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People with AP that dsnt know what is-more than im

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Thanks for posting this Kazbadan! [:)] It is a reminder that many doctors are science oriented, and many (not all) only see a science problem. Like you, I wish I had the problem some of those patients have, of finding myself out-of-body! [;)]

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I´ve been searching on the net anything related with a problem that i have (hypersonia- a sleep disturbance) when i found a kind of "ask to the doctor_ forum" related with sleep problems.

I start reading some of the posts and questions and then i faced something very interesting, particulary when you know that it is people that is not aware of Ap and obe concepts and paranormal (you can understand that by the messages): i found many people asking things like this- " Doctor, sometimes i awake paralysed on the bed and suddenly i see myself, with very realism, out of my body! What is that!? i am really scared!"! I found many e-letters like this one there!

But the most shocking thing is the doctor answer: he gives very short and not-helpy answers and i says things like: probably it´s a sleep paralysis problem or a kind of REM problem. Consult a doctor because that problem it is easly resolved with some meds"! This is probably the biggest answer i can find!

Besides that, it is clear that doctor will never accept the true reality of obes....

i wis i could be so "unlucky" as this people!

I wish too that put their emails on the forum, because with that i would talk about the truth to them...and show them the APulse forum!

If you want i can give you the link but it is a Brasilian one, writed in portuguese...
I love you!