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Measures for Psychic Attacks

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Here is a website to help to remove cords attached to you.

My attacker interfers with my visualization so it's hard for me to do this. If this happens to you maybe you could have someone else do it for you.




Thanks for the info. It was extremely helpful! Have you looked into qi energy at all? I'm looking for websites that can give me some info on it because I deal with this energy a lot. I haven't really seen any websites for it though.

Keep on posting the sites if you know of any more. I'd definitely like to read them, I even bookmarked a couple in my web browser for later :)


Hello Enderwiggin
  Robert's core image removal works the best of anything I have seen with cords and removed the issues at the same time. It is on this website and there is a lot of other information that should be checked out also.

Metal Ice

Fight these black magicians & Psychic
Vampires. My psychic attacker was both.
I tried everything until I found what works.
Buy padlocks made of steel or iron . Carry as many
as you need to burn the attack away. Use
essential oils like lavender, rosemary & fennel.
Try not to fear the attacks or attacker. You may
need anti fear meds  to combat panic attacks
brought on by psychic attacks. Try ausralian bush
flower remedies like boab, angelswoard and fringed
violet . Check the web for web pages on psychic vampires.
Don't look into their eyes, speak to them, get upset around
them or invite them into your home.
use Frankencesne candles. Sandelwood insense.
Play nursery ryhms or xmas music. Wear Hemitite jewelry,
sterling silver, tigers eye . Get black obsidian stones to
carry. Cross your hands or ankles to stop an attack cold.
steel stops attacks on your chakras as well as your aura.
A piece of sheet metal over you can slam an attack good.
   Remember, God is much stronger than these pathetic
magicians & vampires. Call on St. Michael for help.
At night, wear the protective jewelry & sleep with
hands and/or ankles crossed. Eat power bars (they
restore lost energy)
Use your mind to shove the attack off of you. Demand to
be left alone. Do not give up or let them win.


I would like this thread provide differents ways to protect yourself and to stop attacks.

Here is a web page for a Cleansing Mediation

Here is a website to use crystals for clearing, cleansing and protection.