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Interesting theory of gravity

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Concrete explanations lacking in this area I think. So what's about this theory?


I read somewhere that "gravity", considered to be one of the forces of the universe... is the absolute WEAKEST force.  It's so weak, you can beat it by simply picking up an object.

So the question was asked... if gravity is so weak, how can it shape the universe?
There's a video in that thread that's kinda interesting... well, they're ALL interesting really and pose some interesting thoughts about what we think we know about the universe.

The one about Gravity is an interesting concept too.


Gravity... the only thing that really separates the micro (quantum universe) and the macro (universe). That's why they built CERN and like smashing particles together. Science hopes that there is a big TOE that they can unravel and it's the thing that Campbell explains with his Big TOE.

In fact... if science finds the unified theory.. Tom will have nothing to argue anymore... but after reading A Brief History Of Time... I don't think they are anywhere near finding it. It's just too weird. That's why they replace any ACTUAL theory with String theory or Brane theory.

It's very interesting.


They say its electromagnetic but nothing supports it?

John thinks otherwise.
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The Hutchison effect... yes. I forgot about him.

The footage is awesome. Being a physical special effects technician (worked on some big movies)... I would find it difficult to reproduce these effects 'in camera'.. especially the one of the steel bar changing composition. It's obviously not digital effects.


Thanks for the link by the way...

He has his own Youtube channel... that's me not going to bed for the next three hours.  :roll:


Ha ha.
Its very interesting Ill agree.
The equipment he uses, I understand and theres lots of anomolies in our science. How he gets it to work still mystifies him (last research I did).  Comments made were a scientific  community rejection, yet the military removed the equipment.
If you find anything that suggests how it operates or any parameters that are needed post or PM me. Ill add it to my collection. 3 hours is a lifetime of freedom to me at this present time.
I even considered obtaining info on the equipment he had. Then realised that's not such a good idea.
The militaries interest added too much gravity to the situation...
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Quote from: Szaxx on November 09, 2012, 21:18:20
They say its electromagnetic but nothing supports it?

John thinks otherwise.
What's up with that video... @ 1:29 they talk about how, with his data we would have to re-write text books, and they say "especially the part about..." then it mutes for a second and continues on.  LOL  Especially the part about what?!  :)

Very interesting video though!

They talk about the zero-point batteries he's working on, and they go on to say "follows of this theory"...
FOLLOWER?!  They're trying to make it sound like a cult now.  >_<


People use connotations to a 'cult' when they want something to appear discredited. Have you ever seen the the way they talk about the MBT forum. Brand it a cult and it becomes something to shun or avoid. sad.

Szaxx... try this video... 'The Hutchison Effect explained. Maybe you have already watched it.


Interesting links guys.
What's about the "german team" who suposed to take over the equipment of the Hutchison Effect?
Any progress from them? They have apparently bought the parts from John for 50.000$

I did not understand the process. Is it light bulb flickering or is it very high voltage straight out in the air with the electrodes apart?


If you researched Nicola Tesla you'd understand much more. His pioneering work on ultra short rise time pulses gave way to many strange effects. Some effected bio energetics and could be felt on the body. This technology is capable of much more than is ever published and until someone opensources their findings that are repeatable it will stay supressed. The sparky light thing is something John has made, it resembles the basics of a xenon flash tube at first appearence. Its probably a spark gap type device found in Tesla coils we all know of.
The video on the principle talks of transverse waves and no mention of longitudinal waves is mentioned. Transverse waves ride over each other adding and subtracting their value at a specific point. The longitudinal waves react with each other on contact, a different reaction completely.
The details are saying nothing new. Its taught in colleges worldwide.
Specific details of frequencies etc are never disclosed.
I wonder why...
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Hutchinson's work is certainly legitimate, he has been one of the most successful independent anti-gravity researchers of our time. There are a lot of people and groups that don't want his work to see a real application.
The Truth Is Out There


Thats true. I'm with a group of researchers and the asking price for Johns' work and equipment was unfortunately too high.
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