Sound perception during Astral Projection

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So this occasionally happens when I AP, or when I am in the lighter stages of REM sleep and I'm very lucid and semi-conscious. Usually I don't percieve sound when I AP, only vision, balance, momentum and sometimes touch, but sometimes I will subconsciously create music when I AP. Not a simple melody, either; entire songs (I produce deep trance music and many of my projects are actually recreations of what I hear when I project). I wondered if anyone else has similar experiences and can give me some tips on how to make these experiences more regular (they serve as a big creative inspiration for me). Already I listen to music before I go to sleep, and I tend to AP when listening to chilled stuff, which seems to help over the night and the next morning when I'm about to wake up and AP with a soundtrack to it.


Triggering of sounds during an AP is easy. Just imagine a sound, and it will come. Sound perceptions during APs can be very intense, especially if the sound accompanies real effects (like lightning between the hands,.. very funny and impressive!).

Sounds can also be triggered during a relaxation state:

A simple way to trigger it begins with the discovery of the second layer of thoughts (a more sub consciusly layer).

Quote(M.3.9.1) Discovery of the second layer of thoughts: To discover the second voice, one may need a trick, to perceive it separately from the first voice. Here is a very simple and effective trick. One thinks a few times a specific sentence. Optimal is the sentence (example) :

"I think this sentence, because proyect said it."

One thinks this sentence several times and then one thinks only the half sentence:

"I think this sentence..."

Now the second voice should automatically think the other half of the sentence (maybe in a very short time). One tries the whole experiment a few times in a row. One will notice, that an more unconscious form of thinking sometimes finishes the sentence.

(M.3.9.2) First step to get better control of the second voice. One way is to count from 1 to 100. Either one leaves out every second number, so that it will be counted from the second voice, or one lets the second voice repeat every number. With this first exercise one has a good start. From there oneself can then continue to learn, how to control the second voice. It should be noted, that the control may be very limited.

Once you know it, you imagine during deep relaxation a song, voice or sound with this layer. If you concentrate correctly you will perceive it sooner or later as a clearly audible sound. Such sound is very unstable and fades fast away, if concentration changes!