Explanation of the real time zone.

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I found some backup to my theory about the real time zone. Actually a couple things... I believe that the RTZ is in fact a construct a thoughtform generated by the mind of the person who is experiencing that zone. There is evidence in some writings that when a consciousness is in spirit it is unable to directly see the physical world. This was described in Cassaubon's true and Faithful Relation ... Dr. John Dee's angel work... the angel Nalvage describes that what he sees when he looks at the physical world is not what we see. The discrepencies that are commonly seen in the RTZ are another indication that what is being experienced is a construct. A spirit can use a medium to someone who is open to being such. That is the spirit sees the physical world through telepathy. This would account for the knowledge beyond the projectors ability. In that diary Nalvage demonstrated by using Edward Kelly as a medium to describe the world in terms that they understood and had imagined in their minds.
Finally Edgar Cayce who had exceptional vision and in my opinion was both the greatest psychic and a master at astral projection said this

Then first, in giving such condition, the first laid down should be as this: That the
spirit - in its leaving the physical body - is amenable to spirit laws, but first and
foremost, even before (yes, there was another just entered) giving this, there is in
the conscious physical world every - EVERY - pattern of the spiritual world, and
these may be illustrated when lessons drawn aright from same. In that then that
is seen - that the spirit entering the spiritual plane - first the body of such is the
soul of the individual 5756-3, 3/16/27

The conscious mind when it is displaced appears to be subject to spiritual laws rather than physical laws and it looks like it is outside of time and space entirely.


Yes.  After my first few "RTZ" projections, I thought I was really seeing the physical with a few dream overlays (when something in the room was not right) but with more and more experience, it became obvious that everything I was seeing was a copy, not the actual physical world.  I believe some of it comes from my mind and some from the mind of others.  I get a lot of very obvious 'tests' that I know don't come from me (unless they come from my higher self -always a possibility) and a few of the tests have taken place right in the midst of these RTZ constructs.

A few times I've seen things in the supposed RTZ that I could not possibly have known were there.  When this happens to people it often leads them to believe that they are seeing the actual physical world, but when it happened to me, I could tell I was still seeing a copy because what I saw did not match the physical 100%.  Very close!  But not quite perfect.  So these experiences are clairvoyant -but that does not mean you are seeing the actual physical world.   


A spirit sees only with the clairvoyance... including when in astral phase and away from physical. The thing that needs to be reconciled is if the physical and astral are the same as Campbell suggests, why the different rules and abilities. I don't think the astral has been actually measured at this point.. at least not yet. I think what's happening is that there is unintentional mediumship that is affecting tempterature and electrical currents in the room when a " spirit" is present.

I don't think the blanket " its' all an illusion" cuts it.


My early RTZ excursions were an exact copy. I didn't ever venture into the woods but years later I did. The storm one night breaking the high branch and the 'disturbed' ground existed. I had no previous knowledge of at all. There's one anomaly though, at the back of one garden was a purple haze in the blurred shape of a person. This I never found out more on. It certainly wasn't on the well trodden path to grandmothers we used to walk on in fine weather as a family.
The anomoly was two years later from my first travels.
There's other things too that I had no knowledge of that matched perfectly.
The rules governing the physics are different. Imagination isn't anoption

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Interesting topic, one I have frequently thought about, personally, who is to say the real time zone is actually real, what we see is physical light, that is part of a broader spectrum of light, that we have a limited scope in physically perceiving, through our eyes and decoded by our brains, I think the real time zone isn't in actually very real, and the zone might not be a zone as such, but more fluid and dynamic.


It's interesting though that there appears to be a barrier to spirits seeing the physical zone where we have our primary awareness. It's a two way barrier of some kind.