3D blackness or "Void"? What is the next step?

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I have experienced multiple instances of this "3D blackness", as it is often called. It feels as though an image is being formed, a 3D scene inside the mind. It is very trippy, it seems like a hallucinogenic hallucination. It usually lasts between 20s and 3min.

I've been trying to AP for a while now (2 years). What do I do from here? I tried relaxing, letting go, focusing more on it and nothing. The strong visuals just fade away and I am back to square one. I am not giving up, I still need to get myself even more relaxed and just let go but I still wanted to share this and see what kind of wisdom people will provide here.


Hello and welcome to the Pulse,

You are doing fine and you don't need to get any deeper into relaxation; you are getting great results just where you are. What you need is a little more information on where to go from where you are.

You said- "The strong visuals just fade away and I am back to square one."

Kind of like looking at your computer screen and it's blank with just the cursor sitting there, blinking...? Feels that way to me. It's you, it's your system, your NP or Non-Physical awareness and it's sitting there like a computer waiting for you to give it direction, a command. This is where having an Intention comes in. We discover the idea of Out Of Body experience and we do all the necessary preparation: we eat light, don't consume alcohol, clear our mind, meditate, go to bed at reasonable hours...and when we find ourselves at the doorstep of Infinity...we get the blinking computer cursor and don't know what comes next...

JK, if you can consistently get to this point you have described, then you are already there! The Void is a great destination just in itself! Ask your most important questions! Ask to be shown something new which will enrich your soul! Prepare to be surprised in a big way when your higher self or someone else answers...

Otherwise, decide and declare your own Intent to do something, learn something, visit some one or some place...this is now where you apply your Intent. The Non-Physical, the NP, is all about Intent...and learning how to properly and responsibly apply Intent. That's why we start off in this dreadfully slow to respond to Intent place called Earth...ugh. lol. You can passively follow one of those fading visuals and see if it pulls you into a scenario or once it all fades, ask your question or apply your Intent. If you are seeing the black Void and that velvety kind of starfield, just let your passive gaze gently rest on one area and if you feel the 'pull' go with it and it will likely take you into an adventure.

Also, check out the first Board, the highlighted blue 'stickies'- The Void, How I got out..., Signs, Symptoms..., Tests, Quests...all good stuff...or buy my book on Amazon and at stores near you...kidding...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 EV said it all there! You are already "there". Just create a intent and be off! :-D To stay longer you need to "ground yourself" to the scenario at hand.

All that's left to say is "Welcome to the Astral Pulse"!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.