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Spiritual ascention

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Go where the wind takes you and go with the flow and you shall ascend at your own pace and in your own way - just dont expect to be able to levitate off the ground, throw fireballs from your hands and/or be able to move objects across a room with TK. lol [:D]

Some great resources are our own minds and our own experiences and experimentation. :)


Well, as I understand it, ascension is part of our natural spiritual evolution. When we reach certain level of spirituality or learn the lessons of current "level", then we naturally ascent. It is said that our whole planet and everyone on it are on a threshold of ascension to 4th dimension from our current 3d experience. And I've also heard that our solar system ascents, our galaxy ascents, everything learns and evolves higher until all there is, is THE ONE!

So how to ascent more quickly? Live and learn, I quess. Don't do the same mistakes again and you should be on the fast track to the next level! Ok, seriously, why would you want to ascent more quickly?

Isn't the journey more interesting than arriving to the destination? I think we should enjoy ourselves right here and now, because that's all we ever really have. So that when we arrive "home", we won't have to look back and think that we could have done things differently, or regret some things that we should have done, but didn't because we were in a such hurry to get there.

So live now and let ascension come in it's right time.

PS. You can always meditate to make your connection to your higher self or whatever it is inside us, more strong.



Good Hope,

Good question!  The fact that your stated intention is such indicates that your process has already begun.  More specifically, the Spiritual World, of which you also belong to now, is more apt to work with you as opposed to you shutting it out.

Here's a great source for gathering information about the Spiritual World and more:  This site is chock-full of information and might be a bit over-whelming at first.

You pretty much have to work from the general to the specific.  More precisely, one must map our a plan for the intended development as there's almost too much out there.  I started studying the quardrivium to enable me to absorb and understand the vast amounts of information available.  The quardrivium was taught in a lot of the Mystery schools.  It contains: Math (number); Geometry (number in space); Music/Harmony of the Spheres (number in time); and Astrology/Astronomy (number in time and space).  These four categories of the 7 liberal arts are considered the most disciplined.  The 7 liberal arts are what the ancients studdied in order to communicate with the Spiritual World.  Having a vision is one thing; being able to interpret it is another.

Anthroposophy is the counter balance to what's going on now (i.e. materialism to the extreme).  Rudolph Steiner was the founder of this society.  It's not a religion; typically don't meet up.  However, we view everything that occurs in the physical world as a reflection of what occurrs in the Spiritual World.  The only way we can truly make sense of what's going on in the physical world is to understand the Spiritual World.  You would do well by reading any of Dr. Steiner's books.

Personally, I have strong ties with MU (Lemuria), so I like to read a lot of Col. James Churchwood's books on the Motherland.

This site (itself) is an excellent resource.  In fact, Robert Bruce's book, "Astral Dynamics" is, perhaps, the best resource available for working with your astral body.

Meditiation is necessary- period.  If you meditate, make sure you do it around the same time every day.  The timing is actually more important than amount of time that one meditates!  One would be better served to meditate 10 minutes a day, rather than an hour every week.

Although I eventually came to reject the dogmas associated with modern religion, I did NOT reject the WISDOM contained within its source- the Holy Bible.  It is wisdom and understanding thereof that will make you worthy to move UPWARD, as opposed to forward.  The wisdom that Christ taught (which is also in other religions; Christ was the Master at making great Truths understandable) is what's required to move up.  Without this wisdom, one can only get to lower regions of the Astral world.  One must be worthy.

The spiritual path is a lot like playing a musical instrument (I play many; have been through the process many times).  This analogy is a good one because the astral boody itself is musical.  In fact, even the bones in our body are assembled in musical proportions- no kidding!

All the best!


While acknowledging the possible existence of ascended masters and the help they are capable of providing, it seems to me that they are somewhat removed from the rest of us. Only the people least in need of their help actually have direct access to the ascended masters. It seems far better to master the world and yet remain within it where it is possible to help the majority in ways that they can see and understand. It is more inspirational that way.

James S

Good Hope,

The following site may be useful to you:

It is primarily dedicated to the subject of ascention. Although most of its links & references are Australian based I hope it has some useful info.

