Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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I don't know if I understand - are you asking why is there a sequential series of steps when going somewhere that is everpresent anyway?

If that is what you're asking - I suppose that maybe there is no need to do a sequence of steps, unless it is easier for the individual.

There have been times when I have skipped the actual exit, been 'in' one moment and 'elsewhere' the next without exiting per se. But I have never skipped *all* the steps - and going stepwise is comforting to me.



If you have been encouraged to go through a door, then why do you want to change this.
I have heard of making use of doorway symbols to astral project and lucid dream.


Well see the problem is I can never find the door that I'm supposed to be seeing.
I have gotten farther than ever by the advice I've gotten from this forum, which is not the way I learned to begin with.
What it seems like to me is that getting there is more important than how... right?


I have always been encouraged to begin by relaxing and going through the door, once out think about where you want to be and you'll be there.
Why do you have to go through the door to begin with, why not just pop inside the door to begin with--is it even possible?
Does anyone understand?