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What use is energy work?

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Hi all, this has been on my mind for a while.   Energy work might be fun and interesting but apart from that what use is doing energy work?   You might say it heals your body.   I have cured illnesses by good thoughts so I do not have to do energy work.   I read on a forum that Robert Bruce says it is good to do energy work to evolve.   It sounds vague to me.

Subtle Traveler

Quote from: Astralsuzy on November 23, 2016, 19:01:07
Hi all, this has been on my mind for a while.   Energy work might be fun and interesting but apart from that what use is doing energy work?   You might say it heals your body.   I have cured illnesses by good thoughts so I do not have to do energy work.   I read on a forum that Robert Bruce says it is good to do energy work to evolve.   It sounds vague to me.

I was generally not sure about the usefulness of energy work (via the chakras) until I was exposed to two sources. Each is free and available on the Internet. What distinguishes these resources from others that I have read is their 'non-physical perspective'.

First, the Miranon recordings at the Monroe Institute (which I have discussed elaborately here on other threads) provided my first non-physical explanation of the chakras and their general purpose. Explorer recordings 5, 6, 13 and 14 compose a series of interviews with Miranon - a non-physical being from level 46. Tapes 6 and 13 specifically address the human's non-physical chakras in some detail, but listening to all the recordings will help both with context (the Universe's structure of 7's) and a human understanding. Listen to the recordings sequentially here:

Second, the work of Tom Kenyon has been very helpful to me. The higher dimensional beings who Kenyon works with consistently acknowledge the utility and purpose of the chakra system. These beings (especially the Hathors) provide chakra-focused exercises and meditations which I have very beneficial.

I warn you that there is a steep learning curve with Kenyon's materials. He goes to great effort to document not only the instructions provided by the higher dimensional beings but also his own perspectives as a psychotherapist and researcher.

I want to also note that the chakra system is a different focus than our aura, which is characterized by an expanded light around our physical body. I know this because I have had conversations with someone who can physically see auras (e.g., Jonas Elrod), and he sees something much different than the chakras. While these two energy systems are related, do not confuse the two. Overall, chakra energy work (e.g., 7 levels along the pranic channel) has given me a common construct or format to flow, release or clear blocked energy - especially as I focus beyond 'physical perspectives'. You can also "charge up your energies" using the chakra system, and the ancient Egyptians had some particular interesting sexual practices for charging up this energy system. There are many (outer) motivations for using the chakras.

Finally, in working with the chakras, I have found in my out of body experiences that a focus on the chakras consistently projects me into the RTZ (real time zone). If there is a mapping of the levels of consciousness, this is closest level to physical reality (e.g., lowest). In some contrast, the Monroe Institute focuses its first time students upon building up energy using the "aura" (called REBAL technique). So, this gives you some idea about the chakra's usefulness with projecting. It can help, but it usually places me at the lowest entry into the non-physical.

Overall, Chakras are real from my experience, but I doubt that they look like all the pictures of "7 glowing colors lined up in a body" that we commonly see on the Internet (although I have not seen mine or others).
As above ... So Below ...

Individuality is a human perspective ...


To me, since it's all vastly belief-based, the only real use of it is to help work on improving your ability to visualize.


Thank you for your replies.   I tend to agree with Xanth.   


Quote from: Astralsuzy on November 24, 2016, 04:30:53
Thank you for your replies.   I tend to agree with Xanth.
I tend to agree with Xanth too.  He's a fine chap.

:-D :evil: :wink:


Quote from: Astralsuzy on November 23, 2016, 19:01:07
You might say it heals your body.   I have cured illnesses by good thoughts so I do not have to do energy work.
Don't forget that energy work also involves thought, for the most part. Focussed thought. Energy goes where your attention goes. Attention is focussed thought. Hence: You also heal with thought when you heal with directed energy / attention.


Quote from: Volgerle on November 24, 2016, 14:53:41
Don't forget that energy work also involves thought, for the most part. Focussed thought. Energy goes where your attention goes. Attention is focussed thought. Hence: You also heal with thought when you heal with directed energy / attention.
My opinion is that anyone that says there is nothing to "energy work", hasn't actually done any themselves yet. Just take a look at this thread. Give this an honest effort and you will see for yourself or should I say "feel" for yourself, how real energy work really is.

