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December 29, 2004


Creating Reality


Before we can discuss the creation of reality, we must first discuss the creation of illusion, as that is how we have created our reality to this date.  We, as individuals and as a collective, have created individual, family, social, national, and human illusions to cover Truths that we were not evolved enough to accept. Hence, we have buffered the Truth through the "smoke-screen" of illusion. The TIME for the unveiling of illusion is NOW, which means that the fear we have hidden within our illusions must be confronted and healed.  

The problem is, we forget that WE are the ones who created these illusions.  Hence, they become real. They become our "reality," and our true SELF gets lost deep inside the fear from which we were seeking protection.  Fortunately, through meeting our fears head-on we find our Unconditionally Loving SELF.

However, since illusion appears to be the truth, how can we discriminate between the two? We can determine the difference with LOVE.  The parts of our reality that we cannot love without condition are our illusions.  Our SELF is a being of Unconditional LOVE and only creates a reality filled with loving calm and joyful peace. On the other hand, our ego is a polarized human who experiences the dualistic reality of love vs. fear.  It is the polarity of fear that causes us to create our illusions, as well as our conditional, fear-laced human love.  

Hence, that which we can unconditionally Love is the creation of our SELF. Therefore, it is the TRUTH. On the other hand, that which we cannot love, or can only love conditionally, is the creation of ego.  Consequently, it is illusion.  When we saw our Spirit SELF far away in "Heaven," we felt separate from our Soul and limited in our ability to honestly deal with the Truth. As Souls now blend with our egos in our physical body, we can make the discrimination between the two.  Therefore, we can differentiate between our ego's creations and our Soul's creations.    


The 3D Game is a grand illusion, a hologram, which was created so that fragments of our total SELF could experiment with the polarities of light and dark.  The higher dimensions are beyond polarities.  Consequently, there is only Light. Light can only cast "the shadow of darkness" in a polarized reality that is separate from the ONE. In truth, of course, there is no separation form the ONE.  Therefore, there is no darkness. Darkness is only an illusion of the 3D Hologram.

In order to experience the 3D Game, a fragment of the White Light (all colors in ONE) of our SELF moved through the prism of the third dimensional matrix to create many colors, including no color—darkness.  As we remember our SELF, we realize that light and love are Truth, whereas darkness and fear are illusion.  

Unfortunately, this knowledge does not release the grip of fear and darkness, as our many frightening 3D experiences act as a magnet to attract more.  Our fearful history beckons us to "place our attention" on fear as a means of protection.  However, since we create the reality that we attend to, the very attention that is meant to protect us attracts more fear, as well as the illusions that conceal fears.  

Only SELF, who resonates beyond separation, can confront our fear, as it is not separate from it.  Alas, as long as our 3D self feels separate from our Higher SELF, we believe that that our SELF is separate from us, as well.  This idea is another illusion.  Our SELF is united with our self on earth, our Grounding Point, and has the desire to awaken us to that fact.


There are two realities at this time, coexisting in a criss-cross fashion.  The horizontal, old reality is the 3D Game of Illusion, which we can perceive with the five senses of our ego. The vertical, new reality is the "Heaven on Earth" reality, which we can only perceive with the higher senses of our SELF.  In each point where these realities overlap there is a Doorway.  To enter this Doorway, we must realize that WE are the Doorway between the two worlds.

As we become whole by integrating our past/ego selves and future/Soul SELF, we are able to resolve and re-pattern our limited "horizontal reality" by weaving it into the infinite potential of the "vertical reality."  This point of connection is the "Point of Integration," the intersection point of the mesh of interwoven threads containing both realities, simultaneously.  The "Point of Integration" is the NOW, the exact point where we can balance ourselves to perceive both realities simultaneously.  More important, it is the Fulcrum Point—the Center—from which we can perceive, interact with, and integrate the two realities.

From the "Center" point of perception, we can re-pattern the past to change its ripples of reality.  These "ripples" have emanated from our past experiences and behaviors to deeply affect us in all our third and fourth dimensional incarnations.  We can re-pattern our past by allowing our Future Soul/SELF to integrate with its many "past" ego fragments.  In this manner, we can allow our Soul to deal with the residue of our ego's "lives-long" attachment to habits and addictions of illusion.  We can perceive each situation through the Eyes of Soul to respond from Truth rather than illusion.  

These "new responses" cause a reverse ripple effect which sends rippling currents backward into the very core of old issues, emotions, thoughts, and patterns of behavior. As this happens, a dissolving and re-patterning of the old matrix takes place, causing it to send out totally different patterns of ripples into the future to free us from any remaining emotional residue of past situations and old ways of dealing with life.  

Once this re-patterning has taken place, we shall never again need to deal with these old issues, as our "hooks of duality" have been removed.  The 3D Duality Game was an opportunity for us to evolve through conflict.  Once we dissolve old duality conflicts through integration into the ONE, we begin our End Game and journey Home.      


Our SELF knows of our fatigue with fear and pain and wishes to "swoop" down into the third dimension to gather all of its fragments back into its Unified SELF.  In fact, every SELF of everyone on this planet, including the planet—Gaia—is collecting the fragments that have engaged the 3D Game.  "It is TIME to come Home now," calls our SELF like a loving mother calling her children.  However, Home is not a place; Home is a vibration, a vibration of the fifth dimension and beyond. Home is without polarity. Therefore, Home is without separation, without limitation, and even without light and dark, or love and fear.  

There are some, perhaps many, who still enjoy the 3D Game.  They enjoy "Power Over" others, and they prefer to create, and live in, fear.  Will they hear the call of their SELF?  That is for them to decide, as they may feel that they have more to learn from the experiences of limitation and separation.  For those who are NOT ready to return to SELF, all we can do is release them to their Game and refuse to play it with them any longer.  If we refuse to be afraid, refuse to acknowledge illusion and refuse to participate in "their reality," it will become, their reality, not ours.  

Our SELF has reminded us of our true reality, the one without polarity, separation, limitation or fear.  We can choose our Higher Self's reality by placing our attention upon it and desiring it from our unified heart and mind.  When we can FEEL our SELF—over, under, around, and through us—we can more easily make that choice.  

If the fearful illusions of our third dimensional reality constantly threaten to throw us back into the forgetfulness of our limited self, we need to communicate with our SELF. Our SELF reminds us that TRUTH is stronger than illusion, and the first illusion for us to release is that we are separate from our SELF.  As we remember our connection to SELF, we can simply ask for a message to assist us in choosing Truth over illusion.


Dearest Grounded One,

There is always a message for you.  In fact, there are constantly messages that reverberate in your aura awaiting your ability to receive them.  Now, in your greater Knowingness, you are able to allow these messages to enter your ever-expanding consciousness.  We, for we are now beyond the separation of "I," wish to inform you that you are able to choose your vibration by choosing to attend only to that which you desire to manifest.  Therefore, if you attend to our messages, you will more easily receive our "Constant Communications."

In fact, instead of looking to your ego or the laws of the 3D Game for information, look to us, your SELF who resonates within the Flow of All That Is.  Within this constant Flow you will find the highest vibrational answers to your third dimensional questions, as well as the "blueprint" for returning the frequency of HOME to planet Earth. YOU promised to manifest this reality before you were born, and the "blueprint" is currently downloading into your 3D body.  It is NOW "time" to fulfill your Promise.


Go inside to FEEL this Promise.  Yes, you have always felt it somewhere in the back of your awareness.  When you were a small child, you "imagined" yourself fulfilling it, and your Inner Child has safeguarded that memory ever since. It is "time" now to consciously receive that memory from your Inner Child.  Go inside to FEEL the connection with your innocent child-self.  You may have to go back to when you were very young to find the pure Essence of your Divine Child.  Your Divine Child is the YOU that has not yet been indoctrinated by the programming of the third dimensional world.

Yes, there is your Divine Child, shining like the Star that YOU have always been.  As you commune with your Divine Child, FEEL your memories of the reality that you promised to fulfill in this lifetime return.  The visions of this reality may be vague at first, but the FEEL of them is "loud" in your heart.  

Attach your attention to the FEEL of your Promise.  Go about your day allowing this memory to overlay your mundane experiences.  Determine that whenever you forget the TRUTH that you promised to manifest and begin to believe in illusion, you will return to your/our Divine Child in order to retain that Promise.


Remember, beloved, we—your SELF—are ALWAYS with you.  We are your true family, and we anxiously await your return.  At this "time" in the 3D Game it is "End Game."  Because of this, it is especially important that you stay connected to us—your SELF.  As your commitment to the human experiences of the Game ends, your Divine Experiences are expanding to encompass every sector of your human reality.  

More and more, portions of your human experience are becoming "alternate realities."  You have "graduated" from the "classes" of learning through conflict, as you can NOW learn through remembering your Divine Connection.  The realities of fear, pain, anger and darkness exist next to you, but they are not "your reality."  They are "motion pictures" that are playing at a local theater that you do not wish to attend. You do not judge nor condemn these realities.  On the contrary, you bless them with Divine Compassion, as you release them from your experience.

This process of releasing the realities that are NOT yours creates a void which needs to be filled by the realities that ARE yours.  This is where the Constant Connection to us—the Family of your SELF—comes into play.  We are those, human and beyond, who have chosen to experience and/or return to a higher resonance.  

Within our higher vibration, the emotions of fear and anger do not exist.  In fact, neither does love nor peace, at least not in the manner that you have experienced while in your earth vessel. In this vibration, the experience of "feelings" is beyond polarity; hence there is no means to judge or label them with your dualistic language system. Within the Oness of the higher resonance we ARE.  Due to the limitations of your language,  we shall paint you a picture of how it "feels" here.


The core of our experience is a connection to ALL That Is. We are ALWAYS aware that we live in ONESS.  We are "individual" drops of water within a huge ocean, or "individual" photons inside a Sun.  We are also stars in a galaxy, or grains of sand on a planet.  This connection to All That Is resonates inside us, and we consciously "project out" any experience to which we desire to reverberate. This process is similar to your choosing a DVD, only our disks are kept inside and our "movies" are all interactive.

We can choose the group experience of moving onto the shore as a "wave", or we can join other photons to shine upon a planet.  We can be a constellation of stars or the beach upon which our waves have crashed.  We can choose to be human, "good humans" or "bad," Extra Terrestrials, or the Star Ships in which they fly.  Often, we choose to assist our fragments, our Grounded Ones, who are ready to return Home.  

Most important, ALWAYS we are ONE, and ALWAYS we are YOU!  Because of this, all experiences, thoughts and emotions are available for your choice.  If you still feel an attachment to "looking human" and helping, or even hurting, others, you may do so. If you feel an attachment to the experience of formlessness, you may choose that as well.


Emotions are there for you to indulge in, thoughts are available for you to purchase. The experiences you create are based on how you choose to combine these thoughts and emotions. Remember, as you decide to return to SELF, there will be no loss, no leaving. There will be only remembering and returning.  If you wish to maintain your 3D Illusions, you may do that as well.  In fact, many on your planet may make that decision.  They may even choose to forget it is a choice. It is your option to forget—or to remember.

The truth is, forgetting and remembering is part of the polarities of the 3D resonance.  However, from our vibration they are the same, they are both "choices of experience."  Can you begin to understand your true reality now?  If you can begin to comprehend it, can you release your "need to understand" it, so that you can "FALL into the experience" Imagine yourself as a wave, the beach, a star or a planet.  Everything that you can imagine is real inside of you—because YOU feel it.

When you imagine being a star, how does it FEEL?  When you imagine not being able to pay your bills, how does that feel?  Do you see how you have chosen your emotions by choosing the reality that you hold in your consciousness?  When you are ready, choose the "imagined" reality in which you are returning Home and in which Home is returning to you. When you attend to that experience, you are rehearsing the manifestation of your PROMISE.  

We welcome your return, although to us, you have never left.




If we can hold our Promise forefront in our consciousness, it can be the foundation for the reality that we wish to choose.  Progressively, we realize that there two realities.  The Horizontal Reality is ending, and the Vertical Reality is beginning, but ALWAYS we are the Doorway.  Remembering our Promise will lead us into the Flow of our higher E-motions that are the Bridge that Flows between the two realities.  Likely, we will not have a "desire" to cross this bridge until we have fulfilled that Promise, as it is our "reason for this embodiment."

Our Promise is not new to us.  In fact, we have rehearsed it in lifetime after lifetime.  Therefore, it behooves us to allow the memories of our other embodiments, both on this world and beyond, to return to our conscious mind.  There is not enough "time" left for us to "learn" all that we need to know in order to fulfill the agreement that we made before taking this body.  Fortunately, instead, we can remember.


