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Please post your favorite music that is good for meditation/projection/phasing...
It could be good/helpful for all of us :p

Thanks  :-D
You are in physical dimension to learn and understand that your thoughts and emotions causes all experience.


I don't have a preffered song, just whatever makes you feel relaxed enough to attempt a projection works for me.

Here is a good post you I know you will enjoy  :-)


 I use anything by "Paul Collier". Check youtube for his playlist. There are over 100 songs there. He does some Binaural Beat tracks as well.

For Isochronic tones I use DJ Vishnu's mediation series. All his songs are great.

The one thing that both artists have in common is they use a calming musical accompaniment. I can't stand the monotones ones.

Do a simple search on youtube for Meditation music. There are a lot of them to be found there. Some even have 8 hour loops.

This one is titled the most relaxing song ever made. It doesn't sound like it should be. But I think there was a lot of research done during the creation of it.

Here is the header for it. Yes. that's right, it has it's own header, lol.
"It slows your breathing and reduces brain activity to such an extent that Weightless, written by Manchester band Marconi Union, is said to be the 'most relaxing song ever'.

The eight-minute track is so effective at inducing sleep, motorists have now been warned they should not listen to it whilst driving.

The band worked with sound therapists to get advice on how to make the most effective use of harmonies, rhythms and bass lines. The result on listeners is a slowing of the heart rate, reduced blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol."
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thanks guys!  :-D 8-)

Lumaza I want to give you a special thank you because you make always complete/detailed answers and thats amazing, always very informative. Thank you :D
You are in physical dimension to learn and understand that your thoughts and emotions causes all experience.


"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla