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Kodemaster's dream, LD, OBE and AP journal

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Hey there, just your friendly neighbourhood master of Kodes. Am going to post my dreams in this here journal, and maybe copy/paste some older ones from my files.
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I will start by adding a link to the grandmaster of all my dreams, the one I named "Dream Universe" in 2006 (first time telling people this name) :)!/powerful-dream-where-i-donated-what/
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13 March 2003

What's interesting about today's OBE is that it was sandwiched between two nightmares, yet my experience was a good one. One would think that, given the thought-come-reality nature of the astral, the nightmares would have manifested somehow in my OBE. But, they didn't, thank goodness!

It was about 1 in the morning. After my first nightmare took place, I found myself in my room. I got up and walked into the hallway. At that point, I started moving really slow, like a cross between being extremely tired and walking through molasses. At that point, I didn't know if I was OBE'ing or in the physical plane, so I decided to test it out. I tried to fall backwards on my butt, but I slowly floated onto my back instead. At that point I realised I was having an OBE. I floated through the living room and into the dining room, where I got really close to the closet door. I looked over to the computer room and saw Dad on the computer. I immediately realised that it was not true, that it was just a distortion, and turned back around. I thought to myself "I'm starting to learn to tell the distortions from reality."

I then began to pick up speed and flew back into my room. I tried to float through the window to go outside, but I found myself in my room again! *Note: The window had the blinds closed, so it was not like I saw a reflection of the room.*

At this point, I felt myself getting confused, so I decided to raise my energy as far as I can to try and get into the astral plane. Unfortunately, this never panned out, so I went into the dream state again.

After a brief dream, I woke up into the physical plane. I thought about what had happened, and was scared thinking about the nightmare. I was actually happy to have the OBE, because it relieved my tension stemming from the nightmare a bit. I was still scared to go back to sleep after I got up and did a few things, but eventually I did.

I then went back to sleep. I woke up in the morning after having a second nightmare.
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Welcome to the Journals, Kodemaster! It will be great to read your experiences. I'm sure you have amazing things to share :-) I want to tell you that I really admire your courage and strength to face so many challenges in your life, you are a true warrior! (as many here). I am so glad you are on the path to healing and building a better life.

Light for you ★
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Thank you so much! It means a lot to me.
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Today, I went to a store in the mall to buy some shoes. As the clerk and I were picking out a pair of sneakers, I talked about my love of the Welsh language. He immediately called over his buddy who also speaks it, and has been longing to meet another speaker. I introduced myself in Welsh: "Sut mae. Jen dw i." He immediately gave me a hug, but better. It felt like a cwtsh. I could not remember the last time I got a hug. Then I woke up.
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Last night I had a dream that I was showing a guy something from my collection of metal objects. I am autistic and collect certain textured metal things that are some of my special interests (things we love that we get hyper-fixated on). I collect mechanical electricity meters and I love the little rotating discs. He asked to see the disc up close and extended his hand in excitement. I handed him the disc and he held it, expressing joy as he had a look at it. I had a similar dream the day before. I woke up feeling happy.

When I have happy dreams instead of nightmares, that means to me that I am improving physically and mentally.
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Comedy of Errors
I had a dream I was in Chicago at a sound studio. I asked an employee if I could go in the prop room, thinking it was the Price is Right prop room. The employee said yes and walked me in. It turned out to be the Muppet prop room instead.

A bunch of Muppet performers and production staff fill the room. I head toward the back of the audience of the now-production of what looked like a modern-day Muppet Show.

As I am watching the performers rehearse, I head toward the front of the room, not realizing I had interrupted a live shot. I apologize and head back to where I had been standing and watch. Suddenly I am thrown an "oven-mitt" style puppet and asked to perform. I agree with excitement and practice while watching the performance on stage.

Everything goes wrong. I think it is my time and then come in too soon. A staff member and I head into another room and then return. I realize I had lost my puppet and return to the retail store where I was last, asking the clerk if anyone had returned a puppet. She finds the puppet and returns it to me. I somehow lose it again and and am rapidly sewn a new puppet, a different character in the same shape.

As I am performing on stage, her earring falls off, little to my knowledge. The director calls it quits for the day and we all head to our shared hotel room in Michigan on the bus to watch playback, putting quarters into the seat-rail in front of us to pay the fare.

I am coached by a fellow puppeteer on how the character acts and sounds, practicing consonants and vowels from the Middle East country from where the character had emigrated. Water gets into the heat-vent somehow and attracts bugs. I carry the pizza containing most of the bugs out the room to get them out, heading downstairs.

I call my Mom and tell her where I am staying, as I had missed my train home. I explain to the performers that I had wanted to see the Price is Right props and they react like I was asking a lot of them but said they would keep in touch so i can see them at a later date. The group of folks at the hotel get a phone call and hand me the the landline.

The radio station announcer asks me about my writing and I tell them about both my in-progress science fiction novel and my site, MoronicArts. The radio announcer thanks me and I hang up. The radio announcer then turns around and berates my site and I. He asks his friends to join in saying awful things about it as well as his callers. Feeling depressed, I leave.

As I head downstairs and over to the hotel movie theater, I accidentally walk into a film I had not paid to see. I walk out and then meet a lady speaking German who I had interacted with before. She explains she is from Switzerland, to my delight.

I look up on my laptop a website I had learned about before, to discover it had been removed.