I too wish to improve my life through spiritual growth, I'm just not sure that ascention is a realistic or useful goal at the moment. I may be wrong, but I get a little creeped out by the ascentionists. They seem to have made it into a religion, and I have a tendancy to steer away from religions.



Greetings Tom!

Originally posted by Tom

While acknowledging the possible existence of ascended masters and the help they are capable of providing, it seems to me that they are somewhat removed from the rest of us.

Please do not doubt the existence of the Masters - who are of course "ascended" in as much as they have progressed far in advance of people still in incarnation, and have thus progressed beyond the necessity to incarnate again. They conduct their work from the higher spheres, and serve the mankind as well as Divine Providence always.

There are many such Masters, in addition to the more well known ones!

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


First you must desire to "ascend", second you must find true messengers that will teach you what you need to do to improve, evolve and become "better".  Then, of course, you must do these things in order to slowly but surely move towards perfection, for this is really the ultimate goal...and with it comes a destiny too wondeful and powerful than I think any of us can imagine.

Here are just a few things I believe one must do in order to begin to "ascend":
1.  Know the true character of God
2.  Know your relation to this being
3.  KNow what you must do to become like Him
4.  Learn to love God and your fellow human beings
5.  Work to serve and help others

This is of course a simplistic explanation, but I believe that within it lie the answers to every question of existence.
Boyd K. Packer, "The Mystery of Life," Ensign, Nov. 1983, 16

I want to tell you of an incident that happened many years ago. Two of our sons, then little boys, were wrestling on the rug, and they had reached that line which separates laughter from tears. So I worked my foot carefully between them and lifted the older one back to a sitting position on the rug. As I did so, I said, "Hey there, you little monkeys. You'd better settle down."

To my surprise he folded his little arms, his eyes swimming with deep hurt, and protested, "I not a monkey, Daddy, I a person!"

The years have not erased the overwhelming feeling of love I felt for my little sons. I was taught a profound lesson by my little boys. Many times over the years his words have slipped back into my mind, "I not a monkey, Daddy, I a person!" I was taught a profound lesson by my little boy.

Now the cycle of life has moved swiftly on, and both of those sons have little boys of their own, who teach their fathers lessons. They now watch their children grow as we watched them. They are coming to know something as fathers that they could not be taught as sons. Perhaps now they know how much their father loves them. Hopefully, they know as well why prayers begin "Our Father who art in heaven."

All too soon their children will be grown with little "persons" of their own, repeating the endless cycle of life.

There is on the West Coast a statue by Ernesto Gazzeri which depicts in marble that cycle of life. There are toddlers and children, teenagers, young lovers, the mature and the aged, gazing at a newborn baby. Two figures to the back, however, face away from the group. An aged couple, supporting one another, haltingly moves away from the family circle.

Persons enter life through mortal birth and, in due time, disappear through the veil of death. Most of them never sense why we are here.

Nothing is more obvious than what the statue represents, but the sculptor entitled it The Mystery of Life.

Occasionally, as at the time of birth, we pause in awe of what nature has to say. We see patterns of creation, so ordered and so beautiful as to sponsor deep feelings of reverence and humility. Then, just when we might discover the meaning of life, we are jerked back by the wild, uncontrolled things that humanity is doing to itself.

There are so many unanswered questions. Why the inequities in life?

Some are so rich.

Some so wretchedly poor.

Some so beautifully formed, and others with pitiful handicaps.

Some are gifted and others retarded.

Why the injustice, the untimely death? Why the neglect, the sorrow, the pain?

Why divorce, incest, perversion, abuse, and cruelty?

If there be order and meaning to life, they are hardly visible in what mortals do to one another and to themselves.

In counterpoint, we see love and devotion, sacrifice, faith, and humility; we see humanity in exalted expression of courage and heroism.

When at last the mystery of life is unraveled, what will be revealed?

I know a man who studied for the ministry. Then just before his ordination he dropped out because there were so many unanswered questions. He still regarded himself as a devout, if somewhat disillusioned, Christian. He found another profession, married, and was raising a family when our missionaries found him.

He made a very superficial study of the doctrines of the Church and found them tolerable enough. The fundamentals of Christianity were visible. But he was most interested in programs and activities that would benefit his family.

It was after he was baptized that he made the discovery of his life. To his surprise he found, underlying the programs of the Church, a solid foundation of doctrine. He had no idea of the depth and breadth and height of our theology. When once he moved from interest in the programs to a study of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he found answers which explained to his full satisfaction the deep questions that had left him unable to accept ordination as a clergyman.

One doctrine was completely new to him. Although he was a student of the Bible, he had not found it there until he read the other revelations. Then the Bible was clear to him and he understood.

The doctrine is so logical, so reasonable, and explains so many things, that it is a wonder that the Christian world rejected it. It is so essential a part of the equation of life that, left out, life just cannot add up, it remains a mystery.

The doctrine is simply this: life did not begin with mortal birth. We lived in spirit form before we entered mortality. We are spiritually the children of God.

This doctrine of premortal life was known to ancient Christians. For nearly five hundred years the doctrine was taught, but it was then rejected as a heresy by a clergy that had slipped into the Dark Ages of apostasy.

Once they rejected this doctrine, the doctrine of premortal life, and the doctrine of redemption for the dead, they could never unravel the mystery of life. They became like a man trying to assemble a strand of pearls on a string that was too short. There is no way they can put them all together.

Why is it so strange a thought that we lived as spirits before entering mortality? Christian doctrine proclaims the Resurrection, meaning that we will live after mortal death. If we live beyond death, why should it be strange that we lived before birth?

The Christian world in general accepts the idea that our condition in the Resurrection will be determined by our actions in this life. Why can they not believe that some circumstances in this life were determined by our actions before coming into mortality?

The scriptures teach this doctrine, the doctrine of premortal life. For His own reasons, the Lord provides answers to some questions, with pieces placed here and there throughout the scriptures. We are to find them; we are to earn them. In that way sacred things are hidden from the insincere.

Of the many verses revealing this doctrine, I will quote two short phrases from the testimony of John in the ninety-third section of the Doctrine and Covenants. The first, speaking of Christ, says plainly, "He was in the beginning, before the world was." (D&C 93:7.)

And the other, referring to us, says with equal clarity, "Ye were also in the beginning with the Father." (D&C 93:23.)

Essential facts about our premortal life have been revealed. Although they are sketchy, they unravel the mystery of life.

When we comprehend the doctrine of premortal life, we know that we are the children of God, that we lived with him in spirit form before entering mortality.

We know that this life is a test, that life did not begin with birth, nor will it end with death.

Then life begins to make sense, with meaning and purpose even in all of the chaotic mischief that mankind creates for itself.

Imagine that you are attending a football game. The teams seem evenly matched. One team has been trained to follow the rules; the other, to do just the opposite. They are committed to cheat and disobey every rule of sportsmanlike conduct.

While the game ends in a tie, it is determined that it must continue until one side wins decisively.

Soon the field is a quagmire.

Players on both sides are being ground into the mud. The cheating of the opposing team turns to brutality.

Players are carried off the field. Some have been injured critically; others, it is whispered, fatally. It ceases to be a game and becomes a battle.

You become very frustrated and upset. "Why let this go on? Neither team can win. It must be stopped."

Imagine that you confront the sponsor of the game and demand that he stop this useless, futile battle. You say it is senseless and without purpose. Has he no regard at all for the players?

He calmly replies that he will not call the game. You are mistaken. There is a great purpose in it. You have not understood.

He tells you that this is not a spectator sport—it is for the participants. It is for their sake that he permits the game to continue. Great benefit may come to them because of the challenges they face.

He points to players sitting on the bench, suited up, eager to enter the game. "When each one of them has been in, when each has met the day for which he has prepared so long and trained so hard, then, and only then, will I call the game."

Until then, it may not matter which team seems to be ahead. The present score is really not crucial. There are games within games, you know. Whatever is happening to the team, each player will have his day.

Those players on the team that keeps the rules will not be eternally disadvantaged by the appearance that their team somehow always seems to be losing.

