Weird sensations, possible projection?

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Major Tom



Last night I attempted some Astral Projection. I didn't really have any hope on actually projecting since I haven't even read a fourth of the "Astral Dynamics" yet, and haven't tried to project for probably over a year. I tried the visualization technique where you lie on your bed and picture yourself standing next to the bed looking down at yourself.

I lied there for a good half-hour, possibly more and had a pretty good focus going when suddenly I started getting these weird sensations. They all happened within I'd say a five minute period, and were somewhat successive. It started first with a buzzing sensation in the center of my forehead. The rest of my body was somewhat numb, but the space just above and between my eyes felt like thousands of tiny bugs were crawling around in a half inch space.

Then the visualization of myself standing next to the bed started to get really vivid. I don't really know how to explain it, but what before was just a picture in my mind suddenly seemed three dimensional, as if it had depth. I was able to visualize the picture of me as if it were really standing next to the bed.

After a brief period it felt as if I was suddenly being drawn towards my visualization next to the bed, and I started getting really excited. The feeling started to diminish, so I controlled my excitement, and it was soon back in full force (though not very forcefull). It only lasted about 10-15 seconds I'd say. At one point it felt as if my mind was flickering between my body on the bed, and my body next to the bed, very weird. That was only for a split second though.

At this point I started to notice a throbbing sensation, mainly in my head, I can't remember if it was anywhere else. It wasn't the throbbing of blood, it felt different, cleaner.

Right after this something happened with my eyes. My vision was completely black, obviously (my eyes were closed), and it seemed like a black wall was in front of them. Suddenly the blackness had depth, as if I was now staring down a black tunnel. My eyes felt as if they were being gently pulled into the the void. I also got some fuzzyness in my vision, like the fuzz on a tv with poor reception.

After this the sensations stopped. I lied there a while longer to see if they would come back, but nothing happened. My body still felt numb and heavy. I was now extremely tired, so I rolled over and fell asleep, almost instantly. I should've kept awake longer, but I couldn't really help it.

I was reading about supposed failed projection attempts today...could I have actually projected, and just not remembered my astral projections memory(possibly because of falling asleep)? I'm not even sure if these sensations were projection symptoms...maybe they were just from lying in one position for too long.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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