Strange OBE or dream like hallucination?

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So the first time i ever had sleep paralysis, i had never heard of it before and thought it was really strange. tbh, i thought i was being possessed, but i was too tired to really care, plus i was having this really weird hallucination.
I felt like i was laying on the right side of my bed when i was gently pushed even more to the right. I would fall off the side of my bed in slow motion and fall gently on the floor, only to realize that i was still on my bed and the same thing would happen again.
This was the strangest moment of my life because, to this day, i don't know if i was sleeping or awake because i felt as wide awake as i am right now.

So the reason for my sudden interest in this experience is because it almost happened again. I was lying in my bed, trying to reach sleep paralysis (I haven't been able to do WILDs, lucid dreams or obe's because i can never get to this crucial state without falling asleep first) when I finally reach sleep paralysis. I remember hearing something about hallucinating if you open your eyes and I've read several posts about how you should keep your eyes shut so you dont panic. I was really curious about these hallucinations so I opened my eyes and saw that my room had changed to a darker greenish color (it was about 7:00 am and the sun was coming through so the room should have been yellow/orange) and on the wall near my ceiling, i saw what looked like a black pair of wings extending and getting bigger. I closed my eyes again and just assumed it was hallucination but then I felt that nudge feeling and I opened my eyes to see me rolling off the bed in slow motion again.

Im positive that i was dreaming this time because i looked out my window and saw dirt piled up to the windowsill where there should be ground about 3 feet below. Plus while laying on my ground, I happened to look under my bed to see a face (looked like the grudge) staring back at me. But i guess that was what i was shooting for was a lucid dream, but it kinda turned into a nightmare haha.


That sounds like a great deal of fun with some colourfull characters
well done im sure if you keep at it things will eventually make alot more sence
and you will find it allot easyer to move around



between the ages of 3 and 25, or up onto the point I relized I was having oobes, I would be lying in bed, then all of a sudden , I would feel myself slowly sliding down the crack between the wall and the bed. I never really could figure out what was going on, and I knew there was no way I could fit down a 2 inch crack, but somehow I was, all the way to the floor, then back up.   Very weird feeling. But it stopped once I stared reading up on astral projection and I started really getting out.


i don't really think there is much difference between a dream and obe aside from control of the situation one has found themselves in


Quote from: solarity on June 08, 2010, 16:59:39
i don't really think there is much difference between a dream and obe aside from control of the situation one has found themselves in
This is true. :)



We should come up with a new name for these experiences along with a scale of awareness.

Like, I went non-physical last night with an awareness of 5, ie I had a lucid dream.

something.  anything.  it's too confusing to people.

plus, we should ban the phrase, 'sleep paralysis'
be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on June 08, 2010, 18:12:49
We should come up with a new name for these experiences along with a scale of awareness.

Like, I went non-physical last night with an awareness of 5, ie I had a lucid dream.

something.  anything.  it's too confusing to people.

plus, we should ban the phrase, 'sleep paralysis'

that would require work and well thought out terminology with accurate definitions though.. *delegates it to you*


be awesome.


I think it will just cause even more confusion. People can't even agree on what awareness is. What people need to do is stop reading and filling their heads with misunderstood concepts and put more energy into action. A true spiritual experience is beyond words. The older I get, the more I believe that if you truly want experience, the best thing to do is shut your mind up and just do it. Don't think about it, do it. Getting hung up on steps and procedures and terminology and F10-F12 stuff can get in the way of a personal experience. It's all very simple really. Just in a seemingly complicated way.

Like "Was I in F12?". If you don't know, why care? Just keep doing it and apply it to future experiences. No one else can tell you what you experienced. You might come up with your own model that works out much better for you. Nothing is in stone. It's actually in constant flux.

(I'm having a frustrating day, so this opinion may change soon.)


I fully agree Stookie.

There is an infinite amount of subtle states of awareness.  Trying to classify them is just trivial.  That's the "Mind" trying to control what it doesn't understand.
be awesome.


Kurt Leland came up with a terminology that did not differentiate OBE, phasing or dreaming.  He went with Otherwhere.  Others like 'nonphysical'.  I like that. 
As to sleep paralysis, I agree with banning the word.  Maybe the censor can replace sleep paralysis with 'disassociation from the physical'?  Yes, I know that's not gonna fly, but I had to chime in.



I actually find myself leaning more towards the usage of the terms "Physical" and "Non-physical"... as I feel they more accurately denote the environments of such areas of consciousness.

~Ryan :)


I've been trying to get physical and non-physical to stick for like months, but no one caught on.

be awesome.


I use that terminology all the time, physical/nonphysical is very vague in scope though.


but the point is that everything we experience in this reality seems to be dualistic.  The unification of that duality is that our experience of it is never one or the other, it's a collective of points on a continuum between the two.

physical and non-physical are no different.  all of these experiences are somewhere on this infinite continuum.  the subtleties are too numerous to try and specifically define one point or another as "AP" or "LD" or "waking consciousness". 

i suppose the only real question is when have we stopped moving away from physical and started moving toward non-physical or vice versa?
be awesome.


the real question is why do we have a need to define it in the first place, will that somehow change the reality of the experience?


Quote from: solarity on June 09, 2010, 18:55:32
the real question is why do we have a need to define it in the first place, will that somehow change the reality of the experience?
It doesn't change the reality of the experience.
It changes how we relate the experience to others.

~Ryan :)


Quote from: Xanth on June 09, 2010, 19:43:45
It doesn't change the reality of the experience.
It changes how we relate the experience to others.

~Ryan :)

and so with your wish to draw parallels with other experiences you feel the need to herd them as cattle into a single farm?


Quote from: solarity on June 09, 2010, 20:08:22
and so with your wish to draw parallels with other experiences you feel the need to herd them as cattle into a single farm?
... for the slaughter baby!  YEAH!!

~Ryan :)


all I will say is I don't trust your burger making skills


Quote from: solarity on June 09, 2010, 18:55:32
the real question is why do we have a need to define it in the first place, will that somehow change the reality of the experience?

i knew you'd say something to that effect.

you're becoming predictable sir.

be awesome.


Quote from: personalreality on June 09, 2010, 22:47:15
i knew you'd say something to that effect.

you're becoming predictable sir.


i knew you'd say that also, since what I said was aligned with your type of thinking, predicting you.. predicting me, and Xanth.. just slaughterin cows


you induced a mac attack within my loins with that cow comment.
be awesome.


that is what happens when you're so easily brainwashed


I also like "physical / non-physical", not so much as it being detailed or anything, but that a conscious non-physical experience doesn't normally happen naturally. When you talk about a non-physical experience, it immediately brings up the notion of being beyond your normal physical senses.

Rudolf Steiner always used these terms and spoke about developing your "non-physical senses of perception". He also termed his teachings "Anthroposophy" or "Spiritual Science". Steiner rocks.