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Serious Practitioners Need Apply

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 I used that Title above to catch your attention. The real Title I wanted to use was more of a question and that is "Does anyone here seriously practice non-local states of consciousness anymore? That Title would have been too long for the box given above, lol!  :-D

Seriously though. I want to write share some new things that I have learned that I feel would help those that wish to learn to project, but I don't want to waste yours or my time. I hate typing. The new thread I wish to write would be a somewhat lengthy one. Then there is the problem of writing a long post just to have this Forum not post it, due to the fact that it is a old system. I know that some of you have that happen to them and find it as annoying as I do.

I see a serious practitioner as someone that works towards experiencing the "NPR" (non physical realms), in every way they possibly can. I see a serious practitioner as someone that is actually going to do the work to do just that.

Lately I have seen that many here rather go the route of waking up to a NPR, as in a indirect method (WBTB/LD), instead of facing it head on, like one does with a direct method. There is so much you learn about yourself with a direct method. There are so many things that you have to overcome. Yes, it is a challenge. I get that. But there is so much that you learn through that challenge.

I wish to write a new thread on Etheric exercises. Already I can see many of the "past" experiencers here rolling their eyes. I say past, because many of those people's voices have gone silent. They may now have an occasional experience. But the passion that brought them to this Forum in the first place is now null and void. Why a thread on Etheric body exercise? Because it teaches you so much that you can utilize while in a NP. It teaches you how to navigate your surrounding. It teaches you how "HOLD" your focus. It helps you "ground" yourself in the scene. A direct method takes the element of surprise away, that shocks many people back to their physical selves. Is it more work? Hell yes. But you learn so much during it.

So, once again I ask, "Are any serious practitioners here on the Astral Pulse"?  If not, I will move on to a new avenue to teach.
     Thank You!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


First I like to thank you for your offer to help people to learn direct projecting.

Something about my background:
Because I have a sleep cycle between 1,5 to 2 hours I have a kind of 'talent' towards indirect projecting.
I am a vivid dreamer, can remember everything. A daily log would become a novel and writing everything down would get me sleep deprivation.
At night I also see a progression in quality of dreams, it starts with processing daily events/garbage, later symbolic/story telling, at last very aware with control of my thoughts and actions.
When I find out that something is not ok in the scenery I getting sometimes lucid.

With direct projection I am not so successful.
I tried Robert Monroe's gateway experience, meditation and Frank Kepple's method.
With all methods I get in a daydreaming state. It's a very pleasant experience but it doesn't bring me to direct projection.
Robert calls me back much too early with his program lol!

So I think my problem is that I get more in alfa brainwave state instead of theta.
It would be great to learn direct projecting and would be committed in doing so but as long as I cannot circumvent daydreaming state I think I am a bad student.




Anything would help Lumaza. i think that would be super interesting and a point i am also trying to reach with the line of work i want to do as a medium. Direct approach is something i have always wanted to do instead of setting an alarm when i sleep etc... :-) i think i got close today... i didn't get any data but i think i reached point consciousness in prob 20 mins or so. the trick is to get there in 5 seconds that's my goal
John Kody, ere :) love from new york area



I guess I would have to say that I was semi-serious according to your guidelines!  I am serious about experiencing NPR everyday but I don't try it in every way that I possibly can.  Since I started 3 years ago I started my Dream Journal and enter my experiences every single night...No Exceptions!  I had never meditated before but I have added that to my routine.  Am I up to a daily meditation?  Not quite there yet but I am getting closer.  Other than a few spontaneous OBE's I've had I have mainly stuck to the indirect method such as LD's.  My goal was that I was going to practice the LD's until I got better at those and than I would add more direct methods to my routine.  I had tried some direct methods a couple of times at the very beginning but didn't really know what I was doing so have put that on the back burner.

As a child I believe I have experienced point consciousness.  I have never experienced SP and have only experienced vibrations once in a spontaneous OBE.  I know these are not necessary but just stating my experiences.  I am hoping that increasing my meditations will help me progress although I seemed to have stalled recently.  I haven't had an LD in a few months now.  Was thinking about pushing that 'Astral Pulse Hotline Button!'  :|

I am certainly open to mixing things up and trying something completely new!  If you are up to starting an Etheric Exercise thread than I would certainly be interested.  What could it hurt...other than your fingers!  :lol:
The Adventure Continues...



As a mainly 'etheric' projector who has to do it this way becaause he sucks at phasing visualisation (I told you before) I am all for etheric techniques. I also call it kinetic or tactile techniques but I assume we would mean the same here.

Regarding the forum software I recommend you type it in a word processor in html-mode first or even in your local email program (html), then copy it over. Don't forget to click on save in-between amounts of written text of course or you will have the same problem if it crashes.

Yes, sometimes this dinosaur software here does not transpose the formats correctly (you remember I had this problem with my long Void article regarding the formats and pics) but since you write mere text I assume it should work without problems.

While we mostly agree on things here I still disagree a lot to your rather dualistic view on direct / indirect methods with the placing of Wake-Back-To-Bed solely into the indirect basket. Actually WB2B can be both however you choose to use it. At least that's my take on it.

As I said before, WB2B for me is not a technique/method but a strategy for priming your mind and body just like meditation, medication (not recommended) or even your bathtub and water is.

So you could do the preparation with WB2B (best for me after 3 hours) and then try a DIRECT method like you teach or describe it (etheric, Doorway, whatever) or an indirect method like waiting for a lucid dream to 'happen' (if lucky) or wait for a projection opportunity when you wake up again slightly from a kind of half-sleep (would be hypnopomp state then as opposed to hypnagogia).

