The Astral Pulse

Journals => Dream and Projection Journals => Topic started by: GrumpyRabbit on July 02, 2020, 04:19:00

Title: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 02, 2020, 04:19:00
GrumpyRabbit's Very Grumpy Astral Journey

Hello everyone. I started astral projecting about 3 weeks ago -- save for one quasi-accidental incident when I was in high school and somehow managed to lurch myself out of my body. Prior to this, I've been going on shamanic journeys for about 1.5 years, and am currently in a shamanic healer's practicum. Part of my confusion stems from the fact that I thought that, upon fully leaving my body (AP), and asking to be taken to my spirit guides, I would see the guides I was familiar with and had been working with for 18 months! These experiences are entirely different, and since this method/realm are new to me, I'd very much appreciate your thoughts/insights on how to understand and analyze what's happening. I can keep updating this thread as I continue to have more AP experiences. The below is everything I've done so far:

-Beginning of June, started trying to learn more about AP, started doing affirmations, being intentional about it-

6 June 2020

First out of body experience - astral projection - Full Moon was yesterday, 2:12 pm

This morning as I was trying to fall back asleep for a while (as I was very tired, didn't sleep well last night) I suddenly felt the sensation that either one or both of my legs was "out of my body," pointing up. That is, my energy/astral legs were detached from my body. I felt the buzzing or vibration all around me. My eyes were closed and this was very exciting! I thought/intended as strongly as I could: "Take me to my spirit guides!" And lo, I actually felt the hands gently start to carry me --whoosh!-- away. I wasn't scared. The hands carrying me felt kind. My eyes were closed the whole time. Then, I felt that we stopped moving and I was let go of by the hands. These parts are hazy in my memory. My recollection is that I was brought to a series of guides. Each time, I peppered the guide with questions about what my mission is in this life, what my purpose is, what I should be doing, how to best help/heal others, etc. I seem to think that I wasn't happy with the answers I was getting, either that or I didn't understand them. So I kept asking to be taken to another one of my spirit guides. After two or three times of this, I tried something else. This time I said, "Take me to a master!" I was taken to what seemed like a room with a large screen on the wall. It seemed like a massive electronic display screen, like of a computer. There was a female voice that came out of it, and it identified itself as my soul. I was given a name of my soul, "Amorphis," I saw the word written on the "computer screen - and shown an image of a beautiful woman with incredible, thick wavy pure white hair, and violet eyes. Then, as if through a door to the right of the screen, came the human figure representation of this person/my soul. I asked all of my usual questions. What came next was interesting. She said that we first need to see if I'm "in compliance." (With what?! And, if she was my SOUL, wouldn't she...already know if I was "in compliance"?) I then lay flat on my back, floating in the room. There was some yellow/white light that started at my feet, and literally "scanned" my body from toe to head. I think the results of the scan were positive - yes, I am in compliance. Then it seemed there was some sort of exercise, as if to see how well I'm able to control my astral body. It looked like a ping pong table. At the other end of it was a little brown mouse. In my right hand I was given what looked like a green, fuzzy tennis ball. I could really feel the tennis ball in my hand, and I remember marveling at how I could still actually have tactile feelings. The little mouse threw what looked like a small black ball, and at first I was confused. Like, How am I supposed to play ping pong when I don't have a paddle? How do I hit the ball back with this tennis ball? But then it seemed like I got the idea that I was just supposed to see if I could control my astral arms enough to reach out to touch the black ball served my way with the tennis ball I was holding. I had to will/intend/feel to make this happen. It was a little hard, and when my arm was stretched out really far, it was as if I could really feel a strain or tightness in my astral upper arm, like around my bicep. After a couple times of successfully touching the ball, it was as if the ping pong table started floating up into the air, and tilting downwards, so that my end was higher and the end with the mouse was low, like the Titanic sinking. The little brown mouse was sliding down, and about to fall off! I quickly reached out my left arm, and the mouse clawed onto the back of my hand, holding on. I reached out my right hand to cup him and scoop him up. Again, I marveled at how I could actually feel the little fuzzy mouse. I was filled with an overwhelming sense of care and concern for the little mouse. I spoke to him softly that it was OK, I've got you, you're OK. We floated back down to the ground together. The next thing I recall, and this may be jumbled and have occurred at another point, was that I was very excited to be seeing my soul standing before me. I wanted to touch her, hug her. She didn't seem too keen on that idea. Not like she hated me (if it's my SOUL, seriously), but rather that it didn't seem like the kind of thing we were supposed to do. She tentatively held out her right hand, and just let me "shake" her hand at the tips of her fingers, just for a second. I was able to speak, it felt like I was really using my voice, but my mouth was incredibly dry, and I was having trouble speaking fully. It felt like there was something lodged in my throat. Behind me appeared a water cooler. It almost seemed like I was in a medical office, or a clinic. I had a little trouble coordinating my astral body to approach the water cooler, get a plastic cup, and fill it. I was able to taste cool water on my lips, but I couldn't seem to swallow it and quench my parched, very dry throat. There was someone standing right there by the water cooler, a man. I'm not sure if he was some kind of permanent spirit resident, or another projector just passing through, but he said something to me like, "You don't have to actually drink it." I responded that I wanted/needed to drink it because my mouth/throat were so dry! I turned back to Amorphis, and said there was something wrong, in my throat. I was very insistent that this was a problem that needed to be fixed. She had me stand against a wall, facing the room. There seemed to be someone with her - like another sort of spirit guide. But I can't remember clearly what it seemed to be. She said something to the effect of, "If this won't find it/figure it out, nothing will," and she held something in her hand that emitted the same kind of white/yellow light, and "scanned" my upper body (head, neck, etc) from my right to my left. It emitted a vertical beam of light. After that, I'm not sure quite what happened, but shortly thereafter I became aware of the sensation of my physical body laying flat on the bed, while I was still projecting. I thought to myself, still in my astral body, that that was really interesting! I could feel my physical body laying on my bed! It was like having a double or split awareness, like two old-fashioned transparency layers, placed on top of each other. Then suddenly, my experience in the astral plane started to dissolve, and I was fully back in my body. And bonk, was my mouth/throat ever dry.

These were the main things I remember. A few other points:

The last time I was carried by the invisible hands (I think), in the series of me asking to see a guide, I opened my eyes to see who or what had carried me, and to express gratitude. I said thank you, and I saw a woman's back, as she was climbing away, up a cliff face, since she was done, having put me down. She was dressed like an Amazon warrior, her long blond hair in an amazing braid - like the Amazonians in Wonder Woman wore. She was dressed exactly like that. I did not see her face, and she didn't respond in any way when I said thank you to her.

Some of the previous instances of me having asked for my spirit guides:

One instance, it seemed like I was being shown a movie screen. I was confused as to what the important part of it was, like what am I supposed to notice or pay attention to? It seemed like someone was standing with me, behind me, and at that point pointed with their arm, and we zoomed in to see that there was a woman who was very sad and upset about something. I think she was crying. The "movie" we were seeing was panning, but one minute the woman was fine, and the scene cut to something else, and then we see the woman upset. The movie didn't actually show what *happened* such that she started to get upset. That seemed to be the important part I was being shown. That this woman is upset. But the "action" of why she was upset happened off-screen/off-camera. As you can see, all this was cryptic, which is probably why I got frustrated and kept asking for different guides!

Another instance seemed as though I was being shown something in parable form. To the best of my recollection, I was being shown the story of how a father or tribe abandoned it's son/one of its own. It seemed somewhere like Africa. There were what looked like geese flying above, in a certain direction. It seemed like they were called "stone geese." At first there was the pain and horror of the abandonment. Then, there seemed to be this sense that the entire point of the abandonment was to teach the son/child something. For instance, the point of the abandonment was so that the son/child could learn to find his way back. Learn to read the direction the birds were flying, learn which direction to go to return home. That sort of thing. My astral self seemed to have an immense realization about something about this, a connection was made. I saw myself holding something - it looked like a red metal tin - and standing or sitting in my old den in my home I grew up in, in Florida. The realization seemed to be, "I was abandoned, too." I'm not entirely sure, but at the time, the realization or connection seemed very clear, and was profound and important, but now of course I don't quite recall.

I have the sense there was much more that I experienced and was shown, but I don't remember.

14 June 2020

out of body experience - astral projection

Again, laying in bed in the morning trying to get some more sleep. Twilight in and out. Suddenly felt vibrations, as if "falling into" vibrations, like a switch was flipped. Since I wasn't out yet, I tried to use the rope pulling technique. Seemed to experience astral noise, clutching hands, etc., ignored it all. When out, asked clearly this time, "Take me to a spirit guide who will answer all my questions verbally in a way that I can understand." Hoped this would get me past the "interpretive dance" stage, as it were. Long journey, it seemed, being carried. Opened my eyes and seemed to be carried by a massive bird of prey, like a hawk or a falcon. Seemed to see other such birds below us flying in the air. I assumed they were carrying other people. Then, I seemed to have a short little helper person who was taking me to see someone specific. There was what seemed like a small hut/teepee, metal scaffolding covered by what looked like black plastic bags. At first I thought it was a weird creature. I almost ran into it, was chastised by my helper to not approach it myself or too quickly. I apologized, saying I'm trying to control my astral body. It wasn't a creature, it was the small teepee with a man sitting inside it. This was all kinda weird. I remember my helper being like, "Well, you said VERBALLY so I had to bring you to this guy." She approached him politely and humbly asked if he would please be willing to speak with me. He said he was too busy! He appeared to me as a muscular man with long hair, in his 60s perhaps, but very fit. Spoke in an Australian accent. Like a beach/surfer dude. Very nice but said too busy to talk to me, gave me a list of things he had to do right then. Turning to leave, it seemed like I saw a long line of people/things waiting to speak to him. So, WTF? Did he just put me off for some reason, but was actually taking questions from others? I felt lost and upset. Again had trouble using my astral voice to speak. Closed my eyes and said, "Take me to a MASTER" who will answer me verbally in a way I can understand, or who will tell me my mission (I can't remember my exact wording). Felt myself being carried again. Tried licking my lips and swallowing repeatedly to be able to speak better. Then the discomfort became so great and my attempts at trying to fix it so intense that I was back in my body. Or woke up, who knows.

Additional note:

Did see melting hands phenomenon.

