Prayer To God

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Chaos Mage

I have heard that people are confounded at my posts, perhaps I am a very stupid man.  Regardless of stupidity, it does not stop a man from having a personal, one on one with God.  God in this sense is considered from the God that you pray too, either as a summation of existence or it's point of origin.  God, Infinity, The Universe Itself, a Spiritual Absolute, such as those.  Prayer to God is important to the life of the man desiring in himself to be more spiritual, as, God provides the experience of a Creation in every moment that a soul is alive and seeking spirituality.

I must confess, I had posting alternatives tonight.  I wanted to post more about meditation, yet, meditation did not bring me peace.  I tried breathing, but it made me suffocate more and more, and silencing the mind was not enabled.  I tried believing in Jesus Christ with my whole heart and soul, yet it could not budge the immensity of the reality which surrounds me.  Truly, I feel trapped, angry, and desperate... a will to lash out and inflict damage, demonstrated by the continual pinching at my Mother.  Even a small amount of pain, wrong for wrong, badness for evil intentions, this seems like a minor relief from the horrors of childhood and potential disaster in the world today.

Prayer to God?  Of course!  It's a generative, relaxing (or exciting), releasing, and manifesting phenomenon.  Perhaps for a stone cold, totally sober, ultra relaxed and time defactive person, prayer would be a mistake.  For someone who is dying?  At the least, we should pray for ourselves.  Yet, there is another reason... God considered the God Mind and Supreme Force of all existence... seeking children worthy to enter into the light of a freedom dimension.  Is that what the Astral Plane is?  And, can prayer to God help us to achieve astral experiences which are whole, unified to the self, and promoting the absolute of self control in a state of hyper activity?

I might have stumbled onto the answer.  Then, it becomes more clear... prayer to God helps to link us to creation.  If we are praying for someone, even someone we really don't like, then at least it's generative, and perhaps, if only, the smallest gesture of self control.  Whatever people do to us, the teaching of Jesus Christ remains, yet in this day and age, we must be certain that our scripture is historically valid.  Even if in doubt of the existence of Christ, even if uncertain about the teachings of faith in God and trust in true love and praise unto the miracle-working Holy Spirit, we can be sure, as passed down to us people from those people, scripture has remained intact as best as the world can hold it together.  So when we pray to God, there is no scripture on which to base our words.

Prayer, whether we imagine it to be a miracle or not, is a one on one with God.  You get to know yourself, you get to know your God, you open the dimension with a new creation.  So basically, prayer is the method of Evocation.  It could be Invocation as well, although the concepts of magick do not occur in the mind when you are actively in prayer to God.  Usually, stress in life or repeated, stunning trauma will make you more deseperate, and establish a greater feeling towards God.  That feeling, however soft and minor, is the beginning of a faith that works, not only the miracles of magick, but the discipline to persist in life and trust on the deeds and sayings and vibrations of a True Creator. 

As you pray to God, there is really nothing that any other living person can tell you is right or wrong.  If you have power, and you waste it, or you abuse it, then you suffer accordingly.  It is no different than saying, 'well what the heck, let's eat rat poison today'.  See that?  It's no different than making an elaborate quantum theory with minor mathematical adjustments per frequency ot time.  It all comes down to whether or not, you, yourself, are being honest with God about Your Life.  Remember what those old people said about God, like Mother Teresa and maybe your own grandpa.  And don't forget, sometimes, when you pray, it pays to listen for an answer before getting up and smoking another cigarette.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control


 Answer me this Chaos Mage.
You have two equally strong football teams. Both teams pray before their game to God to win. Who wins that game and why? You have two different militaries, both militaries pray to God before they fight and kill each other, again who wins and why?


Quote from: Lionheart on November 04, 2012, 05:14:31
Answer me this Chaos Mage.
You have two equally strong football teams. Both teams pray before their game to God to win. Who wins that game and why? You have two different militaries, both militaries pray to God before they fight and kill each other, again who wins and why?
Yup, the very concept of it is ridiculous.  LoL

Chaos Mage

I'm done with the Astral Pulse.  If anyone wants to get ahold of me, put a PM in my inbox, and we can talk on MSN.  This is bogus.  I wonder what you are doing in the astral?  This doesn't even make sense.  We Are One.  Individual Experience.  Astral Planes and Focus Levels?  To heck with it man, in my view, every existence is a seperation and derivation from the spiritual state.  We don't go up, we go back down.  Cosmic Universe is the full sum of our existence as a soul, but we filter through and without anyway.

You are treating God like God doesn't exist.  I'm already dead and risen, glorified as a solar phallic satyr in birth beyond Aleister Crowley, I don't know why I persisted with you people even this long.  Good bye AP.  Good bye internet.  Twelve years shot down the drain, even the wind has told me, "They took your teachings and put those words in their mouths according to their tongues."  How very futile this has been.

Go ahead, contend with God.  Jesus VS Satan, ultimately, who comes out 'the winner'.  Poor humans, even sixty years ago they still had respect for the Maker.  Here is my last peice of advice...

When you pray to God, you can offer thanksgiving, ask for empowerment, ask for healing, ask for a heart to be brought away from sinful desire, all magick and ability is contained in the generative actions of prayer, and there is no spellworking involved.  You pray, God listens, you listen, God answers.  Sometimes, the way God answers is through people, other times, through a shooting star, a sign of some kind, or even through dreams.  You Astral-folk must be so lucky.  You've got something going with it, but if it defies or denies God, then you would be better off using your memory or having a fantasy.  God creates existence, God creates souls.  I'm sorry, I obviously can't help any of you, you don't even see that God is nothing like a man, and that God can make you godly, even if you were a sinner in a past life.  I guess that's it, so, I'm outta here, and, offline.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control


Sorry to hear that Chaos.
I hope you find what you're looking for elsewhere.


No where did Chaos say you should pray for egotistical things, like who wins a ball game or destroys another country. Really, what he said was pretty profound.

Prayer is an amazing thing and works, regardless of others cynical views of it. Even if you're praying to a God that doesn't really exist, faith combined with affirmations can work wonders. It is a very personal one-on-one as said. To this I can attest. And if it works for you, who is anyone else to tell you it's BS?

Please don't leave the forum Chaos Mage... there's no one else with your perception of things here and some of us prefer diversity to the same old thing. Though I understand your frustration.

(EDIT: I understand that Lionheart was not being cynical and was serious with his question to spark discussion. :) )


Some of the things you post about show concern and a thought out proposition is usually included. Your insight is different from the mainstream in a way that so few even think of let alone communicate about. A few words aren't enough and you brave long posts to get your message across. This is a good thing. Occasionally one with your mindset comes across something that everyone else missed.completely. Plato, Copernicus, Archimedes are just a few.
Keep going, one day you'll hit something that no-one else has. A new chapter will appear. That's got to be good.
If you go I'll certainly miss your posts.
You shine a light in some dark corners. Realise this. You count.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.

Chaos Mage

I'm sorry that I got mad and left, even for a day.
The old teachers always said that it was disaster to react or act out of anger.  Not that I was really angry, I've been angry before and it usually has me left shaking on the floor or in bed, or cursing and swearing a lot.  It's just frustrating that people can't see that God 'holds up the sky'.

Thank you for your supportive words.  I will stay.  After all that, I really have no where else to go.  Perhaps Facebook?  But ah, on FB, so much can go wrong, especially when you talk about the astral, God, phantasy, banishing, or any of the rest of it.

I am sorry for my harsh words towards you.  It's not that I want my butt to be kissed, it's just that it should be a fair thing for everyone.  And certainly, I know that I can get 'mad' and react and it is unfair.

Back on topic of prayer to God... perhaps I have an animistic viewpoint.  I don't believe according to the Jehovah Witnesses, or any other church.  In my view, God actively sustains existence, it's His/Her/Their vibration that forms anything.  As a soul, we can communicate to God/Goddess at any given moment.  And the better and clearer our communication, the more chance there is that we will have a response.

Can you imagine if God created everything out of hatred, violence, and anger?  There would be no beauty, no kindness or compassion, no empathy or peace.  So certainly, I believe that God is Peace, Jah, right?  And that Christ is Love.  So when we pray out of anger, or frustration, the ultimate wisdom of God will determine the course of the next day, and we might see opportunities or faces of people that can bring us a chance to live in a different reality.  Could be the same existence, but the reality of it can change.

Sorry if I get a little long winded.  I've already been warned that I go on and on about things, and nobody knows what I'm talking about.  That's fine, I guess.  Well, we'll talk more, for now, I'm going to meditate.

((BTW, on a personal level, as a absolute soul, I can see how people would say that "God does not exist".  In terms of a living creation with many souls, it's for the justice of God that many people hope, have hope in, and hope for... if that makes sense.  And I really think, God has a lot of leeway in how far you can take your sin, but in time, over time... eventually, if you continue to deny God and persist in 'heathen desire', God will deny you and hand you down to the death state.  Now that, is a whole other topic.  Death can be a very liberating thing, a return to Spirit and freedom from all the burdens of this world.  Here, in which God hands you down to it, it simply means that you have fallen asleep in death, and inevitably, I believe that you will one day, somehow, start to dream your way back to reality.  There is really so much more to say.  Sorry if I step on your toes, I'll be back in a few hours.  I'm not happy to begin with, my time is slowly being dwindled away in 'sin'.  ))

Here is a big difference between prayer and spells...
prayer talks to God, and God arranges the vibrations of the Universe as He/She deems fit, for your worthiness and need of peace.
Spells can involve trickery of the mind, or forces emanated from the chakra.  It is like using personal power to effect the outside world, or even personal world.  In prayer, you are relying on God.  In spells, you are almost trying to be God.  I guess that's it.

Sorry about that, again.  I'm very full of malice and spite, anger and frustration.  I guess that's what I wanted, and you nice people here are saying things to draw me back,  almost there!  Not quite, blinded by mortal desire.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control


You are right... that we will be handed the 'death state' in time. That is a certainty.  :-)

What do you see God as?

Do you see him as having a personality, do you anthropomorphise him?

Are you afraid of god... if so or no... why?

Are you afraid of the devil... if so or no... why?

If someone who has lived a good and full life and dies happy surrounded by loving family and friends yet they aren't religious in the slightest... what's happening there?

Chaos Mage

I'll try to answer your questions, Bedeekin, btw, love the name.  Cute nice name, very nice.

Well, I see God as being infinite space in a state of peace.  Infinite and absolute.  When I was a child, I seen God as being a clear blue sky and in appearance like a man, only made of glowing golden light.  Really, I think that God is the natural state of existence, peace, infinite, no boundries.  Our whole existence could be the result of God pulling himself apart to form space masses.  Actually, now that you mention it, I do see God as being a 'luminous blackness'.

I believe that God's Mind is so immense, yet it simply does not act unless there is a force to go with it.  I don't know, that's not right, but it will have to do for now.  In my belief, God actively creates all existence.  He could control it all, yet in the majority of action, he simply sustains the basis for the existence.  I don't have feelings anymore, or I'd tell you what I feel.  It seems like God can form a man literally out of dust, but that dust is only a kinetic variable of dimensional potential, anyway.

I'm trying to find an answer that justifies my belief.  I look to God as being the Source, yet, God sustains the entire existence at every moment of the occurence of the existence.  How does God do this?  Simply, by moving himself.  When God exerts self control over Himself/Herself/It, He forms an existence.  As a created soul, we have great capacity, we can move ourselves too, yet the Buddhists seem to believe that we have greatest power when we are perfectly still and in a state of sensory intake, holding ourselves in perfect self control. 

As for God's personality, I think that it is shown in every living thing.  Living things can emphasize or embellish aspects of God.  We all have a little bit of God in us.  People who don't believe in God, and say that God doesn't exist, I can see Odin in them, for instance.  It's like the part of God that they reject, they have the most of, so they are blinded by the amount of God that they have in them already.  They might even believe that they are God, and that shows that they have that much God in them.  To me, that doesn't make exact sense, but it will have to do.

God has done things for me.  I won't tell the story again, not right now, here is not the place for it.  God's personality seems to be that the more faith and trust you put into Him, the more willing He is to do things for you.  In that way, it almost makes God look like a super space servitor of some kind.  God is not, however, a servitor.  God has beauty, grace, yet, he will discipline you if you care to accept it.  God teaches life lessons, all for the refinement of our spirits, so that, perhaps, one day, when we astral and beyond, we are not going to end up in a worse shape than when we were alive as a fleshly thing.

I'm upset with God, and the fear of God is not fully in me.  If I were to fear God, it would actually solve a lot of the problems I face with the psychic vampirism.  They won't feed on godly fear, it does seem that way.  I just know that in my dreams, when I'm soaring high up, and then come down with a crash, I feel afraid, it's so big, so immense and massive.  Our life is just a speck, but it's a speck that carries a divine spark.  There have been times that I feared God, but I trust God more than I fear him.  Perhaps I will go try and practice putting the fear of God into me.  If God ever abandoned a soul, that soul would not live very long.  So it's important that we keep trying to talk to God, let Him know how we are doing, what we want, why we want it.  I don't fear God because I love God, even if I get upset.  Fear was an enemy of mine in the past, and perhaps it still consumes me day and night.

