My first ten failures; assistance requested

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Eye of Horus

I have attempted Astral Projection ten times at times between 10pm and 1am without a successful OBE.
As a child I have had several OBE's that I would categorize under lucid dreams. I have not noticed having
one since the age of 10 nor do I often remember dreams; only once a month if lucky. I used to always
wake up with sleep paralysis if I fell asleep on my back but have never hallucinated or felt pressure on
my chest like many people do from this "phenomenon."

I've utilized a few different Astral Projection guided meditations videos during the experience and felt more progression without them.
What I have felt or experienced so far are only vibrations throughout arms, hands, legs and feet along with a partial state of sleep paralysis.

I have tried are the rope climbing, the ladder climbing, the rocking back/forth the getting up, the teleporting and the floating out of body methods.

Noted Problems

   Moving Physical body when trying to exit. (e.g. Expecting to move astral arm and move physical one)

   Having to swallow often with the tenancy of moving my tongue and jaw in the process

   No assistance when mentally asking for help from a spirit guide/guardian angel.

   Unable to feel a rolling, rising/floating or falling sensation with any methods

   Difficulty fully relaxing eyes, tongue, jaw, head and neck.

   Eyes do not start to feel heavy but slowly open if I try to relax them and not move them or apply pressure.

My Questions

   Many times I have came across videos stating to get up when you feel vibrations as you would physically and that's never worked;
   how should I detach from my body if my intentions are to literally raise one body part at a time out of my physical one.

   I am not hearing noises such as ringing. Would this be a sign that I have not relaxed enough?

   Why can I not feel the motions of rocking or floating?

   My head hardly feels as if it's in sleep paralysis when attempting AP; causes and solution?

   Why has my guide not assisted me?

   When do I go about the process of what feels like opening my physical eyes to see if I have Astral Projected? / Should I not attempt opening my eyes?

Advice based on my situation and answering my questions will be appreciated.


Hello and welcome to the Pulse!

You should spend some time searching the bold blue Sticky threads to see what has worked for other people. Personal Reality's How I got out the First Time, might be a good place to start.

Understand first that there are two basic ways to project and that you may be more naturally inclined towards one rather than the other: the first is the classic Etheric RTZ projection, where you feel yourself energetically rise up from your physical and float around your house. The second is Phasing, where you instantly switch your focus, no separation is felt, its more mental. Each method has its symptoms and sensations.

Read some, add it to your knowledge base, and you will eventually notice some things that resonate with what you have read and what you experience. There are such a wide variety of sensations that we can't really pin down what is or will be your experience until you have some more experience of your own. Most of us had to stumble onto this by ourselves.

Think back and review those experiences you had as a child. Look for some of those sensations and, more importantly, the feelings you had back then. Those may point the direction forward.

One thing I see is that you are still way too "physical". You must allow your awareness to disengage much more than what is happening now. That may risk falling asleep. But that's okay the first few times; you may regain a level of awareness that puts you into a lucid dream. That's the first level; you work from there.

Laying down to bed and working to a trance/projection level until 1am is the hardest way to project!!

You need more experience slipping into the proper state through more passive means. Try setting your alarm for the middle of the night or early morning, try an afternoon nap. The difference in state of mind should be obvious.

When you do find that state of mind, and things start happening, stay calm and unemotional. Be passively curious to what unfolds.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


 Have patience.

Contrary to public belief, 10 attempts is not much at all. Try 10 years, then were talking!  :wink:


I know this almost sounds impossible to do but you need to make AP attempts without projecting as your goal. If you continuously analyze every little sensation you feel, you will set yourself back and have to go through each stage over and over again.

Say you want to take a road trip but every ten minutes, you remember that you need to check something with your car. The first time you stop and check the tires. The tires are fine so you get back on the road. Then you remember to check your oil. The oil is fine so you get going again. Next, you remember that you forgot to check the coolant. You stop and check that and then get back to driving. Suddenly you notice that you don't have enough fuel and you need to find a gas station. Before you know it, it's too late for you to make the trip. If  you had checked everything before you got on the road, you would have been able to kick back and enjoy the trip.

Well AP sorta works the same way. If you constantly analyze every little thing, you will eventually ruin your chances at arriving at your destination. But unlike road trips, AP detours can be a lot of fun. :-)
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain