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Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions

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Two AP MEMBERS IN  'Joint Venture'* !

*Pleaidians assist in telepathic link-up to Zeta

Yes - it is true!  And now, the truth shall be known more and more about the Zeta, and what they are here for..... because, following an 'incident' last Sunday night (17 August, 2003 - a date to remember!) that 6 members of the Astral Pulse were witness to in a Multi-Chat on MSN Messenger, the Zeta are now seeking "Friendly Interchange" with humans in a Joint Venture with the Pleiadians, who have arranged in the last few days a special 'hook-up' with the Zeta for Pleiadian telepathy students here on the Astral Pulse to talk one-to-one with a Zeta Guide-Representative who will be available to answer all questions.

The 'incident' that had led to this decision being made by the Zeta following discussion they had with the Pleiadians was concerning a Zeta guide who had broken a rule of 'etiquette' by encouraging her charge (a non-member, invited into the 'chat' session) to Astral Project in what was meant to be a telepathy discussion group.  The Zeta guide had acted with the best of intentions, but had not checked with her supervisor-guide, nor had she taken heed of the fact that it was a gathering of Pleiadian guides and their charges.  The result of the Zeta guide's enthusiasm to seek to pursuade (via her charge) other members of our group to Astral Project at that time (the normal Zeta 'method' of contact, rather than by telepathy) led to confusion within our cyberspace gathering, and in fact some distress of those members present due to the shock of the unanticipated turn of events that had culminated in a strong Astral Projection felt even in cyberspace.

During the time of the incident my PC crashed (something it is very prone to doing, but on this occasion at the very worst time) and I lost contact with those in the group for about a minute.  In thiat time I realized on speaking to my guide, Karek, that things were not as we had planned.  I requested communication with Shea (the Zeta guide now in that group) but Shea declined telepathic communication without reason given (and that is a further breach of rules of cross-species etiquette in the Higher Realms) but I became aware through Karek that Shea was continuing with the purpose of an Astral Projection for the group, harmless in itself, but disturbing since not requested.  Karek then contacted the Zeta at the highest level, and Shea was immediately reprimanded by her supervisor and the Astral Projection was terminated.  Within seconds I had received the equivalent of a telepathic email from the Zeta wishing to apologise publically for this breach of etiquette by their guide.  I then typed what I'd received and proceeded to explain in brief to the group in the multi-chat what had transpired.

While in itself only a breach of etiquette, the Zeta take such things very seriously and top-level discussions then took place  with the Pleiadians who explained how I was training certain members of the Astral Pulse who the Pleiadian guides had considered 'ready' for telepathy.  The Zeta, who promised that such a breach would not occur again, were keen to explore possibilities of co-operation with the Pleiadians for selected members of our telepathy group to have "Friendly Interchange" with the Zeta, which would be good for the members and good for the Zeta who feel, as the Pleiadians do also, that humans will benefit from knowing more about the them and their purpose here at this time with the Earth Project the Zeta are already working on with the Pleiadians and other off-planet species of Higher Beings.  So it was, that a new milestone was reached last Sunday with the opportunity now that will be ongoing for humans to have contact in "information sessions"  with the Zeta as never before, and which was largely hitherto confined to such as Nancy of Zetatalk.  Thus, 17 August, 2003 will go down in Galactic History, as a brand new joint venture with humans.

I am pleased to be able to announce here, that the Pleiadian guides have selected EDI and PARMENION to be the first to talk at length with the Zeta - and those two events (which I carefully kept independent and separate from each other with no interaction between them) were recorded on MSN Messenger exactly word for word as they took place.

The system employed in the telepathy training sessions is what will be used here.  That is, when a guide is speaking to the person via telepathy then the person types what they 'hear' in their head using the initial letter of the guide's name followed by a colon and then what has actually been received.  In the case of the Zeta guide-representative we used "Z:" to indicate.  To further clarity and ease of reading, I have for the purposes of this article, specially formatted the guide's text-lines as follows.....

----- telepathic person <--- here EDI or PARMENION.
----- P: Perena speaking <--- Edi's guide
----- K: Karek speaking <-- Parmenion's guide.
----- (Karek at the moment working jointly with Parmenion and me)
----- Z: Zeta speaking <--whichever Zeta is there.
-----Myself (MAYATNIK) speaking

(I am also in touch at all times during telepathic training sessions with the person's own guide so that I can work directly and effectively in the training of the person by me following their guide's instructions via a 'private line' telepathically - and the same procedure is extended to include the Zeta here, who I am also in constant touch with during the course of the person's conversation in my 'monitoring' capacity of the event).

Below you will find the two transcripts, made public for the first time.  EDI was the very first human to communicate with the Zeta in this venture, so naturally he comes before Parmenion in order.  But Parmenion made an excellent interviewer of the Zeta when his turn came.  And, needless to say, the Zeta are highly delighted with the outcome from this first beginning and it will now become incorporated in future Zeta-Pleiadian co-operation to bring information to humans by answering  questions in this "Friendly Interchange" using telepathy thanks to the Pleiadians facilitating hook-ups with the Zeta computer by arrangement.

*EDI* talks with the Zeta

EDI says:
Hello Edward.
Hello Edi.  How are you now?
EDI says:
Perena asks me to tell you from her:"Edi would really like to be shown something in order to gain more confidence".
EDI says:
And I'm still a bit afraid of expressing this myself, as in the first night
Perena has told me what she would like me to do with you, in a session.  And it will expand your knowledge at the same time.
EDI says:
I felt this night right to ask about it.
Yes...... it will be very good for you.
I am trying to clear another window, then we can start the session.... hang on.......

When will it be quiet in your house for this session Edi?
EDI says:
It is quiet now - everyone is sleeping, and normally no one comes looking for the computer. My mother goes to the toilet every 3 hours, the last time 20 minutes ago, so I should be undisturbed now.
That is good.  We are nearly ready now.
EDI says:
I am thankful for whatever will come and appreciate the time you put into this.
It is your time for these things.  The guides choose the time.
Finally.........the decks are cleared..... and we can now be undisturbed.
EDI says:
Has Perena told you anything about the Zeta?
EDI says:
Do you know anything about them yourself?
EDI says:
I know they are an alien race, and what I read in your posts on AP... Just an alien species. And I know
Well, essentially....they are the ones who fly the 'flying saucers'. Also, they are different from the Pleiadians in the way they talk.  They are very 'etiquette' conscious, and like 'correctness' and 'politeness' at all times.  Also, they tend to be very 'work minded', always 'busy' doing something....going somewhere or coming back from somewhere to go somewhere else to do another job.
Can you picture them from that description?
EDI says:
Yes, I get a feeling about them
that's good....because you need to get a 'diplomatic' feel about how they see themselves.
they are very interested now in talking to people, so that humans can get to know them better - and I was given a small list of those selected by the Pleiadians who are now jointly working with them on this particular venture..... for those humans to take part in conversation with a Zeta guide-representive, and who I am going to help introduce to them......starting with you.
EDI says:
I'm so interested in other species and cultures... I thought about this before.
EDI says:
I wanted to know how other species live their life - what they do all they, their culture, their people, and so on.
Well, this cropped up as a very practical issue last night, as you will be aware from what I have told you about the 'incident' that occurred in a multi-chat... and which has now brought about this opportunity for you to talk to the Zeta, following joint Zeta-Pleiadian agreement for this to take place under the supervision of your Pleiadian guide who is making all necessary arrangements here
You may talk about anything that you like regarding the Zeta......and also about such things as the so-called 'abductions' that the Zeta do.  Feel free in your questioning.  All that is required is to be 'diplomatic' at all times since this is standard galactic convention in telepathy, and have an obvious air of sincere politeness in addressing them.  They will respond always in a polite manner.
EDI says:
EDI says:
I'm a bit nervous, but I have courage and trust my guidance
That's all you have to will be easy.... First we are going to get good contact with your own guide (the Zeta have their guide-representative standing by) and then Perena will connect you (jsut like a telephone link-up) when she feels you are we'll talk first with Perena.
Contact Perena now please, Edi
EDI says:
I am talking with her now.
(type everything you say, and everything said to you......use Z:  for Zeta and P: to preced whatever your guide Perena says)
EDI says:
P: Concentrate on my voice Edi
EDI says:
P: This is good
EDI says:
P: I will hook you up when you are ready
EDI says:
Okay, I think we can begin
I'll just watch for now.
EDI says:
P: Here we go...
EDI says:
Z: Hello Edi
EDI says:
I am pleased to meet you.
EDI says:
Z: The pleasure is on my side, too.
EDI says:
Z: We are interested in talking to humans, and I think you will be interested in talking to us, too.
EDI says:
Please understand that this is still uncommon for me and I need a few minutes to get familiar with it. I would like to talk about what is going on with Earth at the moment and in the near future.
EDI says:
Z: I understand. What area are you interested in?
EDI says:
I learned that several species oversee the evolution at the Earth at the moment. I would be interested in the role your species, the Zeta, play here.
EDI says:
Z: We are here to bring information to the human race in our ways, which are different from those of other races.
EDI says:
What is this information about, and how do you get it "down" on earth?
EDI says:
I learned that the species involved use something we would call a "computer" to access this world and to interact with humans.
EDI says:
Z: Yes, we use what you call a "computer" to bring information to the consciousness of humans. But we also use it to gather information to see how everything progesses, and what actions to take best.
EDI says:
Z: Our link to the human mind is made by altering it's state of consciousness - you call it trance, astral projection, meditation - even drug experiences are what whe work with.
EDI says:
Z: The overall goal is to awaken the humans to their full potential, to help them get rid of their barriers.
EDI says:
Z: And to finally evolve and take the next evolutionary leap.
EDI says:
Is your computer able to control Astral Projections?
EDI says:
Z: Yes. What humans can do by themselves, we can assist with our computer.
EDI says:
Z: We can take them out of their bodies if they are willing to, or if they sleep, and give them information this way.
EDI says:
P: Edi would be very interested in seeing how this works.
EDI says:
Z: It is not difficult to do.
EDI says:
I have been practicing Astral Projection, but with no big success. Is it possible that you show me how you computer does this?
EDI says:
Z: It does require physical relaxation, which you do not have sufficiently at the moment.
EDI says:
If it'll be possible to talk to you later, I would be glad to talk about this again when I am in a more comfortable position.
EDI says:
Z: You may contact us at any time.
EDI says:
Another topic I have some questions about is: abductions.
EDI says:
Z: This is something commonly misperceived.
EDI says:
The overall image is that people get abducted, suffer from pain, get back on earth and tell horror stories of aliens.
EDI says:
Z: There are two causes for this wrong image. First, the human mind often is not ready to accept what it perceives and makes up a story in his mind. When someone doesn't believe that everything was fine, he may construct something which fits his view of the world. This is the case when people are afraid of everything which has to do with aliens, when they are following the image they are given from their governments via the media.
EDI says:
Z: Second, many of the "abduction accounts" are simply faked to provoke fear.
EDI says:
What does in fact happen when someone gets abducted, taken on an extraterrestrial ship?
EDI says:
Z: One thing is: the genetic material and the state of the evolving body is checked, in order that further planning can be done, and to see how everything develops.
EDI says:
Z: Then, information is given to individuals. They may not remember it consciously, but it will affect their behaviour, it is like an electromagnetic imprint which is influencing it's environment.
EDI says:
Z: This is information about: what is going to happen with earth and the humans; what the world governments are up to; what personal things the individual should address to further his growth and the growth of his environment.
EDI says:
Z: Note that only few of these "abductions" are done by using physical ships. In fact, we work much with people while they sleep.
EDI says:
I remember a "dream" from some days ago - I was in a distant place when I was being invited to an alien ship by 2 creatures. Are the Zetas in any way related to this "dream"?
EDI says:
Z: It was not we who took you on the ship in this dream.
EDI says:
P: It was a Pleiadian scene you were in.
EDI says:
Z: Do you have more questions?
EDI says:
There are many things I am interested in. For now: Can you tell me of the role you are playing in this earth scenario?
EDI says:
Z: I cannot tell you too much now, but you can know that I am working in the area of communication with humans. Direct communication. There are many organisational things to do in the background, and many things which are not directly related to communicating face-to-face (or mind-to-mind) with humans.
EDI says:
Z: I am a guide for some humans, giving them information and helping them to grow.
EDI says:
I thank you for this information.
EDI says:
I am curious about your people. I know that you are overseeing the evolution of the earth, but what is the whole of your people doing? Is every Zeta being watching the Earth, or do you too have cities, people who work and do their duties, build houses and live a "normal" life?
EDI says:
Z: We do originate from a distant part of this universe, where we have planets with cities on it, where "normal" life takes place, as you call it. But everyone is aware of what is happening here. A portion of our people came to Earth to assist actively in this development.
EDI says:
I would really enjoy meeting end experiencing your people and your culture.
EDI says:
Z: You will, if you want to. You can ask your guide to contact us at any time, so we can either talk or later show you what you are interested in by using our methods.
EDI says:
I thank you for this generous offer.
EDI says:
Z: We will be glad to establish a friendly flowing of information between our species.
EDI says:
Do you have any questions, or something I could answer you from my point of view?
(I got cut off - your last message was:
Do you have any questions, or something I could answer you from my point of view?

EDI says:
This talk was quite exhausting .. a bit "formal" and rigid maybe
Did I miss anything when I was cut off?  There was no answer after your question I repasted no end to the conversation apperently ???
EDI says:
The answer was
"Z: No, thank you very much. As we are looking from the "outside" to the "inside", we can see and know more than you can imagine."
EDI says:
Then i said "Then, as I don't have any questions left myself, I think it's time to finish this conversation. I thank you ver much for being able to talk to you and for the information I received."
EDI says:
"Z: It was a pleasure to talk to you. I wish you a good night."
EDI says:
(cut&paste doesn't work, but I can type fast)
That is excellent....... I just missed all that......there was no 'edi is typing' message on my screen, and nothing came through.... so that is now everything in the converstion, for the log.  good.
EDI says:
I will like to learn more about these computers and see what they do
they are fascinating....and unlike ours they don't break down
EDI says:
Yes... telepathy is nice, but I am missing some vivid colours, something happening, something to see, if you know what I mean... I'd like to see the computer doing something with me.
We'll see.
EDI says:
What do you think of this conversation?
The Zeta work a different way.......their 'operating system' is different, so they will tend to want to use their 'methods' to show people things, especially if a person has a Zeta guide......and which they have offered to do, for you also even though your guide is Pleiadian..... You can however 'see' these things by also asking Perena to 'connect' you (that is the Pleiadian system - to 'take you' there, on invitation - and it is faster than the Zeta computer, in fact virtually instant)... so all that is open to you.....'in full colour' as you put it.
Ask Perena about this.
EDI says:
P: I can hook up your consciousness to different places via our computer.
As for the was had a very good 'rapport' there, and I was getting good reports from the Zeta also on this.  They are highly pleased with the conversation.
EDI says:
The voice was low and in the beginning a bit .. metallish  But I got used to it quickly.
EDI says:
I sortof "see" the zeta voice in the lower left part of my mind, and perena is in the upper right.
EDI says:
That's how I can distinguish easily... everyone has his space in my mind.
Yes.  That splits it well.
EDI says:
I just can't think of a place I'd like to be connected to... hmm
The Zeta are quite 'formal' sounding in their now you have experienced another off-planet culture that is very old.
EDI says:
Uncommon, but nice.
they are very much the Mr Spock of the Enterprise type personality (they don't mind me saying
EDI says:
Hehe  =)
EDI says:
Everyone has to play his role.
The reports I was getting from the Zeta side during that conversation were that they are now planning for more of this type of communication using telepathy with those who are Pleiadian trained (such as yourself) and in that way build a very friendly interchange of information between humans and themselves.
EDI says:
That will be very nice
You are the FIRST in this new venture!
EDI says:
Well, I'm not too excited about it, but I really appreciate it
EDI says:
(excitement is something I am missing since the beginning )
It has been done before, obviously - I did it myself when I was training......but it has never been done in a 'formal' sense as part of a program (such as we are undertaking with the Pleiadians here)
EDI says:
I understand
Why do you think the excitement is missing.
EDI says:
Ah okay, it is not missing, it just isn't there
EDI says:
I just accept what comes
EDI says:
Without big turmoil
Do you feel you are somehow now 'intergalactic' in your perception, and that it is becoming as easy as breathing.
EDI says:
Yes, I feel that I am opening to a much bigger world around me
EDI says:
Which I will want to explorer with all senses and tools which are available to me
The telephone that you first got was exciting the first time.....but now you treat it as normal, and even necessary, in 'everyday' communication....and that you are concentrating more now on what can be done with it, rather than the 'facility' itself.
EDI says:
The Zeta and Perena wish me to ask you may I post this conversation with the Zeta on the the appropriate time.....since this will greatly help the understanding of humans regarding the Zeta
Perena knows all about this, so ask her please.
EDI says:
P: There will be more information on the board regarding the different species, and who play what role in what is to come.
EDI says:
I agree that it's posted at the appropriate time if it will help.
EDI says:
It is good.. over time, this will grow really big.
Well, I shall have moved on before too long...and others will be coming in to further it.
Now..... As you have been told by the Zeta are welcome to talk to them at any time, and even experience for yourself how they do things - but as they have said, that is more suitable for when you are really relaxed, or in bed...  For our purposes online especially, here and in any training sessions, the Pleiadian system of instant connection is more appropriate and of course is ideal for Messenger....typing what you see.......
EDI says:
P: Maybe we can show Edi how to use this instant connection, if you like to.
(Unlike the standard Zeta system of AP-ing and 'trance', you would be fully conscious and at the keyboard while that is Parenion's transcript of his similar experience that he posted some time back)
That would be a good idea Perena....... because it is really very easy, as Parmenion demonstrated.
EDI says:
And I would like it very much, probably.
probably is an understatement Parmenion would tell you.  It will be a very good experience if Perena will do this for you.
EDI says:
P: He is just laying a conversation on ice so he is free.. then we can begin
EDI says:
P: Good.. we can begin
EDI says:
P: Type what I say, and what you experience
EDI says:
P: Ask me to hook you up to the place I want you to see (it's normal to ask for it, so we do it here)
EDI says:
Perena, please hook me up to the place you want me to see.
EDI says:
I experience just a bit a cold feeling in my palms.. nothing else
EDI says:
P: You have to allow yourself to go
EDI says:
P: Just give me some time
EDI says:
P: And keep your eyes open.
EDI says:
I experience... just the room I am sitting in, my normal surroundings.
EDI says:
Typing this into the computer
EDI says:
Hearing the sound of the computer fans
Try to see the image before you......sense it.. the area that you are 'in' (not the room...... where the image is) and allow yourself to expand your consciousness to see and feel it, be there
Try to see and be with the image before you
EDI says:
Like with my physical eyes, or in my mind?
It is your 'inner' eye......your true consciousness (your physical eyes simply connect to your body)
EDI says:
I can sense something... a faint image in my inner eye
EDI says:
P: What color do you see?
EDI says:
EDI says:
I feel something moving to the left
(defucus your eyes..and let yourself 'see' the new surroundings)
that's good < --- * Perena had confirmed progress ot me 'privately' *
you can turn your physical head...... or sense your consciousness turning its head.
EDI says:
a strange feeling is there, but i don't see much
then go by the 'feeling', sense it that way
listen for any 'voces' (they will be telepathic) ..'look' to see where they are coming from, look for a figure
EDI says:
it's like someone waving a hand there... trying to get my attention
that's've got it !
EDI says:
in a long brown robe
you're there !
EDI says:
I'm not quite sure of the surroundings
EDI says:
P: Describe
EDI says:
A conveyor belt to the left?
EDI says:
P: no.. look again
EDI says:
The ground starts to get green
EDI says:
like grass
EDI says:
in the middle of the image there's something brown...
EDI says:
like a hut maybe
EDI says:
P: Yes
EDI says:
The person in the robe is giving me signs to come to him
EDI says:
P: Just use your will and go there
EDI says:
Am I there with a body?
EDI says:
P: Look down..
EDI says:
I see my body
EDI says:
P: It depends on where you are if the others can see you
EDI says:
The person says "Nice to meet you"
EDI says:
I ask "Who are you?"
EDI says:
He: "I am just someone living in this hut..."
EDI says:
"Did you know that I'll come?"
EDI says:
He: "No, it took me totally by surprise.. not many people are passing here"
EDI says:
Mayatnik, am I doing it right?
You're doing very well indeed.
Perena will guide you
EDI says:
I hear birds in the trees ... a river...
EDI says:
P: Look around you - either turn your head or use 360° awareness, whatever you like
EDI says:
There's a forest around the wood... The hut is built at the edge of a clearing
EDI says:
a forest around the _hut_ I mean.
EDI says:
P: Ask the person if he can teach you something
EDI says:
He: "If you like to, yes. Follow me into the hut"
EDI says:
he goes to the door, opens it
EDI says:
it's not so dark inside, there's a violet light.. violet and red
EDI says:
P: Enter
EDI says:
P: What is this light like?
EDI says:
it's on the walls... and crossing the room in solid beams.. or like a liquid
EDI says:
red lines on violet background
EDI says:
He: "Imagining being in a field of this colors has a certain effect on you"
EDI says:
P: Feel how it is like
EDI says:
it gives strength and determination
EDI says:
P: Exactly!
EDI says:
He: "You can summon such a field around yourself whenever you need to accomplish something... when you have to be strong and stable"
EDI says:
I'm back on the outside
EDI says:
the man said goodbye ...
EDI says:
P: Raise yourself over the scenery and look
EDI says:
I see big forests... a river to the right.. mountains in the distance.. a beautiful scenery
EDI says:
P: Okay, this is it.
EDI says:
P: We're done with this little excursion.
EDI says:
Okay ...
EDI says:
This was ... nice
EDI says:
I expected to see more vividly before my eyes... it's still faint before my inner eye, but that will develop I think.
EDI says:
P: You will grow into it
This was a first time....and it is like using muscles for the first time.....they become second-nature after they've been used......but just take a few times to get used to... next 'visit' will be easier.
EDI says:
Okay, I'll train with Perena.
EDI says:
it's probably the same as with telepathy
It is
EDI says:
thank you for this
You have an additional 'facility' now
EDI says:
P: I was training before with Edi to see images and short scenes in his mind this way, and so prepared him.
EDI says:
Good... when I'm in bed I'll ask about out-of-body exploration with the Zetas... I'm curious about everything
You did that well Edi.... now you know how to let yourself 'go' there
EDI says:
Yes.. it's a reality which is always there, but my inner eye is so undeveloped because I never paid attention to it.
EDI says:
P: Exactly... when you astral project, you have only these inner senses without the disturbances of the physical body, that's why it may seem easier.
Even the 'awareness' to see your surroundings, and to move within them became clearer how to do it as you went on..... became instinctive.
EDI says:
P: Either you AP, or you go there in your mind while in your body... in the end, it's the same.
EDI says:
Intent is everything there.. I just "do" it
EDI says:
and I "am" it
That's all there is to it.......just to 'do' it.
distance, even where in time, is no just 'go'.
EDI says:
I'm getting a hold on all this non-physical things ... now I just need training to percieve more clearly
Perena will train you.
EDI says:
And I would really like to learn techniques to shut of the physical senses to go there and see only with the inner senses
I am here to help you get started, that's all.
EDI says:
P: I and the Zetas will assist you in this
EDI says:
You're the kick-start which get's everything running
I'm the Cranking-Handle.
EDI says:
I've done all these things that you are beginning to learn about now.... so I can look from "above" and co-ordinate with the guides.....
EDI says:
It must be wonderful to see and live clearly in these realms
I'm able to check what you are seeing (go there myself) and also talk to any guides Zeta or Pleiadian and receive instructions from them what to do next, or to let them do (such as letting Perena explain rather than me in places)
EDI says:
I see... that's a good set-up indeed
That is how the tuition works so fast
EDI says:
Seems like those species got a well devised plan =)
Messenger is a good 'format' for the initial stages...because the typing actually helps speed up the confidence.
EDI says:
Yes.. every night on MSN with you is a quantum leap forward.
EDI says:
And Perena gets me to type things even if I am shy of expressing it myself
I am here for when the guides want me to do something....when a person is ready for the next 'stage'.
We shall pick the right time for me to post your telepathy with the Zeta, for the maximum interest of members.
EDI says:
P: We'll see when it fits best
The guides keep a careful check on what is happening in the threads.
EDI says:
That's no surprise
EDI says:
I wonder if they have a internet dial-up on their mothership .. lol
Ask Perena..... lol
EDI says:
She says
"no need to dial in.." ... they can access it easily with their technology
Exactly !
(no dial-up fees either)
EDI says:
EDI says:
This is where I want to lead humanity.. internet without dial-up fees!
When you were doing your hook-up with the Zeta......the Zeta all had a connection with Messenger, and were following the typing as you wrote !  You didn't know you were reaching a mass Zeta audience!
EDI says:
Oh my god! =)
They said, "Don't tell him until afterwards.....but we are all following this with great interest"
EDI says:
That is really nice
EDI says:
If you had told me I had been nervous... I played in a theater group once, I know how it feels to be on stage
The galactic Zeta 'audience' loved you......they are very interested and caring about human beings.
As you get more advanced, you too will be able to get instant 'traffic' and the equivalent of emails from different sources, while you are doing something else.
EDI says:
I already imagined something like that... as Perena can't always give me something, e.g. when I'm not listening, busy or whatever.. I can at some time ask "Perena, do I have new mail?" .. Sounds really funny.
This is it !
EDI says:
Intuition finds its ways, it seems
Karek will say to me, "Don't bother watching the News..there's nothing on much till later tonight.  We'll let you know"
EDI says:
That's nice
Also both Zeta and Pleiadians monitor all the TV and radio transmissions.
EDI says:
Interesting.. I'll have much to find, I'm eager to learn
EDI says:
This night has revealed itself to be very inspiring and productive
EDI says:
P: As I told you this evening.
Why don't you ask Perena now........about the TV... and what is 'monitored' and why.
EDI says:
P: We are mostly interested in the news - what gets presented to the broad masses by their leaders.
EDI says:
P: We also look at how the other entertaining movies etc. affect people's mind
EDI says:
P: What emotions are being provoked
EDI says:
P: We need to be informed because we want to heal the media conditioning... the rigid mind-set which is enforced by watching TV.
EDI says:
P: Ideas and emotions are transmitted by the media.
EDI says:
EDI says:
Well, I think it'll be time for me to go to bed.. I'd like to finish before my parents get up
EDI says:
P: And he desperately needs to go the toilet =)
It has been very productive tonight.
EDI says:
Yes... everything.
I shall make a drink now, before my next 'appointment schedule'.
EDI says:
I'm (as always) really thankful for what you show me
Now you can continue those things with Perena.....and you have the Zeta also.  So, many new horizons are opening up now.
EDI says:
I'll take the time to explore those
EDI says:
I'll retreat to the mountains again tomorrow... and this time, I'll be alone and undisturbed.
You get some much deserved sleep now.
EDI says:
I'll enjoy it... as I know that learning goes on while I sleep
EDI says:
I'm not really tired, but sleeping is good nevertheless
It does indeed.........and the great thing is....that you can talk to Perena (or the Zeta now, whenever Perena connects you) while you're in bed relaxed.........
EDI says:
EDI says:
That's what I'm going to do now
EDI says:
I'll enjoy having lots of aliens in my bed
lol......... Auf Wiedersehen !  Guten Nacht Edi !

*PARMENION* talks with the Zeta

Parmenion says:
Good morning!
Parmenion says:
You get any sleep?
Not yet.
Parmenion says:
Sooooo what's the Plan of Action?
How are you doing with karek?
Parmenion says:
Parmenion says:
Talking every day, many times a day
Parmenion says:
I'm no longer doubting or worrying about it, I just keep chatting
that's good.
What does Karek say at this moment, about the situation regarding the Zeta and so forth?
Parmenion says:
Is it time for me to talk?.........
K: "Definately"
Then can Karek just tell you briefly what we can do this morning?
Parmenion says:
'hook-up' to the Zeta where I will talk with one or more of them
The Zeta are standing by, and are happy to have a "friendly interchange" with you, and answer any questions. Have you got a number of questions already?
Parmenion says:
I would say no....but theres plenty of questions 'up in the air'. I hadn't given thought to what to ask to be honest
Parmenion says:
Questions wont be a problem I imagine
If you just talk, then the questions should easily flow.
Parmenion says:
Are you ready to hook-up to the Zeta now, Karek.....and how will you do this?
Parmenion says:
K: I am ready. I will make the connection
Ok. Then I'll leave it with you to initiate - and you'll obviously be there to assist Parmenion during the course of the conversation if needed. I shall observe and keep in touch with you karek and the Zeta from this end, as Parmenion talks to them, and in that way I will monitor.
Parmenion says:
K: Ok. Leave it with us. All will be fine
Parmenion says:
Z: Hello
Parmenion says:
who am I speaking with?
Parmenion says:
Z: we are a group chosen to represent the Zeta in comunicating with you
Parmenion says:
you'll have to excuse me if Im a little slow, I am typing this as we speak
Parmenion says:
Z: that is ok
Parmenion says:
Z: Is there something you wish to ask us?
Parmenion says:
There are many questions I wish to ask
Parmenion says:
Z: start from the beginning
Parmenion says:
what is your purpose here at this time?
Parmenion says:
Z: we wish to explain to you the nature of our relationship with humans
Parmenion says:
Z: we are here to help
Parmenion says:
Is your area of assistance primarily focused on the Pole Shift?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes it is
Parmenion says:
Z: We are here to assist in many ways to prepare humanity for the huge changes that are coming
Parmenion says:
Have you been here for long?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes we have
Parmenion says:
Z: Time is not the same for us
Parmenion says:
Z: this is a very special time for earth and humanity
Parmenion says:
What exactly is going to happen?
Parmenion says:
Z: there is going to be a huge shift is conciousness on this planet. The Pole shift is a part of the process that will take earth to the next level
Parmenion says:
Of conciousness?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes
Parmenion says:
Z: We are here to prepare you for that
Parmenion says:
Will many people die at the time of the pole shift?
Parmenion says:
Z: Yes many people will die
Parmenion says:
Why is this neccessary?
Parmenion says:
Z: It is necessary so that the earth can begin the trancendance from the 3rd Dimension
Parmenion says:
What will happen to governments?
Parmenion says:
Z: they will no longer exist
Parmenion says:
people will rally together?
Parmenion says:
Z: in a way yes. Small groups of people will remain with one or two people to lead these groups. The groups will come together to form little communities.It will be a much more peacefully time
Parmenion says:
Parmenion says:
Z: yes, there will not be feuds or wars as they exist today
Parmenion says:
How do you go about preparing people for this Pole Shift?
Parmenion says:
Z: We let certain people know what to do in the


EDI's post - 24 AUG @ 16:47

A few words about my experience with the Zeta and telepathy in general.

When I normally talk to my guide Perena, I just hear the words in my mind. If I also pay attention to the 'visual' feeling on my inner screen, the voice seems to come from the upper right in front of me. I call the 'inner screen' the area in your mind where you percieve your own imaginations, where your daydreams take place etc., the space where you percieve with inner vision.

When I talk to several being telepathically, they occupy different places on this screen - my guide is to the upper right, and other being I talked to appeared to be at the left side - so it's easy to feel where the words come from.

I do not only get a faint visual image (faint because my inner perception is still developing), but also a whole set of feelings about whoever I talk to. The feeling I have with my guide is totally different of the feelings I had with the Zetas. At first the voice of their representative sounded metallic to me, but later it got quite normal. I perceived them to be a group of maybe 4-6 people, I had the 'image' of them in my mind, and I felt the presence of those who were not actively communicating with me. They had a diplomatic and sincere appearance, so the conversation had a formal and official feeling - I was missing the joking and teasing I use to get from Perena.

As I'll continue 'interviewing' the Zetas, I'd appreciate getting additional input from this forum - that's what it's all about: exchange of information. So whatever questions you may have, I will gladly include them in my sessions. This will not only help me to improve my skills as a 'interviewer' - I admire how Parmenion does this - everyone here will also benefit from this friendly interchange.

With love,


Can someone summerize the long posts for me, extract the juice out of it, the SUBSTANCE, in a list of points, say 1, 2, 3, etc. in plain english, so that the 5-years-old that I am can understand ?

For example :

1. One sentence here.

2. Another sentence here.

3. Yet another sentence here.

Wrap-up concluding statement here

The header to this thread, which is still under construction, clear stated DON NOT POST - now that is a summary, in those few words, of what is happening here, and should be clear to any 5-year old.

This thread is being constructed specifically to enable members to follow what is happening in this topic, so existing material (that is specific to the issue of ZETA CONVERSATIONS and questions) from where it was originally in the TRUTH topic is being transferred here. This will also avoid having to wade through off-topic posts - and your post here does not include questions for the Zeta nor in-context observations on the Zeta Convversations, so is off-topic.

If you are having problems understanding posts in general, then it would be more appropriate to place your post in the CHAT section, or even in the Writers Corner.  If that is not the case, then I can only assume you are making some childish (or, at least, Chill-dish) disruption to what is a serious topic, and which by so doing makes it harder for members to take seriously or follow if such type of posts are placed in between matrial that is there to help people understand better from the information provided - and by your action here that seems to be the only sensible conclusion I can come to, since the intial post of this thread said specifically DO NOT POST.

As a matter of fact, in order to make the psot you refer to above (I assume it is that one, since you have posted here) took me 32 full hours to compile and format in the colours in order to make it as clear to follow as possible.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,


wrote 24 AUG @ 22:16)

Edi.. here are some questions:

1.What is in Baciului Forest in Cluj, Romania ?
(in roumanian: Padurea Baciului, judetul Cluj, Romania)
2.Why are in Baciului Forest so many UFOs and Alien sightings ?
(there are over 1000000 pictures of UFOs from Baciului Forest)
3.Do you control all astral projections ?
(what i mean is... for a person to be able to project does he/she needs some kind of acces from the Zeta?)

This will be enough for a start i guess,

wrote 25 AUG @ 00:53

Hi Edi
I appreciate the diplomacy and work that has transpired through the telepathic skills that you guys have given yourselves so freely to at this most important time in the historical transitional event. I aplord your courage.

"As I'll continue 'interviewing' the Zetas, I'd appreciate getting additional input from this forum - that's what it's all about: exchange of information. So whatever questions you may have, I will gladly include them in my sessions. This will not only help me to improve my skills as a 'interviewer' - I admire how Parmenion does this - everyone here will also benefit from this friendly interchange."

I have come across some information that I (and others) would like very much to have a bigger perspective on. To save time explaining, I posted ( a web site address which has an article on UFO activity in the Solomon Islands which is attracting a lot of attention due to the fact the Australian Govt. sending 2000 troops to this one particular Island which has the most reported UFO activity.

On the thread Tayesin (Mark) makes mention in his reply that he calls these (UFO) entities the "Dark Ones". That been the case for the want of identifying them, then my request of you Edi since you have offered to ask our Zeta and Pladian friends (I am
still at the crawling stage with my pendulum, so am being left in the dust with the speed that you guys are moving, ) is :
Are the Zeta and Pladian aware of what is going on in the Solomon Islands and surrounding Islands? (I feel sure they are).

If they are, then what can we expect from these entities "Dark Ones"? Is their intent (being aggressive) going to be restrained. Is there anything they recommend we can do the neutralize what the Dark Ones are intending? Can we make the public more awar
of this situation and deception?

Any thing you might be prompted to ask regarding this would be very welcome Edi.
Thanks again to you and the guides you are working with.


Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, exactly 24 hours before this post here, TruthSeeker had his very first contact with the Zeta, and an excellent conversation with them, during which the accent in the session was about the background to what the Zeta are all about and what is happening at this time and as we go forward from this point now.  The Zeta, Naren (Truthseeker's guide) and myself, all provide information in this session which you will find below, for the reader to now become more aware and begin to accumulate a storehouse of True Knowledge that will take the Earth forward to the giant leap in Mankind's evolution that is coming soon.

Truthseeker is shown in RED (often putting "Me:")
Naren is shown in ORANGE – ( also as N: )
ZETA are shown in GREEN
(I, MAYATNIK am shown in BLUE

TruthSeeker talks with the Zeta

Would you like to have a session for you to talk to the Zeta?
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I would really like to talk to them.
I feel like I've been standing still the last few days, walking in circles.

Do you feel ok now?
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I'm exellent.  All is very quiet here now.  Everyone's gone to bed, so ideal time.
TruthSeeker says:
You see I really want to learn more.. I feel like a door has been opened, but I'm only able to take a small peek inside.
The reason why you feel you've been "standing still" is because I've not been able to arrange this session until now – this is due to the fact that the events of the 17th affected you adversely by the suddenness and therefore shock as you witnessed the Zeta guide taking the visitor (whom I'd invited to our telepathy multichat) into an Astral Projection... and you simply had not been expecting that, hence they 'symptoms' that are often the side-effect of AP-ing episodes; particularly, in your case, the temporary loss of full teleapathic ability.
So, my guide Karek - as supervisor - and your guide, Naren, both wanted you to have some time to settle down again before we did a link-up with the Zeta for you, for which Karek is the facilitator.  They have decided that the time has now come, and that you are ready.
Have you talked to Naren about it?
TruthSeeker says:
No, I find it hard to get sentences..  (this is since the 17th)
Well that is what you need – to be able to receive sentences.  And that is why, also, that I am here in in these link-up sessions to ensure that you are accurately receiving, because I check througout with your Pleiadian guide and I am also in contact at times during the session privately with the Zeta.
The overall purpose of my 'monitoring' in this then, is to enable a presentation here on MSN Messenger that will make what is happening clear to reader  of the transcript, and to ensure its validy – since anyone could say they were in contact with the Zeta.
Let's do a session then............and you type everything that you hear, putting N:  before it.........and all that you say (to me and to Naren) plus your comments as well.
TruthSeeker says:
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Are you here Naren?
N: Yes
TruthSeeker says:
Me: I want you to tell me something, a sentence, any sentence. Could you do this now?
N: .....
So....... what do you hear?
TruthSeeker says:
N: You need to separate your own thoughts from my messages
TruthSeeker says:
A sentence like that shoots in when I'm not expecting an asnwer.
Exactly !!!
Stop trying.   There's no need to strain your ears all day long listening for any sound........and no need to strain your eyes peering into every corner........ you simply hear and don't even have to think about it........
telepathy is just another 'sense' like hearing and seeing.

TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes I am at all times in contact with him (Mayatnik).
I do not recall me question, but it was an appropriate answer

TruthSeeker says:
N: You will do just fine now.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Just let go.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes there are infact "spaceships" around Pluto
Me: I just read about it and asked.
It is a good way to talk to Naren at any time you are reading information books...beause he can add so much more, and correct things that are wrong in the books.
So now.... can we do a Pleiadian 'Instant AP' to warm up before Naren makes the Zeta link-up.....
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Could you show me a picture?

A church, read brick-walls. Tall bell-tower. Sunny day. Green grass lawns, with big green trees scattered along the lawns.

TruthSeeker says:
It's somewhere in the U.S
You can go into any 'scene', and walk around.
TruthSeeker says:
Michigan or "Cincinnati" (Closest thing I can get to something that sounds like place)
It's a new style 'community' that is built around the church...... the church runs many things for the people..and it is like a min-town.
TruthSeeker says:
Are you talking about this particualr church?
Yes.... < ----- (I had mentioned it to give him confidence, which he needed)
TruthSeeker says:
Then you can see it as well...
Yes..... Naren sent it to me, for me to know where you are - but it is your exercise! ..... I am merely confirming here.
So, walk around......step into the picture......and just 'go'......Naren will be with you.........explore, and talk.......describe what you see and what happens by typing can be in both places at once.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: take me back there please, Naren.. To the church.

There is a dark basement. Lots of dust and spider-webs. On the outside the sun is shining. I want to talk to one of the kids runnining the street. It is a small boy with a red cap. His name is Bob and he tells me this is his home. Everything, the whole wown is centered around this church.

TruthSeeker says:
The priest is inside the church.. He has his own room in the hall at the back of the church. He is reading something. A parchment of some kind. He is taking notes on a paper.
TruthSeeker says:
The church has a lot of doves living at the roof. There are even doves inside the church, flying back and forth every now and then. A man is walking up hte street. He has a bowler-hat...It is the major of the city. He looks at me and walks away.
TruthSeeker says:
The city has a lot of nature around it.. Running streams of water. The forest has a "wet" feel. It is early in the morning. The major was on his way to work.
TruthSeeker says:
Most people are not up yet, but in half an hour the city will be awake. The children do not attend a normal school. They are taught at church. A woman is their teacher, her name is Sandra.
TruthSeeker says:
I left.....
TruthSeeker says:
N: You did good there.
Notice that you could 'feel' the wetness, 'know' about the man...... all those things, more than just seeing.
TruthSeeker says:
It was not an actual event.
TruthSeeker says:
N: It was a "scenery".
I call it a 'cameo' (an English expression).....Many of these such are 'presented' for a person in training – they are in fact also presented to ordinary AP-ers, for them to get 'experiences' and interact with 'situations', though AP-ers are not aware what the purpose is....for their level of awareness to be assessed usually, by those who 'create' the scene for the AP-er..   You, on the other hand, have a guide who accompanies you, and will sometimes explain these things
It'a moving picture of 'events'.....  on a 'stage-set' specially contstructed by the guides for 'exploration practice'.
TruthSeeker says:
N: At a deeper relaxation you will be able to move more "into" the picture. This can also be done in the relaxation-level you are at now, but it takes practice.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Typing long sentences or even keywords will help, as well as you can look back at it later.
TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes we can talk to the Zeta when you are ready, but you have some more questions to ask first.
TruthSeeker says:
Will talking to the Zeta be just like talking to Naren (exept the more polite/diplomatic tone)?
TruthSeeker says:
N: There will be a different "feel" to it, but as long as you "let go" you will be able to percieve then just fine.
TruthSeeker says:
Are you here Mayatnik?
TruthSeeker says:
N: Yes he's here
I'm here.
TruthSeeker says:
I'm just watching – that's what Naren has asked me to do at this time, with the minimum of my interaction here, for a can ask Naren some questions about how it will be with the Zeta, and what Naren does about it.
TruthSeeker says:
N: I will connect you to Zeta through our "main-frame". You will be able to get a "feel" of the "persons" involved, as well as you will be able to talk to them.
N: Yes all of them can talk to you, but some of them are just observers.

TruthSeeker says:
Me: Tell me something about them(the Zeta)
The Zeta are located at a mothership. As Mayatnik has told you the ship has been provided by the Arcturians. They wil have a room of their own, but there will be others outside that room watching(No point in hiding it since you have allready read about it - gentle smile).

TruthSeeker says:
N: You forgot to include the "N:", that is very important for further reference. < ---- (This is a common practice for the guides to sometimes tell the person if a point needs to be stressed about something like this, and other things in their teaching and 'training' by the guide.
Those who say that it may be the person's imagination and not an external communication have not had a guide telling them off  (albeit they are always gentle in their remonstration) about something!  It is unmistakably not the person's own mind.

TruthSeeker says:
N: If you are ready we will contact the Zeta now.
TruthSeeker says:
Z: Greetings
Me: Hello Zeta Reticulans, I am pleased to be talking to you.
Z: The pleasire is on our side as well.
Z: You can ask us every question you would like.
Me: Tell me something of your home planet.
Z: We are scattered amongst many planets in this universe. We have no Planet that we can refer to as home more than anything else. We live in Planets with oxygen and we enjoy nature. We have large cities where we live our lives. The duities we perform are very varied. We are scientists and builders as an example. And as you must understand, some of us have been sent out here to assist you.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Many people are afraid of you, based on wrong beliefs given by many sources. Is the reason for you being in contact with me now to share the knowledge of waht you really are?
Z: This is one of the reasons, yes. We have a job to do very soon on earth, and we need to convince people that we only wish to help.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Abductions happen apparently, why is this?
Z: We "abduct" humans by escorting their astral body to our ships. There we perform "checkups" and we subconsciously provide the subject with information. This information can be realeased at our will, and with the subjects will, combined.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: There are six of you there in that white room, there are only one of you doing the talking with me. Why is this?
Z: As your guide, Naren, has allready told you: They are here to observe and be present.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Tell me something about how your community works, is there a president or a King?
Z: At the top we have the Council. Several of the oldest and wisest of us sits there. This is where decicions are made. We do not however have an indirect democracy. Ever citizen of our community has his say, and desicions are based upon that.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: Why is it that all extra terrestirals I have heard of are "humanoid"?
Z: We are all the same. We are beings of Light and has developed from the same Source. We were once like you, but we have grown. How we look now is due to the choises we have made during history. We are masters of genetics, and have shaped our physical bodies as we see fit. Our body has no need for food, as it is energy-relyant and can "digest" pure energy.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: What will be your task here when the Pole Shift arrives?
Z: When the Pole Shift begins we will be on earth assisting those who accept it. After the Shift we wil walk amongst you and give you guidance and support. We will help you in starting communities once again, and we will ensure that the most beneficial actions are taken for you further well being.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: What will happen to the governments we have?
Z: They will fall, and it's members that did you no good, will die. New Government eqivilants will not be formed. You will be based on a Counsil that takes your decision, and you will have a "widened demoracy". You will be assisted in this both by us, and others.
TruthSeeker says:
Me: I can not find any more questions to ask you right now.
Z: That is fine. We are here to answer your questions at all times, and Naren will fix this for you.
Me: Thank you very much for your time.
Z: The pleasure is all ours
Z Be well
TruthSeeker says:
N: You did very well there. Do not worry about not having any more questions, there will be more time to ask them.
TruthSeeker says:
N: I am very pleased.. (big smile)
It was very informative for people
TruthSeeker says:
(Naren is dancing..)
TruthSeeker says:
N: What you did here aided the greater picture of things to come. People will be more prepared for what is coming.
These are some of the things that I learned when I was talking to the Zeta many years ago now, so you can see this Agenda for Earth is long-established.  People will now be able to learn what I was told.  At the time, I was told not to reveal those things, and that has been the case until now, until it became time - but there are now going to be a growing number who will learn telepathy and be able to ask on behalf of others, and write down what they and the zeta were discussing.  So, in this way it will benefit all.
TruthSeeker says:
*The Zeta is leaving the half-moon-shped table*
TruthSeeker says:
They wore blueish-white robes. Their appearance was very wise and trusting.
TruthSeeker says:
Their big eyes was very deep and there were a very strong kindness there.
It felt good to be there
TruthSeeker says:
Most certainly.
You can arrange with Naren on other occasions to talk to them and they will welcome your questions.
Because you will want to let people know this information, then this 'format' on MSN Messenger is ideal for this....... sometimes you can just make notes if you are away from the computer, and then write up your account later – even better, if you are not at the computer, to use a tape recorder at the time.......and people will benefit greatly from that..........You are an Emissary and representative of Humankind now.
TruthSeeker says:
How should I use this information?
The information is for all to hear about - and for now, can be published on the Astral Pulse on the thread.....I am here at this time to assist and write these first few posts.......
Naren will explain a little more about this, and what the plan is to expand from here.

TruthSeeker says:
Can you type what Naren says about this now.
TruthSeeker says:
N: The plan is: Edward will finish what he is doing at the Astral Pulse. Then he will be given other tasks that does not include online guidance. He will be working with persons, and he will be the Base of where you will be "operating" from. He will still be around to help you. You will aswell be given certain tasks when it is time, but for now you should familiarize yourself with all of this.
The reason why I am 'monitoring' these sessions has in part to do with the presentation........a standard presentation that you and others will adopt as you get familiar with it... my task is also to ensure that the person gets used to the conversations and the way of working as easily as possible (this makes it easier for you at first) and also shows readers a much better overall picture.......
These transcripts will also be used for the 'teachers' whom I shall train, for them to follow the same patterns......this will achieve the maximum benefit for all.
TruthSeeker says:
I see.
TruthSeeker says:
Well I guess we have done what we were supposed to then.
Yes. It went very well indeed, and Naren has just agreed there.
That was excelllent work
TruthSeeker says:
You will become familiar with doing this as you progress..........but for now Naren wants me to 'monitor' sessions to assist you also.
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I understand, and appreciate it.
You already have good confidence........but you will learn even more, easily and quickly, as you proceed now.
The Zeta are now, for you, literally only a 'phone call' away when arranged by Naren....... it is the reverse of "ET phone home"......because Humans are now able to phone ET.
TruthSeeker says:
TruthSeeker says:
Very exellent.
It is made especially simple all round, by using this Messenger format........and the Zeta tap on to MSN Messenger and spool it to their that other Zeta can also read it afterwards.  This is very helpful for the planning and things associated with this joint-venture between the Zeta and the Pleiadians, because the Zeta have a log of the Messenger conversation with them.
very helpful  to all, in this stage now to build a real friendship with those who will be assisting Earth in preparation for the coming Pole Shift, and afterwards.
TruthSeeker says:
Yes I see the importance of this.
We have done enough for have you any further questions before we close this session.....? myself or to Naren at this time.
TruthSeeker says:
No questions that I can think of.
I should probably go to bed and get some sleep before classes begin in four hours..
Good night Mayatnik, and thank you for everyting.

You need your sleep........and know that Naren is there all the time, to talk to you.  I will see you in the meantime Goodnight and sleep well !
TruthSeeker says:
Love and Light
     Be well

Love and Light
The Seeker has found the Truth !
              Be Well


Congratulations to TruthSeeker on his first conversation with the ZETA.  So, yet another person becomes an Emissary to the Stars, and a Representative of Mankind in the shape of things to come.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,


wrote 26 AUG @ 16:09

I'm curious about something. I'll premise this with the statement that I'm not one of the UFO wathcer types. I do believe in intelligent life on other planets and that alien races have visited the earth. But I don't subscribe to a lot of the hype and sensationalism that is written. ANd I've never personally had contact with another being (that I'm aware of). Has anyone met any of these beings in the astral?

I had a really weird experience the other month involving a race of aliens, but I they aren't the typical 'greys' that everyone talks about.

I went lucid about a month ago or so and asked for a guide. Someone appeared with an object he called 'mother' that I understood to be some kind of computer device (never had that happen before). I told him I wanted a guide who could answer some questions about karma, past lives and the pendulum (trying to verify some information I'm receiving from the pendulum). He told me that I couldn't ask about past lives. I then asked if I could get answers about karma and the pendulum. He said yes and 'summoned' a guide. I've only called on a guide once before and his appearance was very different to this process and what I'm going to describe below. So I don't have a lot of experience with which to compare this.

Next I'm in a white room surrounded by a bunch of people, all of whom were sitting at stations, like desks. Except for myself and the guide, we were standing. For some reason, I felt the urge to ask if they were aliens (even though they all looked human to me). This thought stemmed from the pendulum posts and the numerous references to 'alien guides'. The guide reaches towards me and touches my forehead (3rd eye area). When his hand pulled away, I looked around and all of the people now looked like aliens, of the same race.

They were humanoid form, but their eyes were different. Instead of eyes, I got the impression of bright colored lights across their forehead. Sort of like a horizontal line. Not sure that makes sense. I walked through the room looking at each one and shaking hands with them (they all had their hands extended as such to me). But what I ended up focusing on was their hands. They didn't have 4 fingers and a thumb. Their skin was grey and they had, what I will describe as, two large fingers. The fingers were slighlty rounded on the back, and the front or underside was flat (meaning not rounded or curved) but slighlty wrinkled. As I shook hands with them, I would shake the bottom finger and then shake or rub the back of my hand against their top finger. I did this with many of the ones in that room.

The rest of this trip is equally strange and bizarre, but I'm curious if these fit the description of any of these 28 alien races that are mentioned in Parmenion's chat session? Or did the beings in the astral change simply because I questioned whether or not they were aliens? I do know that thoughts affect the astral, so I'm not sure which to believe. However, if Parmenion or Mayatnik could confirm whether or not this experience happened with one of the races, that would be a big help to me. Thanks!


wrote 26 AUG @ 20:26

Hello MAYATNIK! If all that stuff about aliens is truth, and if you can speak with them, so i have message that you could deliver to them. If they are really interested in preparing people for the "i don´t know what", you could tell them to show themselves (in ufos) to people in my city, that is very conservative. They could say a day and an hour, and them they would prove to me and to other people in my city that they are indeed real.

I´m not kidding. If they accept my idea, just tell me, because i must them tell you my real city (the one that you see in my description its not true).


wrote 27 AUG @ 00:16

have some questions for the Zeta:Why do they believe that their methods of communication and such are better than telepathy? Why do they choose to work in that way with us humans incarnates?

This question is to both races(pleiadian and Zeta) and the other races which wish to answer this: WHy if there is so much talk and feel of unity in the higher planes do they have all this different alien species? Why not a whole united species? I don't mean to offen any of these alien races with these questions I am asking. Do the negative beings also have ships?

Does anyone know what is happening on august the 27. I've been hearing a few talks about this partIcular day on the forum and it is also my birthday?


Hello everyone,

this information exchange we see beginning here is flourishing quickly... as more and more of us get proficient in telepathic communication, facilitated by the pendulum in the beginning, we will see much information coming through this 'door' which has now been opened. It is of great importance to note that everyone involved in these contacts has been trained specially for it to ensure greatest precision. In this regard, I have been appointed as the first Trainee Teacher in this program - under direct supervision by Mayatnik. I have the responsibility to ensure that accuracy is maintained at all times in the transcripts presented here ... so that the Truth Shall Be Known. This means it will also be my duty to train interested 'newcomers' to get a good rapport with their pendulums (and guides when they are assigned to them) and help with whatever problems may arise, until finally the 'link' is so stable and accurate that they can participate in this ongoing project.

I now present you the log of my latest conversation with the Zetas, in the known color scheme:

I, Edi am shown in RED (with 'E:' in the beginning)
Perena, my guide, is shown in ORANGE ('P:')
ZETA are shown in GREEN ('Z:')

E: Perena, I would now like to talk with the Zetas about some things.
P: Okay... this will shed some more light on the situation everyone is in. Are you ready for the connection?
E: Yes, I am.
P: Good... then I'm connecting you now...
Z: Hello Edi.
E: I greet you. May I ask you some questions at this time?
Z: Sure. What do you want to know?
E: What is there in Baciului Forest in Cluj, Romania?
Z: The UFO-Activites there are directly related to us. Entrances to an underground base are located somewhere in this area.
E: Why there?
Z: The place is suitable because the geography and the historical development of the country made it easier to remain undisturbed than in more western countries.
E: Can I know what is happening there?
Z: It is one center of our east-european activities, from where we can contact individuals and governments/military.
E: How many people in the governments know of your activities?
Z: As few as possible, and as much as necessary. They military normally knows more, because it has the technical abilities to monitor our activities (to a certain extent). In the governments itself there are seldom more than 2 or 3 who are in contact with us (in each country). It will take some time for humanity to be open and ready for contact, at the moment it would cause a rather disturbing 'shock'.
E: Thank you for this information. The next question I was asked to give you is: do you control all astral projections?
Z: Of couse not. Everyone can astral project.. it is in fact only a shifting of the focus of your consciousness to a higher plane. If we want to contact someone via this method, we can get him into the right state by manipulating his electromagnetic field.
P: People themselves make it difficult by using so many methods and theories. It's good if you want to know exactly how it works at one point, but this can also build up mental structures which often hinder more than they help.
E: Thank you for this. The last question from others I have for you is about the Solomon Islands, near Australia. There's a lot of UFO activity going on down there.. are you in any way connected to it?
Z: No, we're not.
P: It's the Reptilians who are stationed there.
Z: We are of course not the only ones in possession of UFOs.
E: Do you know what is going on down there?
Z: Of course.
P: Edi and myself will discuss the rest of the related questions later.

( we talked about this later... see the end of the post for more )

E: Now I would like to get some details about your history.
Z: That's fine. Where do you want to begin?
E: Is there something in your history which can explain to us how you are today, and why you are this way?
Z: Indeed. We haven't been like today all the time. Our people once lived on a planed which was similar to earth. We had much vegetation and lived on the surface of a beautiful planet.
E: How did you look at that time?
Z: Our appearance was humanoid - in fact we and humans share common ancestors, and at that time we didn't differ as much as today.
E: Do also other species stem from these ancestors?
Z: We are talking about the Lyrans... they were one of the most early civilisations in this part of the Galaxy, and colonized many worlds over time. This is why they influenced many species.
P: For humans this was by far not the only influcence.. many others contributed here.
Z: When our world was colonized, we were a melting pot for many different lines of development of the Lyrans, so for a long time we had many conflicts. There were all sorts of polarities imaginable among us, even more than on earth. Always we had suspense and opposition among us, which often lead to those conflicts.
E: Did many wars take place on your planet?
Z: Yes.. but they were mostly only local and finished quickly.
E: Which significance do these conflicts have for your history?
Z: At that time we were much concerned about individuality, the own opinion was the most important thing... much fought for. We were literally carried away by our emotions. Too much. It became more and more difficult to find a common way to go. This ended in an atomic war.
E: This war came suddenly?
Z: No, it loomed about us long before... more than hundred of your years we had more and more tension, which finally let the situation escalate.
E: What was the result of it?
Z: Our ecosystem collapsed - not only most of the surface was radiated, also the vegetation couldn't keep up our atmosphere anymore, so very quickly (several months) life on the surface became almost impossible.
E: Didn't you have enough technology to save and clean the planet in order to colonize it anew?
Z: It would have taken much time - and there already were underground bases which were totally isolated from the surface and could save our existence for the next time. These bases were already populated when the war begun, and we thought "why don't we stay down here? This will be a totally new challenge". So we abandoned the surface and stayed in the underground, everything withdrawed to the inside of the planet, between several hundred meters to a few kilometers below the surface.
P: I think this part of your history is enough for the moment, it will be continued at another time.
Z: Yes.. Edi, your guide will want to talk to you about some parts of this and eventually make some annotations.
P: This is correct.
E: Do you agree that I post this transcript on Astralpulse?
Z: Yes. This was the purpose of this conversation from the very beginning on.
E: Good. Then I thank you, and will see you at the next session.
P: Thanks from my side to everyone, too.
Z: We're looking forward to the next session.. there's much left to say, we all are just at the beginning.
P: I'm going to terminate the connection now.

Some notes about the Solomon islands and the Reptilians in general: I do not know much about them yet and what will happen or not... the book 'Bringers of the Dawn' does give some information about the role they play. On a general note, I can say that no major disruption of the 'plan' for earth will be tolerated by the Galatic Federation (a organizational structure with members from different planets all over the galaxy) which is watching over this development. Whatever will happen is intended that way, maybe like 'karma' on a larger scale - polarities merging, conflicts surfacing and worked out... not individually, but as a whole species. After all, we all are One - we and everyone out there.
To answer your specific questions, Harvey: The link given in the thread about the Solomon isles gives much accurate information and reports about what is going on down there - and many people all over the world are investigating such matters and trying to get them public, the problem is not that too less work would be done on this... it is just not yet time for the general public to accept all this stuff, it will take time to slowly surface. This may also answer the question of Kazbadan to some extent... if Zetas or other species wanted to show themselves to us now, they would simply do it. But it would not be right and not allowed to force this upon us. See, the information is there. There are literally thousands or millions of UFO reports, pictures, witness stories and so on... where does this all come from? The point is that nobody wants to believe it. People will have to embrace this reality by themselves... with gentle nudges into the right directions from time to time. This can take many years... but not forever.
We are taking steps here to put all those little puzzle pieces together, one by one.

Enough for now.. more is to come.

With love,
it's love you're looking for


wrote 30 AUG @ 04:36

Ok, I must admit that I fail to follow the whole thread. So I just write down what I think.

If there is good, there will be bad. If there is Angel, there will be devil. Alien should both have good and bad. The problem is who is who.

Within cyberspace, everything is base on information. People will simplify to "source of information". No matter you are human or alien, there is no different. What important is the information you give out. Every source of information need to earn their credibility by the accuracy of what they have given out before. When information cannot be test immediately, credibility is considered to decide whether to trust the information or not.

The information that Zeta give out by now all cannot be proves or disprove. Pole shift~ only time can tell. Abduction~ 1/1,000,000 to have the chance to have a try.
Since information that Zeta give out cannot be prove by now, and their credibility hasn't build up yet. Trusting the information totally is not a good idea.

Instead of all those big secrets. I would to see more useful information. Information that normal human can work on. Like energy body development, nature of Astral Plane, earth history, etc.



wrote 27 AUG @ 07:37

Nice post Edi.. and we my gratitude to the Zeta also..
Thanks for putting my questions into your session :)

Here are the next 3 questions:
1. Are dreams controlled by an alien specie ? (maybe them)
2. Is it possible to AP at request ? (eg: i ask you to ask the Zeta to AP me)
3. What is the link between the history of the Roumanian (or Transilvania) and the Baciului Forest ? (you said something in your last post about this)

This is all for now and thanks again :),


wrote 29 AUG @ 20:31

Greetings Kazbadan

Originally posted by Kazbadan

such "beautiful" (i´m being sarcastic: aliens don´t "feel good" to me) beings changes it´s life in the worst way. Read the posts starting in page 22 and you will find the refered post.

There are many ufo cases, direct contact with aliens or there ships, etc, that end in very bad ways.

You will see that aliens are not friendly...anyone: pleidians, arcturians, zetas, greys, etc,etc, they all are the same: astral garbage.

I can understand your concerns,but, with respect, this is not H. G. Wells book and film "War of the Worlds".

Earth humans always see extra terrestrials as evil because Earth humans always judge beings and situations they do not understand as evil. In other words humans see these beings from other planets as a reflection of themselves. This is no different to religious people believing in "satan". People always anticipate the worst, it is a human trait.

Lets look at things from a Universal perspective. The fundamental meaning of life is for every human to ascend back to our creator, The All, the First Cause, the Prime Creator, God if you like through a process of enoblement over aeaons or time. When mankind evolves beyond the cycle of reincarnation, he has transcended his or her ego, achieved equilibrium of the elements and attained a certain state of pefection. The process of ascent then continues in the higher spheres, the Mental planes. Now, the Zeta Reticulans, Pleiadians and others must be far, far in advance of Earth humans on the path. They seem to have experienced their wars just as we have, but they are all behind them now. Another thing, why would a race who already live on multiple planets travel all the way here to do anything negative to this one? And finally, the most powerful force in the Universe is Unconditional love between all of the children of The All. The Divine essence of a Zeta Reticulan or Pleiadian is no different to an Earth human, we are all immortal Spirits and equal aspects of our creator. Therefore to treat the Zeta's or Pleiadians as different, or evil, or untrustworthy is no different to "white people" treating "black people" differently. The reason "whites" treat "blacks" differently or badly is for no other reason they are different which triggers a primitive human trait of mistrust or even hate. What I am saying is, try to look at the Zeta Reticulans, Pleidians, Arcturians and others through the eyes of Spirit and your Higher-Self, and not through the eyes of an incarnated human being. You might say, "what if the Zeta, Pleiadians and others are not as advanced and are therefore still have primitive ego driven traits like humans"? The answer is simple, they would not have the ability to travel across the physical Universe in huge space vehicles from places many, many light years away in earth terms. Please consider all of these facts.

With best regards,



Dear Kazbadan,

as you raised some legitimate questions, I'd like to shed some light on them... I will start this post by having a conversation with the Zetas about it, because this is about them. As always I use the known colour scheme:

Myself (E:) in blue,
my guide Perena (P:) in orange,
and the Zetas (Z:) in green.

E: Perena, do you agree with me that I should let the Zetas themselves speak about the points raised here? I will comment on it later to give my point of view, too.
P: I agree in that, as this is the purpose of this thread now. The Zetas are willing to explain anything brought forward. Your own thoughts about it will further clarify things.
E: Good. Can you then link me up to them?
P: Here we go.
Z: Hi Edi. We were watching the thread and will gladly comment about it from our point of view.
E: Thank you. I'd first like to cover why you don't show publicly.
Z: Let's look at what would happen. Imagine we would take one of our crafts, land in a big city, get out and give out flowers to everyone. This would bring some serious problems with it. First: The government would immediately do everything to suppress it, as they always do.
E: Why would it be a concern to the government?
Z: The governments (i.e. the people behind it) are anxious to control everything. Because they have no power over us, they would try with all means to regain their absolute control, regardless of possible losses... many people 'disappear' because they know too much. The one who directs and controls information is in power.
E: That's intelligible. This would mean the appearance would be put down, witnesses be silenced and the whole story ridiculed?
Z: Most probably.
E: Okay... what else?
Z: Go around and tell people you just have seen an UFO. What do you think their response would be? Most of them would declare you crazy. The second and major point here is: People DO NOT WANT TO believe in this.. and if their are confronted with it, they react with fear and would try to explain it away somehow. Whether you have pictures/videos doesnt matter, because people feel GREATLY uncomfortable about the idea of UFOs and aliens in their mind. Their whole view of the world would be shattered in pieces, causing much confusion and disturbance - and we are not allowed to do that. This would be forcing something on humans mind, which is against the rules.
P: We are talking about the 'common man' here.
E: So under what circumstances would you appear publicly?
Z: If nobody was interested in it, we would have no problem with coming down. There will be a time when we will be seen freely, but it is not upon us to decide when. The third point is that such a forcing appearance without doubt would cause chaos not only on an individual scale, but also on a greater scale... everything believed to be true by society, religion, science etc. would be wiped away at once. Do you see now what could be the result of this?
E: I do... I let it to the reader to ponder upon this.
Z: Good. Do you have any more questions? I think you have...
E: Do you expect people to just accept what you say here as true and that's it?
Z: Absolutely not. First and foremost, we want everyone to use and develop his common sense. This means neither swallowing it by 'blind faith' and acting by it like a sheep, nor rejecting it inconsiderate because of 'blind fear'. What we offer is information, in dialoge format. We do not promise to tell you exactly what will happen, though... only as far as you should know.
E: But you do tell the truth? What about May 15th on Zetatalk?
Z: We invite everyone to find out by himself why this specific date was given. We give a little hint: everything is on the Zetatalk site. Combined with common sense (again) you will gain a bigger picture.
E: Do you just give us anything which could be true or false and say 'use common sense'?
Z: No. We do give accurate answers... but many people miss understanding on how to deal with them. We will want to talk about it later, but for now we let it for the reader to find his answers in this regard. With this, we should end this session if there are no more questions from your side.
E: I don't have any more questions at the moment.
Z: Okay. We will come back to other topics later, but at the moment (in the next few conversations) we primarily want to state what we are giving you and how to deal with it.
E: Good... I will contact you as appropriate.
Z: See you then.
E: Bye

So you see what their opinion on this is. If you accuse them of being liars and dangerous because some people made wrong decisions... well... think about it. For the moment, I have nothing more to add, but I'll appreciate your response and be glad to address your concerns as this develops. It's important to state clearly what everyone expects of this... we all make implicit assumptions in some or other way, that's where communication difficulties originate from. I intend to discuss these things in a calm way ... in order for everyone to gain a broader perspective and more understanding.

Love and Ice Cream :)
it's love you're looking for


wrote 30 AUG @ 04:36

Ok, I must admit that I fail to follow the whole thread. So I just write down what I think.

If there is good, there will be bad. If there is Angel, there will be devil. Alien should both have good and bad. The problem is who is who.

Within cyberspace, everything is base on information. People will simplify to "source of information". No matter you are human or alien, there is no different. What important is the information you give out. Every source of information need to earn their credibility by the accuracy of what they have given out before. When information cannot be test immediately, credibility is considered to decide whether to trust the information or not.

The information that Zeta give out by now all cannot be proves or disprove. Pole shift~ only time can tell. Abduction~ 1/1,000,000 to have the chance to have a try.
Since information that Zeta give out cannot be prove by now, and their credibility hasn't build up yet. Trusting the information totally is not a good idea.

Instead of all those big secrets. I would to see more useful information. Information that normal human can work on. Like energy body development, nature of Astral Plane, earth history, etc.



wrote 30 AUG @ 19:20

Greetings Novice,

First of all, reasoned debate and question is not stirring up trouble; they are some of the reasons these forums exist. Please do not be influenced by what happened to "goingslow", he overstepped all boundaries of what is acceptable on these forums in the space of two posts. It is extremely important these questions are asked and answers provided. This is one reason I very much welcome these contacts with the Zeta. We can only guess as to the answers, the Zeta can provide answers when asked in a Spirit of cooperation. I would like to organise things here so all transcripts of communications with the Zeta are in context and in chronological order.

With regards to your question:

Originally posted by Novice

I agree with your entire post, except for the last few sentences. To me, technological advancement does not necessarily mean spiritual advancement. So, in theory, they could be at the same spiritual evolution as humanity, but simply much further advanced technologically speaking.

But I get your point, not trying to stir up trouble!

I certainly agree with you in principle. However, even mankind is beginning the Spiritual ascent slowly but surely. There are increasingly more "Ascended" humans in the higher/inner spheres, lower densities who, through hard work upon themselves have progressed beyond the cycle of incarnation and now assist mankind. If this progress is extrapolated forward a few millions of years, one would think a large proportion of the race will have "Ascended". Of course, we have no real concept of the entire scale of things. We know we have been evolving for several millions of years and the average human has achieved a state of development equivalent to the fourth level of the plane of the human mind out of seven. The most advanced are into the fifth plane, with the most advanced, the adepts and Masters the sixth and seventh planes and even beyond. This is the destiny of all mankind, to achieve these levels and beyond. What we d not know is when the process comes to an end on Earth, i.e. when new Spirits are no longer incarnating for the first step on the path. Maybe it is an infinite process but I don't think so; there must come a time when the physical planet has outserved it's usefulness, and it is possible this might even happen at the time of the pole shift.

The point is, The Zeta Reticulans, Pleiadians have followed exactly the same path but are millions of years ahead in temporal terms. It is logical to assume therefore much of their race must be highly advanced upon the path. The question therefore is are the Zeta in physical incarnation in order to operate in the physical Universe, or is their race still in the same cycle as Earth but millions of years on? Either way, there must be many highly advanced Zeta in the lower densities, higher vibrations, equivalent to our Celestial or Cosmic planes, who are guiding the ascent of their own and other races. So yes, your question is valid, physical development does not necessarily equate to Spiritual development, but with respect to the Zeta in communication here, we simply do not know the answers to this question.

Thank you Edi for your recent questions and answers with the Zeta.

With best regards,



wrote 30 AUG @ 21:47

Hi there Edi ! hope you are well.

E: But you do tell the truth? What about May 15th on Zetatalk?
Z: We invite everyone to find out by himself why this specific date was given. We give a little hint: everything is on the Zetatalk site. Combined with common sense (again) you will gain a bigger picture.

Have you looked at the zetatalk site to gain more understanding on this issue ? I admit that I know little about the subject matter within this thread, so I'm not really in a position to find out for myself. But this particular point does interest me.

Kind regards,


wrote 30 AUG @ 22:56


The best place to look for the latest information in view of the non-appearance of Niburu on May 15 is on the "What's new" pages of Zeta Talk:

This post of 23 May on ZetaTalk, seven days after the non-appearance might provide some clues:

As can be seen from the actions of the US and Indonesian governments scant days ahead of and continuing after our announced date of May 15, 2003, they fully intend to harm hundred of millions of their citizens through martial law, declared such in Indonesia and called terrorism level Red by Homeland Security. What is martial law, if not ordering citizens to remain in their homes? What effect does this have on citizens about within cities where buildings will tumble and crush them, or along coast or in lowlands sure to be inundated by tidal waves? Death, injury with no rescue, and massive dieoff. Is this the intent of those in command in those governments, sworn to protect their citizens and collecting taxes to this end? There can be no doubt, and one has only to read the actions of these governments to ascertain this.

Why did we allow Nancy, who has labored though the mine field and put herself at risk with ZetaTalk, to be so humiliated as to announce to a broad audience live radio show very specific dates, which were promptly missed? At a time when Planet X is so close as to be competing with the Sun at noon, visible by the unaided eye, and well tracked to this point by many sunrise and sunset sightings and photos, in the manner and in the time frame we predicted, and at a time when earthquakes have increased to the point, as we predicted, to being noticeable, affecting population centers so they cannot be denied by underreporting in the quake databases, the bad dates stand as an exception. And what is the effect of this gambit, an acknowledged white lie on our part, on those in the US and Indonesian governments who would murder their citizens by the hundreds of millions?

They cannot closely coordinate blocking a city for a specific date and time, thus having to either order a perpetual state of readiness or be prepared to muster a quick blockade, neither workable.
They must either share the true agenda with numerous local agencies, in order to have cooperation for a quick muster, or anticipate failure when calling a sudden and unplanned blockage.
Local agencies would be sympathetic to the local populace and rebellion would likely ensue.
A perpetual state of readiness requires agencies to be focused only on exercises, and not distracted from their regular work, and any natural disaster ensuing would shatter this state.
Natural disasters such as imploding buildings in the stretch zone, or strong quakes or volcanoes in compression zones, would divert resources from the ready status waiting to blockade cities.
The governments increasingly have to explain the perpetual state of readiness, constant exercises, in the face of a lack of actual terrorism, thus losing credibility among those required to carry out a blockade.
Incidences of natural disasters, and increasing visibility of Planet X, change the focus from tearooms to natural disaster and thus an order to remain in their homes would seem inappropriate to citizens, who would rebel.
And what is the effect on the common man, being denied even at this late date any honest information on what is about to devastate their lives?

For those waiting for an undeniable sight that the earth changes we have predicted, rotation stoppage followed by red dusting will be that undeniable sign, and any announced date ignored until such signs are evident.
For those wanting to leave for a safe location ahead of rotation stoppage, but having ties to their ordinary life and obligations, rapid earth changes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as a perceptible slowing of rotation, will be their clue, regardless of published dates which are not palpable.
For those who have made very early changes in their lives, moving to safe locations and settling in there, an exact date is not crucial.
For the vast majority of mankind who has not even heard of a possible pole shift, announcing dates is irrelevant.
For the large portion of humanity who cannot move to safe locations or make changes in their lives, as their lives are a struggle for subsistence on a daily basis, announced dates are irrelevant.
For those who are traveling, for work or pleasure, they have chosen to be out and about at this time, or to place themselves in such a position by their employment choice, and thus are not taking the message seriously, nor would they despite any announced dates.
Thus, an announced date, where it would be convenient, does not change the outcome of preparation for the common man, where it would greatly be used by those who would murder their citizens, or take advantage of others, and thus we decline to give any dates. Watching the earth changes, and the behavior of those in the corridors of power, will be the best clues.


Z: Of couse not. Everyone can astral project.. it is in fact only a shifting of the focus of your consciousness to a higher plane. If we want to contact someone via this method, we can get him into the right state by manipulating his electromagnetic field.

P: People themselves make it difficult by using so many methods and theories. It's good if you want to know exactly how it works at one point, but this can also build up mental structures which often hinder more than they help.

This conversation perhaps hinted at a more natural or simple approach to having AP's. Could someone in contact with the zeta or a guide please ask if an explaination addressing the shifting of the focus of your consciousness to a higher plane resulting in an AP in the simple way described by the zeta, can be made available.
If you will it it is no dream.

-Theodore Herzl


E: Perena, would you please connect me to the Zetas?
P: Yes... here.
Z: Hello.
E: I greet you! Are you ready to answer the next bunch of questions?
Z: Yes, but we'd first like to comment on the situation in the forums. It's sad that there was so much tumult lately, followed by the exclusion of one member. You all and the administrators decided how do deal with that, and we won't comment on it, you made your decisions there. But we are pleased to see that things have calmed down now and these conversations along with related discussions have found their own place in these forums now - hopefully undisturbed and open for questioning and discussion. We'd like to thank everyone involved in making this possible. Good.. what are your questions for today?
E: The first thing is regarding your methods of communication. Do you believe your methods of communication are better than telepathy?
Z: No. I can understand this question as it looks like we chose astral projection/trance/dreams etc. over telepathy. This choice depends not only on the technological possibilites and abilities of our species, but also on the job we are doing here. We like working with these methods because it gets us 'closer' to the persons involved.
E: Why do you want to be communicating that directly with us?
Z: Because in these states you are normally fully aware of what happens, showing all your natural responses.. emotional responses.
E: So you are interested in our emotions?
Z: Yes. We lost our emotionality in the course of our history, that's why we're studying it now with you.
E: And you couldn't experience that using only telepathic means?
Z: Exactly. And what's more, abductions can't be done easily telepathically.
E: So you do have a sense of humour? Doesn't that require emotions?
Z: We are able to learn... we have an idea of emotions, but otherwise you could call us 'cold'.
E: Next question: Why are there so many different alien species?
Z: Because our creator loves diversity... this universe is much about experiencing differences and polarities. Life evolves differently in varied conditions. And it's good that way, because we experience life by going through contrasts.
E: Could you explain the last sentence further?
Z: Of course. Take our perception as an example. If everything looked the same, we couldn't discern one thing from the other. Our experience of reality is based on contrast and differences in appearance. Individuality and personality are also key elements of
experiencing life. You give your life meaning by chosing certain things as your habits, dressing in a certain way, etc... so is the purpose behind this universe to experience one's own self by taking on different 'masks'.

E: If there is much talk of 'unity' in higher spheres, why isn't there only one whole united species?
Z: We Zetas are united in the sense that we have common goals and stem from the same origin. You, the humans, are totally different from us - but we are united in a sense because we come from the same origin. We can all be united while still retaining our individuality.
E: So unity in the sense of only one species existing would be boring, wouldn't it?
Z: Exactly. We all evolved away from that point, we came from unity to experience differenciation and separation. The goal is to unite while staying individual, keeping the experience of past individualizations alive.
E: Are you offended by such questions?
Z: Naturally not. And we're here to answer anything you might be interested in.
E: One person would like to know: 'Do the negative beings also have ships?'
Z: To answer this question, we first have to get clear concepts. Beings or species are not just plain negative or positive and that's it.
E: There was a discussion here about aliens just being evil.
Z: Yes. We know the content of this board. It's true that some beings appear negative. This does not mean they are inherently evil, but because they still have to learn certain things in some respects. And this learning can occur in many ways, mostly by confrontation. And yes, such beings can also have ships.
E: Is technological progress ultimately connected with spiritual progress?
Z: Not directly. One does influence the other, and certain technologies do require a degree of spiritual maturity in order not to be misused. There are many factors playing in this. You can easily imagine examples where one has more emphasis... for example a race
developing spiritually without using technology at all (or barely), or a race which has certain advanced technologies but still lacks important spiritual characteristics regarding superiority to others, respect, and so on.

E: Okay, thank you for these answers. Then I'd like to go to the next 3 questions... how does the history of Romania link to the Baciului Forest we talked about already?
Z: Primarily we want to remain undisturbed. Because of the economic development this country is not so swamped with devices which emit or disturb electromagnetic fields... these could probably be detrimental to the proper functioning of our technology (inducing trance works by influencing the natural field of the human body).
E: Okay... and the government?
Z: Yes, you could call it repressive over long periods of time. Although we don't support repression and dictatorship, this made it possible for us to establish whatever we needed without catching too much attention by inquiering minds.
E: Thank you. Next question: Is it possible to astral project at request?
Z: People put much attention on astral projection. We're not here to give fun trips, especially not if it's an ability every human does have, only conditioning and patterns in the mind being the cause of not being able to astral project easily by just 'doing it'.
E: Are dreams controlled by an alien species?
Z: We (and others) can give you certain scenarios to experience while dreaming.
E: Are all dreams controlled this way?
Z: We do not control all dreams. A sleeping mind may also wander on its own.
E: Thank you for these answers. Do you have anything to add following these questions?
Z: Yes, regarding the May 15th prediction and the text from the Zetatalk which was posted here. We wanted you to find this, it explains why this date was given. And there is much more to be found on Zetatalk. Regarding what to look out for.
E: I think that site will give readers some foundations until thing get really rolling here?
Z: It's not necessary that you study it thorougly, but you may find interesting things there. We don't require readers here to know what's on the zetatalk site, and will gladly cover any questions here. This is all we wanted to add.
E: Then I thank you for this interesting session.
Z: We're looking forward to having more of this.
E: Bye!
it's love you're looking for


Hello everyone

I have some questions as well.
The Zeta mentioned they lost their emotonality during the course of their history? How can you "lose" your emotions???
Also, the people who are in  touch with them say they are loving beings. How can they "feel" love, be love, give love if they are empty from all emotion?



I don't want to seem like a skeptic even though I am having difficultly going alone with the alien aspect of all of this.  There are a few questions I feel are very important that either have not been asked directly, I missed some place, or I feel they have not been accurately answered.

Why the Astral Pulse?  And why now?  Is it important in some way that the members here have access to and evaluate the information being given?  Or are "they", the Pleiadians and Zetas, looking for interaction with key members?  Or is it simply that the "pole shift" date is getting close enough to warrent the more open conversation?

Also the mention of these "dark ones" has peeked my interest.  Is the interaction with the Zeta's here a possible reaction to interference from these "dark ones" of members of this board?  This being questioned because of the arrival of the Zeta's after a steady increase from people reporting various forms of negative entities and shadow forms.  Is there a relation between what many here have experienceed and the "dark ones"?  If so what actions can we take?  If not do they know the reason for the increase?

I have a whole slew of questions that I would like responces to but I will hold it at that for now.  I am very much interested in the reactions of the Pleiadians and Zetas on these matters and look forward to thier responces.


E: Perena, should I post a frame like this every time, asking you to open this connection to the Zetas?
P: Yes... it's important to see that this all has structure and is not just some idly typing. Your new way of structuring these posts with the quote of the actual question in between is a good idea, let's see how it looks in the end.
E: It seems to be better... let's see how I will format it. Can you link me up now?
P: Here we go.

Z: Hello Edi.
E: Hi there. I have prepared a set of new questions for you to answer. Do you want so say anything in advance?
Z: Yes. We like the way things are evolving, members are putting forward their own questions to be answered. There is not so much discussion going on at the moment because we did not give through much information yet. Please note that most if not all of this information comes upon request from members, only from time to time should we point to topics that we would like people to think about.
E: So every teaching and dissemination of information is because people actually ask about it in the first place?
Z: Yes, most of the time. It would be sufficient to say 'wake up and find everything yourselves', but questions deserve to be answered. Good. Can we begin with the questions now?
E: Yes.

Tab: I've had dreams the last two nights about aliens. Weather this is just me filling my head with all of this crap, or it actually relates to these scenarios somehow, is unknown to me. I wonder if Zeta has anything to say on that :/

E: Does talking about this crap (are you offended by this?) have an influence on our dreams?
Z: We're not offended, we understand the meaning behind it. Yes, it does have an influence, partly because the conscious mind wants to know more about this, and partly because the subconscious mind can then bring about situations which are related to this. Hearing about such things actually brings the mind in the right state to accept them and be interested in them.
E: Do you want to comment on members experience, like everyone asking if you have something to do with them?
Z: We will comment where it is necessary. On a general note, all we have to say to someone we can say to him in dreams, but if he wants to know how to relate to it, we will gladly answer specific questions. This forum is about personal experiences as well as things which affect us all at the same time.

Lynfer: And have they been working on me in my dreams? because I had one in which I saw a UFO?

E: Do you want to comment on this?
Z: Not in too great detail - if you see an UFO in a dream, consider it as 'information' in the way that you open to the possibility of it. We do much work by putting thoughts and information contrary to popular (mis-)believes in peoples minds, for example (as you, Edi, already have heard), we watch the media and may counterbalance them this way. We are seldom working intensively on a single individual, but we often give out information by dream situations... this can happen to everyone.

Malvina: The Zeta mentioned they lost their emotonality during the course of their history? How can you "lose" your emotions??? Also, the people who are in touch with them say they are loving beings. How can they "feel" love, be love, give love if they are empty from all emotion?

E: We stopped at this point in your first 'history lesson' you gave...
Z: Yes. And we will gradually continue. After we were underground, we saw what situation our emotionality brought us into. So it was a conscious decision and our own will to not pay much attention to our emotions anymore. We became mental beings, this means we put much emphasis on mental capacity. Our heads grew bigger and bigger, this made it more difficult for our females to give birth to our children. More on this will follow later, but let me now comment on the emotions. If we are considered 'loving beings', then it is because we do care about other people, but not on an emotional level, more on a mental level.
E: Can you feel any emotions at all?
Z: Not really... we can percieve them, and we know them intellectually, we can relate to them, we can analyze them, but our bodies do not provide the necessary faculties anymore to enjoy them to that extent you do.
E: Do you relearn emotionality by watching us?
Z: Yes, slowly... we can understand better by watching emotions, but it is very difficult to relearn because at some point it's just beyond our capabilities.
E: What about the last sentence of the above question?
Z: It's simple: we cannot. We can be love, but we cannot feel it. Love in a wider sense is the carrier of life.
Z: You just searched the text where you read about love... yes, love is what makes up the universe. A stone is made of love even if he has no idea about it.
E: Thank you for these answers so far... on to the next:

Cainam Nazier: Why the Astral Pulse? And why now? Is it important in some way that the members here have access to and evaluate the information being given? Or are "they", the Pleiadians and Zetas, looking for interaction with key members? Or is it simply that the "pole shift" date is getting close enough to warrent the more open conversation?

E: That's a good question... why here?
Z: Because we reach many people. The main thing you see is that about metaphysical and spirit issues there are lots of different theories, methods, approaches and so on. So we see here a place where all those opinions and experiences meet. It is time for those to merge and form a bigger picture everyone can relate to. It is not our intention to 'spread the truth', because you can only find truth by examining everything on your own. So part of what we would like to do here is to help everyone review what he knows and is believing in.
E: Why now?
Z: Because this is a time of much conflict, calling for comprehension and understanding. Many conflicts and misunderstandings will have to be resolved in the upcoming time, more than ever before.
E: Are you looking for interaction with key members?
Z: There are no key members. The people you see writing texts like this do so because they want to. Everyone is important - nobody is special, if one is more involved than the other it can look like it, but this is wrong perception.
E: And the last question above?
Z: The pole shift date is getting closer every day, but open conversation is indeed what's necessary. There is much open conversation on this board, and we hope this continues this way.
E: I just looked in the dictionary and now understand the word 'warrant' ...
Z: That's necessary. So, there is a plan about when we do which things. Open conversation with everyone is part of this plan.

Cainam Nazier: Is the interaction with the Zeta's here a possible reaction to interference from these "dark ones" of members of this board? This being questioned because of the arrival of the Zeta's after a steady increase from people reporting various forms of negative entities and shadow forms. Is there a relation between what many here have experienceed and the "dark ones"? If so what actions can we take? If not do they know the reason for the increase?

Z: Not directly. People are controlled and live in fear all over the world, this place is not different, only that people here are more conscious about it.
E: Do you want so say more about the 'Dark Ones'?
Z: Essentially they try to keep people uninformed, unable to inform themselves and in fear and confusion. 'What many here have experienced' - talking about 'negs', demons and so on: they can mostly only grip humans because there is something on their level they can hold on to. If you put fear and attack thoughts out against someone it's like giving them your hand.
E: Does this mean one should just live love and light and forget about negativity?
Z: Absolutely not. But in all this thinking of fear and defense, one should not completely forget about love... it is the best 'weapon' you have.
E: What actions can we take, and why do these experiences of negativity seem to increase?
Z: This 'negativity' was there all the time, but it is surfacing now, people are regaining their consciousness and their self-esteem more and more today. That's why all these things cry to be dealt with.

Tab: ... I wonder what the zetas have to say about stuff like this :/

E: The page there no longer exists... it's still in Google cache if anyone is interested, I have read a bit there...
Z: They have accurate information mixed with interpretations and misinformations. You would have to ask more specific questions.

Tab: ... what HPB experienced in the far east must have been pretty damn spectacular for her to want to come back and write books like she did about it. So, what's with that? Zeta also said that all our current concepts of God are off. I wonder if this includes the theosophic and vedic concepts of 'god' so to speak. I can't help but wonder how right or wrong HPB was in her writings.

E: I too wondered about what HPB (Helena Petrovna Blavatsky) wrote, and how it fits.
Z: She did know and see very much, more than she wrote about. Her teachings are accurate but need the proper key to understand everything.
E: What do you mean by key?
Z: Personal experience, perception, understanding. It is a long way to go to understand all HPB wrote about, if that is fully possible at all.
E: And our current concepts of God?
Z: Mostly based on past teachings of control and direction. We all are created and part of our creator, but not that we could actually meet him after death.
E: What about the theosophic and vedic concepts?
Z: They are a very good model. But more important is experience than models.
E: How can we experience god, or our creator?
Z: We and you are doing it all the time by living. We are 'god' experiencing himself. Do not think about it, you will see more and more by 'just living'.

E: These were all the questions I had ready for the moment. Do you want to comment more?
Z: Yes. You see how this flows easier and easier for you, Edi. But as it is much work to do and one person alone always brings in his own 'colouration' - not in the information itself, but in the 'feel' of it, and in the details of the wording - it will be much more inspiring when more will work on it later. We are looking forward to this, and in the meanwhile encourage every question and all discussions of it. This is all.
E: Then I thank you for this session, it proved to be very easy and flowing quickly.
P: Yes, you stopped worrying when talking about topics 'new' for you, or things you don't know much about. You can express it in easy language, and read more about it afterwards to build upon it or see more clearly.
Z: That's true. We thank from our side and say goodbye until the next time.
it's love you're looking for


Thanks Edi
and thankyou Zeta for the infomation.
I'm really interested in and would like to learn more about what the Zeta have said about "altering the electromagnetic frequency" in conjunction with Phasing and Astral Projecting. I know (from what they have said) they are mainly interested in research and perhaps not the adventure as we tend to be more focused on.
And, what purpose do they consider Phasing to be used for?(can we do greater or perhaps different things than we now are awear of?)
I have learned recently that crystals have an electromagnetic frequency unique to each type of crystal. (though the Zeta are perhaps using this EMF in a different manner?) I have tried Kaynite under my pillow (laying on the right side) for about a week
d have had two positive and rewarding results that I can only attribute to the Kaynite since I wasn't trying any "method". I've basically given up on the methods and Brain Wave Gen. stuff as it has done very little over the past eight months, to activat
me toward Soul Travel.
(These are my personal expereinces and reflect no critisism on any individual on this forum, as I enjoy Astral Pulse and the wealth of knoweledge I've found here).

Love & Peace



E: And our current concepts of God?
Z: Mostly based on past teachings of control and direction. We all are created and part of our creator, but not that we could actually meet him after death.
E: What about the theosophic and vedic concepts?
Z: They are a very good model. But more important is experience than models.
E: How can we experience god, or our creator?
Z: We and you are doing it all the time by living. We are 'god' experiencing himself. Do not think about it, you will see more and more by 'just living'.

Hi there Edi,

I dont know about zeta much but i found it interesting to read. May i ask some questions too? If i may here are my questions:

1. Do zeta have a holy book or a religion? I see that they believe that we are a part of god and i can accept it. That makes me think that they have some sort of belief anyway.

2. Do they have degrees amongs each other? I mean like in an army. Private, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant...

3. Do they trade? Do they have currency?

4. Do they die? Do they have funerals? Do they have religious festivals? Do they have traditions?

5. How do they count time? I mean 60 seconds makes a minute. 60 minutes makes an hour. 24 hours makes a day.

6. They say they dont need to eat. (Wish i would be that lucky!) Can they describe what kind of a metabolism they have in order to live. I think i need a scientific explanation. Also i wonder if they sleep.

7. Do they play chess? I am asking this because i played chess with computers all my life and i can understand if i am playing with a computer or a human. Because computers dont have feelings... And chess is not just a mind game but it is also an emotional game. You can win a game by just making your opponent feel like he is winning while he was losing the game. On other way the computers just calculate the moves and you must calculate better in order to beat your cpu opponent. They say they dont have emotions. So how about playing chess with a human. It may help them to relearn some emotions i think...

Well thats all for now. I hope i didnt accuse anyone with my questions...
That's allright... I am OK. This happens every single day... It's all the same... But I am not blind!