WB2B for me is also not necessarily staying up long but just using my normal bathroom break. I hate full bladders at night so I get up a few times (3 or 4) anyway.  :-P

So I would try whatever you propose, just after 3 hours of sleep because then I am 'primed' better. Therefore I'm looking forward to your write-up of your etheric method although I think I already know some of your concepts because you wrote about it here and there in pieces already on the Pulse.

So please get cracking and fire away, my friend!  :-)

Just don't expect too many too early responses since it might take time with trying what you suggest and also as a forum with some 'elder' members too you might know we basically operate on a longer reaction span anyway, fortunately it's not Facebook here.

Moreover, your post on the Pulse won't go away since the Pulse does not go away - I hope - So let's take our time, shall we?



 " I used that Title above to catch your attention. I repeated that because it was true.

A few days ago I had another really eye opening teaching experience. It all happened in a Phase soak session I had. I drew the bath and jumped in. I laid back in the water and noticed a temp fluctuation. For some reason, I didn't have the temperature of the water even. Where my head and shoulders were, the water seemed to be colder. I first tried to ignore it and just closed my eyes to relax, but for some reason my focus stayed on it and it bothered me. So, I began kind of waving my arms and hands underwater to distribute the water evenly. For some reason I felt it was important to focus on the sensation of the waves that I was creating.

I stopped my arm waving and just began relaxing further into the warmth of the water. I then started my healing modality. That consists of creating a dome of energy around me and then inviting people that need that healing into it. I learned that from a member here named "Skeptic".

All of a sudden I had the sensation of my arm waving in the water again. This peaked my curiosity. I could also feel that no waves were being felt by my physical body. This showed me that this sensation was "etheric" in nature, instead of being a physical one. I focused completely on this for a few minutes and then I felt that I was sinking deeper into the water. Again I knew this wasn't physically possible since my bathtub is only so deep. The next thing I knew I was under water and moving deeper. I didn't have to worry about breathing under water. I really didn't give it a second thought. I have had many underwater or "flying' experiences during my Phase sessions. The only time it was a problem was during a "indirect", more of spontaneous experience where I had to become aware that I was either in water or flying. These happened during LDs. Almost every time I became aware I was flying, I immediately crashed and burned, lol. It took awhile until I could get that under control. The water experiences ended up just as disastrous  This happened because in a LD/Indirect method there is a "click out", a loss of consciousness. This means that when you become aware, you need to get your bearings on where you are and what's happening. That tends to make us conscious of more a physical mindset, with the physical rules that govern this realm here. During a "Direct" method, you are conscious the entire way, thus no surprises. You can fly, breathe under water, etc. because you are consciously aware the entire time. There is no "click out", no loss of consciousness. So yes, that is way easier to do then a "direct" technique. But, you won't become conscious every single time you attempt that. You aren't proactively creating the opportunity. I use affirmations every single night, the same thing I have done for years. Sometimes it will lead to me becoming aware, other times not. But every single time I do a Phase session, "something" occurs.

Volgerle that's where I see the difference between the two of them. I don't call it a indirect technique when you do a WBTB and use a proactive technique unless there is a "click out". The loss of consciousness makes all the difference.

During my Phase soak session above I experienced a number of "etheric"/tactile circumstances. I was also constantly reminded after one section of things, like the underwater scene, how important a "tactile" experience was. I was prompted to go back to teach that once again and so I created this thread to do just that. Many times while in a Phase session I will be prompted or shown different things. Sometimes it's what to reply to a member here after I have read their post. During my Phase sessions I leave the door to whatever kind of teaching or experience is necessary at the time. That means no intent. Just staying blank and observing what happens next. I have seen how beneficial that is to do. Many of my new Crystal Amplifier designs come from just that.
So, to begin this Etheric exercise we are going to start at the basics and work our way up. For now, if you wish to join this, we are going to just lie flat on our bed. First turn your phone off. Make sure you are rid of any distractions for the next 1/2 hour.

Lie completely flat. No pillow. Close your eyes and do a quick progressive relaxation. Begin at your toes and work yourself up until your last focus is "overtop" of your head. Don't stop at your head. Your last point will be above your head. Just a foot is good.

A progressive relaxation technique basically involves you targeting certain parts of your body and systematically relaxing each one of them. You can use the mental command during this, for example "My toes are relaxed, relaxed, relaxed, my toes are relaxed". Then, move onto the next targeted area, like the foot, ankle, shin, knee, thigh etc. You don't have to spend a lot of time on this. We aren't doing a NEW technique where we are sweeping or moving any energy. For now, it's all about relaxing.

Now that you are relaxed we are going to target our awareness on a few things. We are going to target just the hands and the feet. Focus on your left hand. Be aware of it. Once you can "feel" it, move on to the next hand. Keep going for the feet as well. Now you can start kind of pinballing your focus back and forth between your hands and your feet. You might actually feel a pull in that direction. This is what you want. Your "etheric" body is beginning to react as well.

Practice that every day for a week. Another thing I want you to practice is getting used to your etheric body. This can be done in many ways. Example, I go to pick up a pencil. Before I physically pick it up, I will try to pick it up with my "etheric hand". When I go to open my fridge or a door, I will first try it with my etheric hand. Get used to that sensation. Yes, we are starting will simple things, but we will progress quickly from there.

Why is this important? Once again, this will aid you when you find yourself in the NP. I won't be surprised if you report that "exit signs/symptoms" started to occur while you were doing these things. It may be a slight buzzing or maybe a "phantom limb" moving. Be aware of it. This entire exercise is based on strengthening awareness. Be aware of your feet as you walk. When you drive, be aware of everything. Feel that motion.

Next week we will get a bit deeper into this. For now, start simple. I talked about exercise akin to these in the "Phantom wiggle" thread here on the Pulse. This time, we will take that much further. You become so aware of your "etheric body" that navigating in the NPR will become second nature. You will see how this will help in your LDs as well. It's win win!  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla



Okay, I'm on board.  I am starting tonight for my weekly lesson.  I have recently asked myself during meditation what I need to work on and the answer that came back to me was my Awareness!  So here we go!  I can post in a week to update on any progress.

Hope your fingers aren't sore!  Feel free to use Bullet/Point form if you think that might be easier.  :-)
The Adventure Continues...


Quote from: T-Man on December 04, 2019, 23:27:24

Okay, I'm on board.  I am starting tonight for my weekly lesson.  I have recently asked myself during meditation what I need to work on and the answer that came back to me was my Awareness!  So here we go!  I can post in a week to update on any progress.
Great timing then!  :-)

QuoteHope your fingers aren't sore!  Feel free to use Bullet/Point form if you think that might be easier.  :-)
LOL!  :-D That wasn't the post I was initially going to make. I decided to break it down into sections, instead of putting the whole thing down in one long go. That way we can all work ourselves and "acclimate" ourselves into it!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Count me in!
I am coincidentally already doing a 'lying flat in bed' excercise since this week (except with pillow, I skip this now).
When I do this between sleep cycles I sometimes get an intense vibrational state, but this state also disappears as fast as it came!


Regarding the foot and hand alternation thing:

Is it possible to also already combine the left/right feeling with an etheric movement of the hands?

So this would be
- feel left hand
- feel right hand
- move left hand to left (etheric)
- move right hand to right (etheric)

Or similar.


Quote from: Erik on December 05, 2019, 12:36:14
Count me in!
I am coincidentally already doing a 'lying flat in bed' excercise since this week (except with pillow, I skip this now).
When I do this between sleep cycles I sometimes get an intense vibrational state, but this state also disappears as fast as it came!

Great to hear. I guess it is true, the timing is right!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Volgerle on December 05, 2019, 19:07:24
Regarding the foot and hand alternation thing:

Is it possible to also already combine the left/right feeling with an etheric movement of the hands?

So this would be
- feel left hand
- feel right hand
- move left hand to left (etheric)
- move right hand to right (etheric)

Or similar.
Volgerle, you are "jumping the gun". But that's okay. I was going to start with just a simple movement of the etheric fingers and toes. Moving the whole hand is better though.

The one thing you will learn is that when you put your focus on a appendage/body part, as in moving it etherically, that your physical nerves will fire as well. It takes a while until you can learn to "only" move the targeted etheric limb. That's going to happen though because all our lives we have been taught that all there is and ever was is this physical realm here. All our lives we have been taught to just be "physical". So to become proficient with etheric body movements, we need to kind of rewire that kind of thinking and mindset. It takes work to do that.

I stated above that I wouldn't be surprised if these exercises jump started a exit symptom. I will go one further and say I wouldn't be surprised if while doing one of these exercise that you actually found that you have already shifted. While doing them myself I had numerous times where I found that I could see through my closed eyelids. At time, it was more of a RTZ (real time zone) experience. The same thing happens while doing a Phase soak session. Once in a while, while doing a etheric based focus in my bathtub, I will be able to see through my closed eyelids as well.

Most of my Phase sessions won't appear as a RTZ experience. Many of them seem to take on more of a Akashic record locale/mental projection or some kind of Retrieval based experience. Especially when I go and open "doors", as in using my Doorway technique to explore.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on December 06, 2019, 04:54:34
Most of my Phase sessions won't appear as a RTZ experience. Many of them seem to take on more of a Akashic record locale/mental projection or some kind of Retrieval based experience. Especially when I go and open "doors", as in using my Doorway technique to explore.

This actually would have been one of my issues or questions or suspicions raised. An 'etheric' exit would naturally lead to an etheric projection which is normally into the physical/RTZ zone. Or a lower (astral) layer? So how would we use this if we were intending to project to higher realms/planes (mental, etc.). (For retrieval work, at least when you start in the 'low astral' it could work fine though). But I see you gave already part of an answer.

Once I used a technique where I hugged/touched a tree with my arms and found myself projected before the tree in the garden of my home but not the current version of today where the tree is no longer there. It is usually the childhood version (in the astral I suppose).


Quote from: Volgerle on December 06, 2019, 19:13:36
This actually would have been one of my issues or questions or suspicions raised. An 'etheric' exit would naturally lead to an etheric projection which is normally into the physical/RTZ zone. Or a lower (astral) layer? So how would we use this if we were intending to project to higher realms/planes (mental, etc.). (For retrieval work, at least when you start in the 'low astral' it could work fine though). But I see you gave already part of an answer.

Once I used a technique where I hugged/touched a tree with my arms and found myself projected before the tree in the garden of my home but not the current version of today where the tree is no longer there. It is usually the childhood version (in the astral I suppose).
Volgerle I understand your concerns. For now, why don't we just do what's necessary to "prime the pump" and see where that leads us. During my Phase soak sessions I keep myself open to see and be taught what is necessary for me to see or be taught at that time. That is why I have a wide range of experiences in many different planes, some mental, some physical, some "other". Basically I could probably discern that they seem to follow Kurt Leland's descriptions of the different planes/levels of consciousness.

You found that your focused targeting of the that tree did yield a RTZ experience of sorts. But not this immediate RTZ. You experienced a different "frequency" of your current physical surroundings. Possibly it was a "past" view of what used to be there.

