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Are any of you Christian Astral Projectors?

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Wow, many more people responded to this particular thread than I anticipated.  

I'd like to thank you all for your responses.  I appreciate each one.

I must admit that I've had some success since I last spoke with you all.  Anyway, I wish you all the best!

God Bless


Hi everyone, sorry I am late.

Yes, i believe in Christ. No, it is by no way conventional. My Opinion:
Jesus was the greatest "magician" that has yet walked the earth. He had the greatest link with the divine. No, Christanity as it is generally taught can not explain it that way. The masses are not ready for such knowledge. The clues are there, and if you are ready you will find them. It is interesting to look at the paths that vary so widely yet bring most to the same spot.

Of note, I have a very good friend that is in a system that comes from the teachings of Jesus. It was what the apostles had learned.

I had not always believed. And the day I did, TRULY believe, I cried for an hour. Something amazing to go so many years and then "see". I am not born again, just a little more awake. I am also interested in many different kinds of Magick, Unfortunatly my friend lives 1000+ miles away now, and it is not very handy to gain tuteledge from him.

I also think many relegions tried to teach the same things, just suited for the different societies they were taught to. Anyway, it is heartening to see so many that do believe in Christ, and practice the various forms of "magick"

Best wishes


Daniel: "And what is true Christianity? Well, I can tell you one thing about it, not too many people know. It takes too much work and sacrifice...and I am still hiking up it's steep and narrow way." I have said almost those exact same words many times in my life. it is good to see someone who knows the difference between the religion christianity and true Christianity.

i am interested in AP and would LOVE to be able to do it someday. but i have other things to learn first before i get to do that ;)  .

RELIGIOUS STUFF  - don't read on if you don't care  :)
BILL1951: no. When the bible says that Jesus climbed a mountain, it means he actually walked up a mountain. It was for the purpose of being alone. Next, Moses, also, actually walked up a mountain and talked to God (if you believe the bible, then you have to realize that this statement is not one of metaphorism, but a statement of fact). Jesus was NOT about mysticism, NEVER did he admonish people to start trying to OBE or take up magick practices. He was not against it either (with the possible exception of magick which i am still trying to figure out), though becase mysticism is merely about more experiences in life. just more tools to help us live happy, fulfilled lives.

A true Christian is someone who does the will of God. what that is, is up for debate by many (and most).

The will of God has nothing to do with what to NOT DO, it has to do with what TO DO. "Love the Lord your God with all your strength, with all your soul, with all your heart, and with all your mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself" are the two most important commands in Christianity, and everything stems off of them. religion, unfortunately, has a way of making a mockery out of truth. read the book of Job if you want an example (think of the people other than Job as the typical "christians" of today).


Secret of Secrets


I was just wondering if there are any fellow believers out there who are also interested in AP.  So are there?


yeah there are some of us
even here online at Astral Pulse
ironic isn't it ?
We are a minority it seems
the prevailing wind here seems to be Robert Monroists

I am eclectic by nature
but I would call myself
a Catholic Spiritualist Mystic
one that follows Christ
et al
but one who likes to see for myself

and religion does tend to be
an obstacle to spiritual growth
instead of
the impetus .

but any narrowed belief system
is just as surely
a stone
around the neck of the philosopher
whether the seeker call it
a religion
or a construct of monroisms

as long as we lift each other up
instead of tearing each other down
it ultimately does not matter
all paths lead to the same end

The interesting thing though
is that some of those
totally devoid of religious beliefs
see nothing in the spiritual realms
they can not see Shamballah
or the Temples of Wisdom .

They see swirling colours and darkness .
Is this just because they develop their energy body exclusively
and not their energy eyes ?

Or is it because they need some faith
any faith at all
to see ? or both ?
I am not sure ,
but I remain very curious
about this phenomenon.
Is there something that keeps an atheist from seeing and hearing angels ?

Could an atheist for example
project with me
and see the mahatma
could they see Serapis Bey at the Great Pyramid pf Luxor
in the moutains of Shamballah
or would they see swirling colours
or darkness
or nothing at all ??

Would what they call
my" illusion " or "delusion "
be so hollow as their darkness ?

I would rather read a book than empty pages .
I would rather watch a movie than sit in the darkness
of an empty but relaxing movie theatre .

How could Robert Monroe have seen
the homes and spirits of the dead as he claimed
but not seen their angels or their avatars or temples ?

What eyes did he see with ?
and whose ??
Was he clairvoyant and clairaudient ??
Or did he build and imagine his own self limiting construct
that perpetuated his belief in human secularism ?

And when I learned that ones with faith
can go beyond his focus 27 limitations
....or to understand what lies before focus 3
than whose ideas are truly limiting ?

I feel he was right to map the afterlife
as a a hierarchy of consciousness
but wrong to profess
that the religious were not at work in their heavens
and that their existence was hollow
and that they could not move on
to his human secular world of work
or beyond it .

I have seen the metaphysical colleges in these realms
and I teach there with my peers . One can engage with the dead
and the live ones in meaningful discourse and discovery .

I feel that Robert Monroe is the Toast without the vegemite .
A bit bland and not worth the calories .
but it is digestible and sustaining nonetheless .
So if one is starving , it is a place to begin from .

Focus 3: State of increased mental coherency and balance
Focus 10: Mind Awake/Body Asleep
Focus 12: A state of expanded awareness
Focus 15: State of no time
Focus 21: The edge of time/space - contact other energy systems.
Focus 22: live ones in comas, or the insane  a chaotic level
Focus 23: dead "stuck" confused about or unaware of their death,ghosts
Focus 24,25,26: Belief  Territories of Afterlifers
Focus 27: Afterlife  free will created by humans resembling earth  bitants.

There are Centers of activity here providing for the needs of human beings in their continuing development in the Afterlife.
beyond focus 27: outside Monroe's realm of human consciousness

Seekers need only  open their energy bodies their minds their eyes thier ears and their  hearts to percieve beyond that 27 .

Monroe is not wrong
he was just incomplete in his truth
as are we all
keep your faith but
keep your mind and your heart open on the journey.
but most of all open your spiritual eyes !
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair


Greetings BlueLight,

I'm a Christian, though I've taken to classifying myself only as "unorthodox."  I'm very much into AP, though I've never actually succeeded yet.

Too tired at the moment to elaborate more, but yeah, we're out there.  :)
Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I'm guarding it until it blazes."
    --Gospel of Thomas, saying 10


The Robert Monroe  Institute claims Focus 34-35" is the locale having group consciousness entities also known as the monad or oversoul. "

Their use of group consciousness as a Universal Mind would fit Monroe's established  Hierarchy but their use of the terms "monad and oversoul" s is very confusing to me because that does not fit into his scheme well and would seem to indicate the lower Monadic realm .

Based upon my esoteric experience and occult  research with my group  , I would argue this assumption more than the previous hierarchy . But if we remove the term Monad and map group consciousness to the experience of the Universal Mind then we can make the post mortem levels fit into Monroe's scheme.

Focus 3: State of increased mental coherency and balance
Focus 10: Mind Awake/Body Asleep
Focus 12: A state of expanded awareness
Focus 15: State of no time
Focus 21: The edge of time/space - contact other energy systems.
Focus 22: live ones in comas, or the insane a chaotic level
Focus 23: dead "stuck" confused about or unaware of their death,ghosts
Focus 24,25,26: Belief Territories of Afterlifers
Focus 27: Afterlife free will created by humans resembling earth
Focus 34-35 is the locale having group consciousness entities also known as the monad or oversoul. -Robert Monroe Institute

Dr. Joshua David Stone early works suggests a 7 plane hierarchy  :
3 Physical
4 Astral

adding the mapping of realms by other researchers I synthesise  this :

0 Non Existence
1 Lowest Plane
2 Lower Plane
3 Unaware Physical
4 Astral Emotional  
-- Mental (Monadic 1) unaware human being helped to travel
-- Buddhic (Intuitional ) Aware Human when asleep
---Atmic ( Spiritual ) Aware and Projecting Human when awake
5Monadic 2 ( Anupadaka) Meeting of Guides , Mahatma , Archangels
6Logoic  Meeting of Avatars and Traveling to Shamballah
7Devic   Meeting of Devas , Elementals , Thrones and Seraphim
-- Divine (Adi)

Can we match Monroe focus points to Spiritual realms ?
If so , how do they correspond ?

My own research leads me to this attempt  :

---Om Shallah the realm of Living Sound and the Crown of Shallah
13The Other side of the Cone of Consciousness Operation of Ley Lines of Infinity on the Grids and the Tunnels of Eternity
12Universal Mind Focus 34-35 is the locale having group consciousness
---Devic Chambers
---Human made spirit homes Focus 27: Afterlife free will resembling earth
---Ashrams of other worlds ie Reptilians beyond the trajectory of Ursa Major
11Window on Edge of Universe
---Entrance to Hells for Students of the Occult
----Plane of Heavens Focus 24,25,26: Belief Territories of Afterlifers---Human and Spirit cooperative Manifestations of Metaphysical Colleges
---Temples of Wisdom
---Gates of Death  Focus 23: "stuck" confused unaware ghosts
10 Plane of Elementals , Devas ,Thrones , the Vortex ,  Elohim Council
---Human Manifestations ie ashrams of live humans
---Called the Pleaides  lies on a trajectory off that star group in Taurus
---Called Sirius lies on a trajectory off it Focus 21:edge of time/space-contact other energy systems
9 Blue Lodge of what is called the Arcturians of Sirius
8 Group Monadic Soul - Meeting Higher Self
--Temple of Zodiac and Great Clock Focus 15: State of no time
7 Logoic  -Shamballah --Temples of Light
---Ashrams of Chohans Great Pyramid
6 Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek
5 Monadic- work with  guides , mahatma , chohans and archangels
-- Astral Hall of Learning – Spiritual King's Chamber over Luxor - Focus 12: A state of expanded awareness
4 Astral Lower  Focus 10: Mind Awake/Body Asleep
3 Physical Focus 3: increased mental coherency and balance
2 Totemic Earth Wisdom
1  Lower Plane of Chaos and "Hell on Earth "
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair



:D  It is nice to see some one asking that! Yes! As a teenager, 20 years ago when I first started to have these uncontrollable OBE experiences I questioned the fact that there was an actual GOD or JESUS. I was raised under a strict Catholic family, so religion was beaten into my head as a child. As I grew my faith dwindled away. I think it must of been about my 3rd OBE experience. It was abad one. There was a huge dark ugly cloud like thing hovering above me. I could feel this evilness around it. I was so scared. I said to myself "I want to see nothing but my God"  After a what seemed to be a lifetime, I seen this beautiful glow. It was a right arm that was kept bending its hand upward as to tell me to get up. It had red and whit linens draped around it. I know it was Jesus. I reached upward toward it and I then awoke. Since then I have had eight visions of Jesus, four were whole body visions 3 were of his right hand, sometimes with a dove. I have had many experiences involving angels. One experience the angel was playing a trumpet then announced  "The Lord Jesus Christ" I, by all means am no religious fanatic. I do however believe that I asked a question and It was answered to me.                                                                                                                                Happy Astraling!!
Reality is defined as one's own perception of life.


Wow, that sounds amazing. I really hope to attain such things at some point in my projecting.



Seek and you shall find! Ask and you shall receive!  God's greatest mysteries are only mysteries to those who do not truly want to seek the answers. Ones faith can move mountains if it is strong enough. The astral plane is full of doors and windows that are just waiting to be opened to you. Time and patience will reveal these things to you and all whom seek them.  Happy Astraling!
Reality is defined as one's own perception of life.