A determined beginner's OBE *attempt* log (never had one before)

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First off, I gratefully welcome and appreciate anyone who takes the time to give me advice on technique, especially those who back up their advice with sources, descriptions of the extent of their personal experience, or other convincing reasons for why I should follow it. Thank you. :-)

Hi all,

I discovered this site about a year ago and have been trying to have OBE's on a once- or twice-weekly basis for about 7 months. I can't recall when I first heard of the phenomenon, but I know that for at least a few years it was lingering in the back of my head as something interesting that I must learn more about. I took the plunge into this subject a year ago at about the time my meditation practice started becoming less interesting. I would have done so earlier, but for the past 5 years I've been seriously practicing Buddhist meditation and saw that as a better use of my time.

Practice so far
I've been trying to have OBE's since I read The Phase a little over 12 months ago. At first I used Michael Raduga's recommended method of catching yourself waking up in the morning and cycling through several techniques for a few seconds each. I gave this a few tries, but I don't think I ever got the method right and IIRC tended to find that I was too uncomfortable in my waking position in bed (though now I might have persevered for longer knowing that a little discomfort isn't a problem). I then spent about 2-3 few nights using an online program from a now-shutdown forum which woke you up with a voice telling you to remain still and gave you directions. I also tried projecting before going to sleep at night and actually did about as well as I've ever done, though I didn't stick with this due to the time investment involved and from reading that it was one of the less-successful methods for beginners.

Eventually I read Luis Minero's book and got a huge motivation boost from it. I set myself the task of making at least one attempt per week from around last March. The basic technique of waking up at night after about 2.5-3 hours, remaining as relaxed and as still as possible, allowing the vibrations to come on, then applying a projection technique hasn't changed in the subsequent months. Initially I applied the rope technique, then tried sitting up, turning to my side, willing myself to float up, and sinking through the bed. Oh yes, and for a few nights, visualizing a room far from my bedroom in my house as vividly and with as many senses as possible.

I've also been repeating an affirmation to myself a few times before I go to sleep: something like "I will successfully have an OBE tonight and fully recollect it".

I've tried projecting while meditating in my usual half-lotus position, but didn't get anywhere close due to the slight instability and muscle tensions that probably come with the nature of the posture. Training to achieve the full-lotus sounds a little excessive to me, though something I do want to get around to eventually.

Results so far
The furthest I can get is where the vibrations are strong (at least as strong as I've ever felt them during meditation; they've never been terribly intense for me though), I'm hearing weird metallic noises, and I'm beginning to feel my astral body disconnect at the hands, legs and head. I've never been able to separate more than a few inches, or even less, from my physical body, and never in the torso area.

One of the big hindrances for me is that more often than not I won't feel vibrations or have any other early projection signs after waking up (I set a small, portable alarm on my bedside locker), despite relaxing as best I can (I'm pretty confident I don't have any major unconscious tensions in my body that I'm overlooking), keeping my facial muscles relaxed by lying with my head at about a 100 degree angle from my body, remaining still without trying too hard to remain still, and letting things happen with jumping straight into a technique. Often I just don't seem to be tired enough after waking up to fall into the crucial "Mind=Awake Body=Asleep" state, so then I lie like this for another 5 minutes or less, only to eventually give up as nothing ever does seem to happen if it doesn't start happening more or less straight away.

I've tried waking up after longer or shorter sleep periods without any noticeable improvements.

Direction for future attempts
My impression is that the "waking up after two sleep cycles" method is the most effective. It's also easier than spending 30 minutes every night trying to hone your perception and more easily perceive vibrations, then going for a "straight from waking" projection, as Luis Minero recommends. I don't think I can muster that level of commitment. So I'll stick with my current method and experiment with various tweaks to it while gaining experience with the vibrational state, as I may be coming up against a subtle fear-block or agitation-block.

Motivation for trying to have OBE's
In descending order of importance:

  • I want to broaden my horizons for the benefits this will have on my mental wellbeing: you won't be as bothered by your day-to-day vicissitudes if you can see them more clearly in their rightful place as something very trivial and not the whole of what your life is about.
  • I hope to grow as a person (e.g. Robert Monroe facing challenges and overcoming his unconscious fears) and learn more about myself (e.g. through receiving wisdom from my "Higher Self" or spiritual guide).
  • I'd like to use it as a safe, non-addictive form of recreation.
  • I'd like to test my Buddhist outlook on the cosmos, and probably have it seriously challenged, if the accounts of many authors are to be believed.
  • I want to help chart these realms and contribute what I can to greater public awareness and interest in this phenomenon, perhaps even eventually contribute something to the field of conscientology that Luis Minero talks about (this more scientific approach sounds like a great development).
  • I want to at least attempt to cure my (mild) tinnitus through Michael Raduga's proposed method of taking the necessary drugs in the "real-time zone".

Book's read
Demystifying the OBE - Luis Minero
Astral Dynamics - Robert Bruce
Multidimensional Man - Jurgen Ziewe
Adventures Beyond the Body - William Buhlman
The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Habitants & Phenomena - CW Leadbeater
The Astral Codex - Belsebuub

Far Journeys - Robert Monroe
The Phase - Michael Raduga
The Secret of the Soul - William Buhlman
Gazing into the Eternal - Belsebuub

I've also read a lot of the posts on Kurt Leland's site, and if anyone could source me a cheap copy of his Otherwhere book I'd be very grateful.

Purpose of this thread
Just to clarify the title, I intend to post in here about all attempts I make, even the half-hearted ones, in the hopes that this motivates me, through a sort of peer pressure, to try harder, as at the moment I'm pretty low on motivation and confidence, yet still high on long-term determination to keep plugging away at it until I eventually manage to do it (this attitude has served me very well in the past in my meditation practice). If I find this thread is only serving to distract or agitate me during my attempts, then I will most likely delete it.

If you see me slacking off, please, do take me to task on it!


Welcome! Looks like you are off to a great start. The only thing I really have to comment on is this.
"Often I just don't seem to be tired enough after waking up to fall into the crucial "Mind=Awake Body=Asleep" state, so then I lie like this for another 5 minutes or less, only to eventually give up as nothing ever does seem to happen if it doesn't start happening more or less straight away."

I can relate to this because often when I wake up I feel as though I'm not tired enough either, and the more I think about it, the more aware I become of the physical world. I've found that for me, it can vary greatly. Sometimes I can wake up, empty my bladder, get back in bed and lay still, and still be able to relax into sleep paralysis (SP) within 20 minutes. Other times I wake up and it can take less than a minute, or it won't happen at all.

Usually when I wake up I roll onto my back, which for me, means obe. I never sleep on my back and I've found FOR ME that rolling onto my back helps induce SP easily. I'm not saying this will work for you, but that's what works for me. And once I roll onto my back I try to rerun through my dreams. That way I'm keeping my mind busy, but not thinking about waking reality which helps me focus my awareness to the non physical. If it works, I'll feel the shift of my body entering SP (usually accompanied with vibrations or random noises) and usually enter a black void, from there I either roll out, or imagine myself in the living room until the scenery fully comes to view.

I am in no way an expert, but that's what has worked for me. And it's usually not consistent. My success seems to come and go


I got possibly the furthest I've ever been on my first attempt of the week 2 nights ago. Unfortunately I was unable to write about it yesterday so my memory may be a little foggy by now.

An account as best I can recall
I awoke after a little over 2 sleep cycles. As usual I lay face up, as Robert Bruce recommends, and tried to relax as much as possible. Vibrations and a background din came on straight away. Within no more than 2 minutes I seemed to lose awareness of my body and there was a feeling of moving through a tunnel, which I've never had so strongly before. Once I came out, IIRC, my body felt different (perhaps now it was my energy body I was feeling) and I noticed I could separate from the physical more easily. I then tried to do so using the rope technique, but never got out.

Tweaks made to the method I use

  • Following justin35ll's excellent advice, I tried to avoid becoming aware of my surroundings upon waking up.
  • I kept my handheld alarm in bed with me just within reach so I wouldn't have to reach into the drawer of my bedside locker for it when it goes off (I find the ticking a little irritating).

I'll make another attempt this week with these tweaks and try to jot down my memories of it ASAP. Then I'll review both attempts and see if I can improve my general approach/method or if it's simply a matter of gaining more experience.

Thank you justin35ll!


I found most projection techniques focus on the head region which for me leads to a lucid dream or mind chatter. I then switched to focusing on my feet during the projection attempt. All of a sudden, my success has increased with no more lucid dreams and I am having out of body experiences, but I am projected only a very short distance from the body. But, that is good enough for me. Now every time I try to talk while out of body, my bed mate can hear distorted sounds or heavy breathing, so I know I am in the real time zone and my physical body is reacting.

Maybe each of us has a different exit point to leave our physical body. Some might exit through the feet, some use the head region, for example.


I will throw in a few more ideas to consider-

1 -I like the Wake, Back To Bed technique that you have described, but I prefer to get up and perform some minor activity for 20 to 40 minutes before returning to bed and going into Trance. This way, I'm mentally awake but my body is still tired enough to slip back into sleep without dragging my awareness along with it.

2 -Also, besides the rope tech, you might try something called a Rundown. This is a visualization that involves any kind of rhythmic movement like skating, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, trampoline, etc...you get the idea. At some point in the visualization, the action takes over by itself and you find yourself transitioning into a different environment.

3 -don't get frustrated with yourself, you are doing all the right things to set the conditions for success. I am also a fan of Affirmations, so make use of them and keep them positive. Understand that the decision to AP is not just a simple 'I think I'll AP today' kind of decision. There is probably an inner discussion taking place within you between you, your inner self and your higher self. You are seeking permission within. This may take awhile so direct some affirmations towards that goal as well.

4 -The sensations you are getting: tunnels, energy body movement, detachment feelings....these are all good and normal signs that you are getting closer.

Rinse, wash, repeat... :-D
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Sometimes we must let go in order to truly find what we really need, meaning that we shouldn't obsess over a goal or give power to our expectations. But instead we should find every single moment as exciting as the next, even if that moment is mediating or relaxing for hours without actually obtaining a OBE. Appreciate the practice as much as you would appreciate the OBE, this in return will heighten your vibration to allow a deeper focus into your excitement. 
"We should consider ourselves as spirits having a human experience rather than humans having an occasional spiritual experience."


Hello Rainbow Light.  Responding to your first post and your book list (most of which I have also read).  I too have read Leland's website, and 3 of his books.  I would highly recommend the one that IS still in print, The Multidimensional Human.  His 1st book (which I also would like to find) was primarily about his own beginnings and involved his early astral experiences initiated from the dream state.  His method primarily starts from dream lucidity - which he has mastered as you would know from reading the logs on his site. He has moved beyond the astral now to journeys within the higher planes.  He doesn't really teach any methods or techniques.  You will get an appreciation of this from 'The Multidimensional Human' book, and that his focus is to help his readers understand the various planes and how to develop the sensing tools needed to perceive and interact there. Of all the OBE books I've read his was my favourite.  I also really like his 'crash course on dream analysis' which is on his site. kurtleland.com  I think he is writing a new book, so it would be good to have read TMH first.

I relate to the difficulties you are having as I find myself in a long dry spell right now.  I know I have to be tired enough to get into the theta state, and if I can't then I may as well give up because my mind simply stays too active to allow the release.  I've been working with the phasing technique lately, but for a while I was having good luck with waking up at 4 am or so and doing the (Peterson?) technique of lying perfectly still (sometimes for 2 hours) until the body thinks you are asleep.  (Mind awake, body asleep does result from this). At that point I would experience an exit from my feet and a rapid movement through a type of wind tunnel headed I would think to 'dream zone' but consciously so.  Excitement always nixed the process, so I'm disappointed that I haven't been able to repeat the success lately in order to practice.  I NEVER get a vibrational state, or true sleep paralysis, although I used to get SP when I was much younger.  I have often gotten out (briefly) to the RTZ but have not been focused enough and simply flit about here and there.  Again... I want more successes so I can practice controlling my emotion and thoughts while out.  I can however get to the 'body asleep/mind awake' very easily just by lying still, but I am not exiting from this state right now.  It's frustrating to say the least.

Keep up the log.  You will find that so many of us relate to all the various stages you are experimenting with.

Have you read 'Frank's Post' which Xanth compiled and which is available from his website? I find this good reading before sleep as it keeps me motivated.  His posts, like yours, are a log of his experimentations and discoveries and they are loaded with nuggets of insight.


Thanks so much for the advice, guys. I'm thrilled to be receiving so many useful points and perspectives. I know already it's invigorated my endeavors towards an OBE.

Last night I made my second proper attempt of the week after two attempts that were abandoned due to over-tiredness. I tried drawing this one out to see what would happen.

Woke up after about 2 sleep cycles (180 minutes). Switched off my alarm and tried unsatisfactorily to keep awareness away from my body and surroundings. Relaxed as much as possible while facing up. Bodily vibrations arose, but at no point were there any aural signs of projection (I don't think my initial state upon waking was as conducive to projection as the last attempt I wrote about.) I tried several techniques: rolling backwards feet-first (inspired by Projector4life's post), floating up, and using the rope technique to come out head-first. At one point I found my physical eyes had opened, causing enough discomfort that I felt I had to bring awareness back to the body and re-focus on relaxation. There was little in the way of sensations of separation, but it was encouraging at least to find I could sustain the vibrational state pretty easily.

Also, I should mention I've been achieving what seems to be a light SP - that seems to come hand-in-hand with the vibrations, once a certain threshold of relaxation and stillness is reached. There's a definite second or two between the intention to break out of it and the actual movement.

These OBE attempts have really been hitting home the mind-body connection that also becomes apparent during meditation: in order to keep the body relaxed you learn to focus on the mind, and on making sure it's as close to a blank slate as possible, because once the mind starts straining to achieve something, tensions are sure to arise in the body. What's interesting is that I read in The Phase that you should strongly desire to leave the body during the projection process. E.g. one of the Four Principles of Success in that book is "be aggressive":
QuotePut all of your enthusiasm and desire into the techniques. The desire to get the techniques to work should be coupled with full aggression in achieving that result.
I can't see how that could work without corresponding tensions arising in the body.

I read somewhere (I think it was in a William Buhlman book) that keeping the focal point of awareness away from the body is crucial, and I feel I really need to start prioritizing that. Too often I've concentrated on a projection technique just for a few seconds, then decided it wasn't working (possibly by bringing awareness back to the body to check) before my awareness had really stabilized outside of the body. And with many of the techniques I'm using, it feels like my body is still nearby or partly in awareness.

Tweaks to experiment with

  • Prioritize ignoring vibrations and other signs of projection
  • Focus on keeping awareness well away from the body as much as possible
  • Try to evoke a sense of being pulled out of the body rather than being the one doing the pulling or other actions, and keep the mind free of strong desire/strain
  • As per EscapeVelocity's advice, give yourself permission to have an OBE, as well as repeating affirmations.

QuoteHave you read 'Frank's Post' which Xanth compiled and which is available from his website?
No, but I now have that link bookmarked, along with the 'Frank Kepple Resource', and will give it a look. I might get Multidimensional Human too. Cheers!


Made another attempt last night.

Once I turned off the alarm I focused on keeping my locus of awareness held away from the body and bodily sensations, mainly at the opposite corner of the room. I spent only a second or two relaxing the body before this (and getting into my usual position laying on my back with arms and legs spread out a little). There were no real signs of projection, except, IIRC, a brief tunnel-type experience at one point. But the impression I came away with was that nothing much seemed to be happening. I did notice some SP at least.

