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Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.



An old technique for addicting a person to your presense is to elate that person with extra energy and then withdraw it. This has interesting moral consequences if the subject was withdrawing energy without permission in the first place.

A tickly, bubbly kind of gold with a rose tint, I suppose, is for joy? This sounds as if it's getting morose, but I will not be complicit in naivete when I can avoid it.

Considering that there is a natural amount of energetic interplay in any relationship, it is my opinion that the shrew went from being a drain to sacrificing her own energy when she became obedient. This is one for the immortality thread.


another parasitic relationship, cut it before it's too late, leave her some traces for development, well, if she's on the forums she knows already, until she is mentally balanced and energy self-relayant, you can try to help her but this would be long and painful, since you haven't took control from your ego, did you ?
Search for the cause of self, in self
To find everything and nothing


Posted - 09 September 2004 :  15:56:42              

so...i don't know if this is related...


i cuted my chords and pulled my energetic field from her (we have kind of emotional realitionship) an after 10 minutes she sends me an sms...can't say about it, but she told me that "i can play with her", and something like she wants me back...


well two days ago she tolds me that...something is wrong, starnge, she's nervous........parents the same.

I ask if i can put back my field, i get the permision, and next morning she feels wonderfull. Her mom the same. Father i don't know.

everything fine untill some bad news...Bla bla bla...


What can u say about this, it started since i seperated our energetic fields...

i believe that 2 things are possible, she's part of my group, or she's addicted (low energy, i have some) to my energy.

oh, i believe she will read this post, so u can ask her to (Devilmaycry)

Btw: when i putted back my energetic field, i putted my conscious in her body, and i got all horny really bad, when i get out everything back to normal, back i her, horny, out normal...I don't know if this is from me or from her, but i believe that is from her, cause my sexual apetit disepeared after i was out of her.


thank you


Quote...leave her some traces for development, well, if she's on the forums she knows already, until she is mentally balanced and energy self-relayant, you can try to help her but ...

No! See how you think of how you could help?
Delete this, Major Tom. I will not have any more of my posts removed due to their rebuttal of admittedly anti-Semitic Illuminatists, who have have been referred to with quotes and specific bibliographical information.