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why become a vegetarian?

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when i said raise the chicks and calves i actually meant perform the process from chick or calve to lunch meat. do everything and see if you really can handle it. i'm sure some people can and do all the time. i just know that i couldnt ever partake in that entire process therefore i dont partake in the last process whether i see the slaughtering actually happen or not.

James S

As I hinted on earlier, being a vegetarian is a luxury only for people of the western world where food supplies are abundant.

originally posted by Adrian

As I have said before, all life, except humans, lives in perfect harmony within their intended environment in accordance with the natural order of the Universe. Humans on the other hand has deemed it necessary to cause havoc and destruction in many areas, including, but not limited to, treatment of animals, the environment and very often each other. Where life lives in harmony with its environment, and survives as nature intended, there are no greater Universal issues. I happen to believe that man was never intended to treat animals in the way it does for food. Information from the higher spheres confirms this to a large extent. The main problem with mankind is that it is living competely out of harmony with Spirit in almost every respect, and which has to be turned around.

Though this I would consider true of the western culture, not all cultures live in this way.

A good example here are Australian Aborigines who still live in the traditional ways in the very arid remote areas of Australia. In this environment sources of meat are more readily available than vegetables. They have a very strong spiritual connection to the land and environment around them. They do not consider that they own the land, but rather are owned by, or part of the land.

There are many such native communities with a very strong spiritual connection to our mother Earth and all of her life around the world who's staple diet includes the consumption of meat. In many cases the cultures will give thanks for the provision of the meat to the spirits they worship, and some cultures will offer prayers for the spirits of the animals they have killed for food.

It is true that the culture we live in is excessively wastefull of all types of food, both meat and vegetable. Both the animal and plant kingdom suffers for our excesses. With that in mind I still do not believe there are any arguments, either spiritual, environmental or evolutionary that can truly dismiss the fact that we should be able to eat meat if we choose. I believe the examples I used go a long way to refuting such arguments.

It is all a matter of choice. If you choose to be a vegetarian, that is fine, and there are a lot of health benefits that go with this choice. This does not mean however that someone who chooses not to be a vegetarian is wrong, spiritually, environmentally or whatever.

In hopefully keeping with the context of Adrian's comments, the wholesale destruction of our environment, both plant and animal, just so we can have exactly what we want to eat, when we want to eat it is VERY wrong.

Thought for food?


I Have recently become a vegetarian. Problem is, when people ask me why, I really don't know. I think its a combination of diet, and a general sense that its the right thing for me to do right now.

Other vegies? Why did you make the change? or have you been since birth?