23 June 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

NOTE: Between this morning and the last time written about, I had two additional *brief* possible OBEs. One of which involved me trying the "roll out" method so I could tool around here on earth for a bit. I rolled onto the floor next to my bed. I felt so tired I decided to just fall asleep. Problem was that I thought I was still in my body! I thought to myself, Oh well, at least when I wake up again on the floor I'll know something weird happened! I woke up in bed, obviously.

Felt/heard vibrations on and off. I remember laying in bed and touching my tongue to my teeth, confirming to myself I was awake and in bed. I think I may have asked for help getting fully out of my body. The first thing I remember is that I felt like my right hand/arm was loose. The vibrations/sound seem to start and stop, so that's probably why I mentally asked for help to get out. It seemed like I was being helped/lifted out of my body, I felt hands on both sides of me. Lifted up toward the ceiling of my room. It seemed like I could see my ceiling fan. I was afraid I was going to be lifted right into it, even though I knew it wasn't my physical body, I still didn't want to be lifted into it. I didn't really have the chance to think/command where I want to go. Instead, the hands that helped me out of my body seemed to turn my body so instead of laying horizontally on my back, I was vertical. Almost seemed like I was being shoved into my closet, which I didn't want. Then I felt like I was being pushed directly downwards, like into the apartment of my downstairs neighbor. I was like, well, I guess I'll see what her apartment looks like. But instead of emerging into her apartment, it was my house in Florida where I grew up. There was a blonde woman sitting on the loveseat, wearing a green shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail. She was very pretty and was a young woman. I asked, Who are you? She said her name was Kimmy. I said, Hey! Just like that show I'm watching! She said she's here to talk about my schedule for my classes. Then I asked, What are you? Not just who, but what. Like, what kind of entity is she. She didn't seem to either want to answer that question, or that the information wouldn't make sense to me. She said a word, but it sounded like a nonsense word. I was also marveling at how I could see what looked like my old house. We went to sit out on the patio. When I was about to take my seat at the table, some weird creature attached itself to my right upper arm/shoulder. It was green, had something resembling a large frog head but had a body more like a slug. I didn't like it and it didn't seem like a good thing. I was trying to use the techniques I've read about, verbally and forcefully commanding it to leave. Leave me! I banish you! I command you to leave my space! Things like that. I was very upset about the thing on my arm, but the blonde woman didn't seem concerned. She began to make movements like she was going to start offering me assistance. By this point I was trying to scream the thing away from me as loudly as I could, trying to use my astral voice. I may have actually been making sounds IRL in my physical body, because eventually I woke myself up.

24 June 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

This morning, I tried to put myself in that "half awake half asleep" state, which seems to be triggering the vibrations. It took awhile, at least an hour or two, to get to that place where the vibrations started. I got out, felt hands on both sides of my body again. I felt happy and reached out with my fingertips and held their hands, one on each side, as they carried me. I asked to see the same woman I saw yesterday, the one who wanted to talk to me about the schedule for my classes. That seemed important! Like, hey, we're finally getting somewhere, they're going to teach me stuff! I looked up. It was almost like I was being carried on something like a stretcher - because I was floating flat, horizontally, lower to the ground. We were outside of a building. It was snowing, and I opened my mouth and tasted some of the large snowflakes that were falling. My helpers today were an older white man, who seemed to have a mustache, and a kinda chubby middle aged Asian man. One knocked on the door, and we went inside. It almost seemed like a warehouse or like the back area of a storefront or something. They asked, first, alright, what are all your questions? What do you want to know? Since I'd asked about the schedule for my classes, it seems they wanted to get clear on everything I wanted to know first, as a first step. I said, so many things! I began to list all of my questions, like who am I? Why am I here? What's my mission in this lifetime? What am I supposed to do? How do I best help people? Is it true that I've been a healer in past lives? Is that what I am in this life? What about the shamanism stuff? Was I also a shaman before? Am I one now? It seemed like they interrupted me at one point, and said, OK, let's start here. Handed me a sheet of paper. One sheet with a lot of paragraphs typed on it. The only word I noticed on it was like halfway down and seemed to be in larger font, like starting a new section, and the word was "Lamb". They said they were taking me somewhere specific. We were on the back flatbed of a pickup truck, driving through a lovely country/rural area/town. I asked where we were. The Asian guy told me a word that seemed to begin with a "V" but I couldn't catch/understand it. I asked, but what is that, is it a planet? Didn't respond. They both seemed amused by all my questions. They said I would see both of them again. I was happy about that. Like, Really?! Because so far I never see anyone more than once! Why is that? Again the amusement with my questions and I don't think I got a response, or I didn't understand/don't remember. I wanted to make sure they heard ALL my questions. So I was like, OK, I just want to make sure you guys KNOW. There were all the questions I was listing before, and I wanted to finish my list of questions. Now I added, What does THIS mean? That I can leave my body? Does this mean anything? Am I to use this type of journey (i.e., astral projection) to also help people, get them information and/or healing? The Asian dude seemed to laugh, and said, "You just went from HERE to THERE" - tapping first with his pointer finger on the right side of my forehead, and then moving it to the left side of my forehead. So: "You just went from HERE" --taps right side of my forehead-- "to THERE" --taps left side of my forehead. I was like, Huh? What do you mean? That's all I remember. I thought briefly about my physical body and got sucked back in.

29 June 2020

Out of body experiences - astral projection

On the way out, I almost seemed "stuck" in my head, and I asked for help getting totally out. Seemed to feel the hands pull me fully out of my body. I said/thought, You know all my questions, now please take me to get the answers! It seemed like two middle-aged white men carrying me. Wearing suits, hats, seemed a bit "retro" almost. Kinda like businessmen, or something. I said thank you. I felt glad, thinking I would finally get all my questions answered. I seem sent or even thrown down somewhere, a large indoor room, onto a very nice/fancy floor. It seemed like a fancy bar of a hotel or something. There were two bartenders behind the bar, both wearing tuxes. I was on the floor, and appeared to be wearing some sort of silky risque outfit. Black stockings, very short black silky "shorts" that barely covered my butt. I looked up after landing on the floor, and there seemed to be a high "wall" of many people, perhaps all men, looking at me and clapping from their booths/chairs. While I was maneuvering on the floor to get myself standing up, while looking around me at my surroundings, I could feel soreness in my body/limbs, like it hurt when I landed.

I walked up to the bartenders and said, Quickly, who can answer my questions?! I don't know how much time I'll have before I get sucked back! They put two drinks on the countertop in front of me. They seemed to say they don't know who could answer my questions. One of the drinks looked like sparkling mineral water. I asked if it was water or alcoholic. I even thought to myself, Well, if it's alcohol maybe I can drink it because I'm not in my physical body (since I have alcohol intolerance - I have a chronic illness). Then there was a man sitting at the bar to my left, he said something about me having been drunk when I was there last time. Seemed like he named an event that took place in 1956. I was like, What? Me? Drunk? The bartenders seemed to agree I was drunk at such & such event. I tried opening my "astral" mouth so I could drink the water/or whatever, and voice properly instead of using telepathy (which is what seemed to be happening). It felt like I did, and then, I focused on the sensation of having opened my mouth, and was back in my body with my mouth open.

Second projection, same morning, just a couple hours later

As I was lifting/floating out of my body, my body seemed to pivot (still floating on my back), so that I was facing north. I was going to ask my helping hands again to take me to get my questions answered, but instead, before I could do that - WHOOOOSH! I shot out like from a cannon! I didn't intend this or try for this, it's just what happened. This was a fun ride, I was whizzing through what seemed like a tunnel or wormhole or something - up, up, up and out. So fast! It almost seemed like there was a light at the other end, and I actually thought to myself, Is there a train coming?! I turned my back in the direction I was going for a bit, and then I faced forward again, and it's hard to describe what I saw. It was like I saw a massive black space, but something formed out of light floating within it. Almost like a transparent black orb with red lights around it. Then, there was an opening, the opening was shaped like a star, and it was surrounded by glowing colorful rainbow lights lights. I went through the star-like-shaped opening. I thought to myself I must definitely be entering an astral world, here. I felt glad and happy. It seemed there were people who knew me who were glad I arrived. It appeared like I just landed in some large, massive indoor space, like a convention center or the entrance to an airport. There was even an escalator. I had no idea who the bonk any of them were. I wound up having a lot of trouble controlling my body here, like floating way up when I wanted to go back down to the floor, and my body became incredibly elongated. I was basically Gumby. The people (or whatever they are) helped "compress" my body back for me. They had me floating on my back, and told me to relax and control my breathing. It was like I could actually feel them pushing the "extra leg" length back into my upper legs. I could feel it and it was uncomfortable and weird, but not that bad. But, it seems they compressed me too much, because now I was too short! My head came up to everyone's waist level, so that was annoying. It seemed like they were standing around a tall table/countertop, starting to celebrate with pizza and soda. I asked, Who can answer all my questions?! Someone was like, Gosh, I don't know, no one can answer all that here. I was like, WHAT?! No one?! Not a guide or a master or some really wise person?! It seemed like the one I was talking to got an idea of someone I could talk to. I forget or couldn't understand the name. As everyone was gathered to eat, and me too short, I asked, Do you all know who I am? Then I made the mistake of thinking about worrying about going back to my body. So of course then I was back in my body.

30 June 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

NOTE: Seemed to have a few brief ones this morning, the one I type below was the last/longest one, although it was also way too short

It felt like I managed to project from inside a dream. I did not feel the helping hands, even when I stated where I wanted them to take me. I felt movement, and I knew I was traveling in a certain direction, but I did not feel hands carrying me. I guess if you project from inside a dream, maybe the hands don't show up. What I said was, "Take me to someone who will teach me how to heal myself and others." I have grown tired of not getting straight answers to my questions, so I'm done waiting for explicit guidance. I had been thinking to myself, maybe part of the "lesson" here is that they won't answer my questions because I need to learn to not wait for them to tell me what my mission is, I just need to choose a mission. I have no idea, that's just one hypothesis I have, regarding why they won't just freaking TELL ME, since I'm asking about it quite directly. Anyway, I moved for what seemed like a long time, and I even wondered, why is this taking so long? Are we there yet? I finally arrived at what seemed like the "get on" point for a carnival ride. There was a crowd milling about, like in a long, snaking line, to get on a ride. The little amusement park cars (all linked together) were on my left. In front of me was a Black woman. It almost seemed like she was running the ride, or some sort of authority figure. Not too old, like in her early 30s perhaps. She seemed the one in charge, the one I was supposed to go talk to. I asked her if she knew who I was, like if she understands why I'm there, what I'm looking for. She seemed to interrupt me and told me to look down. I was confused. What was of significance? Water stands on the floor? No idea. Then she told me, You're covered with it. I said, What, sweat? I couldn't understand what she was trying to convey to me. I thought I'd failed the first "lesson" already! She almost seemed patiently rolling her eyes at me, like, OK, she's not getting it... she began leading me through the crowd, we were going somewhere. I don't know where, because I was suddenly back in my body again.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: LightBeam on July 02, 2020, 06:07:26
every person in the beginning thinks that APs are so black and white, that through our logic we will receive every answer we desire and go to any place we ask. Well, experience shows that this is not the case, but it is realized after a while. If we change our attitude, we will have the most beautiful non-physical experiences when we let go and let the experience take us where we need to be instead of forcing something to happen. We should have goals by all means, but after a while you understand how vast this multiverse is and how small our individualized characters here truly are. We start looking at the bigger picture and expand our perspective way beyond the boundaries and everyday life in the physical. Do you know how many times I have gone out with the single question to see the lottery numbers lol. And I was like "WTH is that. This is not what am asking for". Well, it doesn't work that way. I had the wrong attitude and I am still not a millionaire haha.
It is nobody's job to provide answers to us the way we want to receive them.  We cant blame anyone, not our guides, not God, nobody for not giving answers to us according to our logic of info streaming. The point of being in character is to make REALIZATIONS on our own through experiences. Not to receive the answers of the test, which would be cheating. Through learning, we have to come to conclusion ourselves. Change of attitude and start analyzing our experiences to look for the truths and the answers. They will come to us in a form of thoughts, ideas, emotions. You can definitely ask and I encourage you to do so, but do not expect straight answer. You will be shown things and you have to analyze them. What you have experienced so far, no one else can analyze but you. All of our experiences are tailored specifically for each individual point of consciousness, and what may be true for one, may be false for another.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: funfire on July 03, 2020, 03:11:58
Very interesting! I'm still reading so I can't give my full reaction at the moment, but I love the projection storys here lots to read into.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 03, 2020, 20:01:46
Quote from: funfire on July 03, 2020, 03:11:58
Very interesting! I'm still reading so I can't give my full reaction at the moment, but I love the projection storys here lots to read into.

Thanks! Will look forward to any thoughts should you have them =)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 03, 2020, 20:08:37
Quote from: LightBeam on July 02, 2020, 06:07:26
every person in the beginning thinks that APs are so black and white

I don't think they're black and white! While I certainly may wish they were. Some things I maybe shouldn't have left out, for context - I'm generally a pretty patient person, but I can't help feeling like time is a bit of the essence here. I have a chronic illness that debilitates many. It's actually at the very bottom of the list, out of all the diseases that the NIH keeps track of "quality of life" for - we've overall got the worst quality of life. Some people are very severely sick, chained to their beds, for years. For decades! Unable to live their lives, work, visit family, see friends. Some are unable to tolerate light, sound, or even touch. My heart breaks for them. Suicide is a big risk in my community. People are desperate, suffering, and lose hope. Yet government funding is almost nonexistent for biomedical research, especially relative to disease burden. So that's a big part of why I'm doing this. I want to heal myself, for sure, since everything else I've tried has failed, and Western medicine has no answers. I want to help THEM! The people who have been confined to their beds, looking at the same ceiling fan, for years, day in and day out. I really wish the "powers that be" would just speed up the "learn how to be a healer" process, because every day that ticks by is just another day that they suffer. Other information/teachings/knowledge can wait. I just need/want to help my community.

So, that's why I'm itching to get this show on the road =)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: LightBeam on July 04, 2020, 01:52:02
yes, I understand this is very devastating. My biggest dream since I was 5 years old was to heal everyone in the world. I have had two APs where I had asked to receive the gift of healing. They are posted here if you want to read what I was shown when I asked. But even though I try, my healing is not working the way I want to. But I know for sure that every challenge is for a reason, and every soul has agreed to go through these challenges in game like realities for the purpose of learning. Sometimes those we wish to heal subconsciously will reject the healing energy because they have a different agenda. We have discussed this here with Lumaza and others many times. Here are the links to my APs if you would like to compare.;msg373504#msg373504

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on July 04, 2020, 03:55:54
 GrumpyRabbit, I know these words won't make sense to you right now and I really wanted to get a conversation going with you on what the Shaman thinks about this. I have worked with healing people for years. Right now my wife, the Love of my life and a very good friend both have "blocked" that healing. In the physical they are fighting tooth and nail to stay alive. I was told though, rather directly, that my wife was in stasis. I was told that a few years back when I saw the signs of her Cancer worsening. For a time, I even found that I wasn't "permitted" to have a OBE/AP, solely because "they" knew that I was going to do everything in my power to help her. She has now had the terminal Cancer going on 6 years now and the Doctors can't figure out why she is still alive. Her form of Cancer is supposed to be very aggressive. When she was diagnosed, they gave her less than a year to live and that was with Chemo. She didn't do the Chemo or any treatments at all. I was told many times, because I am stubborn, that it wasn't my decision to make.

Who "They" seem to be is another question for another time. I very rarely see a Being. It seems more like a telepathic "knowing".

Every day I add her and my good friend to my "Healing mantra/modality". When I focus on them, I can't even see or visualize them at all. I have no problem visualizing. That is a strong part of my Phase technique. Yet, I can't visualize either of them. My imagery always gets "hi jacked" to something else. So, what I do now is I summon forth the golden Temple of Healing and invite them inside of it.

I hear how the Shaman are successful with their healings. But what happens when their Higher Self/Spirit decides against it? How does the Shaman help there? Giving/sending them "strength" is important, but that doesn't necessarily heal the ailment.

As Lightbeam pointed out, we have discussed this here on the Pulse a few times now. We never came to a conclusions on it, other than the fact that the "Higher Self/Spirit has the last say!  :|
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 04, 2020, 22:02:36
Lumaza, I'm so sorry to hear about your wife and your friend. On what level do you think they have "blocked" that healing? Do you have any idea of how to help them unblock it? What do you mean by "stasis"?

Part of shamanism is understanding that that shaman is not the one with the healing powers. The shaman is just the conduit. It's the guides that have the ability to heal, and the guides work through the shaman. That's part of why we say that no one can just decide to be or call themselves a shaman. The guides decide when you're ready, and the community will begin to call you a shaman when they see you getting results. Another note (and I want to add that I speak for absolutely no indigenous communities at all!) is the element of trust with the guides, that nothing will be released or brought up that cannot be processed in the session by the client, and always asking the guides for whatever healing the client needs most today. So that's trusting and relying on the wisdom of the guides to direct the shaman to do what is needed in that moment. And it may not be what the client wants most in that moment. For soul retrieval specifically (reclaiming lost soul parts/bits of vital essence for a living client), some "results" may be seen as regaining some aspect of physical health, for sure. Or, it may be something more subtle. Feeling more like oneself, feeling more grounded or centered, colors seeming more vivid, feeling more at peace. It may be that other people, like friends/family, notice a change in you, that you don't even see yourself! It may be an emotional release, memories coming back, feeling the need to release old maladaptive patterns - sort of a mental/emotional or even interpersonal or occupational "spring cleaning." All these things can be signs that some healing has taken place on some level.

I do remember my shamanic teacher saying something at one point that we can send soul parts back to the client, but the client (on some deep level) must accept and integrate that energy back. I will have to ask her more about that tomorrow when I talk to her.

Another thing that you all may already know, is that the way to shamanism is often the path of the "wounded healer" - a spiritual sickness that is so severe that it could be confused with psychosis or the person being closed to death, and the only way to cure oneself is to answer the call to the shamanic path. Many people become healers of all stripes because they themselves were sick, and were hellbent on finding a cure for themselves! So I fit that stereotype for sure. And, I really have tried nearly everything to feel better. You name it I've tried it, but nothing has cured me. I admit that I have wondered myself if there is something on some deep level that is blocked, and I don't know what that could be or how to unblock it. It's very depressing. But, if at least I can manage to find a way to help others, then I will be doing something meaningful.

I remember reading in Robert Bruce's book about how commands and affirmations are much more powerful when they are made when we are out of our bodies. That's what has me hopeful that if I get my astral sealegs, I will be able to unblock any possible blockages that are keeping me sick.

Do any of you know anyone who was sick like me, and nothing helped, and they they learned now to astral project, and finally managed to heal themselves while out of body?

Funnily, in all my adventures so far, if you've read them above, not once have I asked for personal healing! I have only asked about my mission, and then ultimately, to be taught *how* to heal so I can help others. Maybe I just should get on with it and put the question of my own healing to them directly.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 04, 2020, 22:13:19
Oh, and I mean to add - one thing my teacher did say is that sometimes, for a very sick client, for example, if they die after you do the healing, it may be because the healing was what *allowed* them to finally pass on. For example, you reclaim lost soul parts for them, do a power animal retrieval, and you think that will help them recover and live. But then they die. Perhaps why they were holding on was because they didn't want to die without those soul parts being returned, and getting their power animals back helped give them the strength to let go and pass over. It's a hard thing to think about, that death can be a sign of healing, for us mortals, but something to chew on nevertheless.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on July 05, 2020, 05:14:37
Thank you for your reply Grumpy!  :-) You certainly don't seem like a "GrumpyRabbit" to me, lol. If that's a Shamanistic nickname, you will have to tell us the story  behind it!  :-)
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on July 04, 2020, 22:02:36
Lumaza, I'm so sorry to hear about your wife and your friend. On what level do you think they have "blocked" that healing? Do you have any idea of how to help them unblock it? What do you mean by "stasis"?
Thank you for your kind words! I think it is on the level of their "higher self". I have no idea how to "unblock" this. But as I said, I have ways to work around it. Possibly that's where the lesson was!  :| The "stasis" that was meant was that she wasn't moving forward or backward. She wasn't healing, but she also wasn't getting any worse either.

QuotePart of shamanism is understanding that that shaman is not the one with the healing powers. The shaman is just the conduit. It's the guides that have the ability to heal, and the guides work through the shaman. That's part of why we say that no one can just decide to be or call themselves a shaman. The guides decide when you're ready, and the community will begin to call you a shaman when they see you getting results. Another note (and I want to add that I speak for absolutely no indigenous communities at all!) is the element of trust with the guides, that nothing will be released or brought up that cannot be processed in the session by the client, and always asking the guides for whatever healing the client needs most today. So that's trusting and relying on the wisdom of the guides to direct the shaman to do what is needed in that moment. And it may not be what the client wants most in that moment. For soul retrieval specifically (reclaiming lost soul parts/bits of vital essence for a living client), some "results" may be seen as regaining some aspect of physical health, for sure. Or, it may be something more subtle. Feeling more like oneself, feeling more grounded or centered, colors seeming more vivid, feeling more at peace. It may be that other people, like friends/family, notice a change in you, that you don't even see yourself! It may be an emotional release, memories coming back, feeling the need to release old maladaptive patterns - sort of a mental/emotional or even interpersonal or occupational "spring cleaning." All these things can be signs that some healing has taken place on some level.
Unfortunately I didn't find that teaching about the Healer just being a "conduit" until much later in my life. By that time, I had absorbed many people's pain into my own being. I didn't have the discipline or knowledge of a Shaman. No one taught me how to do it.  I just had the ability naturally. I found out years later that my Father did as well. Yet, he saw it as a curse. I saw it as a "blessing".

Now I realize that I am just the conduit. I realized that about 10 years ago. But by that time, I was the one in need of healing. Like you said, I was the "wounded healer" and still am today. I have learned quite a bit since then. For the longest time I was a practitioner of Magick. Then it all hit me that all of this has to do with the same thing. All of these "disciplines", whether they be Buddhism, etc., all cycle around a focused will and intent. Prayer included. The stronger your intent is the more likely you are to manifest your desired action.

Here lies the problem. Some people have decided to move on. Some people achieved what they came to do or didn't achieve the goals they set out to before they incarnated into this physical form they now find themselves in. I see people praying all the time for loved ones. But many of those people don't realize the pain and suffering that their loved one is going through, whether that pain is physical, mental or even spiritual. Yet, because the suffering person is part of their life, they don't want to let go. I see that as being "selfish". I know my views aren't accepted by most. But sometimes we need to let go.

So yes, when I speak about their being some kind of "structure" in the NPR, I do it because this is what many others and myself have seen. Many people have come to this conclusion based on their own NP experiences. In other words, there seems to be do's and don'ts. Once big "don't" is that you don't force anything upon anyone.

I do understand what you mean though, that healing occurs on all levels. I have seen that as well. Not all of the people I have "healed"/helped" in the past had physical ailments. I have been involved in all kinds of things, Suicides, sudden deaths, spousal abuse, etc.

Like I said though, I didn't come at it from the mindset or viewpoint of a Shaman. I didn't use "Spirit Guides/Animal Guides" etc,. I just did what came natural to me and I still do that today. In the past I was invited by different interest groups to become a part of them. Most of them were during my time with Magick and I received invites from Groves, Covens, etc. It was just like the study of Magick itself. I always wanted to remain "Eclectic". Yet, with many of these groups it was their way or no way at all. I would read and study what they had to say, but then I would find something that didn't sound or "feel" right to me. When I did, I moved on.

We had a dog years ago named Boots. Unfortunately she got Lyme disease and suffered from it. There was a time in the winter that Boots went in the woods, the snow was deep, so she couldn't see the barb wire fence. She walked over, got snagged and tore her stomach badly on it. It was a life or death situation. We got her help, but it was still a might not make it to morning moment. I nursed her back to health as any dog lover would. A few years later she was succumbing to the Lyme disease. She went out into the woods to die. I found her and stayed with her there. I put all my intent on healing her and when I closed my eyes I saw in the NP, two dogs encircling her and me. One was a little yippie dog that wouldn't stop yipping. the other was a large dog and he was not happy at all. I knew then and there that I needed to go and let her be alone to die. I did and we buried her the next day. I guess those two NP dogs were her own guides. They knew it was her time to go and weren't going to let me change that, even if I could. So, I have met "Guides" per se. IO don't actively work with them though unless they initiate the contact. The same goes with my own Guides. I know they are there. I speak with them, but haven't necessarily seen them.

QuoteDo any of you know anyone who was sick like me, and nothing helped, and they they learned now to astral project, and finally managed to heal themselves while out of body?
Like I said, you are talking with one now! This is healing to me. Healing is helping others. Helping others is healing!

QuoteFunnily, in all my adventures so far, if you've read them above, not once have I asked for personal healing! I have only asked about my mission, and then ultimately, to be taught *how* to heal so I can help others. Maybe I just should get on with it and put the question of my own healing to them directly.
I think you already have. You came to this Forum. That's a good start!  :wink:
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 08, 2020, 01:15:05
2 July 2020

This morning, was twilight in and out. It seemed like I had astral sight, or was laying in my bed looking out from my energy body. I could see two people, floating over me, Black woman on the left and I think an older white man on the right. The Black woman was like in her 50s or 60s. She said something like, OK, let's go. They lifted me up and out of my body. Then, she said something like, Happy Halloween. I then felt like I was floating back down to my bed, and the two figures disappeared. Then my bed started to move as if I were on a raft on a river. I wondered if this was some sort of a test, since I'd just read about this on a forum. To test my fear and my commitment to continue, or perhaps to challenge me to figure out how to get rid of negative, frightening things. First there was a cat that appeared and attacked me, like on my stomach. Then two snakes, one on my left, and another appeared to come at me from above and directly ahead. What seemed to work was saying, You don't exist! Or, it might have been, You're not real! I can't remember which I used, but one of those phrases seemed to make the entity disappear and go away. After those three things, I got this sense that the "test", if that's what it was, was over, like I had successfully passed it or something. It felt like I was then en route somewhere else, I'm not sure, because then I was back in my body.

3 July 2020

This morning, after having some trouble getting out and asking for help, I seemed to float up, and felt I was going through my ceiling fan, up thru the roof and outside. Didn't feel any hands at this point. Decided to open my eyes and look. It seemed like I saw two entities, one on either side of me as I floated on my back. They looked a bit frightening, but I wasn't afraid. The more I looked, they then morphed into acceptable human form. A younger, heavier blonde woman and what seemed like a middle eastern man. I immediately began talking to them. I asked them who they are, what are their names? I seemed to ask why I'm not getting a lot of answers to my questions - or any answers, for that matter. She said I'd have trouble remembering, or something to that effect. Either I wouldn't understand or I wouldn't remember. I'm pretty sure I objected to this! I asked for her name, and to spell it for me so I could try to remember. It seemed like she gave me a card with it written on it. There were a few letters together that didn't make sense, and then a space, and then three eights. So the second part was 888. I also tried giving her my email address so she could email me! Haha. I wrote it out (poorly) on paper with a pen. Wherever we were, there were strange vibrations in the atmosphere. I had trouble seeing at one point, I tried touching my eyes, and asking if they were even open. I asked for help to see better.  Eventually my vision came back. I also remember her saying something about "fantasy school," and I asked if that's where I'd be going or what I'd be attending. There were lots of other people or beings around, and it did seem like some sort of group educational environment. I was beginning to ask about what she and the other person who was my invisible hand helper are - like, what kind of entity - and then I was back in my body.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 08, 2020, 01:27:06
Lumaza, thank you for the great exchange! No, it's not a shaman name =) I'm just a rabbit person and grumpy is a joke. Rabbits can be very disapproving, you know.

I did speak to my teacher about people needing to fully accept healing, and she agreed. There are different levels of Self. It's important to know which level has the block, and then you need to talk to that level of the person's Self. E.g., your wife's Integrated Self obviously wants healing. But some other level has a block. The healing you're going to do needs to address the level that has the block/needs the healing. If you send healing to her Integrated Self, it won't work, because that's not the level that's blocked. However you work, be it with guides or not, you can ask, Where's the block? Which level of Self has the block/is rejecting the healing? Ask, Am I even supposed to remove this block? Sometimes the answer is no. But if the answer isn't no, then ask, How do I address that level of Self and what do I do to remove the block and help that level receive healing?

Levels (what she discerned from working with her guides) -

Integrated Self
Physical Body
Emotional Body
Spiritual Body (energy, qi, prana, aura, etc)
Sub-personalities (a personality within the self; a soul part)
Imprints from others (other people's energy you've taken on and integrated)
Group Energy (includes family dynamics, energy of a culture or place)
Spiritual Entities (can happen the problem could be another entity, but this is rare)
Life Force (Source, pure energy; wouldn't be blocked at this level, I think it's impossible, would go against its inherent nature)

It is also possible for the person who seems to have a block to ask the question to each of their own levels of Self - going into a meditation, doing stream of consciousness writing or drawing, doing spontaneous movement/vocalization, etc. Whatever works best for the individual. Ask each level what they have to say about them blocking healing. The people you try to help can do this on their own, and may provide useful information that can guide you in your further healing attempts!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 13, 2020, 19:02:16
11 July 2020

Out of body experience - lucid dreaming - possible astral projection

Quite a hodge-podge this morning. I'm not sure if I had a ton of lucid dreams, or managed to project a bit, or a combination of the two. I first seemed to "spin" really fast out of my body, and I asked to be taken wherever I needed to be, to learn what I need to learn right now. I slowly started to float across my room, and before I even was taken out of the confines of my bedroom I was back in my body.

Well. OK, then! Thanks for that enlightening experience. Not sure how to interpret that.

Then, again not sure if this was lucid dreaming or if I'd managed to project, but I asked for healing. This was the first time I directly asked for my physical body to be healed. It seemed like there was a series of experiences. The first one I remember, there seemed to be some male, shadowy figure, on my left. It seemed like something was being "done", but I can't remember what. After whatever was "done," what he said was that there was a tumor in my brain, I think on the left side. He said that it had been there 19 years, but nobody would have been able to see it until now. It's possible he said it had been there since I was 19, but 19 years ago I was 20, so it's around that time. I was horrified and scared that there was something serious like a tumor that needed to be addressed, and he left the problem there. In response he said, "If I took it out you would kill yourself."


During this or another session, I was being shown something representing illness in my body. I could see red, covering almost my entire body. Like as if I was seeing my aura, and red seemed to be interpreted as bad.

At some point, I was so upset about the guy leaving a tumor in my brain, that I asked to be taken to someone else who would heal my body. There was a bevy of weird experiences, including men throwing pencils at me and stabbing me with pens. One of the men was doing this to me because his parents didn't believe him when he said he loved himself. I yelled up to him that if he stopped throwing the pencils at me, I would tell him how to prove to his parents that he really loves himself. He stopped attacking, and I told him to tell his parents that it's obvious that he loves himself because he went to medical school.

In another weird experience, I was being bitten by a tiger, on my left forearm. I struggled for a bit, and then I turned to the tiger and said, I'm sorry, I should have respected you. The tiger became nice and asked me, OK, so what should we do? I said, Well, you could stop biting me. And he was like, Oh, right! And let go of my arm.

I then, while waiting for whatever next weird experience would happen, I decided to see if I could just roll-out into my room to try to see the tarot card I left on the shelf again (I wrote about this in another thread).

Anyway, after looking at the two cards and committing what I "saw" to memory, I tried to go to my roommate's cat to heal her (poor little thing isn't doing too well right now). I went through my closed bedroom door, and managed to get outside my roommate's bedroom door, but was sucked down, and sent somewhere else. I was yelling the whole time, No! I need to heal the cat! I need to heal the cat! It seemed like I approached a very large room with high ceilings, like a medical treatment center. The people in charge seemed to be Asian. One young woman came toward me and asked, "What are you doing here?" She almost seemed annoyed. I said, "I don't know, I was brought here." She told me to wait, and stay on my side of the line. I looked down, and there was a white line on the floor, which seemed to demarcate those waiting from those already admitted, or being helped or seen. I was handed some sheets of paper, I can't remember what was on them. I don't know why they keep handing me pieces of paper with words when I obviously can't peruse them LOL. Then I was back in my body.

This *may* have been a place I had been before, this morning, during my hazy Try To Get Healed lucid dream/projection extravaganza. I'm not sure. It SEEMED like she asked what I was doing there because I was back, as in, I'd been there before, but this morning was so hazy I really am not sure at all.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 13, 2020, 19:14:21
12 July 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

I think I might have phased in. There was a strong, fast spinning motion, as if my entire bed was spinning. Then I was moving/floating horizontally, but I didn't feel the hands carrying me. I began to tentatively open my eyes, and it seemed like I was sitting on a moving cart that someone behind me was pushing, and we were moving through a basement or somewhere with a lot of tools and equipment. Like as if Home Depot were in a basement of a building. I think I was startled by all the things that seemed like tools, and probably felt a little scared. I felt an invisible arm wrap around my upper body from behind me, as if keeping me propped up but also making me feel safe. There was a door, and a man opened the door for me and the person pushing me - who turned out to be an adorable elderly Black lady! I wanted to give her a big hug but I just smiled and tried to shut up and not interfere with the process. She went through the door first, then it was my turn. I looked down, and the ground, outside, was like 10 feet below us. The man then was standing outside the door, and helped me down. He reached up with his arms to help me, I crouched down and put my hands on his shoulders, and hopped down. I was smiling, because he was helpful and nice, and I felt happy and taken care of. It seemed like we were at a massive outdoor pool, or a beach - sometimes it seemed like both, the clarity between the two was blurry. As we walked toward it, the guy from the door handed me a kickboard. Seemed the point was probably to show me how to feel water, be in water, etc, I'm guessing. The elderly Black helper got in and seemed to be enjoying floating in a floaty-device and doing laps with her friends. I stood back  by the water's edge because I wasn't sure how to swim without a bathing suit! But I looked down to see I was automatically now wearing one, and I got in with my kickboard. I could really FEEL the water, and I remember marveling at how I could feel it. I did a few laps with the kickboard, but I didn't even have to kick. It was as if the kickboard had an invisible motor on it, and just pulled me along, back and forth, in the water. My helper was going under the water a bit, but I was too nervous and unsure at this stage. I actually was worried that if I did that, my physical body would start correspondingly holding its breath. Soon I was back in my body.

NOTE: before I got in the water, while I was just standing around, I had a weird encounter with two blonde young women. The first one approached me, and I asked, "Do I know you?" I'm not sure what she said. I told her I was at this location for the first time. That I was very new at all this, and that I was still at the level of "trying to keep my eyes open so I can see" - something like that. For some reason she seemed annoyed or way too cool for me. She said something that seemed insulting and rude and walked off. Then from behind me came a much taller blonde woman. I asked what the first woman had said, but she didn't want to tell me. I remember clearly telling her that I'd really prefer to know. Then the taller woman seemed irritated with me, too! She said we'd met before, and seemed upset that I didn't remember her. I tried calling after her as she walked away, apologizing, sometimes these experiences are a blur and I don't remember! Why are folks getting so upset?!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 13, 2020, 19:25:33
13 July 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

Not sure on how I got out this time. I think it was based in phasing. A helper seemed to be giving me a piggyback ride. She seemed to know me, and I asked if we'd met before. I think she said, "Something like that." She called me a sweet pet name, like Cookie Elf or something LOL. While being carried piggy back, we approached the open door to a very large room, with a stage and an audience in attendance. On the wall on the outside if the door was a large horizontal mirror. I looked at myself on our way in. It seemed like me in human form, but my hair was long again, my face was covered in makeup, and I was (again!!?!?!?!) in some kind of risque outfit. This time it seemed like a corset and, something, like I was going to dance/perform on stage. Again the outfit was all black. AGAIN the audience seemed to be all men.


I remember that I laughed at myself when I saw myself in the mirror. I am not a dancer, and have no background in dance, and have no idea how to dance, but I was trying to just "go with it" and see what the experience was about, so I even jauntily waved at the audience as I was carried in (still piggy back) into the room. There were lots of other women on stage, it seemed, standing in front of me. I was in the very back, not quite ready to "go on". There was something wrong with my outfit, like it was too big and falling apart. So, a younger woman took me down some stairs to the basement, theoretically to help me fix it. I remember she seemed annoyed at having to do this, like a teenager. She was hurrying down the stairs a lot faster than me. I remember reaching out and feeling for the banister, following her down. I called after her and asked her for the name of the nice woman who had carried me in. She told me a name, and I exclaimed, That's my mother's name! Then the teen seemed to warm up to me, like aw, that's nice that they share a name. I asked the teen what year it was. She said "1100." I was like, OK, but 1100 in what time? Like BC or AD? I was trying to figure out, relative to 2020 on earth, in my dimension, where in time are we? What a ridiculous question...BC or AD....ugh! Anyway, I was also thinking at this point, I should be able to make anything happen that I want! So I looked at the dingey hallway in the basement where we were, and I pointed and was like, FLOWERS!! Well, no flowers grew, but it was as if my finger became a laser pointer that painted images of rabbits the hallway wall. Well, OK, that's a good start I guess. Then, we were in a room with a bunch of other women in the basement. Things began to get blurry at this point, but someone said something about an asteroid destroying a planet, so I freaked out and was like, Which planet?! Which dimension?! When?! Then, these other women seemed to get upset with me, and I began trying to explain that what they said about the asteroid was scary, and me asking for my details was because I was scared, etc. Then things got even more hazy and I remember thinking/saying, Uhoh, I'm having trouble seeing, things seem less real.... Like as if they could help me stay there, but then was back in my body.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on July 15, 2020, 23:47:21
Remember when I wrote that your Etheric/RTZ projections might continue for awhile and you might gradually see a transition to astral/Phasing projections in oh say, six months to a year? In retrospect I should have said six days to six weeks,Lol! My guess is that your Shamanic training has prepared you well for this, that instinctive functioning of the mind kind of thing.

There is a lot in there, these last two projections you just wrote about. I'm not exactly sure where to start except to suggest that you have entered an alternative 'training program' to that of the Shamanic program. This program could be described as the Theosophic/Occult version or maybe just the modern Western Civilization Esoteric version. The author Kurt Leland describes it quite well and it appears to closely describe my own journey and several others around this site. With some differences and exceptions noted, it's basically a training program of continuing experiences/simulations monitored and facilitated by either Visible or invisible guides/teachers/instructors/invisible helpers. You have now felt or seen or even talked to a few of these. Sometimes they are visible but refuse to communicate; sometimes when they do communicate it is just gibberish designed to confuse or distract us.

First, your exits/transitions- It doesn't matter if it's a hybrid type exit, a little of the Etheric kind or the less physical Phasing kind. As long as you go with the flow and go somewhere! Just go with what you get!

These experiences can be very metaphorical much of the time. So, I see that you are being 'carted' by a guide or 'piggy-backed' by a guide to your lesson-destination. This can often mean both to show you that you are not alone, but also that your awareness is being assisted to move to and enter a higher frequency. Nothing wrong with that; the level of help and recognizing the fact of it is incredible in and of itself! We ARE not alone and we have much help available to us. At the end of an experience it is appropriate to say farewell to these guides with a sincere feeling of thanks and appreciation for the assistance they are giving us.

And with that said, they can get somewhat frustrated with us for missing the point of a training session repeatedly, so we really have to pay attention and be aware.

So the very early tests are about simple emotions- Fear, Sexual Arousal, Frustration, Anger...followed by extremes of any of the other emotions. Cognitive confusion is a big one...not understanding the purpose of a simulation, losing the thread...we stop and think what are the causes, what are the possibilities? They don't reward, two seconds,'re done, simulation ended.

In the simulation you were invited to go swimming in the lake. That was a small fear to overcome, but you rationalized the need for a swimsuit instead but either they or you instinctively made the adjustment (nice) and a swimsuit was provided. The women showed up as further distractions but you evaded them and went into the water (again a win). The next purpose was to lose your fear completely, realize that you are NP and submerge without the PR need to breathe. Your mind then rationalized overly that submerging might upset your physical body and the guides lost you.

In the second simulation, you realized you were being carted to the destination (I often show up as one of several passengers on a tour bus). You were put into makeup and a compromising outfit; maybe it was just another way to put you in an uncomfortable position, to place you 'off balance' and distract you to see how you reacted instinctively (they do this often in many ways). You later noticed the dingy walls and realized you could perform a NPR ability and create a flower mural in the hallway. That was a curious but significant utilization of your NPR abilities that did not disrupt or violate the integrity of the simulation (flying probably would have brought the sim to an end), so nicely done. I'm not sure why the simulation did end, possibly your emotional demeanor about the asteroid upset things beyond a point of recovery.

So what got all this simulation stuff started? Possibly it was back on July 11 when you made the Intent known ' to be taken wherever I need to be, to learn what I need to learn right now.'

So what this demonstrates is a system that is present to teach and guide us, if we choose to participate. Further investigation will show a hierarchy and complexity that transcends our present understanding.

Nice work GR!

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 17, 2020, 20:22:51
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 15, 2020, 23:47:21
My guess is that your Shamanic training has prepared you well for this, that instinctive functioning of the mind kind of thing.

Ha, thanks!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 15, 2020, 23:47:21
I'm not exactly sure where to start except to suggest that you have entered an alternative 'training program' to that of the Shamanic program. This program could be described as the Theosophic/Occult version or maybe just the modern Western Civilization Esoteric version. The author Kurt Leland describes it quite well and it appears to closely describe my own journey and several others around this site. With some differences and exceptions noted, it's basically a training program of continuing experiences/simulations monitored and facilitated by either Visible or invisible guides/teachers/instructors/invisible helpers.

Is there a book specifically that you'd recommend where he describes this "training program"? I have only read one AP book so far. I'd like to create a good list, but will probably hold off reading anything else for a while, until I have more of my own experiences. I don't want to color my expectations *too* much.

Also, what does it mean that it's a "simulation"? The experiences I started off having, up until that point - what were they? Were they not simulations? Did they have more "reality" than the simulations? Were they not "educational" in some way? I think back to the first one, where at one point it seemed like I was being given the challenge of hand eye coordination. What's the difference between a "simulation" and just...being out somewhere in the astral universe? Do all training programs have the same end goal, at least generally speaking? Different?

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 15, 2020, 23:47:21
So the very early tests are about simple emotions- Fear, Sexual Arousal, Frustration, Anger...followed by extremes of any of the other emotions. Cognitive confusion is a big one...not understanding the purpose of a simulation, losing the thread...we stop and think what are the causes, what are the possibilities? They don't reward, two seconds,'re done, simulation ended.

Yeah I'm right up there with the cognitive confusion bit. I think I've failed that test repeatedly LOL

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 15, 2020, 23:47:21
The women showed up as further distractions but you evaded them and went into the water (again a win).

This may be too "meta" a question, but how do we KNOW they they were there only as a simulated distraction, rather than separate spirit/astral/energy entities in their own right, who were trying to interact with me for some reason of their own? Is it possible to know, one way or the other?

Thanks for your fabulous feedback! I sincerely appreciate it.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on July 18, 2020, 00:42:30
Jumping in here on your last question

"This may be too "meta" a question, but how do we KNOW they they were there only as a simulated distraction, rather than separate spirit/astral/energy entities in their own right, who were trying to interact with me for some reason of their own? Is it possible to know, one way or the other?"

Sometimes you WILL know. It will eventually come to you as you become more practiced. You'll notice things like the repetitive actions of a sim (they don't seem quite there). Or the blank/confused glassy eyed stared of someone who is there filling a seat so to speak but not enough aware to really participate. Their purpose might not be to actually distract you but that is what they do just as a by-product of being there. I've found myself trying to communicate with ones like this before realizing they really can't help. So I look for those who appear awake and alert. And look for the watchers. These will be the ones there to observe you and your progress. They can help you to one degree or another.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on July 19, 2020, 05:44:50
There are several authors and many books of theirs that I could recommend but that can all come later; like you said, you don't want to 'color your expectations' too much (front-loading, like I mentioned); you are doing really well with the knowledge you already have, so I don't want to interfere with that process. With that said, your experiences are evolving at a fairly rapid rate, so that sort of invites some hopefully thoughtful commentary from a few of us which you will ultimately need to decide for yourself what is useful and what should be ignored or put aside for the moment. It can also be a very time-sensitive kind of thing; we may make a comment which makes almost no sense today, but two years from now, it may strike you as an incredible insight. That is the way it happens and we do it for each other all the time. So, we at the Pulse are an eclectic, but incredible, kind of support group (if I don't mind tooting our little horn, lol).

My personal journey has taken me through many authors and their books across 40plus years. I haven't read them all, but I will say most of them. Lumaza has different talents, as do Lightbeam and Nameless; we each have our personal way to tap into the Source. Books have been my kind of intuitive, psychic touchstone. I have a talent for finding the good ones, or even the proper phrase within the pages. I lack some other talents or certain psychic skills, but this skill seems to be one of my strengths: Finding the right books, at the right time, for the right understanding, at least for me. We all have our individual talents; part of the answer is in realizing them in whatever form they show and trusting in their unfoldment. Your dreams, your shamanic journeys and now your NPR experiences are showing you and validating your own personal understanding. And yes, it is incomplete but yet it is unfolding. A frustrating and difficult process.

An interesting and quizzical term. A dream, a fantasy, an artificial whom? You, me or someone else?
It appears to be a format for teaching, for learning. We reach a point where we realize that even within our dreams, we are learning, we are being instructed.  The beauty of it is that any environment can be utilized. If you doubt this possibility, about any of your natural dreams over the course of your previous life, then what was their purpose? There are the 'clearinghouse' kind of dreams...but what about the later ones? The dreams that dig into deeper emotional issues?

Simulations are a few steps beyond this; they set up more complex issues that need to be resolved. The question of real versus not real, becomes meaningless. My point is...if it teaches you something of value, then what becomes the question of real versus not real?

(I am finding it impossible to send a link to an appropriate article, so I will wait upon Providence...!)  :?

Let's try again.

This is a link to Kurt Leland's website and his Astral Projection Log. There is plenty to read there and decide if you like his writing and perspective on all this. If so, then I could recommend a few books of his.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 19, 2020, 21:17:01
Quote from: Nameless on July 18, 2020, 00:42:30
And look for the watchers. These will be the ones there to observe you and your progress. They can help you to one degree or another.

Great advice, thank you!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 19, 2020, 21:21:17
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 19, 2020, 05:44:50
So, we at the Pulse are an eclectic, but incredible, kind of support group (if I don't mind tooting our little horn, lol).

I'm seeing that and am SO GRATEFUL for the help and guidance =)

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 19, 2020, 05:44:50

Let's try again.

This is a link to Kurt Leland's website and his Astral Projection Log. There is plenty to read there and decide if you like his writing and perspective on all this. If so, then I could recommend a few books of his.

Thank you! I will read thru this and will pipe up for specific book recommendations when the time comes =)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on July 19, 2020, 23:11:14
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on July 19, 2020, 05:44:50
Let's try again.

This is a link to Kurt Leland's website and his Astral Projection Log. There is plenty to read there and decide if you like his writing and perspective on all this. If so, then I could recommend a few books of his.
I don't know if it was Kurt that said it or someone else but whoever it was said that "if you look up, you will see there is no roof/ceiling in a simulation. By looking down, you will see there is no floor either". I have to admit I did that before and my experience began to spiral out of control in vertigo. It was something I would do again, but be very careful while doing it! Yes, some lessons are "painful"!  :-o
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 21, 2020, 04:40:13
20 July 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

Asked clearly and repeatedly to be taken to my higher self. I wanted to know why all that pain was inflicted on me (discussed in this thread: Felt the invisible hands again. We moved horizontally for a brief bit, then suddenly straight up. Up, up up, faster and faster straight up. It seemed like I was then in a hallway outside of an office, as if I were going to see an HR specialist. A young white man then called me into his office. He said his name was Jason. He looked about 25, and kinda hipsterish. I was like....This is my higher self? He appeared to not know why I was there. Sort of like, "So, what brings you here?" or "So what can I do for you?" He seemed to be going through a mental checklist of things, running through possible issues, and confirming for himself that all that checked out and was fine. Like he just couldn't think what I could possibly need to talk to him about! Included in this list was when he mused, "....and it's not time for The Moment."

Of course I wondered, OoOoooOOOO what's ThE mOmEnT?!?!

Sounded like something of consequence. But I didn't want to lose my focus, so I told him that I was there because of what happened to me last time. I experienced great physical pain, it felt like I was being electrocuted. I wanted to know what that was about, why it happened, what purpose it served. He had an outdated TV set on a stand, like the TVs on the black rolling carts that they used to wheel in and out of classrooms to watch something. He turned it on to look at video footage of my out of body experiences. He was going to look for the incident I told him about, when I was hurt. He began skipping around, stopping to look, and skipping around again. On the TV screen I saw footage of myself. I don't think the footage exactly lined up with the out of body experiences I've had, but I think the point was that every move I made was seen, and that I was always under somebody's watch, as it were, even tho I didn't realize I was being observed so closely. Well, he didn't seem to find the exact incident I came there to talk about. I asked him, "So, are you a part of me, or are you like a separate spirit guide type of entity?" His replied, "Yes." I was like....OK it was either one or the other, dude! I also asked him again that his name was Jason, because I didn't want to forget. He said something to the effect of, well, this is a name I'm using. He also asked me at some point (I don't remember exactly when this happened) he was like, " live in....CITY now?" And I was like, Yes! I've been there a while! Then suddenly, we were in a car. He and I were in the backseat, no one in the front. It was a self-driving car and I remember thinking that was pretty cool. It was bright and sunny, out, clear skies. We were going really fast down a hill with lots of curves/switchbacks. The self-driving car was snaking down the road so fast it was like a fun roller coaster. I wanted to talk to him and ask him more questions, but I also wanted to just enjoy the ride down the hill (it almost seemed we were somewhere Mediterranean). I was definitely like, weeeeeeeeee! A few times I looked at my hands, rubbed my hands together, and even looked at and touched my foot to try to ground my focus where I was. But while the car was zipping down the hill, I phased back into my body.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 28, 2020, 03:37:59
22 July 2020

Out of body experience - lucid dream

I was in some place representing my ex's place. He was moving away, selling his condo. A realtor arrived. The nametag seemed to say "JASO" or something, I remember thinking it was the "Jason" name again. I saw my reflection in a large wall-length mirror. I looked completely like myself, except my hair was very long again, and brown. I remember looking intently at my reflection because I was wondering if I would see something weird like what you guys have mentioned here on this forum. I then noticed that the realtor had no reflection at all. I became curious about who or what he was. I tried excitedly telling him that I was not actually physically there, but rather out of my body. I proved it by sticking my head through a wall. He then stuck his head through the same wall above me. So I was looking up at him, and he was looking down at me. I became even more excited. I began asking him if he were also projecting. If he was a human alive on earth right now also traveling out of body, or if he was a spirit entity. Then, it was like I was looking at a screen of some video footage. People sitting outside. The backs of their chairs said either "projector" or "spirit" on them, to identify what they were. At the very end, a bit separate from everyone else, was him. His chair said, "you." It seemed this was a way to tell me it was my higher self again. He handed me what seemed like a business card or piece of paper with lots of information on it. I saw the words "Hey, Beautiful" on it, but I couldn't make out the rest. He seemed to say the phrase "reduction and compression" and he scooped me up and began carrying me away. It seemed clear that we had to leave right then. I got the sense that I had been out of my body too long, and that it would be too hard for me to "download" and save the memories from that experience if I stayed out longer. It would be too much information, so he had to come and get me and haul me back to my body. As he carried me away, I was yelling back to my ex that I don't know this realtor guy, I'm not with him, and I would come back.

24 July 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

Once I felt I was in the right state, I willed myself out of my body. I floated up starting with the head, as if rising into a standing position. I thought, "Take me wherever I need to be right now, to learn whatever I need to know right now." Felt the invisible hands. I was so happy to be out, I expressed profuse gratitude to them. While I was being carried, I looked at my left hand, and thought again how it was funny that it manifested as a normal human hand, when that's not my ultimate reality. I decided to try if I could think/will it to look like a webbed hand - sort of like the creature from the black lagoon. Don't know why that was my bright idea. And I did it! Little webs between the fingers. I started laughing, and shook my left hand to revert it back to "normal." Then, I guess because I was still being carried and wanted to find little ways to amuse myself along the way, I thought to myself, I wonder if I can make myself a point of consciousness with 360 degree vision! I knew this sort of thing was possible from having read about it. Shortly after that, it wasn't the three of them carrying me anymore. It was just the woman in front, and it was as if I was suspended in the air and might fall, and she was holding me up with only one hand making contact with me, under the small of my back sort of. At first I was grabbing ahold of her to "hold on" so to speak, but she then said something to the effect of, As long as I have even one hand holding you, you won't fall. So that I could relax, put all my weight on that hand, so to speak, and not worry about falling. If she had contact with any part of my body, my whole body would stay floating. Then, everything became dark, it was as if she dissolved into dark, foggy swirling smoke. I was having a hard time trying to stay focused there. I asked her to keep me there - I figured she must have some way! I didn't want to go back to my body at all. I'd only just gotten out! She seemed to muse, What's the phrase...? Like she was trying to remember the phrase that would keep me from returning to my body. I wasn't sure, especially because nothing's ever worked for me before, but I tried "HERE NOW!" I thought it as hard as I could, but it didn't work.

Personally, I think I probably jumped the shark when I decided to leap from "webbed hand" to "single point of consciousness with 360 degree vision" - like, what am I, a wizard!? My hunch is that my thinking that made them abort mission.

27 July 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

When out of my body, thought the same thing again: Take me where I need to go, teach me what I need to know. We seemed to go through many walls and floors on the way - I kept my mouth shut and just went along with it. At some point I realized we arrived at my childhood home, where I grew up. We went there once before, more early on in these experiences, when the blonde woman said she wanted to talk to me about the "schedule" for my "classes". Last time we were downstairs. This time I was brought upstairs to my old bedroom. I was excited and said, This is my home!! The woman who was guiding me there said, "This is your second home." I interpreted that to mean it wasn't literally my house as it currently is in my hometown, but rather, it's a manifested "double" of my home, maybe so that I feel safe and it's familiar to me - so I will literally "feel at home" there. The woman and I sat on my bed, and I tried to ask smart questions that would get me information but would still be "on track". I asked something to the effect of, How can I best maximize my time here? And, Why am I here? What am I here to learn? That sort of thing. She started responding to me in German! I used to know a little German, and I caught some words here and there, but of course couldn't really understand. It's funny because I was just watching Raiders of the Lost Ark last night, so I think that was an influence. I asked her to translate, and she began speaking in English again. And of course wouldn't you know, I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT SHE SAID! But she seemed to be telling me things about where we were, the layout of the facilities/buildings, etc. My "home double" seemed to be a place for me to go, and I got the sense that it was a part of some larger complex with a purpose, and things just *appeared* to me to take the shape and form of my old home and neighborhood. For example, She wanted me to look out my bedroom window to show me a bunch of children, an area where all the children were. This seemed important. I got clever and "willed" the shade, which was down, all the way up with my thoughts, and gesturing with my hands. Kinda proud of myself for that! We looked out the window across my backyard, and into the neighbor's adjoining backyard. In the adjoining backyard were all kinds of kids outside playing. I think I asked if they were actual children - like, are these physical children currently alive on earth? I can't remember what she said, altho I do think she answered me. Again, there was a reason those children were gathered and put there, and a reason she was showing me, but I can't remember. We went downstairs to the kitchen. A second woman was down there. I asked her, Where are we? She told me a big long strange word that began with an O or a U. Like it was the name of a city or something. I asked her where the city is located, and she said America. I laughed and said, No it's not! I asked if it was on another planet. And she said something like, Yes, on another planet shaped like America. She was probably just trying to shut me up and I think was getting a little ticked off about all my questions. I apologized to her if I frustrated her and resolved to go back to keeping my mouth shut. She handed me something that looked like a handbook, or guidebook - but shrunken. Like it was a micro-sized handbook. Honey I Shrunk The Handbook or something. It was small in the palm of my hand. I was like...why is this so small? I wondered how I was going to even read it! No idea what was in it. The first woman, who was upstairs with me, came down into the kitchen. As she walked by me, she seemed to pat me kindly on the back. But she didn't make direct contact with my back, it was as if I had something ON my back, like a backpack, and she patted the backpack and I felt it indirectly on my back through that. Someone had made me spaghetti, which was in a bowl on the kitchen counter. I was also very thirsty. There were plastic cups on another section of the counter. I asked for water. I mean, it was "my house" after all, so of course I should have just gone to the fridge. I found a water pitcher on the counter next to the fridge, so I picked it up with my energy arm. It seemed so heavy, I couldn't carry it! My arm sank down with it to the floor, as if it weighed 100 pounds. So, I somehow managed to "think" or "will" it to float/be very light, and then managed to successfully carry it over to where the cups were. I poured some water into a cup (sloppily) and started drinking - my mouth was very dry IRL, and that always translates over, either into APs or dreams. After I started trying to drink the water, I was back in my body.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on August 06, 2020, 00:14:22
5 August 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

This morning, twilight in and out, suddenly felt myself shift into that state. Willed myself out. Thought, Take me wherever I need to go, tell me whatever I need to know. Felt myself rotate in the air and start to float in a direction. I started peeking through an open eye, it seemed like I saw the exteriors of buildings, houses. It seemed like we were outside, right here in where I live. Bright and sunny morning out. Hot. I was in my pajamas, the ones I was actually wearing in bed, and for some reason automatically had my sunhat on - but it was a bit extra floppy, like it was a size too big, and I had to hold the floppy bits up so that it didn't flop down into my eyes. There was a British woman with red hair, English accent, wearing a sundress. She and I were outside together, walking together, and she was talking. She had one of those sticker name tags on her dress, but instead of a "name" it had roman numerals. Like, as if the roman numerals were her name. I focused on it and tried to memorize them, but couldn't. She was talking to me about something that seemed health or medical related. It seemed like it had to do with COVID-19. I asked her to repeat what she said, because I wanted to make sure I heard her right, so I could remember it. She seemed annoyed and a bit snooty. Whatever she was talking about, she seemed to be referencing plants. As we walked along the sidewalk outside, there was a lot with a chain link fence around it. At the base of the fence, in the grass on the lot, were all these plants, like growing right up against where the sidewalk was. She was pointing to and talking about two of the plants. Something about how they go together, or affect each other. I wasn't sure. But it was something about the plants, and I think had to do with COVID, and whatever she was saying, I responded, Ohhhh, personalized medicine! Like, that's what I interpreted her to be talking about. I'm not sure if I was right or not. We kept walking, and she suddenly said, "Wednesday, you will become your house."

So, yeah, thanks for clarifying. Today is Wednesday, of course, and this experience happened this morning.

She continued walking, and it seemed like I was suddenly having a hard time keeping up with her. I called out after her to ask her to wait up. But she kept walking, and I felt myself losing focus, slipping away. I was like, No! Wait! I don't want to go! I want to stay here! I'd just bloody gotten there, and she tells me some cryptic thing about me becoming a house and then saunters off.

Still human. Haven't turned into a house yet LOL I'm sure it was symbolic for something, just don't know what, yet.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on August 07, 2020, 01:02:11
I have read several similar experiences from others and had a few of my own. The actual actions plus all the metaphorical material makes them a jumble of confusion and possible small insights; but it's hard to be sure. Now, after having read some more of these and coupled with my own, this possibility occurs to me-

These experiences seem to occur during a specific period of our NP development, sometimes early but not always necessarily, where transitions are happening in our learning and the learning itself is becoming more apparent. In GR's case, the previous experience introduced a possible 'schedule of classes' or a 'guidebook', which likely refers to the NPR.

In this current experience, the forms of NP communication seem to be highlighted. Of course, where is the fun in just coming out and saying it? Instead you are required to notice the name pin, but it has numerals. This forces your NP awareness to discard the old methods and find a new way to get the information. The Instructor in this experience is talking but you can barely make out the words and none of it is clear. Again, you are required to drop the old and find the new. Your mind is working fairly rapidly at this point; learning is happening. You asked for a repeat and noticed the annoyance and the snooty attitude which may have served in a few ways: A distraction test; the annoyance as a sign you were to look elsewhere or think differently about the form of communication; finally, the form of NP communication is 'feel/think' which adds the emotional component to the message and so there was a demonstration of it.

And then the Instructor increases her walking pace and you are having trouble keeping up, an apt metaphor for the whole exercise.

I see this as a frustrating but wonderful example of the multiple paces they can put us through in just a few minutes of a single experience and the ongoing processes of training and expanding our NP awareness and abilities. Look forward to more of these and have fun!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on August 07, 2020, 01:26:12
I think EV is spot on as usual.

