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Hi Thirdeye

Personally I think it's nice for a skeptical person to express their opinion in such a polite and rational way.

You are certainly correct in your post where you comment on the power of imagination and belief. Mans ability to forge his own future via the influences of his own mind is a blatant truth that is hard to deny. However also consider that behind every exaggeration, myth, legend or mass hysteria there is usually an original source of truth. It is my experience that it is indeed possible to influence another person in ways that allow one to alter that individuals future outcomes, just like they can with there own mind power. However cases where a person actively sets out to psychically attack someone are rare. However if one is sensitive enough or open enough to external influence another person simply sending out hateful thoughts of you will also affect you in subtle ways. A positive self-attitude and a strong will is the natural and effective defense against the latter.

What came first the chicken or the egg?

Depression and or poor self-esteem leads to a negative self-concept and a negative energy body, both make you open to subtle negative influences. Significant subtle negative influences can also lead to depression if one so much as has a very open mind.

You are correct in implying that people are their own worst enemy... well mostly. However although one might create their own bad situation, for the reasons I gave in the last paragraph it is still possible or even likely that external influences the person is vulnerable to, or that are attracted to the individual are still involved.

Well that's my opinion in a nut shell



I'm sorry if I offend you people but I have to say this. Most of you are unexperienced. If you have never been psychically attacked you don't know what you talking about. Psychic attack is also called spiritual warfare. This is no game. My mind doesn't run to evil thoughts. I don't send bad images to myself. I have talked to a few experts on this subject and other people that experience with attacks. I also have talked to other people that know this man is attacking me. They know it's him and knows that he does it to other single woman.
I know some of the secrets. I know that someone can take a piece of your soul and use it for voodoo. I know this man games and I'm having them confirmed by other people. Matter of fact I was told that he has caused things to happen to other people and this was just a confirmation for something that I already knew.
I have been told other secrets which have been confirmed.
I know what it's like to have your mind race. I also know what's it's like to put your mind in a trance.
I know what you mean by a mind set wheether things are going to be good or negative but I also know about picking up on the vibrations of what is coming.
Cognitve therapy- well I'm close to a degree in psychology. Do you thing I want this problem? I would use the technique if it would work, but it won't.
What you think will come true will. I never thought psychic attack was possible and someone showed me it is. Denial leave you open to attack, also attack without your knowledge. Knowing it's possible leads you to protecting yourself from it.
I have seen people not protected and seen them say things that were coming from another person. There are many people here that can tell you their experiences and they are all really. It's not imagination. What you are claiming to be a persons imagination most people wouldn't even conceive the thoughts, besides why would anyone ever want to things such as what is sent to them.
I didn't give birth to my children to have someone destory their lives or cause them karma. I wasn't brought into this world to suffer.
I have read many things here, there are many misconceptions here. People have a right to be angry for what is being done to them. This is at the hand of another. Most people that do this physically will go to jail or pay a fine. People that are telling you not to worry about it isn't going through it and don't see what is going on around us. What is happening isn't a streak of bad luck or what is prewritten it is at the hands of someone with an evil mind.
I have enough proof that all this is true.
Other then this website i have talked online to a couple other people that are attacked. I also come acroos a couple of people that are being attacked by him but a different way. I also talked to four other people that have alot of knowledge in this field and know it is him.
I can find many websites that explain what I say.

Negative mind thoughts don't always lead to negative things. It also tells you what isn't right for you. Sometimes you need to examine the negative thoughts and see why they are there.
If the mind and the feelings don't coincide there is something wrong. Here is an example from my experience, my attacker had me very upset one day I was taking care of an elderly couple. So I was putting the woman to bed and he sent me a mental image and strong emotions to choke the woman. This wasn't my mind, thoughts or feelings. I could sense what was not mine. It takes awhile to learn this.  
People that seek out other people to attack is rare. I'm not sure where this statement comes from but I don't believe this is true. You find stories here of attacks but you can find them many places. Not only that there are many books on psychic attacks. Alot of people are not just psychically attacked there are thoughts placed in to to think things (thoughtforms). This isn't your basic attack but it's still giving someone a thought that doesn't go along with the person believes or wants.
People don't always create their own situation. That goes with everyday live. You may pick where you work but you can't pick who you work with unless you are the owner of a company. Unless you control everyone in your enviroment you are not in control of every situation around you. You might not bring something to you, someone else might.
Not only that there are people that can send things out to you and people around you.

This is all talk of experience.


it truly is difficult to tell whether something that happens to you is due to your self, or due to something or someone else.

"some of you seem to be blaming every problem in your life on these attackers". well, you never know thirdeye, perhaps they are being attacked in every aspect of their life. i personally hold scepticism, but i couldn't possibly be certain of other people's predicaments unless i myself were there; in much the same way that it is impossible to prove to somebody that chi exists without them having experienced it. i find it best not to talk about things which i know nothing of; i've put my foot in my mouth a lot of times in the past (including the recent past ;P ), and i really don't like the odour of my own foot :) .

"Most of you are unexperienced. If you have never been psychically attacked you don't know what you talking about". i'm certainly not inexperienced, but just because someone has experiences doesn't mean they understand them properly. and thinking you do doesn't mean that you do.

but either way, just to let you know crim, i tried sending an email to the guy a few weeks ago (and then totally forgot about it). so i'm checking my email now to see if he's replied, but it's gonna take a while since i've got like 200 messages of spam (i'd given up trying to use that email account, but i used it this one last time to try to contact the guy without giving him one of my real email addeys).

also, i'm not sure about whether this really happened or not, but i thought i'd also let you know about it. on a day sometime soon after i emailed the person i thought that i sensed him trying to "connect" with me spiritually, trying to find out more info about me than what i supplied in the email (the email i gave was a total fake, btw. i said something about having a gf, and having another girl like me and not knowing which to marry, so i was asking him to "divine" which one i would be happier with).

so i had a little spiritual sparring with the guy and tried to lock off his power, but i couldn't quite figure out how to get the lock to hold, so it seemed like i may have disrupted him a couple of times for a minute or so each time. but what happened seemed kinda quasi real compared to the energy work i do, but it fit right in with the sensations that i get whenever i try to contact my friends spiritually from a distance. so we sparred a couple of times, i threatened him and tried to cut his power off, but i don't think i was too successful (not because he was too strong but because i was too weak at the time).

finally done checking my emails and he didn't respond. meh, oh well.



I agree with what you say about people bringing it on themselves, with irrational fear or imagination.  Many so-called
"psychic attacks" are probably imagined and if not the fear of the person is the real problem.

But I have to ask where are you reading this try another part of the site or posts.

    To be sure consider the (law of psychic attraction)-  which simply put means like attracts like and if something is different it repells it.

     So kudos on your open mindedness


Your situation is sincere but I am wondering about why you haven't been able to stop these attacks, a technique I use is stating to the attacker (I am positive to you, and you are negative to me)
This coincides with the law of psychic attraction and causes you to repel them, I imagine brick walls.
 I recommend that this attacker be stopped[;)]


Why would negative spirits be repelled by high energy instead of attracted to it?

Robert Bruce himself has stated he made himself a target by trying to do good.  But what it really comes down to is wishful thinking.  Sure you can do things which in the end let you fight the negative influences but most people aren't psychic enough to even know when something is feeding off their energy.

A lot of it is denial and wishful thinking.  Just like some people say "i live a wholesome life so nothing bad will happen to me." they want to believe they have control over what happens so they always find fault with the person who is mugged or attacked.  Instead of accepting there might be laws out there we dont understand.  Hell i feel a lot safer when i adopt the belief i can completely control every energy around me by doing good.  That way i can deny or ignore the bad and feel better all the way around.

How would you explain babies being attacked if like attracts like only?  im not saying theres not truth to that cliche.  But i dont think it applies in the way you think.  You can attract enough good maybe to help you out but that doesn't mean there aren't influences around you you're not aware of.

I think the only real reason to know a psychic attack is happening is to work to fight it and do something about it.  But no it shouldnt be an excuse for it.. it should be a wake up call that you need to change certain things.  So i agree with you on the blaming thing..


Hi Going Slow

"How would you explain babies being attacked if like attracts like only? im not saying theres not truth to that cliche."

Perhaps this is the difference between intelligent entity attack and simple predatory attack. Entity's seeking a host victim to feed from or to depress in order to feed from seek out people with a lower, less vibrant energy. Similar in a sense to a microbe causing infection in an immunocomprimised person. Entities seeking to attach to infants or outright attack pure people of a higher vibratory level seem to have an intelligent and evil purpose. So there seems to be a distinction between the attacks where entities take advantage of vulnerable people and where intelligent entities set out to harm or corrupt a person for a greater evil purpose.



I'm sorry if I offended anyone here. You may contact someone in a spiritual way but this is most definity different from an psychic attack. Like Robert stated there are enities involved in the attack. In my case there was also implants used. Shielding didn't work because the implants were placed in my etheric body. There was atleast 10 found in my body and I'm not sure if but there might be another 1 still there.


"To be sure consider the (law of psychic attraction)- which simply put means like attracts like and if something is different it repells it." first off, it's not a law, it's a theory. next off my experiences have been completely opposite of that theory. demons attacked me a lot when i was trying to be a really good christian, but since i've stopped that they seem to leave me alone completely.

it's like their purpose is/was to prevent me from doing goodly things. so obviously like does not attract like.



good point fenris.

On the theory of like attracts like it depends on what you believe "negs" to be.  I think most are nothing more than entities that need energy.  For reasons i dont think most of us know they are not able to produce their own so they need to feed off of others.  Now in this case like wouldnt attract like because obviously they'd need to feed off someone with a lot of energy.  Good luck feeding with another being with no energy.. that just doesnt make sense logically.

In that case it seems more probably opposites attract only in the way that if you're looking for energy you'd be better off going at something with high energy.  Instead of another entity like you with none..

I dont think things can be oversimplified by saying "like attracts like" period.


"I dont think things can be oversimplified by saying "like attracts like" period". too true. just like with human interactions, interaction between spirits and us/other-spirits it is too complex to simplify like that. good point goingslow.



Sometimes I sense presences and I just can't tell whether they're good or evil, or if it's just in my head. This usually only happens if I'm real tired or have low energy. Most of the time I sense good presences around me. Even when I'm in bed falling asleep. Sometimes I sense very good presences when I wake up, especially on a really nice day.


My experience with negatives. They fed on my fear. How many of you get mental images of someone lying under a white sheet. Told that your grandmother is dead. She yourself hanged from your window. See yourself put in a body bag. Mental image of my sister's husband sitting in a chair and her on the floor crying and then looking at me and yelling why didn't you tell me. The angels pick this up they wanted to know who it was cause they knew the image was sent. There has been much more mental images that where sent to me.
Fear is what they feed off of for the energy. There is the aspect of causing a person to do harm to another. This is kinda like having someone do your bidding for you. The negs around me wanted more then just energy. There was many physical things that happened during this period where much harm could have come to me and my family. Lucky for us what has happen was pretty minor. Many of the instances could have been serious.


I've had images of my best friend hating me, but she doesn't and never has. I found the neg that was putting these images into my head. It had cloned itself to look like my friend but when I found out it was a neg I banished it and removed its cords from me, and told it if it ever comes back it's going to get a big blast of energy, more than it can handle. It cannot contend with my free will. If I had not heard about negs, I would have never know that it was this neg that was sending me the images. Knowledge is extremely vital for protection.


Well folks,
IMHO it's mostly your own imagination.
At times, what's in your mind is repressed material, feelings and thoughts you couldn't allow yourself. "Repressed" means it will stay unconscious. The meaning of unconscious: you won't even become aware that it is there...

So as long as you don't bother to go over those contents in your mind you will be subject to your own phantasies and complexes and most of all, projections. No, this time this term doesn't relate to the astral, it's rather what you do with thoughts of your own that you can't allow yourself- you project them onto other people, making them the active part even if they aren't: "This guy is constantly attacking me..." -which is an expression of your repressed wish to live out your own aggression. Aggression is a natural drive, so instead of repressing it (which we are taught/ educated to do), we should find a safe way of expressing it. Then we won't need to repress it or project it anymore.

Astral attack is a pretty rare phenomenon. This is due to the fact that you need extraordinary willpower and also knowledge of some occult techniques to do it. There are not that many people who really would know how to attack another person (or care to do so).
You see, it's not just thinking or wishing to attack somebody- if wishful thinking was so successfull more than half of the people on this forum were millionaires.