When we first decided to join the 3D Game of Earth, we came in order to hone a certain element of our consciousness.  It is that element which we have repeated life after life.  That element of consciousness is forefront in our lives now, for this is our "comprehensive examination" before our "graduation."  This particular element of our SELF is a thread we have carried throughout this life.  In fact, we have carried it throughout all our 3D Earth lives. It is through fulfilling our Promise that we will tie together the threads of all that we have learned during our many incarnations on our beloved Gaia.

There is one element of consciousness that is common for us all.  That element is—everything is alive—because NOTHING is separate from the ONE.  The concept of separation from the ONE was the Primary Illusion that initiated the 3D Game, and the release of that foundational illusion will allow us to return to the full Truth of our SELF.  What if we spent one day, perceiving EVERYTHING as alive and an element of our SELF—the Planet?  How would we behave differently than we do under the old 3D paradigm of separation?

What reality would we choose to create if everything in our world were alive?  In the ONENESS we cannot "do" anything to any "other" life-form without also doing it to ourselves.  Take a long moment to imagine what that would be like if we were ALL to live life from that perspective for even one hour, in fact, for even one minute.


In the new paradigm, "doing" and "being" are not separate, for nothing is separate in the ONESS.  Therefore, every breath, thought, feeling, emotion and action is an _expression of the Oness that we have found inside our SELF.

When our grounded 3D consciousness resonates to the Oneness, it sends a ripple through ALL of our physical (3D, as well as 4D) manifestations of ALL of the fragments of our SELF that have gone through the 3D Matrix.  Our SELF can then clear any inner Darkness that is blocking the remembrance of our Promise, as well as how to fulfill it.  

It is then, that HOME shall be grounded and integrated into our physical reality.  HOME is multidimensional.  Therefore, it is not bound by environment, circumstance, place or time.  HOME is a Flow and knows NO limitation.  Each of us has promised to remember how our Essence can best create the reality of HOME from the perspective of our Grounding Point. Once remembered, we can share our "HOME" with other Grounded Ones to facilitate their memory. Eventually ALL of us will unite in the Oness to create our new reality together.


Our adventure as 3D humans was a fun "game," filled with drama, victory, defeat, fear and love.  We have played out all the polarities of the 3D Game and are ready to return to the ONE.  We have initiated and received the many types of love, from human to Divine.  Now we are ready to find the Divine within our life, as well as ALL the life which we have previously considered "lifeless."

Fortunately, we will gladly forestay our personal ascension, to await the "TIME" of Planetary Ascension because our awakened SELF resonates to "Unity of Purpose."  But how are the many world leaders who are thriving in the 3D Game going to release their addiction to Power Over in order to find their Power Within?  

Some of them will not; however, their other fragments will.  When the majority of their other fragments of SELF, incarnated at different times and places on the 3D Matrix awaken, they will be pulled into the vortex of awakening—albeit kicking and screaming.  Of course, they can also leave this 3D Matrix, and find another one.  They, too, are creators and have the free will to create the reality they choose.  By 2012, when the majority of Gaia has released the Game, they will have to make that decision.


Beloved, your time has come.


I am IlliaEm here to remind you that we are ONE.  Therefore, YOU are not only a planet; YOU are the Elohim for the planet.  As an Elohim, you have creative powers far beyond any human limitations.  Remember that I AM inside of you and you are inside of me.


When your mind can visualize that picture, you will have released a final hook of the 3D Matrix, for if I am inside of you and you are inside of me, there is NO outside.  There are NO boundaries, NO limits!  I AM, hence YOU ARE, Elohim—the Heart and Soul of Creativity.

It is time now, Beloved, to take your Crown of the Elohim.  This Crown is a vital key to creating your New Reality.  The Crown has seven jewels which are synchronized to your seven human chakras.  To the far left is the red jewel, in the center is the green jewel, and the violet jewel is on the far right.  Visualize the Crown on your head, and I will lead you in activating it.  

When you first went through the 3D Matrix, you separated your ONE White Light into the seven octaves of the third dimension.  By activating your Crown, you will free yourself from the "net" of 3D Matrix, and activate your Elohim, Creator SELF while in your physical reality.  