In the past and still today I talk about occasionally using my "Happy Place", otherwise known as my tranquil Island paradise scenario, as "launching pad". Where I am launched to is usually determined by what I "found" on in my Happy Place that was new to me. Example: I would be roaming around the Island and come across some kind of community that I didn't remember being there inn the past. I would then "investigate/explore" this new area and it would immediately yield it's own "secrets" or "purpose" for being there.

Whether it was to called a RTZ/lower level. whatever you wish to call it, it was still a "NPR" experience. There also comes a time when you can completely change your focus and if "necessary" your intent will be fulfilled.

Questions answered as a "yes or no" don't seem to occur there. Everything seems to work like a giant puzzle. Your answer comes in all different forms. That's why it's important to log your results, no matter how trivial you may find them. That will help you put all the pieces of that puzzle together so you may come to your final understanding of your inquiry.
Xanth said this to Mars recently in thread here "And when you were talking to "source"... were you expecting a verbal answer in reply?
Remember, answers can come in any way, shape or form.  Be open to whatever happens.

He was spot on with that quote!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on December 06, 2019, 04:54:34

I stated above that I wouldn't be surprised if these exercises jump started a exit symptom. I will go one further and say I wouldn't be surprised if while doing one of these exercise that you actually found that you have already shifted. While doing them myself I had numerous times where I found that I could see through my closed eyelids. At time, it was more of a RTZ (real time zone) experience. The same thing happens while doing a Phase soak session. Once in a while, while doing a etheric based focus in my bathtub, I will be able to see through my closed eyelids as well.

Most of my Phase sessions won't appear as a RTZ experience. Many of them seem to take on more of a Akashic record locale/mental projection or some kind of Retrieval based experience. Especially when I go and open "doors", as in using my Doorway technique to explore.

I was going to post after the week was done but since you already brought this up I thought I should comment. 

Day 1:  I followed your exercises.  I was at the point of pinballing my awareness and felt movement or some stretching.  I set my timer for 30 minutes to keep myself from falling asleep.  I may have drifted off near the end because of lack of sleep the night before.  I was in NPR and seemed to be holding a kitchen pot in front of my face and was startled back to the physical.  Have no idea where the pot came from!  :lol:

Day 2:  I didn't feel much for movement but again closer to the end of the exercise I shifted and I was seeing thru my closed eyelids into my bedroom.  This only lasted a couple of seconds because my neighbours were slamming car doors outside and this brought me back.

Will do Day 3 in a little while.  Just had a Christmas party meal at work and am a little stuffed!
The Adventure Continues...


Okay, I will also log a little here with bullet point style, giving dates since my sessions might not be one per day or night:

Session 06/12: as WB2B during night time, affirmations and then the energy work, so far eventless except I felt the energy body here and there, hands tingling most, but that is my normal mode anyway, wiggling motions I tried and energy body seems responsive, I feel it a bit, then maybe fell asleep also by rolling to the side when giving up somewhat (I'm a side sleeper, when on my back I can't fall asleep unless I'm dead tired, so this is then always a direct method for me- more or less)

Session 06/12: not as WB2B but daytime meditation: after focusing on different parts of my body felt energy around and in me, my hands are always activated anyway, also felt the little etheric finger going up and down and sideways when I 'moved' it deliberately, then also in-between fell into hypnagogic scenes seeing some people interact with each other and heard voices, some random sentences that usually are out of context like we get it from the hypnagogic "M-band", I did not fall asleep though and got up from hypnagogia again, but later it seems I did indeed shortly fall asleep - so I had a little involuntary nap then, which is unusual because 1. (as said above) I don't sleep on the back and 2. never take naps deliberately during daytime


 Awesome job guys!  :-)  8-) Even though we are in the early stages of this take on a old concept here, we are still seeing good progress.

This thread will be mostly based on the Etheric Exercises. But there will also be some other things intermingled in it. Today's Phase soak session showed me that indeed, this thread will have a couple of let's say "curve balls" in it. Today I had another one of what I call a "mental projection". This one was kind of a walk down memory lane. Once again, it wasn't my intent going into my Phase session, nor was it on my mind beforehand, but I guess for some reason it was deemed necessary. So here we go, today's topic is "transparency".

In another thread that I created here a while back I gave some insight into who I was and how I got here. I basically said, I left home at 14, joined the Circus, for awhile, then the Carnival for years and finally into a travelling sales job that brought me all over the country. Each of those occupations brought me in touch with people that were having trouble moving on in their lives. Some were due to abuse, spousal abuse, etc. One was due to a Suicide in the Family another was due to a death in the Family from a illness. That went on for many years until I finally found myself in one place for what I thought was for good. But that was about to change.

I answered a job request for a "Pitchman" for a company. A Pitchman for those that don't know, is a person that sells a product, that normally will use a "microphone and amp" to pitch their wares. I did this at all kind of venues around the Country, Home shows, Sportsman shows, State Fairs, etc,. The product was very versatile so it could be sold almost anywhere.

This next part is going to have you questioning why and WTH. I can understand that. But for some reason I found it necessary. I never knew that I had been doing "physical Retrievals". Now I see the writing on the wall.

I was at a State Fair with a crew of people selling our products for a company I worked for. At that time, I had worked myself into the title of "Show manager". So it was my job to hire, train and make sure things ran smoothly.
I came across this lady that was drop dead gorgeous. We struck up a conversation and I visited her throughout the fair daily. She was ten years older than me, but there was something about her, other than her looks, that intrigued me. She was selling a product for another local company there as well. I found out that she was living with one of her Daughters. She had 3 Daughters in all. They lived in different areas though. So, she was living with her Daughter and her Hubby. They were staying at a Trailer Park and one night I drove her home. When we got there, I saw that it was a bad scene. Her Daughter and her hubby were drunkards and there was total disarray to be found there.

On the last day of the show, I invited her to join me on the road. My crew was kind of shocked by that. My crew and I were a tight knit bunch and they weren't comfortable with a new person there, especially one that I had more than a professional interest in. I guess they feared that I would favor her.

We left that city and went on to the next. I had a few days to work with this lady, to teach her the ropes of the product we were selling. We began the first day and everything was fine. She had a problem with learning our new product and how to sell because she was so new to all of this. But there is a learning curve with every new thing we set out to do in life, so this wasn't unusual. Up to this point in me knowing her, there was no physical touching of any kind done. I guess I was old school, trying to be the gentleman.

She would take her breaks during the day, like all my other crew would, but for some reason, when she got back from them she was different. More aggressive I would say. This annoyed my crew. It gets much worse from there now. At every one of our shows, liquor is sold. I found that during the breaks, she was "drinking". Normally we wouldn't mind a employee at a show "taking the edge off" with a drink on their break. Vending at shows is very high octane. But she would get practically alebriated. During one such time, we had a event.

At the shows, one of the duties of the show manager was to also take care of the money. She drove with me to the show every morning and knew where I had left my money bag. At the time it was in my vehicle. That was safe though because there were hundreds of vehicles in the parking lot and the lot was secured as well.

She had come back to the booth and had been drinking heavily. She said she felt sick and needed to lie down. I offered my car to her rest in. So, I gave her my keys. Immediately my "spider senses", I used to call it' intuition, kicked in and told me there was something wrong here, other than the fact that she was constantly drinking every break. I know, you see the "writing on the wall here". I did as well. She was bad news, But I still had a urge, actually it was more of a "need" to help her. So, I kind of trailed her and found at my my car and yes she did go to my trunk and yes she was stealing the money out of my money bag. I walked up behind her and she was shocked. I told her there was two things we could do here. One was I could go get a Police officer and have her charged for theft, the other we could work together to help her with whatever problems she had. We decided with option 2. I can just see you reading this now, dropping your jaw and thinking, what an idiot. But like I said, I felt that I had to help. The only problem was I actually told a trusted member of my crew what went on and he quit a few days later. That was a major loss. He was a good friend as well as a great Pitchman.

In the past here on the Pulse I have always been against the talk of "Evil" in the Astral. What you are going to hear next will have you wondering why I still have that view.

After the show was done, she went home to live with me. At that time I did have a apartment that I paid rent monthly for. I still travelled. But my shows paid my bills and I had what would be considered a "home base" instead of living out of a suitcase like I did when I pin balled all around living in numerous places.

I slowly began to learn more and more about this lady and her life. Growing up she had a sister that got all the attention. For some reason this turned her inwards and her jealousy consumed her. Her jealousy got so bad that she searched for any way to fight it. She wanted the attention that her sister received and would do anything to get it. Enter her interest in the "Necronomicon". Yes you heard that right, she was turning to Demons to help her. She began studying all she could and was active in all of the rituals found inside of it. All of sudden, her life was changing. She was getting interest from others now.

She soon met a man and married him. She was married two times. This man though tortured her physically and mentally. He used to pin her down on the floor to inject Meth and other drugs into her. He beat her. He berated her. She tried to satisfy him any way she could. She even got a breast enlargement for him. Finally after years of torture that she endured because of 3 Daughters that they had together, she left. One of her Daughters was really smart. She moved as far away as she could from this "freak show" that she was living in.

The lady then married again. But that marriage was broken up by the jealousy of her other 2 Daughters that stayed with her. The girls were teens at the time, in their later teens and would purposely wear provocative night clothing in front of their new Father, just to cause reactions. I felt sorry for this poor man. On some level, the lady did as well. She said he was a good honest man and that he didn't deserve the punishment that her and her Daughters forced on him.

So you can see that this was a bad scene all around. She was a constant challenge to be with. Her love of alcohol seemed to be what really set her off. She was a violent and obnoxious drunk. It was like she had a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing going on. She was not herself when she drank. She was "evil" and purposely so. This really concerned me because I had no experience or clue what to do here. Yes, I could have kicked her to the road. But as I stated above, there was some kind of deeper need to help her.

So, I began doing some research. I found out how to contact her Daughters. The two that lived with her in the past didn't help at all. They were problem people as well. The other Daughter though, that had left was quite helpful. She also helped me contact this lady's mother.

That's when I learned more about the abuse above, but I learned so much more as well. Things that I couldn't comprehend. Her Daughter and her Mother told me that there were times that they would hear screaming coming from her room. Once during the screaming, her daughter went to the room and saw that her mother was being "attacked" by something, but there was nothing in the room. What I learned from both her Daughter and her mother was that she was being sexually raped by some mysterious force. They then went on to tell me how she herself turned "Demonic" like while drinking. Now was my turn to say WT........!

In a way it made sense. But I still couldn't comprehend it. As time went on I went through the constant struggle of keeping her away from alcohol. She got a job in the city we lived in and most likely slept with her boss. Other people had realized how she and alcohol had got along and exploited that. She was really "sleazy" when she was drinking. I can read your thoughts while reading this "Kick her to the curb". Well, I couldn't.

I had struck up a new friendship in the building while getting my mail one day. This man just happened to be a Psychologist as well. I asked him some different beating around the bush questions about people and mental illnesses. I was trying to attack this lady's problem in the most logical way I could. I couldn't go down that "it's Demons" route. He reminded me that some people have bad reactions such as "allergies" to alcohol and that that alone could change them in ways. That reminded me back to a time in my youth where there was a acquaintance of ours who was a great guy, until he drunk. He got so bad that his parents brought him for testing and found out that he was allergic to alcohol. He gave up drinking and lived happily ever after. So, I wondered if this was my lady friend's problem as well.