If you start practising occult techniques, find a good teacher first. You might consider joining an Order or Healing Circle, to learn the proper techniques and safeguards.
Come to terms with your unconscious- see a shrink if that's what needs to be done.
Be aware that you might invoke something you don't know how to get rid of- so learn some banishing techniques.And if, in the course of your practices, you feel you are under psychic attack, see a doctor first to find out if there are physical correlations to your "dis-ease".

Astral beings (ghosts of the deceased and others) will only be able to attack you if your aura is weakened, for example by shock, drug intoxication or when you use occult techniques improperly. In the last two cases you shouldn't blame the astral being...
But there are countermeasures, which have been in use in occult orders for several hundreds of years. This is to say: they work. One of these is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

If you feel under attack, do he Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram ( which is widely published on the Web). It should be done on a daily basis for some weeks.

Just my advice,




1.Mostly your imagination. This is so far from being true. I'm not sure where you have gotten this from, I have seen it several places. To me, this is what is taught so people believe that attacks don't occur. There are many people out there preforming magic and many people aren't aware enough to know it. Thus they aren't aware of what is being done to them. I went through this stage and can look back and realize it. I'm not into imagining people are attacking me and threating my family and other people. That's a little over board. i can understand questioning other people's motives for their actions but to dream up someone is threating my family isn't my imagination.
Projection- I know what projection is, I not the projectioner. I'm not far from a degree in psychology. I know about the self-defense mechanisms. I don't think I'm that bad of a person or have a big ego to project my fualts or feelings onto another person.
Need of occult knowledge- there are many people out there with occult knowledge. I have found much on the internet along with people telling me information. I know somewhat of prana and bouncing of energy. I seen energy bounced to a person and cause them to say something they wouldn't have said. This is all fact.
When someone does magic whether it is  good or bad and it goes against what you want it is still a form of attack.
From my experience i could tell you how to attack people. There are some people i have come across that are learning how to take people's voice from them.
Physical exam- I don't need a physical I had one last year. I have no physical problem that would cause what I experience. The problem with modern medicine is that it doesn't cover the astral plane. People that experience attacks are labeled with a mental condition. They will say you have a chemical imbalance. Unless they can prove to me by a test that my brain is malfunctioning I'm not believing it. If a test can prove that my chemicals are imbalanced to cause me to have fear this also prove my point that this is happening also. A chemical imbalance isn't going to happen over night.
If you are a neophyt getting into magic then you will also know that you can communicate telepathically. Then to psychic attacks occur.
Not all attacks are from discarnates. I would say most are from incarnates. In some form whether mild or strong.
All you have to do is open someones aura and you are in. It doesn't matter if it is strong or not. I come to beleive when this person asked me if they could drag my aura to take the negativity out he  opened me up to him.
There is also the believe that when you are attacked you allow it on some level. This is far from the truth also, I believe this also comes from the theory of those that attack people to justify what they are doing. Most people don't know about aura or even believe it. I didn't find out until 5 yr.s ago. It did help me understand many things.



Can you give me the number of steve the mystic.

Hope to hear from you soon

Yours Sincerely



Need he lives in Ohio, USA. If you want the number I can give it to you. I went to his house. I remember your story but I don't remember where you live. You may want to check into someone with a good reputation. I wouldn't advise going to alot of people in your area.
Try this email. Tell them about your situation and see what you can find out.

James S

I too am sceptical about many claims people make about spiritual/psychic/neg attacks. I do not discount it completely. I can't. Twice I have been attacked by some force that sought to suffocate me. I was paralysed, being crushed and could not breathe.

At the time I was making myself useful in the church I then belonged to by engaging in intercessory prayer & spiritual warfare, as I naively believed it was the right thing for me to do at the time. I wasn't taught how to shield properly, and left myself exposed. My initial reaction at the time was to call on a name of power - Jesus, as I had been then taught, to release this crushing grip that whatever the hell it was had on me. That worked, both times. I see it as a case of messing around with forces I didn't understand without proper protection. The sceptic in me decided afterwards to get a physical checkup. Everything was perfectly normal.

My point? I too have had first hand experience in attacks. I have spoken to and spent time with others such as church councellors and psychics of similar situations. They are not at all common, they are almost always physical in nature, and much of what I have seen detailed as "neg" attacks just do not fit the profile.

Many mental or personal afflictions are more often than not of an internal, self induced or chemical nature, not of external forces. Many people will seek to pin personal problems on outside influences. This enables them to absolve themselves of the responsibility of having to deal with the problem directly. They can then place the cure firmly in the hands of a church pastor or coucellor, a reiki practicioner, a psychic healer, etc. If one of those people should then fail, the fault is then theirs, not the individual bearing the problem.

having read some of your descriptions of personal attacks, it seems to me more than coincidental that these images should be bothering you in particular. Having looked at you bio, it seems you are exposed more to such "crime" related visions than others would be. Could it be at all possible that these images plagueing you are more directly linked to your subconcious than from external entities?
I'm sorry if I have misunderstood you here as I don't wish to cast dispersions or offend here, but even in circumstances such as occur in psychic/spiritual arenas, I have found Occams Razor to still be very much applicable - the simplest explanation is most often the correct one.

My wife has also studied psychology at uni. She has experience in matters both psychic and astral, being a sensitive empath/telepath herself. She will usually turn to explanations that involve a person taking responsibility for their own problems before blaming malicious entities. Putting blame on negs for personal problems, once one has learned something about them is often as misguided as saying something bad happened because your horroscope said it would.

I know neg attacks can happen, but I do believe people put far to much blame on them for things that could best be described as "excrement happens".

Be happy & well


Good call James, that was a very logical and intelligent post. I too do not want to discount these attacks completely because i have been wrong many times before [:P] I definately believe that these events happened but i would say that a good proportion of them are internal as James mentioned.

The body is quite a complicated machine and very often i get strange and odd feelings, which are because of exhaustion, drugs, chemical imbalances, illness, negativity, paranoia, something bad i ate etc etc.

For instance, a friends friend of mine went to hospital the other day because he was having extreme trouble breathing, like a constriction in the chest. He got checked out and was completely fine. Now he could blame it on Negs if he wanted, however he doesn't even know what they are. So as a result, he believes it was something physilogical and i believe hes dead right.

Criminal Mind i feel for you buddy. You are undeniably in a lot of pain and i know how that feels. I honestly believe however that you are making yourself a victim. Some of these attacks may be happening but i cannot see why you would be singled out by all these attackers when i have never ever heard of such an occurance outside of Astral Pulse. Life is not easy, thats for sure and its human nature to blame bad things on outside influences. Think about when two people collide in a car. Quite often there is a terrible argument and both people argue that it wasn't their fault. Now in most circumstances, it is someones fault. These people blame others "My friend shouldn't have let me drink, well he was giving me the rude finger, he shouldn't have been turning yet etc etc". Although there is often a bit of blame on both sides, we all have to take ownership of our problems and admit that it is us that has a problem, that we made a mistake or that we are doing something wrong.

Now only you guys that are getting attacked truly know if there are negs attacking you or if you are blaming outside people for your situation. All i know is if you always let yourself be the victim and want sympathy from others it may work to an extent but you will not grow. Negativity is the bane of Society. People get caught in a rut and blame their situation and feel sorry for themselves. If only they would stand up and say
"you know what? i dont like how i live now"
"Im not happy"

and realise that more often than not they are creating the situation for themselves. At this point half the battle is won. Next they have to get some sand and fix what they dont like. The world owes no one nothing. You create your own luck..

Anyway i think i may have got a bit off track lol. I may sound a bit harsh or insincere however i truly would like you guys to overcome these problems.




I wonder why people think studying psychology means anything.

I think this topic has been done over and over.  People think their experiences were the real deal but everyone elses is in their mind.

I dont really see the point in this.

