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Wolf talk....(werewolves, karmic ties etc)

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Hey check out WWW.WEREWOLFPAGE.COM  Some real interesting reading.

"THis is the song that never ends............"

David Rogalski



Well I guess I would be one of the people you mentioned. Im not sure why I have the connection I wrote about in the Tangable entitites forum. I dont regard myself as having a wolf soul, and I dont have fantasys about being a werewolf.

Before a little self disclosure I must stress that I am of the most peaceful and gental personality type. I hate fighting unless its absolutly necisary, I never find humor in the misfortune of others (harmless fun and jokes aside). Im even persuing a career as a paramedic because I find great reward in helping others. So you get the picture that Im not a bad guy.

BUT... I love stalking things (not in the whole law suit perverted sence but the hunting sence ). Ill stalk up on the cat or the dog for a laugh. As a kid (ok at least a week ago) I would revel in sneaking up on family members to scare them or wait to ambush them. But you see although its all harmless disturbing fun its the mind set its done in which is the worry. I get really involved in what Im doing. I have great ability in moving silently, Im of a very fine build (skinny runt!) and can move up on even finely senced animals easily if the the wind plays its part. In the past when I have gone to the bush to meditate or do some bush walking I would slip into a state of predator like scanning and hunting. It all must seem pretty weird I guess. Another 'wolf like' characteristic of myself is an attraction to blood. Im sure this will sound a little (or very) disturbed but I cant get enough of the smell, and if you have ever licked a minor wound (hay its high in iron!) I adore the taste.

I have read about lycantropy which is a mental condition where people believe they are part animal. I dont believe I am part wolf at all. Who knows I perhaps could share some sort of soul bond to a wolf, but Im not going to delude myself into believing this. I just have a strong attraction to the creature and posses some characteristics of its nature. Some would say that I have warning characteristics of becoming a perdatory human (some things I have mentioned are warning signs of a developing psycopath) but I find no satisfaction in harming other people. Such a comment would be the untimate insult. I actually find that people in crisis are drawn to me for help, so I probbably dont give off 'nasty person' vibes.

I have read during recent research that people born on the winter solstice (June 21st) in the southern hemisphere are prone to were characteristics. Which gave me a gasp because you guessed it...thats by bith date. Also the theory of like drawing to like has not held true in this case. As I have no friends who are similar. I have read accounts of weres working as a pac or as lone wolfs (hehe). Im not sure how much of an association there is between the wolf as we know it and the werewolf. I believe they have little related.

Best regards David

Veni Vidi Vici


Cool link, Cainam Nazier - thanks!

Hi Fenris -

Good to hear you're not much of a fighter - I do anything to avoid fights too and luckily the occasions never surface any more.  Hmmm - well there's probably a bit more to the wolf thing, though it's pretty academic I guess.  

Funny I am exactly the same about flesh and blood.  I absolutely need to eat any skin which ever gets ripped off me even though I am fairly slim I can out-eat almost everyone I know.  So I guess I am a bit wolfish myself.  And I love to lick my wounds and even surprised a young friend many many years ago one New Year's eve by licking a drop of blood off her willing friend's leg...

I guess hence the expression - "to lick one's wounds".  Must be natural!




I have been wanting to make a post here for a long while but I have been having diffulties logging on.

You seem to have a bit of an interest with karmic ties with animals and such and I think this site will give you a giggle. It is intended to help people decide if they are a werebeast. Click on the determine you phenotype link and enjoy!


Oh by the way Im a Bobcat!

Best regards David

Veni Vidi Vici


Now this IS getting weird. I clicked on the above link for hope of a chuckle and read too many "home truths". I could go on but I'd lose all sense of credibility with most I fear.



That was interesting reading the werewolf thread at and it's got me thinking.

Made me wonder seeing as there are at least a couple of people in the forum who feel linked to wolves (not counting me as I don't feel too wolfy myself), whether anyone knows what the path has been through history of the werewolves and people who regard themselves as having wolf souls.

Like have these people congregated in any particular time periods in history for special purposes or causes etc?  Or is it purely a personal thing, just like being a Libra or a Scorpio?

I can't help thinking that the nature of "weres" would probably tie these people together somehow and probably in all sorts of interesting ways...
