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The foundation of spirituality IS honesty so Will you please have the honesty and humility to say "I believe, therefore the God's honest truth is I do not know, However I AM willing to challenge ALL my beliefs and go on an open-minded honest search for answers and Truth for myself, and I will follow my conscience, act on my instincts, listen to the small voice within, and let my in-tuition guide me, and I will not stop until I know what IS true for me, and even then I will not stop until I know from experience what THE TRUTH IS, because it IS the EXPERIENCE my soul desires on it's return journey to THE SOURCE.

A belief is a belief.
Knowing is knowing.
Truth IS Truth.

Beliefs and THE TRUTH have nothing in common.
Always follow your conscience, instincts and intuition, trust your feelings, go within, be discerning.
Pay attention to your intention.
Beliefs and THE TRUTH have nothing in common.


As you said in there truth is self defined, one may find truth in something.
Knowing is trust in something you know for certain.
and belief is trust in something you do not know for sure.

As such one may find truth in a belief, it does not mean it is true but rather that it may provide some truth for an individual.

Interesting though :)


I like that nightowl "passage of the believer" look forward to more of your astral scriptures.