What am I projecting?

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"I am at a place on my learning curve where I "reach out" with my energy, can get impressions from other people/places (no sight/sound, but visual and audio impressions). I realy do not need trance to do this on a light level, just a little concentration. When I am relaxing, my trance level feels very light. I don't feel like I am leaving my body, because I maintain a (limited) level of awareness where I am. I have been "snapped back" before, which to me resembles the same effect as Astral projection."

   Sounds like RV or remote viewing.  Much of emote viewing is emtions but it is often heavily laced with things like, intent, thought, ideas.  IE you may not just feel that some one is scared but you might hear them say it as well and feel the emotion in thier voice.

"In this "awareness shift" state, I am able to accomplish much including defense, attacking unwanted influences, connection & a sort of "emotional comunication" with the other person. Much like telepathy, I guess."

Last part "emotional communication"  is called Empathy, not Telepathy.    Empathy is almost totally emotion or are images/sounds that are highly emotionally charged.  How ever true empaths have difficulty with attack and defense because they can feel so much.  It can be difficult to turn off.  But I do not see why not partial empathy or gained would not be controllabel in that nature.

Question:  Have you encountered this while you were awake and say talking to some one?  That being the most common timeing.  The next question being do you know the people you have been getting this from? (family, really close friend)

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


Hi, Cainam_nazier

I am aware of empathy. It seems I float from almost nothing (rare) to what I think is full telepathy (also rare). I first became convinced several years ago, sitting with my mother. We were relaxed, and I had been giving her some ideas on something she wanted to pursue. Once her thoughts started down a path, I was able to get each one. Until we realized it, and broke the connection out of surprise, and a difference of opinion on a particular thought. That was not emotions, as it was not emotionally charged, just looking for ideas.

Generally I get thoughts from people in conversation, or just sitting next to them. I have checked this by answering questions or curiousities that play across thier minds. I don't do that anymore, its made more than one person a little edgy. I try not to pry, someones mind is their most private thing. Around other people with skills, I have had "exchanges". Depending on the person, it varies from imaging to speech, but without the confines of words.

As far as the awareness "split", I can do pretty much everything I want to in that state. I first really got tuned into it performing the LBRP, and QC. I got much stronger reactions like that. I have been sending energy to some people that are in need. It feels like once I have a clear image in my mind of who the target is, I reach out with a "tentacle" in their direction, sometimes search a bit, and then lock in. It seems that I only go to their end of the connection if I want to. That is where I get the strongest feedback.

When I send out awareness it seems I can expand it in a full circle, though behind me takes more active concentration, or directionally. A 30-45 degree arc in front of me seems to work the best. This is with or with out relaxation, just a little concentration. It is stronger when I meditate, though.

And for what it is worth, my trance states are fairly light, anybody within 5-10 feet (1-3 meteres) pulls me out. It takes a second or so to "dial in" again, unless its imperative, then it is almost immediate. But I do not like coming up that fast.

Thanks for the thoughts, maybe this post will help clarify.

P.S. I just got Astral Dynamics only on page 80+/-


That does change things a bit.  I myself am an empath.  I find it a fun but some times troubling ability pending the individual.  I also tend to not believe some of the things that I get because I still find it a little wierd at times.  And some times I wonder if it is me doing it or the other person.  Some times I wish they would make a multi-meter that would read this kind of stuff.

"Generally I get thoughts from people in conversation, or just sitting next to them. I have checked this by answering questions or curiousities that play across thier minds. I don't do that anymore, its made more than one person a little edgy. I try not to pry, someones mind is their most private thing. Around other people with skills, I have had "exchanges". Depending on the person, it varies from imaging to speech, but without the confines of words."

That is the fun part about it.  I also try not to pry but I can often tell when some one wants to know or say something but are timid about it.  It is fun to say certain things and have a person just look at you with this total look of suprise which is often followed by the question, how did you know.  But so far I have not run into any one with the same skill as myself or you, if I have I did not know.  I have been looking for some one though to see if I can communicate in this manner since I am not yet strong enough to project the thoughts into another for them to hear.  Itwould be easier if some one could read me and I inturn read them.

"When I send out awareness it seems I can expand it in a full circle, though behind me takes more active concentration, or directionally. A 30-45 degree arc in front of me seems to work the best. This is with or with out relaxation, just a little concentration. It is stronger when I meditate, though.

I do this aswell but for me it seems the back is a little more responsive since I can easily see who/what is in front of me.  I would like to know a little more about the method you use.  I myself basically just push out a bubble as far as I can and feel for vibrations or shifts in the feeling.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.



Yeah, it does make you wonder if you are recieving it or creating it.

Something else I am noticing and pondering, is if maybe sometimes it is posible to get responses from someones subconscious. I am not sure.
Have you gone to the psionguilds homepage? Interesting, just not the way i want to do things.

I guess a bubble is close enough. Just a very defined edge to my perception. I don't know how to cut through the static of all those thoughts, but I do recognize other people that have a stronger signature. Very easy to lock on to. Most people just show up like little gray "blips", going about there hum of life.

Several people in my family have varying degrees of psi ability. Mostly unrealized in the conventional sense.


Hi, all.

I am at a place on my learning curve where I "reach out" with my energy, can get impressions from other people/places (no sight/sound, but visual and audio impressions). I realy do not need trance to do this on a light level, just a little concentration. When I am relaxing, my trance level feels very light. I don't feel like I am leaving my body, because I maintain a (limited) level of awareness where I am. I have been "snapped back" before, which to me resembles the same effect as Astral projection.

In this "awareness shift" state, I am able to accomplish much including defense, attacking unwanted influences, connection & a sort of "emotional comunication" with the other person. Much like telepathy, I guess.

Does anyone know exactly what I am projecting?

Thanks for the help.