Without a doubt some of the things on this forum are obviously not attacks.  I wont point out names but I dont think its everyone elses job to tell people which are real and which arent.  They're the one experiencing it and fact it telling them its all in their mind doesnt help.  They'll either figure it out themselves or will always believe its a neg problem.


yep. I totally agree. You can't change others or make them realize anything. They have to come to their own conclusions. It's certainly one thing to state your opinion but if you start telling people they're wrong then that isn't helping anyone. I'm not saying that anyone's doing this and I'm not pointing fingers. It is just something I felt Goingslow was making a good point about and it's something I should point out further. Just be yourself and don't be afraid to post something if you think you're being attacked. Whether it's in your head or not, posting your problem and getting ideas from other people will help you determine how to solve the problem or if it's all in your head (once again helping to solve the problem).


To Whoever

 James-- My experience of a negative entity attack was for the same reasons that you learned about it. I engaged in intercessory prayer without protection & got nailed.
Thanks to Robert's book and helpful advice from Nita I got rid of the thing. The woman I interceded for thought 'a person' was attacking her. I don't dismiss this but I can not validate that. I did learn first hand that there were two negative entities involved with her. I think if she would of followed the steps I did ie. using Robert's prescribed methods she would be largely rid of her problem. This woman became paranoid and got extremely angry with me--I have not seen her since. I concluded at the time that whatever forces were effecting her turned things up a few notches when someone (myself) tried to intervene on her behalf. They didn't want to lose their meal ticket.  Unfortunately she became very emotionally unstable. I have no idea where she is or how she is.

 I learned the adage "God helps those that help themselves" first hand. I had to take responsibility for what happened to me and I had to take wise action. I knew that I would eventually come across someone that actually "knew" about this stuff. It was easier for me than for her because there was interference but my mind was not being over-shadowed like hers. Although I think "it" was trying. I had been a meditator for many yrs and was pretty clear on what my thoughts, feelings and energy is. 'it' was there hiding for a long time before I actually became aware that 'it' was an entity. It did cause me physical pain. In the end it was the physical pain & how it was moving around that alerted me to it's presence.  "it's" presence could be sensed by others, it largely blocked off my channel to connect with my Higher guidance. It was attached to my energy field & I became tired, depressed, felt hopeless ---not my usual attitude or mood. I am immensely grateful to Robert and Nita for sharing their knowledge and expertise on this forum as well as others that I learned from. I found absolutely no beneficial help outside of them.

  Robert's book was not a fun read for me because it was all to real. It freaks you out when you can actually feel an entity breathing down your neck & reading your thoughts.  Before finding Robert's book & this website I was given a lot of stupid/useless advice from well-meaning 'healers or psychics' who had no real clue  but a lot of opinions about what happened to me. I even spoke to a Tibetan/Buddhist nun who was very nice but not helpful either. After about 3 attempts at finding help I learned to suffer in silence.
  I don't post to convince anyone. I am willing to be judged by those that don't know any better if my post is helpful to someone who needs to read it--maybe as a preventative. Until it happened to me I didn't want to believe it either. I know now: it CAN happen, and there IS something that can be done about it.
 All the best to all


Dear Criminalmind63

I've sent you a private message. I'd like to thank you for getting back to me. I really would like to contact Steve to see if he can help. lots of what happened to me is on my threads especially "Robert Bruce : I'm in serious trouble". Please get back soon thanks. I'm in uk.





sorry, could you tell me what you need a degree in psychology for, if you don´t even bother using techniques like cognitive therapy because " it won´t work"?
I do well know the difference between imagined attacks and real ones- I have been attacked by a trained, experienced magician, and I know how many times before I had imagined I was under attack.

All I was saying is: if you start working with astral projection and the like, learn some basic protection techniques first- because, as you correctly stated, you will open your aura. So you will need to know how to close it again, and keep yourself protected once you´re using the techniques.
And if you are experiencing troubles like cramps or headaches, it´s just common sense to have yourself examined, just to make sure you´re not going to die of some food poisoning or cancer.
Just because you are opening yourself to the unseen doesn´t mean you´re not allowed to use common sense anymore.

In this forum I have read postings describing that it is adviseable to " pull your astral sword and slay everything that comes close". Well, if you were an astral entity, and somebody invaded your astral house, would you want them to attack you with their astral swords?

Well, seems to me that some people here aren´t really honest to themselves about their motives!
Go ahead, start astral wars wherever and whenever you can--but don´t come home crying like a baby and accusing others of attacking you- you´re just in for what you asked for.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...

`nuff said
