Hello all, about me an the past experience that lead me here.

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Hello everyone,

A little bit about me. I've been gifted with a well above average intelligence (My aptitude test when I applied for the military in my country came back at full marks, technically makes me a genius I was told but using the term makes me feel like an arrogant bastard. An eye disorder prevented my entry but this may have been a blessing in disguise). I'm very objective in my view points, another gift, and I have always been drawn strongly towards eastern belief and philosophy. It seemed to resonate with me. In that regards I guess I've always been spiritual.

When I was 19 (27 now) I became envolved in a Wiccan Coven. They were all interested in astral travel to a large extent. However, I don't know if it was intuition or what but I knew that a lot of the stuff that was coming out of their mouths was largely hogwash. A few members would talk about the dragons they can sense flying in the sky etc. and it didn't click. The head priest, however, didn't give me that same vibe when he talked about astral travel. Being at the time fascinated with the importance of our consciousness and more-so now with the advent of the double slit experiment results and the concept of observation allowing particles to exist in a fixed state (As opposed to a waveform of possibilities) I began to try it myself.

I'd often (even before trying) sat back, closed my eyes and watched the shaped, pulses, colors and random faint images appear in the darkness. I began doing this again while at the house of the high priest. He wasn't really a great teacher type so I just ended up doing passive observation and some visualization as well.

Then one day, I was doing this, feeling like I was internally pulling away from my outer consciousness, when I felt a massive rush and falling experience, with the faint "lights" in my eye making what looked like a rushing effect away from me, kinda like the hyperspace effect in star wars.

However I was suddenly pulled back to my body. Why? Because I needed to rush to the toilet and proceed to empty the contents of my stomach. My head priest said, "yep, that'll happen."

So anyway, I was cruising through /x/ on 4chan and found a link to Franks summary page. Needless to say I was blown away. The idea of "noticing" precisely describes what I was doing, and to be honest, have done a lot in my life before and after I had that (lit.) sickening rush experience. I'm starting to understand that the rush may have been my first phasing, of this I am reasonably sure.

In conclusion though, I'd like to introduce myself to the community. I'm going to continue practicing again now that I realize that a queasy stomach had stopped me from potentially moving forward in that exploration.

I have a couple of questions about it to begin though, Im not sure if this is the correct place to write the initial questions but I'm sure no one will lynch me for it.

1 Regarding the rush I felt, would I be correct in assuming the sudden massive onset of nausea is why people say not to eat for a period of time before attempts?

2 I find that it doesn't take me long to get to a point where pictures and pulses of soft color and light appear "inside my eyelids" so to speak. Does this and my previous experience and practice indicate that it will be faster for me to reach the point of phasing?

3 Does anyone have some advice on where I should work to as a next point now I have started again?

4 Occasionally when I'm relaxing and watching the pulses and images (Noticing I guess you'd call it) I very suddenly feel a drop/fall situation which snaps me back very suddenly to the physical world. Is this just an effect of my mind trying to get me back to the physical or are these moments of phasing? I haven't had them for a while, but I also took up skydiving a while back so a fall experience has become somewhat normal for me.

Pleasure to meet you all, and I'll keep you posted with my documented progress as well as any further irritating questions.




Heya Blayne!

Welcome to the Astral Pulse.

Yeah, I had actually found the Astral Pulse before being introduced to Franks stuff... afterwards, well, I'll tell you this... I progressed more in a year than I did in the last 10 years of trying classic obe methods.  :)


Some things have to be believed to be seen ~ Ralph Hodgson