Begin by FEELING the Crown placed firmly around your brow.  As you focus your attention to activate each Jewel of Creativity, also concentrate on the correlate chakra ruled by that color.  As you activate each jewel by chanting "EL---LO---HIM," release the darkness and limitations of that chakra into the limitless Light of the ONE above the Crown.  The Light of the One is White, as White Light encompasses ALL colors.

Hence you will use the "sound" of your words to re-program the "light" of your 3D Matrix, to free ALL illusion from your consciousness.

FIRST CHAKRA, base of spine, correlates to the Red Jewel, far left of Crown.

           As you tone EL---O---HIM to this Jewel/Chakra, release ALL illusion of birth and death to the Light of the ONE.  

           Release ALL disharmonies, pain, injury, that your physical body has ever suffered in ANY 3/4D lifetime to the Light of the ONE to CREATE a healthy, vital Light Body.  

SECOND CHAKRA, navel, correlates to the Orange Jewel, right of red jewel.

           As you tone EL---O---HIM to this Jewel/Chakra, release ALL feelings of separation from the Flow to the Light of the ONE.

           Release ALL fears, sadness, anger, anxiety and depression that you have ever felt in ANY 3/4D lifetime to the Light of the ONE to CREATE a joyful, loving Reality.

THIRD CHAKRA, solar plexus, correlated to the Yellow Jewel, right of orange jewel.

           As you tone EL---O---HIM to this Jewel/Chakra, release ALL thoughts of limitation from the Flow to the Light of the ONE.

           Release ALL need for Power Over others, intellectual limitations, or psychic darkness that you have every experienced in ANY 3/4D lifetime to the Light of the ONE to CREATE an illumined, Power Within, Multidimensional Reality.

FOURTH CHAKRA, heart, correlated to Green Jewel, right of Yellow Jewel.       As you tone EL---O---HIM to this Jewel/Chakra, release ALL limitations and manipulations of human love to the Light of the ONE.

           Release ALL forms of "conditional love" that you have ever experienced in ANY 3/4D lifetime to the Light of the ONE to CREATE the Reality in which you give, and receive, Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance.

FIFTH CHAKRA, throat, correlated to Blue Jewel, right of Green Jewel.

           As you tone EL---O---HIM to this Jewel/Chakra, release ALL miscommunications, lies, and creative limitations to the Flow of the Light of the ONE.

           Release ALL fear of judgment and insecurities about expressing your SELF in ANY 3/4D lifetime to the Light of the ONE to CREATE the reality in which you fulfill your Promise.

SIXTH CHAKRA, brow, correlated to Indigo Jewel, right of Blue Jewel.  

           As you tone EL---O---HIM to this Jewel/Chakra, release ALL the times in you have failed to consult your SELF before following your Vision to the Flow of the Light of the ONE.

           Release ALL Doubt of your MASTERY in ANY 3/4D lifetime to the Light of the ONE to CREATE the reality in the fulfillment of your SELF within your self.

SEVENTH CHAKRA, crown, correlated to Violet Jewel, right of Indigo Jewel.

           As you tone EL---O---HIM to this Jewel/Chakra, release ALL connection to the illusions of limitation and separation to the Flow of the Light of the ONE.

           Release ALL forgetfulness of your Soul/SELF that you have ever experienced in ANY 3/4D lifetime to the Light of the ONE to CREATE a Reality of Detached Compassion for ALL life.

Chant over and over:

           I AM ELOHIM

           I AM the Creator of planet Earth

Judge yourselves no more, my Ones.  You are PERFECT, for you are DIVINE.  Live within the Flow of Divine Timing.  Do not "try hard" or force your manifestations, for that is of the old pattern.  Instead, be clear about what you wish to manifest, and KNOW your SELF so that you can truthfully state your intentions.

After stating your intention, simply open your heart to expect the fulfillment of what is rightfully yours.  When your personal vibration perfectly matches the resonance of your intention, your desire will give birth to REALITY.

In closing, I wish to remind you to KNOW what is in your Heart and release ALL resistance and effort.  Simply—BELIEVE – ACCEPT – ALLOW!  Your reality is a blank canvas, an empty page.  




There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


I enjoyed reading your post and visiting your website.  Very compelling and full of truth.

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum