Summoning spirits: deceit of the devils

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Quotejalef -i wouldnt worry about them not surviving because it isnt really a problem for them to control the normal humans. i would worry about the normal humans... Maybe they are evil and want to annihilate the normal human race...Of course the normal humans have absolutely no chance.

I don't have any control over normal humans. Do you?

Being inter-dimensional does not give me super-powers over them.

I tell their fortunes at fairs, and hope I don't run into one of those bible beating "God Warriors."

If they wanted to hunt us down and kill us right now, what would we do?

Zap them with our superpowers? More likely, run and hide.

If what you say is true, we'd be Ruling Earth right now.

malganis - Tell me more about the Aliens/Sons of God, shifting back into their native dimension. They were physical, but now they're not?


malganis - Tell me more about the Aliens/Sons of God, shifting back into their native dimension. They were physical, but now they're not?

What he was talking about was mostly from David Icke's book The biggest secret. But he got those informations from Zecharia Sitchins who translated Sumerian Tablets. David Icke says that these reptilians came from fourth dimension. Its like fourth dimension is the closest to the Earth in the vibrational (frequency) range. Like on radio where you have different frequencies and you can tune to one. And that they are able to control people with certain bloodline. A bit conspiracy stuff.

This is from the first chapter of The Biggest Secret. Is it allowed to copy/paste from books? It is interesting but kinda long.

Well, the story goes as described in Sumerian Tablets and Sitchin's translations that Anunnakies came to the Earth about 450.000 years ago mine gold in Africa. At first the gold mining was done by the Anunnaki version of their working classes, Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and the Anunnaki royal elite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. The Tablets describe how the genes of the Annunaki and those of the native humans were combined in a test tube to
create the 'updated' human capable of doing the tasks the Anunnaki required.

The Sumerian Tablets name the two people involved in the creation of the slave race. They were the chief scientist called Enki, Lord of the Earth (Ki=Earth) and Ninkharsag, also known as Ninti (Lady Life) because of her
expertise in medicine. She was later referred to as Mammi, from which comes mama and mother. Ninkharsag is symbolised in Mesopotamian depictions by a tool used to cut the umbilical cord. It is shaped like a horseshoe and was used in ancient times. She also became the mother goddess of a stream of religions under names like Queen Semiramis,
Isis, Barati, Diana, Mary and many others, which emerged from the legends of this all over the world. She is often depicted as a pregnant woman. The texts say of the Anunnaki leadership: They summoned and asked the goddess, the midwife of the gods, the wise birthgiver (saying),

"To a creature give life, create workers!
Create a primitive worker, that he may bear the yoke!
Let him bear the yoke assigned by Enlil,
Let the worker carry the toil of the gods!"

Enlil was commander of the Anunnaki and Enki was his half-brother. Enki and Ninkharsag had many failures as they sought the right genetic mix, the Tablets tell us. There are accounts of how they created people with major defects and also humananimal hybrids.

The Tablets say that Enki and Ninkharsag eventually found the right mix which became the first homo sapiens, a being the Sumerians called a LU.LU (One who has been mixed). This is the biblical 'Adam'. LU.LU was a genetic hybrid, the fusing of homo erectus with the genes of the 'gods' to create a slave, a human worker bee, some 200,000-300,000 years ago. A female version was also created. The Sumerian name for human was LU, the root meaning of which is worker or servant, and it was also used to
imply domesticated animals. This is what the human race has been ever since. The Anunnaki have been overtly and now covertly ruling the planet for thousands of years. The mistranslation of the Bible and symbolic language taken literally has devastated the original meaning and given us a fantasy story. Genesis and Exodus were written by the Hebrew priestly class, the Levites, after they were taken to Babylon from around 586
BC. Babylon was in the former lands of Sumer and so the Babylonians, and therefore the Levites, knew the Sumerian stories and accounts. It was from these records overwhelmingly, that the Levites compiled Genesis and Exodus. The source is obvious. The Sumerian tablets speak of E.DIN (The Abode of the Righteous Ones). This connects with the Sumerian name for their gods, DIN.GIR (the Righteous Ones of the Rockets). So the Sumerians spoke of Edin and Genesis speaks of the Garden of Eden.
This was a centre for the gods, the Anunnaki. The Sumerian Tablets speak of King Sargon the Elder being found as a baby floating in a basket on the river and brought up by a royal family. Exodus speaks of Moses being found as a baby floating in a basket on the river by a royal princess and how he was brought up by the Egyptian royal family. The list of such 'coincidences' goes on and on.

