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Why do we choose to go through darkness

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Perspective from Bashar, and also being expressed along the same lines by many popular authors such as Seth, Dolores Cannon, all AP book writers, etc. I myself have questioned it through my own challenges and my willingness to listen has led me to the answers and to the realization of my own growth.
I hear so many people wondering "There is no way I chose this to happen to me. No one in their right mind would do that"

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


The simplest idea I have for this, is that it's just like any other choice you would choose to invest in.

Why join a community? To network and learn new ideas.

Except think of it like going almost all-in, enough to plan the entirety of the circumstances of birth: place of the world, culture type, etc. you embody that so much that you literally embed yourself into the body with some dream or expectation of what you'll experience.

It's never 100% though, and so you're open to other experiences along the way.

The suffering element though is more difficult, but maybe you NEED those experiences as a human to define yourself as you come of age. Like many choices, we expect to become a different version of ourselves coming out of something. (A good example is school/university.)

But as always, not every choice is as clear and conscious as "I'm going to go to school" or "I will join this community."


Well, a candle wouldn't be much good in the light. A white, pristine piece of cloth would disintegrate if left out in the full force of the sun too long.