I'm not afraid of the Devil because he has little power to keep me dead.  If God wants me to live, then I will live.  If the Devil wants me to die, he'd have to destroy God, which, the Devil is only an angel type creature, and is not the full summation of existence.

As for what you say about a life like that, ending with full comfort of family and friends, I do suppose that means that the person and his family were not tainted by the snares and doubts and uselessness of contrived modern religion.  A man can live a decent life just based on his own moral conscience.  He can experience love and peace, friends, good wine, decent meatloaf, all such things... such a man is very fortunate, for, he has not been dragged down into the debauchery of the religious stuggle.  I suppose, that man has earned his freedom from religion, and has learned to live without question whether or not there is a God, simply, he has accepted life for what it appears to be, and gained everything by the trust in basic, natural processes.  I am happy if such a man exists.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control


I just wanted to know so I know you a little bit more... to understand you a little bit. I'm not biblically religious and I find it hard getting my head around organised religion... or rather I abhor it because I find it contradictory and filled with fear. But you seem to demonstrate a personal belief that you are actually battling... and you are sharing it at the sacrifice of maybe getting reactions that make you angry. But you are sharing it rather than keeping it locked inside... Which is a relief. You are still on a massive kinetic journey it seems and that must be exciting and an absolute head f*&k at the same time. I find your need to share it in the face of adversity admirable actually. Just don't self destruct or burn yourself out searching.  :-D

I've seen your posts here and there and admittedly turned off as soon as 'devil' and 'sin' are spoken of... but me doing that is as useful as cling film is for toilet paper so thanks for answering and not assuming I was asking you leading questions.  :-)


Bedeekin is named after a multidimensional protoreal Zeta Reticulan who works for a watch company.  :-D

Chaos Mage

Well, as for what God really is, I don't know, actually.
God could be everything, and everything that has been created up to this point.  I've heard people say 'there is no time', but in what context they are saying that, I can't figure it out.
There is also the way of looking at God as though He/She/It is the supreme source of all energy.  If you consider that all the galaxies and everything all come from one infinitely powerful Divine Spark, then perhaps we could say that God is more like Chaos Energy than peace.  Obviously, created things are here, they are manifest.  It all works in harmony, a symetery that can not often be broken.

One way to find out if God is real, without just staring at the sky and saying 'that's what God does', is to pray to Him yourself.  For instance, one night, a couple years ago, I started to pray to Osiris.  Within a few minutes of prayer, I felt a prescence, and was actively communicating with what I thought and was lead to believe really was Osiris.  He kept telling me, "Oh!  That was wise."  and it seemed like Osiris favors wisdom.  So Osiris is real, in my reality.  As for Jehovah, more than five times in the passed five years I've gone out at night, and been praying to Jehovah, and He sends me signs by means of shooting stars.  Exactly where I am looking, he sends one or two shooting stars.  Also, with lightening. I can be out there looking, and blink, and when I open my eyes, there is the crack of lightening... in the sky of course, not close to me at all.

Creator is the God/Goddess that I used to try to worship.  I still pray to It/Them, but over the years, I've become confused by the Bible.  Got to clear that away and get back in touch with the Essence.  Even so, if Jehovah isn't the Holy Essence, or, said Divine Spark, then He is infinite space and ultimate peace.  That's by my figuring. 

And yes, I have a long way to go on my journey.  Perhaps I should look to Planet Earth as a good start.  For ten years, I've been sitting here being medicated with tranquilizers, because apparently I'm not allowed to remember my past or think, it interferes with their stupid lives.  Makes me so mad!!  I would have had books written down and published by now, instead of blaming it on the tranqs, they blame it on weed.  Well, that's a topic for another time.

For now, prayer to a god or to the ultimate God, it can require a summation of your energy, thought, will, and courage.  Approaching God with a weak attitude and displays of ignorance will get you that much in return.  Perhaps, God is the ultimate magickal object, beyond being a talisman, and, at the same time, the true soul of all things.
Strength. Endurance. Speed. Resistance. Stamina. -these are dimensional, at density and frequency.
Will. Courage. Faith. Love. - these are spiritual, the power to effect Life Force.
Balance. Peace. Focus. Charge. Awareness. -mentally active self control