The Old Testament is a classic example of the religious recycling which has spawned all the religions. So when you are looking for the original meaning of Genesis and the story of Adam you have to go back to the Sumerian accounts to see how the story has been doctored. Genesis says that 'God' (the gods) created the first man, Adam, out of 'dust from the ground' and then used a rib of Adam to create Eve, the first woman.
Zecharia Sitchin points out that the translation of 'dust from the ground' comes from the Hebrew word tit (sorry mother) and this itself is derived from the Sumerian term, TI.IT, which means 'that which is with life'. Adam was not created from dust from the ground, but from that which is with life - living cells. The Sumerian term, TI, means both rib and life and again the translators made the wrong choice. Eve (She Who Has Life) was not
created from a rib, but from that which has life - living cells. The human egg for the creation of the Lulu/Adam came from a female in Abzu, Africa, according to the Sumerians, and modern fossil finds and anthropological research suggests that homo sapiens did indeed come out of Africa. In the 1980s, Douglas Wallace of Emory University in Georgia compared the DNA (the blueprint for physical life) of 800 women and concluded that it came from a single female ancestor.5 Wesley Brown of the University of Michigan said, after examining the DNA of 21 women of different genetic
backgrounds from around the world, that they all originated from a single source who had lived in Africa between 180,000 and 300,000 years ago.6 Rebecca Cann of the University of California at Berkeley did the same with 147 women of diverse racial and geographical backgrounds and she said their common genetic inheritance came from a single ancestor between 150,000 and 300,000 years ago. Another study of 150
American women from genetic lines going back to Europe, Africa and the Middle East, together with Aborigines from Australia and New Guinea, concluded that they had the same female ancestor who lived in Africa between 140,000 and 290,000 years ago. Personally I think the human race was seeded by many sources; not just the Annunaki.

The Sumerian Tablets and later Akkadian stories give the names and hierarchy of the Anunnaki. They call the 'Father' of the gods, AN, a word that means heaven. Our Father who art in heaven? AN, or Anu to the Akkadians, stayed mostly in heaven with his wife, Antu, and he made only rare visits to the planet they called E.RI.DU (Home in the faraway built), a word which evolved into Earth. Or at least that is the Zecharia Sitchin translation. The descriptions could also imply that Anu stayed mostly in the high mountains of the Near East where the 'Garden of Eden', the place of the gods, is reckoned on good evidence to have been, and he made only rare visits to the plains of Sumer. A Sumerian city was called Eridu. Anu sent two sons to develop and rule the Earth, the Tablets say. They were Enki, the guy they say created homo sapiens, and his half-brother Enlil. These two would later become great rivals for ultimate control of the planet. Enki, the first born of Anu, was subordinate to Enlil because of the Anunnaki's obsession with genetic purity. Enlil's mother was the half sister to Anu and this union passed on the male genes more efficiently than Enki's birth via another mother. Later the Tablets describe how the
Anunnaki created bloodlines to rule humanity on their behalf and these, I suggest, are the families still in control of the world to this day. The Sumerian Tablets describe how kingship was granted to humanity by the Anunnaki and it was originally known as Anuship after An or Anu, the ruler of the 'gods'.

The Tablets describe how humans were given the ability to procreate by Enki and this led to an explosion in the human population which threatened to swamp the Anunnaki, who were never great in number. The Anunnaki had many internal conflicts and high-tech wars with each other, as the Enlil and Enki factions fought for control. It is generally accepted by researchers of the Anunnaki that Enki is on humanity's side, but it seems to me that both groups desire dominance over this planet, and that is their
real motivatation. As Zecharia Sitchin documents in his translations, and readers of the Indian holy books, the Vedas, will confirm, there were many accounts of the 'gods' going to war with each other as they battled for supremacy. The Sumerian accounts describe how the sons of the Annunaki 'gods' were most involved in these wars. These were the offspring of Enki and Enlil, the half-brothers who became fierce rivals, and
their sons played out that battle in a high-tech conflict, the Tablets say. One battle they appeared to have been involved in was the biblical destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were probably located at the southern end of the Dead Sea where, today, radiation readings are much higher than normal. This was when, according to the Bible, Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. After referring to the original Sumerian, Zecharia Sitchin says that the true translation of that
passage should read that Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of vapour which, on balance, is rather more likely!

If you managed through it, great. How much do you agree with this interpreatation? I havent studied myths and legends as some of you here so i'm interested in your opinion.
"What are you doing here, Nasrudin? his neighbor asks. "I'm looking for a key which I lost
in the wood?" Nasrudin replies. "Why don't you look for it in the wood?" says the neighbor,
wondering at Nasrudin's folly. "Because there is much more light here"


Leyla, you quite certainly didnt read my post completely. the point of it is that  there are no pure normal humans any more. we all have this dormant abilities.
The truely wise man knows that he knows nothing!
  - Confuzius


malganis- Yeah, I've read "The 12th Planet," I know about the conspiracy theory, the Bush's the Rothchilds, Enlil and Enki, and such.

I was more interested in how these beings can be on earth or eridu, and then decide to become non-physical. How does something switch back and forth between physical and non physical?

Although I guess we all become non-physical upon death. Maybe it was a mass Jim-Jones/Heaven's Gate type suicide.

jalef- But we don't all have these abilities. That's why the vast majority of people deny the very existance of them. We are either frauds or crackpots.


Anybody else nervous that some guy named "Solomon" might jump out from behind a bush, wave a ring at you, and make you build a him temple?

What's up with that crazy ring anyway?


EDIT: I deleted my post to not screw up another good line of thought.
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.