One day during a violent occurrence, I called my new psychologist friend up to my apartment to witness and somehow help me. He came up and aided in calming everything down.

I called him the next day and he didn't answer the phone. I kind of hunted him down and when I finally found him , I asked him what I should do. He said I should get a "Priest". He said that what he witnessed was something that he couldn't understand either. All he knew is that he was going to distance himself from any other involvement in my situation. I never heard from him again. At least we never spoke again.

Now I was really confused. I went to a local new age kind of store and told the lady there what was happening. She told me I needed to invoke the members of the "Great White Brotherhood". These were Queen Sunanda, St. Jermaine, Gabriel, Raphael and I think a few others. I wasn't familiar with Queen Sunanda. But I knew who the others were from the Bible.

So, I went home and that night while she was sleeping, I invoked these "helpers". I was new to this "invoking" stuff". So, per what this lady said, I took a "crash course" in how to do it. I got close to her, held her and began to call on the aide of these Angels. My entire body began to vibrate. It scared the crap out of me. I then got up and left the room.

The next night, I went back to do it again. This time when I attempted this, she woke up gagging. The more I tried, the more whatever it was seemed to be choking her. In other words, it didn't want to go anywhere. "It" was happy where it was.

To make a long story short. Soon her Daughter, the one that she lived with at the trailer park, came to live with us. She got kicked out by her husband. Knowing what I did of her husband, I was shocked to see that it was "him" kicking her out. It didn't take her long to find another "suitor" in her life. This guy was a bad boy as well and I was hearing stories of the gang life he was living, including shooting people and all kinds of stuff.  :-P :-o

A few months later, I had to say "No Mas" (no more). I gave up. It got too much for me. I lost my apartment, lost my job and ended up on the road again for another 12 years until I finally met the lady I am with today. That experience destroyed me. It hurt my health, mentally, physically, Spiritually. You name it, I had no energy at all. I was depleted. I had been dragged through the pits. But, I survived.

I never did hear from this lady again. In the last months while living with me, she was also having a affair with a man I knew. He was older as well and when I knew him, he was a horrible person. But later in his life he changed. I guess it must have been some kind of weird Karma happening because he became infatuated with her and she went to live with him. Poor guy. I know the "living hell" he was about to endure.

After I left this lady, I found I lived or worked briefly with a few more people that needed help. Like I said, it wasn't until I learned about all this Astral projection stuff that I found that I was in some way begin "retrieving" people. Yet these people were still here in the physical.

So, that it for that. After I left this "Demonic" lady, I tried to learn everything I could about what had experienced. That was part of my own healing I guess. I even read that book the Necronomicon looking for answers or a understanding there. No, I didn't do the rituals. I just wanted to understand. What were my conclusions? I still don't know. What I do know though is I have never witnessed any "Evil" entity in the NPR.

This led to my fascination with Magick.  Magick is basically based around a focused will and intent, the same as this practice of non local consciousness is. Magick is the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science. This soon led to Scrying. I had bought a Scrying mirror that was supposedly over a hundred years old. Yes it looked old, but I guess I bought the "sales pitch", lol  :-D

Scrying is a lot like Astral Projection.. The only differences I see is one uses a Mirror, with your eyes completely open, while you "notice". The other is done with your eye shut while you still "notice".

I guess the reason I shared all of this is because see that I have been "groomed" to do this. So have you. Look back in your life and see what drove you to this practice here. What changes or events caused you to walk down this path? How did life "direct" you here?

Today I am still experiencing many firsts. Other than leaving my Family when I was younger and never returning, I have never lost anyone in my life. I have helped others that have though. Whether that loss was due to Suicide of just a death period, I have been there for people. Today, I am on the verge of experiencing first hand myself. My current love has had a terminal disease for a few years now and even though it is moving/progressing at a "snail's pace". It is still progressing. The tumors are still growing.

Through this practice here I have learned some important things. I have learned that we ourselves can't decide whether a person lives of dies. We can pray, but in the end, it is "their" decision. With my love, I told her a few years back that she is the Author of this story and that she is the one that decides how and when it ends. That thinking seems "cold". I mentioned my view on that to a few of her Family members and they did not understand at all. But then again, they could never understand me either. Their focus has always been solely in the physical and at this point in their lives, there is no way that will change.

When I do my Phase soak sessions, the first thing I do after relaxing into the water and closing my eyes is my "healing modality". In it, I create or should I say mentally image being surrounded by a golden Pyramid. (A Pyramid doesn't surprise me since for some reason I have always felt a closeness with them, like a History we share) I image the golden energy around me, I then use the Mantra "Ra Ma Dah Sah Sah Say So Hung". I repeat that mentally 3 times while viewing a visual that corresponds to each syllable. Ra being the Sun and Flame, Ma is the water, Dah the earth, Sa the air and finally Hung is the release of this energy to those in need. When i create my Pyramid, I invite people that need that healing and will except it into my space. I visualize each person as I do it. Normally, I will see them as younger than they are now. But no matter how much I try, I can't see or even image two people. One is my Love that I live here with. The other is a friend that is slowly losing all of his memory. It hurts to see this. But I know the reason why. I know that they have made their choice and all I can do is support them in it.

I shared that little "ritual" with you. It doesn't take a long time to do it. The images during my Mantra come through crystal clear at times. So when I move onto the next part of my Phase soak session, which is just noticing or doing some other proactive mental imagery, I am already "primed" for action.

Through the years here people have read my threads, posts and techniques and they seem to come across as easy to do. They do the techniques I teach here and may fail, questioning why. Why? Because they haven't seen what led me to this path. They don't see how much work and focus it took to get to where I am. I may talk about a bit of mental prepping. But words alone are hard to explain it at times. There is a lot of "priming the pump"  being done before I actually get into the noticing itself. This is likely why I find that the "void" has already appeared before me. That's when I look "through" the cloud or wisps of light I may be seeing. Even when imagery begins, I still just observe it". I look through the imagery until I find myself in it.

Sorry for such a long post. But as I saw in my recent Phase soak session, for some reason it was necessary to post this all here.

Thank you for listening!

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


No apologies needed for your interesting story. Yes, you maybe right that many of us here are also helpers in the physical, maybe sometimes by our sheer presence and energy on this plane (see Dolores Cannon's message about being antennas for change) or by our actions too. I still long to be a non-physical retriever/helper too and that is why I am trying to learn every day to project better and more regularly, and so I do here.

One reminder though for the training or teaching: Please keep in mind that most of us do not a bathtub (phase/soak) session but use the normal mode of lying flat in the bed instead. So anything that works better or 'only' with the bathtub should be excluded or at least adaptad for the 'normie' mode in bed. Just saying.

I will write short-logs with this process here in this thread but to keep me from repititions I will only mention new occurrences or remarkable changes (e.g. I always feel the ether/energy body when focussing or running or even 'wiggling' fingers, and won't mention it again, etc.), WB2B (after sleep) or a daytime session is still important though for distinction, so here we go again:

Session 07/12: WB2B (2nd session/bathroom break): I was thrown out or even 'startled up' during the exercise by the doorbell ringing. Well, the interesting thing is it was the doorbell (low buzz) of my old flat where I am not living anymore (the new one has a high bell) since October. LOL. There is no other physical explanation for this sound. So the conclusion is that was a non-physical sound. Two interpretations (or both apply?): 1. dweller-on-the-threshold kind of experience where we are 'scared away' somehow by someone or our subbie-self to keep us from entering NPR in lucid conscious state, or 2. my own metaphorical / sensual interpretation that "someone" from NPR was arriving and announcing themselves in order to meet / communicate with me (hopefully a friendly being)


Quote from: Volgerle on December 07, 2019, 13:08:28
No apologies needed for your interesting story. Yes, you maybe right that many of us here are also helpers in the physical, maybe sometimes by our sheer presence and energy on this plane (see Dolores Cannon's message about being antennas for change) or by our actions too. I still long to be a non-physical retriever/helper too and that is why I am trying to learn every day to project better and more regularly, and so I do here.
Basically I wanted everyone to see that we all have our own "story" that has brought us to where we are on a life's path. By talking about it, possibly we could see that we have more in common than we think we do.

QuoteOne reminder though for the training or teaching: Please keep in mind that most of us do not a bathtub (phase/soak) session but use the normal mode of lying flat in the bed instead. So anything that works better or 'only' with the bathtub should be excluded or at least adaptad for the 'normie' mode in bed. Just saying.
I understood this as well. That's why when I use my own etheric exercises I do them by laying flat on a bed as well. My Phase soak sessions occasionally seem to teach me how to teach others. When I spoke of the initial etheric experience that occurred in the bath, it was to show "me" that this here should be the major focus of my teaching to others.

QuoteSession 07/12: WB2B (2nd session/bathroom break): I was thrown out or even 'startled up' during the exercise by the doorbell ringing. Well, the interesting thing is it was the doorbell (low buzz) of my old flat where I am not living anymore (the new one has a high bell) since October. LOL. There is no other physical explanation for this sound. So the conclusion is that was a non-physical sound. Two interpretations (or both apply?): 1. dweller-on-the-threshold kind of experience where we are 'scared away' somehow by someone or our subbie-self to keep us from entering NPR in lucid conscious state, or 2. my own metaphorical / sensual interpretation that "someone" from NPR was arriving and announcing themselves in order to meet / communicate with me (hopefully a friendly being)
A few months ago I too got "duped" by a NP doorbell. Why, I have no idea? But it happens!  :roll: That's a hard one to ignore, because it could possibly be your physical doorbell too. It was a once in a lifetime experience. So, yes, it caught me off guard!  :-P Like I said, it happens.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hey Lumaza, just dropping in to say I am following this thread and think it's a great idea.

I've done your exercise the last two nights but don't have much to report. I definitely felt the etheric energy move but I've been so active lately I fall asleep too quickly to get far.

Sharing your story requires a certain knowledge and acceptance of your human-ness. It can be really hard to put yourself out there like that so I want you to know how much doing so helps others. We do all have our story and it is nice to know more of yours. You've shared quite a bit in the past but this puts it in even more perspective and only serves to up my already high opinion of you and your walk through life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on December 07, 2019, 22:54:11
Hey Lumaza, just dropping in to say I am following this thread and think it's a great idea.

I've done your exercise the last two nights but don't have much to report. I definitely felt the etheric energy move but I've been so active lately I fall asleep too quickly to get far.

Sharing your story requires a certain knowledge and acceptance of your human-ness. It can be really hard to put yourself out there like that so I want you to know how much doing so helps others. We do all have our story and it is nice to know more of yours. You've shared quite a bit in the past but this puts it in even more perspective and only serves to up my already high opinion of you and your walk through life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing.
Wow, Thank You nameless for your incredibly kind words!  :-)

As you can see, we are at the infancy level with this new practice. On the road, at my shows, I use simple techniques like this to give people that have never experienced anything outside of the physical a chance to "feel" it for themselves. My Egyptian Healing Rods really help put that message through as well. They are always in my carry bag at my shows and I share them with all kinds of people, Energy workers and others. My Energy worker friends love them and ask to use them every year. You find quite a few people in the "know" at Renaissance Faires. It kind of goes with the territory.

