existence and energy. threes something odd though i feel like I'm suppose to be waiting for someone of some sort to guide me or head me in the direction to go to train and prepare my self for something much bigger than i can think of. Ive also had dreams of me training in older times in china and Ireland (spiritual training) so i know i am not meant not know the purpose for my existence at this moment and the person who will tell me is someone i have known for many life's.
I stand at the threshold of what could be a new world


I don't totally understand everything or why I am here, but I do know that it is almost like my destiny that I have one major accomplishment to give to man kind before I go. It is what has kept me alive even when I wanted to give up. Although it's a strange feeling, I know what I have to and will do but I don't at the same time.  I also think I was put here to help others, I was given the gift to listen on many levels to help people out and release them of their pain. In any case I will do some good and make this world a better place one stone at a time.
Well I am breathing so I guess I am still alive even though the signs seem to tell me otherwise -- TOOL


purely of experiencing death.


Quotepurely of experiencing death.
how often? ;) SCNR

I understand that one can tell their "Intent of living" by examining the entire span of life for a reoccuring "theme". Sth we always did - in one way or another.

I wonder if my intent might be "in-dependence", or "acceptance". I'm most certainly here to "care about myself" and not about "how to fix others", because this never really worked out the way "I wanted it"...


Quote from: NagualI think that I am here to understand that I have no way to know why I am here...

I agree 100%. Or should we really try to understand it all now? Or wait till the day comes? We just dont know
"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear"
          -Brian Tracy


QuoteTDA - Or wait till the day comes?
What will happen if I just  wait? I suppose nothing much. As I desire to understand I wish to step ahead...

To me 1.000 individuals will not find the "One Truth", but at least 1.000 "personal Truthes".


Or should we really try to understand it all now?
try to understand nothing, really > *nothing* lol


Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Simply, to love and learn.
We are not truly lost, until we lose ourselves.


To learn to love & move past my inner blocks & bad habits, and to raise my energy & explore reality beyond the physical plane, while developing my latent 'psychic' (for want of a better word) abilities. To make some positive contribution to the world, and to continue to develop  as a musician (my major gift in this lifetime). In general, to explore my potential, and to have a good time while doing it :)

And probably more that I don't know about yet.