YAY I Astral Projected again...i think

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Hello well I had another one of those APS where ITs Astral then it becomes lucid but im not sure, everything seemed so real and astral until the end.

Ok, I was sleeping then I was like in a dream so I willed me self out So I got excited and i stapped back, then I tried to leave, and I opened my eyes and found m self on top of the cieling. It was awsome, I was trying to float and everythin. I said to myself, " I ask for Clarity", then i casted a circle. So then I floated out of my Room and into my dad office. Then I went outside. This is where It gets confusing. For some reaosn when im at the ritz in my house I ALWAYS see friends and family there. Maybe they are Guides? Or maybe I made them up? Or something. So anyway I started floating inthe air. It was hard for me at first to fly, but Little by little i was able to fly higher then last time. There was like a friend on the cieling too, cheerin me on i think. Then I went inside, and I decciededd to look at my hands, they were not fading instead they were gettong LONG and going backwards like something was ucking them. So then I went outside, And I wanted to see my Guide, so I called on him, I siad STORM SHOW YOURSELF, and then all of a sudden a Huge white dragon from the sky is flying twords me, he is so huge,it scares me! I hide behind someone infront of me until he coems down, then we he comes down, he look like a fireball. Like a huge white tiger with wings. It was not storm :(, storm is black and has scales. Anyway, Then my grandma there and she tells me she got him at a birthday party, then we all go inside and eat, and im stil floatng, and in my mind i know im APING. Then I want to go back into my body becausefor some reason i think its school. So i go there and try to look for my body but dont see it, so I just on top of my beed, and say I WILL REMEMER EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED, then moments later i get sucked in and half a very short false awakening, then i wake up for reals, and rememeber everythign that happened.

Ok now i hate when this happens because it doesnt seem like an OBE because of the extra people and all, but it felt like one, Maybe it was Lucid? but why did then I leave mt body. I need some real help, this is the second time this has happened lol where i leave my body then ot becomes somewhat lucid with extra people and all.

What do you think?


it isnt uncommon to see other people when astral travelling, and if you saw the ceiling then im guessing you were, if things become confusing you're possibly slipping back into lucid, though im not sure how to stop this, try concentrating on your hands for a while. if you want to know if your obeing i suggest next time you see if you can see your body, although seeing your body might send you back. i dont know whether this helps or not but good luck anyways, kudos to you. xxxxx
DORI: escuppay!
MARLIN:escuppeh...escape!DORI: sorry not now, trying to escape...