I log onto MoronicArts when I get home to discover a bunch of the Muppet performers had left me their contact info and supportive comments.

Interpretation/Meaning: Some of this was literal. The website I had seen in my dream turned out to be the film company A24. I think a lot of what I dreamt that night in 2020 was about my physical and mental health, plus the face of things to come. Rediscovering my love of languages has helped me cope to the point it made a difference on the hospital biofeedback screen. I'm back into performing again and almost got an acting gig this fall (cancelled due to a last minute script change, it happens).

The radio announcer berating me I think was a warning to play it safe regarding live interviews, and also symbolic of smear-campaigning in general, which is a pox on humanity and the state of affairs.

I did have a hospital nurse in Chicago a couple years after this dream who said he had worked in the prop room for Price is Right.

I think more of this is playing out now and will continue down the line. My landlord is harassing me to the point where I had to seek counsel and I feel the "hotel" symbolized home in general. We had a bug problem here which got resolved. However she is retaliating against me for standing up to her prior abuse and seeking help previously for her harassment, here in the USA where the disabled, poor and elderly are looked at as inferior beings. My friends have come around and are my chosen family, including some folks who are also entertainers.

As I figure out more, I will update this post.
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Two nights ago, I had dreamt I was on a dinner date (yikes!) with a neighbour. He got obnoxious to the point of acting like a racist, so I got up and asked the server if she could please split the checks. I was worried he would dine, dash and leave me the with bill. She not only did not charge me but she brought me home. Problem was, she had the wrong address and brought me to my parents' house instead! They were not at home and I spent the night dreading having to deal with them once they got back, as they've had a history of abusing me my entire life.

Interpretation/Meaning: This I believe was a precognitive way of telling how my neighbor would behave when he came over that night. Not a date, just company. I had asked him to help me carry my groceries and invited him in. He's loud and comes across as obnoxious around here, a lot of people avoid him -- and yes he did make a very similar racist remark to the man in the dream. He's harmless, has a lot of severe mental health problems, and I don't judge. One moment he's okay, the next he's paranoid. I really feel bad for him.
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Last night, I had dreamt that I went to Wales again (yay!) and on the flight home, I accidentally got charged $17K for a flight I had cancelled, because I was marked as a no-show. The flight staff reversed the charge, thank god, my mother had paid for the flights as a way to take credit for it! I got home wondering when my next flight was, only to realise I had to drive home or take the bus. I somehow end up at my abusive parents' house, we pass by some nice apartments and then they remind me of my old apartment and how nice it was. They tell me that they will pay my rent if I move back their way, typical control freaks trying to prevent me from financial independence. Just think what would happen if they missed payments, everything they did came with strings and was used as a way to try and justify their abuse. My brother was still alive and in his teens, as were my cat Nicki and the two family dogs. I go to use the loo and it has golf balls in it. I ask for the other bathroom and then wake up...

Meaning/Interpretation: Credit card charge was reversed -- my narcissistic mother sent me a $1000 check to try and take credit for my real life trip to Wales -- now the tables are turned because I threw away her check and paid for the trip myself.

I'm also missing the late animals and grieving the relationship I wish I had with my brother, like we did when we were kids. At some point Brother got codependent on the narc parents, behaving like them because he did not understand what we were going through. I think he wanted to run from it all but was trapped because he did not know how to cope.
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Sep 2019

A series of drawings I created based off a lucid dream / possible hybrid out of body experience where I entered the alleged secret base near Dulce New Mexico.

After applying a layer of protection, I went down and saw Dulce's own protection wall, a series of gold and red squares. I used a command to bring me to the business office, thinking it would be easiest to access.

I entered said office, observing a white, modular room with off-white trim. Workers inside were discussing possible job transfers and then one swiped his ID card at the door and entered a code to exit.


Not quite a year ago, I had flown out of the recently remodeled LaGuardia airport and saw some of the things from my OBE! The white walls and gigantic monitors playing videos of outdoor scenery were all there. Now I see people walking around with what I think are bodycams(?) at the solar plexus level, similar to the things I saw the people wearing in the OBE.
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Yesterday and Today's nightmares – recurring dreams. TW: violence

Yesterday I dreamt that I bought a $3000 or $4000 plane ticket by mistake while browsing airline prices. Frantic, I call the airline to cancel or ask for a refund before the flight takes off, to no avail. I then run up seven flights of stairs to the American Airlines terminal in Chicago to beg for a refund, then wake up...

Today, oh my. Twice, I dreamt that my brother was murdered. The first time, I dreamt the killer was an obsessed ex-girlfriend. The second time, I dreamt he was brutally murdered by an 80-year-old man, and I was helping the police locate him. In both dreams, the killer had my cat, whom I had safely rescued, unlike my poor brother.

Interpretation: My brother and I were abused mentally and physically by our narcissistic parents. Narcissism is a psychological term describing a personality style of someone who lacks empathy and feels a strong need to control and manipulate others. I broke free of their trauma bonds 2.5 years ago but my brother did not. Sadly, he passed away this past September. I feel like these dreams are from my brain re-living my trauma.

Narcissism is a form of evil that slowly kills its target from the inside out. I found out that my brother secretly self-medicated and developed an alcoholic fatty liver. He then got infected with Hep A which led to his demise. :(

I will never forgive my parents for what they did to my brother and I don't have to.
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