I have a little trick I do with those rods to almost instantly open people's eyes to something new. Both rods weigh the about the same amount. I put one in their left hand, the other in their right and just tell them to become aware of anything unusual. After about 5 minutes they give them back to me, but the person now notices that one of them is now really hot and weighs either more or less than the other. It's not really a trick. It's just what happens when a person holds them. To me, they work like the two poles on a battery. One would be the positive, the other the negative, as one rod is Copper, the other rod is Zinc, both conductors for energy. Both of them then somehow stream the energy of the person holding them towards the other. If you have any breakage in your energy body, they will find it and try to correct it. The person holding them will normally feel some kind of "buzzing/light vibration" around that blockage. It has nothing to do with them believing in them or not.  Later the person that held them will reveal to me some kind of past injury, such as a broken bone, that they had in that area. The only thing I did was hand them the rods. It's funny though, even though these people are total strangers to me, every year when they return to the show they make a effort to stop by and say hi. It's a great way to open eyes and make new friends!  :-) 8-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hi practitioners,

I also had planned to report after a week, but after the comprehensive story of Lumaza I had to react.
It take courage to place such a personal story on a public forum! But very much appreciated!
I have never heard a real life story of demonic influences on people in my life. Always thought this was a subject of movies and means to keep religious people at bay with fear.

My story is quite different but I have really to think over how I find this forum and why I am practicing the use of etheric bodies (LOL, tell about this on your work or family!).

About a month ago I had the named doorbell experience when I woke up in the night. I live in an closed apartment and it was the sound of my front door, this could only be one of my neighbours who were asleep at that time. So this was definately a non physical bell, but the sound was very physicial!

I do the excercise about two times a day.
In the morning I have to deal with itching and later in the day or at night with monkey mind issues.
This morning my body was quiet numb. When I started the 'pinball' excercise I suddenly felt a kind of mild panic and became short on breath (or I became short on breath an panicked, can't remember)
Don't have an explanation why I panicked but it snapped me out of the exercise.
Maybe someone of you ever had the same experience, otherwise I have to deal with this also.

So it is not running so smooth but I think I am waaaaaay back in development comparing with you people!

Greetings, Erik


Quote from: Erik on December 08, 2019, 06:14:56
I have never heard a real life story of demonic influences on people in my life. Always thought this was a subject of movies and means to keep religious people at bay with fear.
I never did come to a conclusion on what exactly happened. My mind was set on finding a logical answer. It needed to be though. At that time in my life I wasn't ready to accept anything but a logical answer. Today, I still question it.

QuoteAbout a month ago I had the named doorbell experience when I woke up in the night. I live in an closed apartment and it was the sound of my front door, this could only be one of my neighbours who were asleep at that time. So this was definately a non physical bell, but the sound was very physicial!
After I made my post above about the "doorbell", just for curiosity I did a search in the Astral Pulse search engine on the word doorbell and saw that there were a number of discussions on this created by past members here. I guess it really isn't such a "freak" occurrence.

QuoteI do the excercise about two times a day.
In the morning I have to deal with itching and later in the day or at night with monkey mind issues.
This morning my body was quiet numb. When I started the 'pinball' excercise I suddenly felt a kind of mild panic and became short on breath (or I became short on breath an panicked, can't remember)
Don't have an explanation why I panicked but it snapped me out of the exercise.
Maybe someone of you ever had the same experience, otherwise I have to deal with this also.
it sounds like your waking consciousness is holding onto it's physical focus at all costs. it shows in in the "itching" and grasping for air that you are experiencing. I experienced that when I was new too. I would get into a good NP state, then my physical mind would kick in and worry I wasn't breathing. At that moment our breathing is automatic, just as it is when we are sleeping. But when we are sleeping we aren't aware of that. Then like I said there was the itching. I also had problems with swallowing. All those things showed I was still too much "physically oriented/focused" It got better in time though. I just kept doing my OBE attempts and I learned to hold my focus away from my physical awareness. I did that by "allowing" myself to.  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Just wanted to add that it also was NOT my first doorbell (sometimes also knocking on the wall) experience.

Tonight no mentionable occurrences. Will post if sth happens but I am set to do at least one session per night and one per day. (Energy work is good anyway so any effort is never a 'lost' cause for me).


Thanks Lumaza for getting to hear more of your life story.  I have read bits and pieces of it in various threads and posts over the last few years but it is nice to see it all come together!  You could seriously write a book with all your PR and NPR help you give to people!

I also wanted to thank you for this thread you have started and all the effort you put into it.  I know that there are only a few of us 'on-board' and posting here but I'm sure that there are many others following along and working on these exercises on their own.  I encourage others who are following along at home to stop in and say Hello and let us know this class is much larger than we think!

As I have said previously...I have mainly only gone the indirect route to NPR but am happy to learn something new.  I have followed your 'Doorway' thread in the past and seem to struggle with imagery at times but will certainly try it again.  I'm pretty sure many things you mention there will show up in this thread as we progress!  :).

I too have been doing them a couple times a day when I can.  Sometimes I don't experience anything but other times I make a little progress.  During my exercise yesterday I felt both of my etheric hands ball into a fist and my etheric head pop up. 

Considering how simple this exercise is I am impressed at the progress I have made so far after only a few days.  I'm sure as the exercises progress I will be able to increase my awareness of my subtle energy bodies!  I'm hoping that in the near future I will be able to post that I have made a conscious exit! 

I have also experienced the Doorbell many times in the past.  Other ones I experience include the sound of my phone receiving a text!

Thanks to my fellow classmates who post their progress as well!

The Adventure Continues...