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Help with delusional thinking

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I did a little more research on these 'voices' that people have been claiming to hear.

On Monday's episode of Coast to Coast AM, Practicing physician Dr. John Hall discussed his work with thousands of victims of electronic harassment, stalking, and mind control and how CIA/NSA technology is being used to track, intimidate, and even read the thoughts of people. The technology, which can create voices in a person's head, simulates mental illness, leading many to think that victims are delusional, he explained. Yet the stalking component, common in many cases, is a clear sign that the harassment is not just in their head.

There are some methods to deflect attacks from directed energy weapons like particle beams, ultrasound, and laser, but audio harassment, such as communications beamed directly into the head via microwaves, and blanketed low frequency waves are harder to stop, he said. According to his intelligence contacts, the technology to enable these techniques comes from satellites, rather than someone on the ground.

Electronic harassment victims are about 70% female, who sometimes suffer from sexual assaults, he reported. In some cases, the victims have gotten on the wrong side of a large law firm, or private investigators are involved, yet Hall believes the harassment cases could be a form of government experimentation.

He described that the most popular method to counteract these electronic harassment's is to listen to loud music [with headphones] at the usual times you experience these 'voices'. Let me know if that helps!


I have to admit I am ignorant in this subject but I will tell you the thoughts that came to my head.

Is it possible a "part" of your self believes those voices? And that part is talking to you in that way? Maybe
a part of you believes that you are a danger to organized society? You said you were "normal" as a teenager
maybe somebody told you the stuff that you are interested in is weird, not normal and should not be done
because its dangerous to organized society?

I could be way off, but if what I just said made some sense I would try and deal with those core beliefs if you do have them
because if you do have them they will be deep in your subconscious so it might take some work to deal with those. Ex. EFT,
TAT, Psych K

Good Luck



Quote from: Praveen on February 10, 2010, 23:14:05
Is it possible a "part" of your self believes those voices? And that part is talking to you in that way? Maybe
a part of you believes that you are a danger to organized society?

Anything is possible, which is why it's also possible (and probable) that every major government on this planet is experimenting with particle beam, ultrasound, and laser technology to alter individuals brain patterns. The purpose of which is to gain power over the individual's cognitive and reasoning capacities, and if you were to do this to individuals in high places (people with a lot of power) you could do a lot of good for this world or a lot of bad...


there is no doubt the globalists can and have used ELF waves for "mind control" attempts. its said that this technology was tested when several thousands of Iraqis surrendered in the 91 Gulf War before even attempting fight.


Why would you try to help a paranoid schizophrenic by telling him conspiracy theories? That's just irresponsible. He's looking for help, not more delusions. Like I said before, an astral projection forum isn't the place for this kind of help.