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A terrible Astral Experience

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So one evening I am sitting at home, as dark fell I got the inspiration to engage in the art of traveling the astral plane. So I lie down and began to rest and meditate, soon enough I was on the edge of sleep and my body was fully asleep. Then as it happened I floated out, old tricks are the best tricks lol. I was the in the real time zone here on Earth. I flew out of my room and and into the yard and enjoyed the weather and sky for a few. Then suddenly I was in a different place and the experience had turned into a half conscious lucid dream, except one thing, It was a complete friggin nightmare. I was alone and very afraid because of it and everything I looked at turned scary. I was there for a very very very long time. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. Anyway the whole point of this is a prayer request for me. I have been having very very severe negative effects ever since then. Hearing voices, visual hallucinations, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, extreme nightmares pretty much every night. Also since the I've been having delusions. Like really believing big things in my life that are not true. Basically every extreme effect of really really bad schizophrenia. Anyway this brings me to the point of this thread. If you can believe....   Then I want you to say one prayer for me...   I say again, if you can BELIEVE and have FAITH, Then I want you to say one prayer for me. No, this is not one of those prayer chain messages. I am just having a really hard time and I need you to say one prayer for me. Any would be greatly appreciated. Thank You...<3