Native American Religions

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David Warner

Ap Friends,

I have started to study Native American Religions and wonder if there is a bible for the NA people to follow? As in like the OT/NT bible of Jews and Christians, or the Holy Qur'an of the Islamic people.

Please advise.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


I don't know a whole lot about Native American religions, but I think that their beliefs vary from tribe to tribe and location, and were mostly passed down verbally. Some Native American cultures had shamans, but not all. I don't think Native American's did much reading and writing until after Europeans settled. I could very well be wrong though.

David Warner


Started listening to a few audio books and I am getting that impression about faith, worship  varying from each tribe. Although, there are many commonalities among the Native American Indians of their beliefs in spirits, vision quests, dances, healing all compromising of nature.

Totally different from Christian/Jewish/Musalim (Eastern Beliefs) systems. Real interesting to understand their customs and background.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012



I spend a lot of time in Oklahoma (which means "land of the red man").  I'm in a part of the state where there are large groups of Creeks, Choctaws, Cherokees and Seminoles.  It is true that their religious practices vary from tribe to tribe. Most of them now have a blend of Christianity and their own traditions, but there are still a few who adhere to ancient practices.  Native American traditions have also been an interest of mine.  My late wife was a Cherokee.  I have found several similarities between their traditions and my own Welsh origins, as far as creation spirituality goes.
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda

David Warner

Hello DH,

Long time no chat!

I appreciate the info. and it helps in this research and learning process. Not that I am a expert on religions of the world, but it definitely broadens my perception and presents a better understanding where these religious, faith, beliefs orginated. Not too mention, every culture has some sort of religious interpretation.

Sorry to hear about your late wife!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Quote from: tvos on January 24, 2008, 00:25:54
Hello DH,
Long time no chat!
I appreciate the info. and it helps in this research and learning process. Not that I am a expert on religions of the world, but it definitely broadens my perception and presents a better understanding where these religious, faith, beliefs orginated. Not too mention, every culture has some sort of religious interpretation.
Sorry to hear about your late wife!

Hello Tvos,

Greetings!  Yeah, too long no chat!  I was wondering how your Native American Research is going. I've been a comparative religion freak for a long time.  I've been studying shamanism for awhile.  While it's found in about every culture, the Native Americans have a strong tradition.

My wife passed in a traffic accident last summer, hit by a guy whose breaks went out.  It's been hard on everyone, including the poor guy who caused the wreck, but life goes on.

Thanks, DH
God created the Universe for His 7th grade science project -- and got a C.     - Swami Beyondananda

David Warner


I am very sorry to hear about your loss! My condolences to you, family and the guy with the faulty breaks. I can't not imagine and again, sorry to hear.

So far I am amazed how (in-touch) the Native American Indians are to nature, animals, sun/mon and respect for race and creed. It's very sad to see how the europeans came over and destroyed everything they had. I know it today's world it's different and we can't go around playing the blame game, but this was the product of our ancestors.

My wife mentioned awhile back to me that America (USA) was founded on Christians values. When I replied to her - so killing, rape, murder, forcing people off their lands like cattle, slavery, forcing the Indiains / Mexicans in conforming to the Christian (Organized Church). So this is how the USA was founded and the values you speak of. I wans't trying to pick a argument but it's the truth. If the european settles didn't arrive to the USA, imagine what the world would be like today.

It actually upsetts me to think that how one religious faith practices by "sunday redemption of a offering plate, dominate the world with a bible and dismissing all other religions as a facade to God". I myself am a Christian but I take a wider view of experience and faith which is unfortunate that the church and bible has been twisted, manipulated, and blown out of proportion. It should be used for a guideline for oneself and not to control and instill fear.

This is what I am arriving at when reading all the other religions outside of christianity.

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012