As Xanth says, it is belief based. But isn't the entire practice of Astral Projection "belief based"? Belief is a big part of everything we do. Belief creates our reality or should I say at least it plays a major part in it.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on November 24, 2016, 15:35:26My opinion is that anyone that says there is nothing to "energy work", hasn't actually done any themselves yet.
This is my impression too.  8-)

You also "can" have physical effects directly (next to non-physical benefits). E.g. in some studies athletes built up muscles only by "thinking" they did work-outs. I believe they did a kind of energy work with directed thought on body movement too. Or Robert Bruce mentions an example you can test yourself, a quick and easy one. Just let a lightball go up and down your big toe and you will see (or better: feel) how it will heat after a minute or two. I used to warm my feet with this when they got cold.  :wink:


I think it's simple. Everything in the multiverse is made of energy. Here we perceive it as solid matter which cant be manipulated very easy, nevertheless in a smaller scale everything is energy waves. Now, we all have experienced in the non-physical environment that thoughts manipulate energy, create, modify, etc. The same law applies here although we cant perceive it instantaneously. Consciousness type (spirits) that can make decisions, change and interact with the building blocks (energy) of our environments at all times, even when we think we don't (not focused specifically).  So, if we realize that each thought molds the energy which creates everything around us including circumstances, we will be very careful what thoughts and emotions dominate on a daily basis. They are shaping our future. It is very important to be aware of this occurrence. More intense focus of course will bring results faster. Think of a construction worker that places one brick per day and in between sits around not doing much. The building will eventually get built if he stays focused on this task but it will take long. If the same worker places 1000 bricks per day, the building will be finished sooner. The bricks represent the energy. If you use it in the right way, you will bring more things that you want into your life. If you don't focus, then your scattered thoughts and subconscious beliefs, fears, limitations will be leading the manipulation of energy to create your life. If you focus and make intentional effort, you can eliminate some old beliefs and barriers by analyzing your current situation.
Energy healing for example is possible, but what is it? It is that same energy we are discussing that construct every cell of your body. Your thoughts can manipulate this very energy, thus changing its autoplay mode.
The most important thing though is to have confidence and KNOW that it will work. If you have doubts, these very thoughts of doubt and fear will also be manipulating the energy and creating.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hello.  I just thought I would add a little.  I am not someone that reads much about chakras or the like.  Nor, have I read much about Robert Bruce's Energy Work system.  But, I have communicated a number of times with Robert.  He's a smart and knowledgable guy.  So, I have a good impression that his Energy Work system is very good.  Personally, I am rather sensitive to so called energy -- visually and physically.  I interact with it in many ways, much of the time.  But, frankly, everyone does.  They just don't realize it.  It's just to varied degrees.  Based on my experience, energy work (I'm using that term generally ... meaning, learning how to clear, built and interact with energy, etc.) is extremely useful for basically everyone one does.  It's like saying: "what use is air? or food? or moving?"  Well, except that energy may be broader in some ways than those.  Yes, we can live with minimal understanding.  But, energy affects everything we do -- from athletics, to creativity (e.g., painting, singing, writing replies to posts on web sites :-)) or whatever you may do.  For me, I like to focus on how to use energy for sports ... it's wonderous and very effective (e.g., helping the body to integrate and function as a unit, helping the body to follow a smooth and direct flow, causing the body to quickly direct force via energy impulse, etc.) ... but, these are just a few examples applied in the context of sports.  I would like to emphasize that it is just really useful in many ways.  It is totally concretely useful ... in my opinion/experience.  In my opinion, there are many paths one can take to work with energy.  Robert Bruce's energy work is probably a good place to start.  Personally, I tend to do standing poses that are essentially qigong standing poses ... though, I tend to do them more based on how it feels.  I suppose that I would also like to add that whatever you do, it is probably good to follow what "feels" good to you to do.   If some energy work feels good ... that is likely great for you.  This might vary based on one's set of circumstances ... Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth ... Or, I suppose 0 cents worth, since its free