In the field of destiny, no team or player will be eternally disadvantaged because they keep the rules. They may be cornered or misused, even defeated for a time. But individual players on that team, regardless of what appears on the scoreboard, may already be victorious.

Each player will have a test sufficient to his needs; how each responds is the test.

When the game is finally over, you and they will see purpose in it all, may even express gratitude for having been on the field during the darkest part of the contest.

I do not think the Lord is quite so hopeless about what's going on in the world as we are. He could put a stop to all of it any moment. But He will not! Not until every player has a chance to meet the test for which we were preparing before the world was, before we came into mortality.

The same testing in troubled times can have quite opposite effects on individuals. Three verses from the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Christ, teach us that "they had wars, and bloodsheds, and famine, and affliction, for the space of many years.

"And there had been murders, and contentions, and dissensions, and all manner of iniquity among the people of Nephi; nevertheless for the righteous' sake, yea, because of the prayers of the righteous, they were spared.

"But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their afflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility." (Alma 62:39-41; italics added.)

Surely you know some whose lives have been filled with adversity who have been mellowed and strengthened and refined by it, while others have come away from the same test bitter and blistered and unhappy.

There is no way to make sense out of life without a knowledge of the doctrine of premortal life.

The idea that mortal birth is the beginning is preposterous. There is no way to explain life if you believe that.

The notion that life ends with mortal death is ridiculous. There is no way to face life if you believe that.

When we understand the doctrine of premortal life, then things fit together and make sense. We then know that little boys and little girls are not monkeys, nor are their parents, nor were theirs, to the very beginning generation.

We are the children of God, created in his image.

Our child-parent relationship to God is clear.

The purpose for the creation of this earth is clear.

The testing that comes in mortality is clear.

The need for a redeemer is clear.

When we do understand that principle of the gospel, we see a Heavenly Father and a Son; we see an atonement and a redemption.

We understand why ordinances and covenants are necessary.

We understand the necessity for baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. We understand why we renew that covenant by partaking of the sacrament.

I have but touched upon the doctrine of premortal life. We cannot, in these brief conference talks, do more than that. Oh, if we but had a day, or even an hour, to speak of it.

I assure you there is, underlying the programs and activities of this church, a depth and breadth and height of doctrine that answers the questions of life.

When one knows the gospel of Jesus Christ, there is cause to rejoice. The words joy and rejoice appear through the scriptures repetitively. Latter-day Saints are happy people. When one knows the doctrine, parenthood becomes a sacred obligation, the begetting of life a sacred privilege. Abortion would be unthinkable. No one would think of suicide. And all the frailties and problems of men would fade away.

We have cause to rejoice and we do rejoice, even celebrate.

"The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth." (D&C 93:36.)

God bless us that we and all who will hear His message can celebrate the Light! Of him I bear witness, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


Hi Good Hope

There are many paths that lead to an enlightend mind, keep reading and you will find one for you. For me I am trying to evolve spiritually through the practice of ceremonial magick. I am not entierly sure, but once a person has fully raised their kundalini they may no longer need reincarnate. But this is something that takes years of effort to achieve safely and correctly.

kind regards




Originally posted by DjM

Good Hope,

Here's a great source for gathering information about the Spiritual World and more:  This site is chock-full of information and might be a bit over-whelming at first.

Indeed Crystalinks si an excellent site!

I would like to take the opportunity to mention three others that are excellent:

Sacred Texts:


SpiritWeb: (currently offline for redesign)

All of the above are in the Links section of these forums. I would very much welcome other Website links of the quality of the afforementioned.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


peaceful   warrior,    you  say  one  must  "desire  to  ascend"??  

should  the  "what is,  is"  attitude  be  adopted  to  ascend???

i  thought   desire  was  the root  of  all suffering???

this is  where  the  confusion  lies  for me,   if  anyone  has  the time,  could  they  read my  topic   ..."help  with  what  to believe"    on  the  spiritual  development  forum.

Good Hope

Can someone tell me some great resources of how I can spiritually ascend? I do want to spiritually ascend, to improve our lives!


Good Hope