Are there spirit guides on the astral plane?

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Hi everyone,

Has anyone ever experienced anything like spirit guides or angels when astral projecting?

I have never astral projected so I have no experience with this. I'm just curious if other people have seen or experienced other beings while in the astral plane, and specifically ones that are there to guide or help. I'm just curious if this kind of thing exists.

What are your thoughts?


"Spirit guides" aren't people who simply hang around waiting for you to ask questions.
They're simply an "interface" for you to interact with the larger consciousness system with.

They're there for you only when you need an interface.  Nothing more. 

There aren't people who stand around all day waiting for you to make a mistake or ask a question, that's just silly and not to mention an extreme waste of time/energy.  :)

Understand?  :)


I wasn't making any assumptions about anything. Just asking a simple question.



Quote from: eggshell on May 07, 2016, 03:34:36
I wasn't making any assumptions about anything. Just asking a simple question.

I know.  And I answered.  :)

I was asking if you understood my reply, because a lot of people have this strange notion that they have one or many "spirit guides", when that simply isn't the case.  We're all part of the same consciousness and we all have access to the same "stuff".


Quote from: Xanth on May 07, 2016, 02:59:04
They're simply an "interface" for you to interact with the larger consciousness system with.
Can you explain this more Xanth?


There's another thing. Imagine you're walking over a bridge and hear a call for help coming from below. Someone's on the water. Now, you're just a passerby, there's no guarantee you'll be able to really help whoever is in need down there. The person on the water will be lucky if someone good happens to be passing by when he screamed.

Once I was astral projecting and raised my hands requesting to be raised from the world, but I wasn't very lucid and didn't say any names, so my call was to just anyone around. Then a claw grabbed my hand and started pulling me. When I saw the creature's face, I felt disturbed and attacked him. He laughed.

Well, it was my fault, I had invited him, but I wasn't expecting to encounter a being like that, so I apologized for my bad behavior, because I had no right to attack him. If I had the right, he wouldn't have laughed. I was prejudiced against it because I was waiting for a higher being, not a monster.

This is the worst case scenario, meaning that anyone might show up. But I've had successful experiences calling out to specific names of beings.
Where does this silence come from?

The untold past of the Earth:


Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on May 07, 2016, 22:21:51
Can you explain this more Xanth?
An interface.  When you need help or guidance, we usually ask for a "spirit guide".  That spirit guide is simply an interface with the larger consciousness system whereby we attain information to assist us. 

We ALWAYS have access to consciousness as we ARE consciousness.


Quote from: Xanth on May 08, 2016, 19:34:31
An interface.  When you need help or guidance, we usually ask for a "spirit guide".  That spirit guide is simply an interface with the larger consciousness system whereby we attain information to assist us. 

We ALWAYS have access to consciousness as we ARE consciousness.
I see. Thanks.


A shaman would say yes, definitely. While the astro traveler's and the shaman's terms and metaphors are different, they are describing the same thing. Shamans speak about Power Animals and Teachers. Xanth calls the same things an interface. Since we are describing something that's indescribable, we use these metaphors.
I have never succeeded in having an OBE as described in this forum. I have, however, been on shamanic journeys using sonic driving--drumming and rattling. On these journeys I have experienced or sensed helping spirits that shamans call Power Animals and Teachers.
Use what works.


Here is an old post of mine on this forum from May 17th 2014. I was replying to someone, but I thought it is relevant to your question.

"Through retrievals, I myself have assisted and helped many spirits. So, in these cases I was I and they were themselves. I was not a temporary part of their creation. In many cases they did not even ask for help. I was taken by some unknown forces during APs and dropped in a situation where another entity was experiencing a difficult situation. Sometimes they could see me, other times I realized that they had no idea anyone was there at all. So, yes, we interact with many spirits all the time in many levels. Even here in the physical when you help someone, you are acting as a guide. Same thing out there. You don't necessarily have to have the so called guardian angels, or very highly evolved beings. It could be anyone with good intentions.
I do agree that our own thoughts and intentions  crate and manifest all the time, but we also interact all the time whether we realize it or not with other spirits. Otherwise it would be a very lonely existence (here and everywhere in the multiverse) if we did not. Ultimately at the highest realm we are pure consciousness and are one, but we always experience individuality as the part of the soul expansion in many other levels including the physical realms, and while we experience these existences we do appear different and need to interact with one another to learn.
I have also had communicated with many entities who appeared that were helping me. One very interesting interaction was with a butterfly with a tiny human body and a woman's face. It was definitely not a part of my imagination or creation. It was a different entity. I had a false awakening one morning, and I realized I was perceiving the astral, when I opened my eyes, still in bed, just as you would normally wake up. My room was absolutely the same, but on the window it was that creature butterfly. I got startled and she said "Don't be afraid" then I stretched my hand, she flew and landed on my fingers. Then I saw her up close. She sort of whispered to me, and said "There are many invisible things around you, but humans don't posses the senses to perceive them. I have been with you for a long time". Then I woke up in the physical."
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


To answer your question without giving a paragraph of other information, yes. There are spirit guides on the astral plane.

Freaky Doll

There are always people, spirits, and other beings willing to help and act as a guide.


I have come across many entities in other realities and had conversations with some of them. One appeared like a guide, it was a brown skinned monk with a broad face. We sat down in an airport and he answered a question I had regarding some deeper mechanics of consciousness and denial.

It gets interesting when you have the presence of mind to interrogate the entities you meet for some kind of objective validity. Sometimes I get a strong impression that the entities I speak with are being created by me as I speak to them. I am not sure if it is always the case, but it is certainly possible to confuse your own creations and subconscious insight with a 3rd party guide.