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TK science

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I've been practicing TK on and off for about 6 yrs. Just tonight (as I was a bit upset due to lack of progress), I began my old practices. The technique I use I got from the Veritas forums, a long time ago. I got a cigarette (recently quit) and put it flat on the table. I went about moving it with hostility (NOTE: not anger). And WOW, it actually worked!  :lol:

I'm pretty much blown out of my mind at this point! I don't know if posting this is out of line. I just HAD to tell someone, and my brother thinks I'm crazy...I'd LOVE to hear what the science behind this is. I am a scientist by nature. Also I don't know what the next step should be. Any guidance would be great!

Time to get back to my college studies, or lack there of....


Congratiolations! Video tape it next time.

I doubt there exist any hard science behind it. There are still too many unknowns and stretched conclusions. The kind of stuff that reads: "on a quantum level mere observation of the experiment by a human can affect the results..."  Which is expanded to mean that a mind can directly affect physical reality at the macro scale.

Who knows? I have yet to see reliable evidence.


well if u want science of TK... it would be "it's physicly impossible", maybe this is true because no one ever claimed the 1 mil. prize money from Randi.
However, i've seen some video's. I'm not VERY sure, but it could be possible :S


If it is possible and there are people who are good at it, they sure do keep it a secret. And have no material desire, because they could be making some serious cash.

Maybe that's the trick - get rid of all your desires and you can lift a boat onto a trailer with your mind. But then I guess you wouldn't have the desire to do it either. The irony of telekinesis.


That's awesome. I get frustrated with it all the time. I took a really long break not too long ago, and have recentley just started practicing again. The Psi wheel is never a problem any more, but besides that, i haven't had too much progress, and for that reason, i still don't tend to practice too much. The most is once a day, if even.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Perhaps some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.


Hello everyone, long time no see huh  :-D

I've been buisy, 4-7 hours of meditation a day. I keep my eyes closed so I miss most of what is going on around me, but every now and then noises manage to get me to open my eyes. I've been having alot of experiences with TK, pretty major compared to spinning disks, every time TK was nowhere near my thoughts. I was completely focused on my energy, the TK seemed like a byproduct, like I was the music and the energy around me danced to my beat, imitating me. I havent had anything start to float in anyones line of sight, though it has happened at work with others present, I think if they were to see it or someone took a photo it would fall to the ground. I dont have any desire to develop TK, of all the abilities out there TK has the least spiritual insights, if any.

Using negative energy to move objects sounds scary to me, to acheive what perpose?
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.


I've caused some strange things to happen when I got nervous, but I have to be really nervous.  On one occasion I was really creeped out by a story someone had told me.  He said there was this guy who knew when something bad was about to happen to an object, because he'd see a red aura on it.
That night, I was at my mom's place, laying on the couch after everyone was asleep, and there was this mirror hanging on the wall.  It was a mirror we always had around, and I found myself staring at it like I couldn't look away.  I wanted to stop paying attention, but I'd swear I saw this red aura on the mirror.  The aura may or may not have been my imagination, but after a minute of staring nervously, something gave way.
The mirror fell.  It just snapped, then shattered all over the floor.  This sort of thing happened a few times before - once when I nervously stared at my closet door (the sliding type) and it suddenly fell over against my desk.

A rather obnoxious ability. I can't move objects unless something bad happens.

Our emotions seem to have a direct result on our surroundings.  Ever notice that?    Ever changed the way you think, then noticed sudden changes in your environment?  Changes that couldn't be the result of a placebo.  When I got into transcendence, this happened a lot.  I'd be under a lot of pressure with something like school work, then I'd suddenly drop the stress and stop caring, and immediately, I get a phone call from someone saying there was no school the next day. I wonder if telekinetic movement is the same basic thing.