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Exalt Part 2

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So i posted about a week ago about an experience that happened with me where i was givin a message is a clear and audible tone while i was drifting asleep one morning, the message that came to me was "Exalt!"

At first i was frightened, which is what lead me to this forum page, I've been on the astral projection page for some time now. One of the moderators on this page gave me a different angle to view the situation which i thank you for! Now i'm looking for a little advice on how to sharpen my senses?

I had another visit last night, this one was much less terrifying. I was laying down day dreaming about a fictional story i've been wanting to write, so i was following the charecters I created in whatever adventures they found themselves in, i was slowly drifting asleep. Then the same loud directive voice spoke to me which snatched me back to the waking state, however this time i couldn't make out what was said! All i know is it starts with a C, ends with an L and sounded like 1 word. I don't even know if it was in English. After i tried to put the word together but failed, i spoke out loud, "I can't understand what you said, i need to you to be more clear and use English next time."

However also, this experience had an interesting twist. First of all, after i was spoken to and brought back to the waking state, i felt energy basically caked over me. It wasn't scary...or exciting...i could just FEEL it all around me. Then i was brought into a fit of close OBE's (Out of Body Experiences). I mean, i was catching myself almost leaving my body every 5 minutes. Every time i'd just let go and   mentally allow myself to let the experience happen, id either start drifting out and instinctively focus on it or i'd literally start drifting asleep and feel myself either being dragged out or sucked out (Both instances happened). It wasn't scary or anything...i just honestly wish i would have made it out so i could speak with this being that seems interested in my development.

Needless to say, i didn't sleep much last night...maybe 2 hours total BUT....for whatever reason, i'm not tired at all. I feel completely energized, like i got a full nights sleep. Any suggestions?   


An interesting re-visit.
The only applicable word is collateral, it fits in with that dense energy cloud you could feel.
To sharpen your senses you need to recall your exact frame if mind and emotional balance with the depth of your physical to non physical awareness.
Try to obtain the feel of your percieved environment at the time of the 'message'.
By matching this and developing a hold, you'll be receptive far longer.
The usual fear, excitement and over analysing may inhibit this, a few attempts will endeavour to match the initial and second visitation.
Spoken words are far less of use in comparison to telepathic communications.
If you're unfamiliar with this mode of communication, it may limit the choices to single words.
There's a 'feel factor' with every entity. Recall this in more detail so it becomes natural and instinctive. I'm sure you have noticed in the NP that the initial few seconds of being aware this feel factor instantly tells you what to expect.
As you were focussing on whatever for those later 5 attempts, perhaps to not focus would be better. The main problem with focus is it needs consistency and any changes surrounding you will instigate an analysis of what's changing. This can be a negative as analysis is usually referenced to something physical world orientated. This brings your thoughts back in many cases. To treat everything you percieve as if it was wallpaper, it's there and doesn't require any reactions, will get you deeper into the required mindstate. Mentally humming a mantra may help. This will get you deeper in and if you succeed you'll know it instantly.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.