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Has anyone here ordered the cd off the site? Claims to be the most effective, and #1 selling ap cd on the net.


I have never heard of that before, and I usually tend to stay away from things that look too pretty, lol. I would however recommend this website and the book that it is based from, is also a very good read.

I hope this helps in some way!
Expanding ones consciousness, to include his/her subconscious, is a road less traveled, and more rewarded.


In my experience any cheap looking site where you have to scroll down a single page for ten years to read all the amazing reasons why you should buy the product is going to be a rip off.



Try youtube...
There are many binaural beats there lasting 1 hour. Most are pure and the range is good. You could find the in5d member and look at that page.
Save your cash....
I do.....
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.