Eventually, I turned over to my side to go back to sleep, and within no more than a minute, SP had set in strongly. I then experienced a sudden jerk onto my stomach, completely involuntary, and much stronger than any other such phenomena that I've had before. For one thing, this was a whole-body twist, whereas before I've had no more than small muscle twitches. I presume this was due to some sort of energy build up caused by the paralysis. I'm not going to read too much into it anyway.

Also, before going to sleep I tried projecting and actually started experiencing signs of projection straight away. I didn't persist though due to not having spent any time on relaxing the body fully, so I assumed that was preventing separation.

Perhaps I should have spent more time ensuring the body was as relaxed as possible, but then that would seem to necessitate a greater level of awareness/awakeness, and one of my main obstacles seems to be difficulty with falling back into the "mind=awake, body=asleep" state. Another balancing act! I will try to try again this week before deciding on any tweaks to make.


I made a very promising attempt last night that played out very similarly to the attempt described in my October 23rd post (with vibrations, noises, a tunnel effect, etc.), except I possibly got a little farther. The method was also similar in that I loosened up about holding awareness away from the body and spent a few seconds making sure I was fully relaxed before trying to project. It felt very encouraging because I noticed myself becoming more at ease with the phenomena due to familiarity. What stopped me in my tracks was my eyes opening slightly as my energy body started separating from the head, which again I felt the need to address.

I realized that I'm in need of finding something to take as the object of awareness while I hold it outside of the body, because at the moment I'm struggling to place it anywhere, and so I usually end up just visualizing something briefly and having the locus of awareness snap back to the body.

Tweaks to experiment with

  • Focusing more on feeling the locus of awareness outside of the body as vividly as possible, yet keeping this in relation to the body/mind currently lying in bed and not allowing it to just become a separate exercise (I suspect this was what was holding me back when I tried this before). Also, making sure to stay equanimous and avoid creating mental strain that could result in physical tension while doing this.
  • One thing I've just noticed is that I've been setting my alarm to wake me up after 120 minutes, not 180 minutes! Maybe I've been shooting myself in the foot, maybe it's made very little difference. I will make sure to try 180 minutes next week anyway.


Quote from: rainbow_light on November 02, 2014, 09:33:15

I realized that I'm in need of finding something to take as the object of awareness while I hold it outside of the body, because at the moment I'm struggling to place it anywhere, and so I usually end up just visualizing something briefly and having the locus of awareness snap back to the body.

You can focus on a fan sound in your room.


At the point of hearing metallic noises your thoughts, if phasing, would be totally disconnected from the body. If you can obtain this depth easily, perhaps a different method may be utilised.
You'll ideally require ease with creating visualisations.
From the metallic noises comes a rushing sound and within a few seconds you could be in an alternate reality based upon the created visualisation.
You are so close to a concious exit.

For further reading look at 'The Astral Blueprint' to start.
That's assuming you wish to take this route at present.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Alright, made another attempt last night.

Awoke after about 160 minutes. Spent a few seconds relaxing the body. Within another few seconds I could tell that my state was less conducive to projection than the previous attempt, due to the delay in entering SP and in experiencing other signs of projection. As per Szaxx's suggestion, I began visualizing an imaginary idyll (as might be used for stress relief). I tried to incorporate as many senses as possible without much success. Within about a minute, I began to slowly drift back to sleep (and/or perhaps just 'lose myself' to the process, which is also a big help in meditation). Mild projection signs arose, including a far-off whooshing-type noise. Nothing terribly promising though. There were no feelings of separation either. I also lost what signs I did notice soon after they began, then continued visualizing, along with brief attempts at other projection techniques such as the rope technique. IIRC, there were another 2 build-ups to a projection before I gave up. I got no further than the first with either of them.

I also spent longer than usual repeating an affirmation before going to sleep - I repeated it about a dozen times, including out loud.

I'll try again with visualizing somewhere appealing, as I'd say I should have enough ability to make it work - at least I've always had an artistic ability, a visual way of thinking, fairly vivid dreams, etc. I really can't say much about the effectiveness of any technique, especially after one of these attempts where right from the start it seemed un-promising/unlikely that I would get out (not that I was writing it off when it had barely begun; I think I am giving each attempt my best shot).

I will continue to repeat the affirmation 10 times or more in future, as I think this really helped it sink in.

I think the less physical activity-based projection techniques are more suitable for me as I have little to no trouble with over-exerting myself during them and creating bodily tensions - though this may be just increased experience showing.

Hahaha, more like the creaking of an old radiator! It's woolly jumpers and scarves weather here in Ireland.


It appears you are doing too many things at once and expecting results. The bodily sensation exits are different to the phasing exits.
It appears you may be better trying the phasing technique, your distant rushing sound is one of the last signposts you meet.
In this technique you don't have a body to concentrate upon, you take your concious awareness away from it completely.
This allows disconnection and if you remain concious the visualisation envelops you and your out into an alternate reality.
I'll supply the link to a topic mentioned earlier.
It's worth a few nights experimentation.

Take your time to allow things to proceed, the art can't be forced that easily.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


OK, just read The Astral Blueprint and Frank Kepple's explanation of phasing in the FAQ, and now I'm thinking I might just ditch the visualizing and make the passive looking-into the blackness in front of the eyes my primary technique for at least a few weeks. The reasons for this being: (1) I already have experience with a kind of tuning of my mind/phasing from my meditation practice; (2) passive techniques seem to be more appropriate for me; (3) over the years I've noticed faint images arising out of the TV static-like blackness behind my eyes on the rare occasions when I've paid attention to it, so I know I can reach that point easily; (4) I've already tried visualizing in various ways a number of times, but to no avail; (5) and it allows me to focus on maintaining just a thread of awareness, as I've actually been having trouble with not being able to fall back asleep easily, and I suspect I'm being held back by over-awakeness.

Thanks Szaxx!


Quote from: rainbow_light on November 06, 2014, 10:07:07
OK, just read The Astral Blueprint and Frank Kepple's explanation of phasing in the FAQ, and now I'm thinking I might just ditch the visualizing and make the passive looking-into the blackness in front of the eyes my primary technique for at least a few weeks. The reasons for this being: (1) I already have experience with a kind of tuning of my mind/phasing from my meditation practice; (2) passive techniques seem to be more appropriate for me; (3) over the years I've noticed faint images arising out of the TV static-like blackness behind my eyes on the rare occasions when I've paid attention to it, so I know I can reach that point easily; (4) I've already tried visualizing in various ways a number of times, but to no avail; (5) and it allows me to focus on maintaining just a thread of awareness, as I've actually been having trouble with not being able to fall back asleep easily, and I suspect I'm being held back by over-awakeness.

Rainbow_Light.  I share all of these points in common with you in one way or another except in #1 as I don't meditate much, and in #3 rather than faint images...over the years I've experienced some awesome and crystal clear images come spontaneously out of the darkness, but mostly they appear less so and are more or less a vague scenic visualizations which, on a good day, take on a short-lived life of their own.

'Passive experience' feels like a perfect way to describe what I am doing right now.  (See FireFly's Log).  One thing I have done in the early stages is NOT try to ignore the body...at least for the 1st part of the AP exercise.  Because I can now easily get to the body-numb state, I often just feel how numb I am.  I feel it as one unit of numbness... sometimes a body part feels larger, but mostly I just have no feeling below the neck and I go with it.  From there I can start to feel a rising of a limb or slight inner movement. By this time I'm getting more alpha and primed so I then move to the phasing exercise as it becomes easier the more alpha/theta you become.

However, I don't try any longer to get out to RTZ but instead focus on moving in consciousness to the astral proper, so getting out has changed.  Now it just passively allow myself to move out which I have described in my log.  That takes my getting in the way of things out of the equation... especially while I'm learning, and since when I have gotten out in the RTZ I just flit about and can't seem to take it to the next level (not yet anyway).  Lately the floating out happens on it's own once I get to the proper state of body asleep, mind awake.... which for me does take something like 2 hours.  BUT I'm finding it's getting easier.  

I really think you should read 'Frank's posts'.  You will get so much insight from it, and because it will take you a LONG time to read, it will be something to keep you on course and thinking correctly at every stage.  There's nothing that Frank doesn't cover.  I'm a little more than half way through and it keeps getting better.

You certainly are committed (me too! :)  and you are doing really well.  Seems we have to cover a lot of trial and error to come to the understanding of, or get a fix on, our OWN process which is highly unique.  

Thanks for the link to Frank's explanation of phasing.  I've read lots of this in his 'posts' but this link is a nice condensed version of it all.


I suppose I had better report my latest attempt.

This was my first attempt at phasing. I awoke after ~180 minutes. After relaxing laying on my back as usual, I began passively focusing on the back of my eyelids. SP and vibrations arose quickly enough that I knew the conditions were good, as opposed to that other kind of attempt where nothing much happens. Eventually, I began to drift back to sleep after 5-10 minutes of varying levels of success with ignoring the images arising. SP increased, more minutes passed. To be honest, I have no recollection of how vivid the imagery was, or how regularly it arose. At some point there seemed to be a shift in consciousness and I recall wondering whether this was the theta state FireFly9 wrote about in her log. I have no idea! I'm aware I have much reading to do on that and on the phasing technique in general (thanks Xanth for the links). There was also a good deal of various noises at times, though no loud or long-lasting ones. No voices either.

As alluded to in my introductory post, I don't intend to spend more than 30 minutes on any one attempt, so if phasing is likely to require longer than that for my first success to arise, I may have to reconsider it. Though at this point I have no real understanding of how phasing compares to RTZ projection in terms of the time it generally takes for a beginner to be successful with it - just a suspicion based on FireFly9 describing a 120+ minute attempt. Any opinions on that guys? I fear I would burn out and give up if I was to make too many 30+ minute failed attempts.

Thank you for taking the time to comment. It's wonderful to have a forum where people can support each other with this.


You will have to get REALLY good at phasing to be able to do it in 30 minutes... me thinks, because 30 minutes might not be enough time to even get to alpha and from my perspective you have to be at least that relaxed.  Even Frank took 2 hours or so at the beginning. However, having said that, I also hope to speed things up for myself and I'm starting to recognize at least when I may as well not even try.  Maybe 30 minutes would be what it would take for me to know that, and it's time well spent for sure since it's good meditation practice. 

One thing I can say is that once in an alpha state bordering on theta you really don't mind the time... which is one clue that it's going well.  If you're laying in bed, say at 3 am anyway, and if you can get to body asleep, mind awake, then you quite honestly are in a state that you don't feel much like moving anyway.  You are really comfortable (on a good day) and your mind is easily distracted from thinking too much so you can more easily focus it.

(Brain waves explained - http://www.transparentcorp.com/products/np/brainwaves.php)

"At some point there seemed to be a shift in consciousness and I recall wondering whether this was the theta state FireFly9 wrote about in her log. I have no idea!"

It really doesn't matter what we call this shift, but it's a very important shift to make.  IMO it's what gets you there. 



Nice journey, it's seems that you are giving it your all. 30 Minutes is also the time that i usually stop trying. It is not that i watch the clock but it feels as my energy is low at that time.
As you say, hours may cause a burn out. I really want to astral project but i rather not do it hours for every day. May cause a burn out.
Trying to AP.

Hope you don't mind the questions that i have! :-D


I made two attempts this week, and nothing much happened in either of them: no vibrations, SP, or anything except a slight drifting into the "mind=awake body=asleep" state. I used my regular technique of waking up after two sleep cycles, not the phasing technique. I suppose I wasn't feeling as enthusiastic as I didn't bother repeating an affirmation and I noticed a general drop in interest and assurance in my ability to eventually get out. However, I don't believe this attitude change will be long-lived; it's more like just a short breather after the recent weeks of greater effort put into this.


