Any christians here?

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I was wondering if any Christians were on this site. If there is I would love to hear your thoughts on God and AP and many spiritual things  :-D


Hey! I am yes.

How I see it is, if you can Astral Project (I am still trying) then you can adventure with him in your mind, and explore his creation on a more immense scale than you can here on the physical.

As of it being a Sin, I do not know. There has been some quotes in the Bible about AP. The phrase "Astral Projection" ISNT written, but the way it is described insinuates such.

I do however have a really good source I've came across of an Astral Projection Expert Steve G Jones.

Steve used to be a pastor at a Church somewhere in America for a long time. I had the same queries you did before I did this and I was thrilled to of come across Steve talking about your faith and AP. There's a whole module about it in his "Exploration beyond the body and intensive training sytem" program, Module - "Your beliefs and astral projection"

(I'm going through a refresher of the module especially for you and this post right now, :-D getting late here but I don't mind, would like to help you out.)

In a very brief nutshell, he basically says its not a problem for you to do AP regardless of you religion. He says that if you have a symbol you look up to in your religion (Crucifix) for Christians, just take that with you on your travels.

Heres some of what he says.

"I want to talk to you about your Religion, and how it can help you with Astral Projection, if you have in your Religion a Mantra, or something similar to that, something you repeat over and over in your Religion, something that calms you and makes you feel protected and at one with God. Then how about incorporating that into Astral Projection"

"Theres never anything wrong with bringing God into anything that you do, and coming from a strong religious background I can tell you that Faith can pull you through a lot of very difficult spots in life, so its no different with astral projection if your having fears or having doubts and trouble, and in your religion that you say over and over again, why not bring that saying or that chant into your OOBE work. It will give you something to focus on, and deter your unwanted focus on material things, cars,bills so forth. I encourage that!"
Steve G Jones

Theres more, but if you want the Audio book just revolved around this aspect, hit me up on email and I can send it to you! Hope this helps Clark!

Samwell  :-)


I can see this topic as being interesting. Most things involving religion tend towards the defensive and can cause some concerns.
Please bear this in mind before posting.

There is ( I can't remember where at this moment) in the bible a mention of being of light.
This would be interesting to see your views on.
It may be something for those who are in a high position within the church but it strongly relates to being with God.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


I myself am not a Christian, nor do I believe in any religion at all. I do not look down on any religions, seeing them as inferior to another. This is my personal belief, I do not have any intentions to discriminate but I see the practices of religions, the books, story's of Christianity, Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism ext. as a way to put something so complex as sipritualty into a simpler form so many people comprehend the concept. most are very similar in the way of the 10 commandments, stating that we should love and help eachother. Care for our earth. I strongly believe in this.

A story: I was at a bar waiting to get in. When this boy was handing out a little book, asking people to hear the words of Christianity. People were laughing at him and just being rude. This made me so mad, Even though it's not what I believe in, I took the book and listen to what he had say. Not because I pitied him but because I wanted to hear what he had to say. We talked for 30 mins about what his beliefs were, and I told him what I believed in. He didn't try to change my mind, he accepted my views and referenced them with some of the stories and passages portrayed in the bible. It totally blew my mind how relative the bible was to my views, but just said in simpler words. This got me thinking about all religions, as I said above. I thought about this all night and could not get over it. What I'm trying to say is that we need to stop discriminating, stop hating each other because our believes maybe weird, because thier different. because it's not what you believe in so it's wrong so they talk down on as a way to cope with thing that they do not understand. I find majority of people are like that, but in the end...we all bleed red.
We are informational beings sharing information for the betterment of humanity


CxxK started this thread wanting to hear from other Christians and wasn't trying to start a debate about anything.

I am not a Christian anymore either but if anyone tries to tell CxxK how he is "wrong" about anything, I will just delete those posts. I don't imagine that anyone will though since we're all mature here.

This is his thread and he did not ask for a debate. Another thread can easily be started for that if anyone wishes.

BTW, Hindsight, what you did was very commendable.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Hi Clark.  I'm a christian too.  I do not believe AP is a sin.  I think what the scriptures in question (consulting mediums, divination, sorcery) are trying to get across are that you should not be placing your faith in anyone but God.  Also you shouldn't go after any information that God may not want you to have.  Some info. could be harmful for you emotionally. --not good for your growth.  God in his infinite wisdom knows what is best for you to experience.  Before I go OOB I always pray for God to show me the things he wants me to see.--things good for my spiritual growth. 

The Apostle Paul speaks of an experience where he was taken to the 3rd heaven (what ever that is!) and shown mysteries he was not aloud to speak of.  He said whether he was in the body or out of the body--he didn't know.  Well from my experience (2 years) that sounds exactly like AP!  I have had 2 dreams where I met Jesus and he showed me important things about myself and life.  He also embraced me with the most amazing love imaginable.  I know many would say that I just "created" him because I believe in him, but because of the nature of these experiences I can tell you there is no way.  I just know what I know if you know what I mean.  The bible is full of spiritual dream experiences. (AP are dreams with full consciousness.  Dreams are much more that we think they are!)  In the bible, dreams and visions are gifts from God.  They are one of the major ways of experiencing God!  How sad that some christians are cutting themselves off from these wonders due to lack of understanding!  Jesus says many times in the bible that if we believe that we have something, we will receive it.  AP could not be a better proof of his words!  In the astral, we directly create what we want.  This works in the physical too, only not instantly.

I do not in any way think that AP contradicts the Christian faith.  I think it only contradicts some peoples rigid interpretations of the christian faith.  My Christian faith has only grown since I started APing. I love what HindSight said.  I've studied may religions/belief systems and see the common thread connecting them all.  Whenever I've judged something without having a deep understanding of it I've always been humbled in the end. :)


As many of you know, I'm a metaphysical christian.  This means I look at the metaphysics behind much of what's in the Bible.  I believe in God (not as a discrete being, because that would be limiting) and also believe that Jesus knew that we are all expressions of God and strove to let us know.  He also came to eliminate sacrifice to God and make us understand that we are more than our bodies.  The stories about his miracles and such are instructions into how to live life, for those who understand the imagery.
As creative expressions of God, we have many abilities that are inherent in us, and the ability to transcend the body and receive information via AP and other disciplines is one of them.
I don't believe you can 'sin' against God, only against each other, when we don't recognize each others' divinity and strive to hurt others on purpose.  I also believe that the Lord's prayer is a powerful affirmation that gives us instructions to live a happier, more fulfilled life.
And, that's it.


Soarin12 - Couldnt of said it better myself  :-)


These are all great responses and all i wanted to add was the story of Joseph the Dream Reader in the Bible.
Remember Joseph the youngest of 10 brothers that eventually sold him as a slave out of jealousy. Well his Father believed that his dreams were gifts and messages from god and that it was a very sacred relationship.
i could ramble on about him or you can always read the story in the bible Genisis Chapter 37 verse 1-10

(!)Spark it up


It is a really good movie! --my daughter and i love it!!