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After reading Psychic Counter Measures

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Negs can send telepathic images at you, or your subsconsious mind might have been creating a representation of the energy it felt - most liklely a combination of both. Whenever I see images like that I hack and slash and tear them to shreds!!! Then torch the area and leave an ankh simmering over it (no idea why the ankh, it always just seems like a good idea!). Or perhaps a circle with a cross through it for containment.

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Or the next time, as you settle in for you OOBE, suround yourself with a brilliant white light, and your home if you feel so.  You wont believe the power behind this, so much that you will not be able to see you physical body through all this energie, that is from you projection.  There is alot behind this 'white lighting' idea, not just spiritually, but it resonates a certain amount of truth in your very being.  Think about it, if you wake up from a nightmare, or you are scared of ghost or haunting, what do you do?  You reach for the light, and like magic that scary feeling disolves..



Umm, right...

What you should be doing is using your circles, separating, purifying, imbuing, and threading them back increase the flows.  Now THAT is a real protection, although I'm sure the white light...thing works too *laughs*....meh, whatever works, right?



So I ask this.  Is there a difference between say a "purly astral" entity and a spirit?

David Rogalski


I'm a little confused by your question but...

To me at least, there is a keen difference between certain creatures that exist solely on the astral (eg they cannot manifest their energy lines here, as they aren't compatible....well at least no directly), but they CAN directly affect you on the astral which can have serious reprucussions here (make sense?).  On the other hand, 'spirits', or at least your garden variety aren't too much of a threat (on this plane)...if you know how to work with energy threads at least...I'm not really sure.



I will try to explain a little better what I mean and then I have another question because of your responce.  

I have some what of the "sight".  I see things that aren't there for every one else.  I guess you could call it astral sight but since I have not made an aware projection I don't know.  Most of the things that I strike me as being based here in the physical or at least once were.  I have teken steps to ensure that my home and more other my room is a safe place for me and my family, I have been doing this since I was about 12.  I do know that it has worked for the most part over the year with the exceptions being some of the houses or set ups caused dorrs to be open all the time.  I ask for the difference in entities because I know this works for spirits or things that are/were based in the physical at some time, but I do not know if it works for everything.  The only time that I can recall were I might have been attacked was when I had just moved and not yet claimed my new area.

So by your post, does that mean that a different set or kind of barrier would need to be used in order to protect your house/room for the safety of your astral/energy body while you were asleep and not conciously projecting?

David Rogalski


After reading Mr. Bruce's Psychic Counter measures I had a question about something that only just happened yesterday as a matter of fact.

 I have been trying to project for a while now and I am just starting to hit a point where I can induce a heavy body unable to move state. (Or what ever it is normally called.)  But yesterday while in this state a very distinct image came to my mind.
 I was sitting in the same chair that I am now while doing this and I could feel some one behinde me.  When I looked up in my mind I saw a rather ugly and vile face looking down at me.  He grabbed my chair and shook it violently but briefly.  I managed to maintain my focus but was still unable to project.  I have not seen the image since and I have made two other attempts to project.  But they were both in a different location and not that chair.
 Is this something that I should look into further or just let go.  I do not know if the image was something I created or not but delt with as such and ignored it.  It only bothers my slightly and I am not really worried about but I would like to know a little more about it.  You know like "why?" and all.
 I only bring this up after reading Mr. Bruce's article with the core images, negs, and so on.  I have really given much thought about such things prior since I have in the past been able to deal with the more physical oddities that have appeared.  But this is new ground for me and I do not know if the same thoughts and practices will work.

Side note Added-  I was mostly wondering because I would not like the thought of something penitrating the sanctity of my home of which I have gone through great details to protect, well at least from the spirits that walk amuong us.  But I do not know if the same barriers would work against something activly looking to make a connection.

"I'm am Lumberjack I don't care."

David Rogalski