Quote from: rainbow_light on November 15, 2014, 11:57:33
I made two attempts this week, and nothing much happened in either of them: no vibrations, SP, or anything except a slight drifting into the "mind=awake body=asleep" state. I used my regular technique of waking up after two sleep cycles, not the phasing technique. I suppose I wasn't feeling as enthusiastic as I didn't bother repeating an affirmation and I noticed a general drop in interest and assurance in my ability to eventually get out. However, I don't believe this attitude change will be long-lived; it's more like just a short breather after the recent weeks of greater effort put into this.

I'm at a similar stage to yourself and I've enjoyed reading your accounts here.

Sometime I think a small break can allow you to return with renewed vigour - too much effort may hinder. The main thing, I think, is to keep at it in the long run and eventually......it's gonna happen  8-)


Quote from: EpicAstral on November 09, 2014, 14:44:27
Nice journey, it's seems that you are giving it your all. 30 Minutes is also the time that i usually stop trying. It is not that i watch the clock but it feels as my energy is low at that time.
As you say, hours may cause a burn out. I really want to astral project but i rather not do it hours for every day. May cause a burn out.

wow, interesting points :) i will remember that :)
Meditation + Binaural Beats = Cloud 9

Have a safe journey! always remember, have fun doing what ever it is you doing.

Alcohol Treatment Center Newark NJ


I'll throw in my two cents. I'm new at this too but within the last three months( from start til now) i've had over ten experiences and one shared experience confirmed by a friend at work. I started out meditating, reading books, tons and tons and tons of posts here, youtube yada yada. I was highly analytical of every slight sensation, noise, bump etc in the first few weeks which led to really...not much. Judging by your posts I'd say you are of an analytical nature yourself which is a good thing but I think can also lead to to much of a focus on the physical, even subconciously, you'll be making constant mental rundowns of what you are experiencing and checking them off the list so to speak. What I found for me is completely ignoring the sensations as much as possible until you find one, be it a sound, or vibe, or voice and focus solely on that. The rest that come i just go ehhhh cool and act like I'm just walking past them as if I was strolling down a street with sale items in windows until I find that sensation I just can't ignore and for me it's an internal sound I hear. So I'd say while your experimenting with techniques, try no technique :) just relax and let your mind completely roam free until you get that ONE thing you just have to investigate and you may very well find yourself looking at yourself from across the room :) hope this helps.


Account of last night's attempt
After the usual set-up (woken up by alarm, relaxed the body, etc.), I began drifting out of awakeness. The signs seemed to be good, though my memory is a little foggy (possibly a good sign?). I found myself trying to phase again, even though I hadn't planned on doing so. One thing I remember clearly is a kind of swirling of light for a few seconds on the backs of my eyelids, almost like a video wipe. There were also some other visuals coming up that I was trying to ignore. Like other previous attempts, there were several periods of losing awakeness/getting closer to an OBE.

I could add a judgement here about how successful/promising the overall attempt was, and what I should have done differently, but what I'd really like to do is just maintain as equanimous an attitude as possible towards this and not get caught up in a cycle of: trying hard to have an OBE > failing to get out > feeling disappointed about not getting out > feeling frustrated due to the length of time it's taking me (relative to the estimates made by Michael Raduga for his technique, and, IIRC, Luis Minero) > making unnecessary changes to technique or changing the technique entirely in an attempt to get out sooner > trying even harder during attempts with all sorts of unconscious investments in my ability to do this, only to shoot myself in the foot with over-exertion. As with meditation, there's a sweet spot between over-exertion and resigning yourself to the same old boring sits where nothing happens. Another parallel with meditation actually (concentration meditation, anyway), is that nothing much happens until things start REALLY happening. So I just need to keep plugging away, giving myself permission to fail (preferably without even thinking of it as failure), giving myself permission to bore you all to death with the same posts over and over again, yet retaining the qualities needed for success, and slowly but surely refining my technique.