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Earthbound Spirits

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So the move from the physical to astral is normally automatic and doesn't require an act of will on the part of the recently decceased? This move can be prevented by being locked in an emotional loop or strong negative attachment too the physical.
Just one question about a term that's cropped up a bit in this thread. What is the base-level astral in relation to real-time zone mentioned ellsewhere and the astral proper so to speak?




Once the physical-body dies you have no choice but to enter the Astral realms. The only question is where you end up.

Large numbers of people naturally gravitate to belief-system areas (Monroe's Focus 24, 25 & 26) and some go beyond that into what is generally called the true afterlife region (Monroe's Focus 27, and beyond).  But there are a number of exceptions as we have discussed.

The belief-system areas can be quite wacky and "beliefs" are not solely restricted to religious beliefs.

For example, I once came across a whole community who "believed" they were under some kind of military rule. I was chatting to some locals and suddenly these sirens went off, and they told me to get inside quick as there was a curfew. I just stood there curious as to what would happen next, while people were running for cover in all directions.

A few minutes later, I'm the only one left out on the street. This soldier approached, waving his arms and shouting for me to get inside. Playing along I scuttled off into the nearest building. Inside were a load of people, all huddled together, waiting for the curfew to finish.

As I say, things can get too wacky to comprehend to the extent where it becomes virtually impossible not to laugh; which I feel I ought not to do, so I zip back to the Physical and project to somewhere else. (Eventually I am hoping to be able to learn to navigate from region to region, rather than have to go back to Physical each time I want to project to some other place.)

Base-level Astral is next one up from the RT-zone. My opinion is that it is not a proper region but some kind of buffer-zone between the Physical -release- RT Zone and the Astral proper.



That would easily lead one to surmise that the christian heaven and hell are a part of the base-level astral.
Shoot, I really need to become able to AP consciously. I've been trying to put together a representation of the astral based on the descriptions available but it's not easy as is to be expected. The buffer zone idea makes a lot of sense. It's a bit hard to imagine the planes as crisply discrete so a layer of glue in the middle makes  for a more natural configuration. (Can you tell I like theorizing about things" border=0>)




The heaven and hell stuff is more to do with the belief-system areas. Though anyone who gets caught in the base-level Astral exists primarily in their own private hell, I guess. Well, that's how it looks to me.

Many regions of the Astral are ever so like the Physical in many ways. As I said on another post, sometimes I have to Astrally pinch myself just to make sure I'm projecting. :)




Ah I see. So your view is that the belief-system areas are separate from the base level instead of being a part of it?




Jouni, it's like going to a multi-level department store.

All the floors, collectively, form the store. So, in that sense, they are intrinsically connected. But each floor could be entirely different in character.



This is something I know about, but I really don't understand how a spirit can become stuck here. Sometimes I don't believe that this concept is true.