I'll add a little about the house reference. Your body, your mind and your spirit ARE your house. I went through quite a set of exercises where I had to learn how all that can be correlated to a house and what it meant for me. You might know some of these if you stop and think a moment.

Like dreams or NP episodes where you find yourself trapped in the basement or lost in the attic. They each have significance to the house cleaning you might need to do to move onward. My personal worst experience was finding myself outside my house (a 5 or 6 story monstrosity bearing no resemblance to my actual house). I had to 'see' it from the outside and imagine the inside while trying desperately to get back inside. Scary and exhilarating at the same time.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on August 09, 2020, 04:33:15
Very nice insights, EV! I hadn't even thought of "schedule of classes" and the "guidebook" as just being symbols for the entirety of non-physical reality itself! I thought I was actually going to be sitting at a monk's feet learning the meaning of life or something LOL

Thanks, Nameless, I've been pondering that statement she made ever since. Wednesday did happen to be a pretty good day for me, project-wise, so I wondered if it meant coming more into my own, or more on a meaningful path. I also liked the idea of being my own shelter.

7 August 2020

Lucid dream?

Had a series of either lucid dreams, or a combination of lucid dreams and projection. Did I project from a dream? I don't know. Most of them, I can't remember. But at one point, I was flying through the air holding onto the arm of a man - it was more like the man was flying, and I was holding onto his upper arm, and he was taking me somewhere. This one manifested as Chris Evans (of Captain America fame) so that was a nice touch LOL  :wink:. I kept having to tell myself over and over, This isn't really Chris Evans! This isn't really Chris Evans! It just looks like him! It seemed like we were being followed, like we were being chased by something, and we were trying to get away from it. He said we'd take a shortcut through a tunnel to go like warp speed or whatever, to get to a "recovery zone" that would be a safe place. We started going very fast, then it seemed like we slowed down and almost froze in place, but while still trying to fly forward and away from whatever was chasing us. Then, around the corner, the things that were chasing us turned and sped into the tunnel after us. I don't know what they were, some kind of unappealing creatures. While the dashing Chris Evans was facing forwards, still trying to fly us away, I was holding onto him but facing back, so I could see them approaching. I made defensive things come out of my hands to blow up the bad creatures that were shooting at us. Like, I don't know, counter weapons or laser beams or something, came out of my hands, to start blowing them up. They were firing at us, and I blew most of them up, but I think one of them successfully shot me at some point. It felt like I felt something painful in my feet, or one of my feet. Then, I'm not sure what happened, but it seemed like everything was quiet and we were very still, hiding, clutching each other. Like when you can hear your heart beating and are afraid to breathe too loud. Right above us, a trap door opened, as if we were hiding underneath someone's floor. It was a man, he said something but I don't remember. But he was "on our side." Then he said to me, I think in reference to me seeing the bad creatures approaching and firing back at them, "You must have been a Perceptionist in your last machine. So maybe we could use you back now." And I just said, "OK." I immediately interpreted "machine" to be referring to my physical body. For example, me in another body in another life. Then I saw him run his finger down the side of his cheek, it was a gesture, and he said, "You're very beautiful." I mimicked the gesture and asked what it means. He responded, "Etiquette." I mean, OK.

Of course this makes me wonder....what's a Perceptionist? Is that a term that sounds familiar to anyone? Has anyone heard this term before, or been told it by some spirit entity, while out of body? I don't know if this was a just a dreamy jumble that doesn't really mean anything, or whether I had legit projected and it's significant in some way. If it is significant, then it sounds like I just enlisted for something LOL
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on August 10, 2020, 02:05:16
This is very interesting Grumpy. I know many of us here have at one time or another realized our role(s) whether straight up told it like in your experience or learned in some other way. A few of us are Observers, some Rescuers but I admit this is the first time I have heard of a Perceptionist.

Even more interesting results when I did a quick search on the word.

Mirriam-Webster Dictionary - : an advocate or adherent of perceptionism.
With this added - :..there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that's only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary."

Urban Dictionary says this, "A person who demands that people live their life more concerned about what others will perceive of them rather than who they actually are."

Most telling:  Definition of perceptionism
: the theory that all knowledge is relative to sense perception

I could maybe do a little light opinion on this but I would much rather you do that. Your own observations will be much more useful to you. But seems your on your way to unlocking the door to your own reality.


Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on August 14, 2020, 02:55:32
Oh cool, Nameless - What do Observers and Rescuers do?? I mean, I know, I can get the gist of it from the name, but....What do Observers "observe"? And why? What does it achieve? Do Rescuers do the psychopomp work? (what ya'll call "retrievals")

I'd love to know your opinion of what being a Perceptionist could mean!

You know how when in NP we can still get a sense of what something means even without it being spelled out? Sort of like claircognizance. Well, when he said that, about I must have been a Perceptionist in my last machine, I took this statement to have been inspired by the fact that I saw (perceived?) the "bad guys" that were coming after us. As if maybe not everyone would have been able to see them. At least, that was my rudimentary sense at the time.

But what being a Perceptionist really means, what this has to do with my role or "mission".....I don't know.

Anyway. I was all excited thinking things were really "going somewhere" - and then this is the next thing that happens. Feels like a clunker LOL Does not seem to have ANYTHING to do with me being a Perceptionist or figuring out further what that means, what I'm supposed to do.

10 August 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

Felt myself shifting into that state, so began to reach, stretch my way out of my body. It seemed like the bed started to shake, and at some point, it seemed like I was helped out, like someone reached and pulled one of my legs out. I said again, Take me wherever I need to go, teach me whatever I need to know. Felt myself begin to move. Peeked my eyes open, and I was zipping feet first through a tunnel. It seemed like the tunnel was tiled, and the tiles were dark/black, but they flashed with light and colors. It was fun! Then it seemed like my momentum slowed down and I stopped moving through the tunnel. At this point, I'm not really sure what happened next. There are some gaps in my memory. My "guide" for this experience was a young man, blonde. He transported me around on piggy back. I have a few memories of "scenes," but because of the gaps in my memory, I'm not sure how they're linked together. One memory is of he and I standing in a room, like an office, leaning against the desk. He was talking about the limbic system or something, with reference to trauma. I added to the conversation something about the polyvagal theory and the brain (I didn't use those words, but I described the ideas). I think while we were talking, I realized it was really bloody hot. I felt so hot, and I saw/felt that I was sweating. This was a bit weird and annoying - like, how is it possible to feel such humidity and to sweat while out of body? I showed him how my arm was sweaty and told him how hot it was, and was like, what's up with this? Is something wrong? We looked around the corner, and saw that the room we were in was right next to an open door, that led to some kind of steamy, shower/pool room. He began carrying me away, but it seemed like he was carrying me almost through that to another room with a pool. I thought to myself that maybe we were going to go into the pool to cool off, but while he walked by it, he kept going. Another memory is of him giving me a piggy back ride up and down stairs in a stairwell. At first, I thought we were going to a specific place, but when he got to the bottom of the stairs he started carrying me back up again. I made a joke that he was trying to get his workout in. Another memory is him carrying me piggy back again, and we were stepping into an elevator. There was some small little creature following us in, very short, close to the ground. It looked like a simplified cartoon representation of a bird or a duck. It was a very bright, unnatural color, like neon orange. At first, I was afraid of it, because I didn't know what it was, if it was good or not. I pulled my feet and legs up as much as possible while on his back, so that it couldn't touch me/get my feet. Then, the next thing I remember is that I'm standing beside him in the elevator, and he's holding it in his hands for me to look at. It's not the weird simplified cartoon anymore, it's an actual bird with features. It was nice and calm, and I stroked it's feathers while he held it. While out of body, I knew that my physical mouth was very dry, and I thought about asking him for water, since it was so uncomfortable, but I knew that drinking water while out of body wouldn't fix the problem, because it was my physical body that needed it. The last set of memories I have is that he piggy backed me outside. It was early evening, the sky was dark but there was still some light. There were lots of trees that made me think it looked like we were somewhere in the south, like Louisiana or Florida. It seemed like I heard old timey folk music playing in the background somewhere, in the distance. We got to the parking lot outside the building we'd been inside this whole time. He said, Thank you, and he gave me a kiss. Then I was basically unceremoniously dumped onto the asphalt. As he was walking away, I hollered out to him - What was the point of today?! Like, what was I supposed to get from this? To learn, or to do?

And he responded: "To be acquisitive."

So I'm like...huh!? I was supposed to just take stuff? Stuff that doesn't belong to me? I thought this was weird and odd. And WHAT does any of this have to do with the last experience I had, where I was told that I'm a "Perceptionist" - that seemed like an important and significant milestone. And then I get....this?

I was like, I didn't know I'm supposed to take stuff! I would have thought it would be "bad" to start greedily taking things that aren't mine. But, well, while he had walked away I was still there. I wasn't back in my body yet, so I figured, to hell with it. I still have a chance, so I'll bloody well find some stuff to take!

The parking lot was filled with cars, they seemed like open-air jeeps, you know the sort. So I started looking in them, and weirdly they were filled with office supplies - scissors, notepads, gluesticks. Ultimately I grabbed a notepad and a gluestick. I went around the corner of the parking lot, behind the building, and there was a mother and her daughter. The daughter was riding a pony. And I damn well wanted that pony, or at least to ride it, but I thought to myself, how do I know these people are really part of the "training", maybe they're just innocent passersthrough, and I steal some little entity's pony? I didn't want to do that. So I asked if there were a horse rental place around. I told them I was out of body, and I didn't really know what was around the area. They said no, there wasn't. It seemed like it was their pony.

I don't remember anything else at that point. I think I started phasing back in.

So am I a robberbaron or something?  :-P :-D
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on August 14, 2020, 05:49:16
LOL, well only speaking for myself I am first and foremost an Observer. As an observer I do more than just watch. I must pay attention to all details, like not just what I see but how I felt. Everything matters. Although I struggle to explain this I will give it a shot. It's important to observe all sides of any given situation and then share those observations where they seem most appropriate.

We have some very good Rescuers here and yes retrievals are the same thing. The name speaks for itself. I've done some retrievals but mostly that is secondary to observing for me. Both 'jobs' are similar in some regards. I highly admire the work Szaxx, Lumaza, EV and others have done on retrievals.

Since you are the first Perceptionist I have come across and indeed the first I've heard of such I can only guess really. And I hesitate to do that but will offer an observation.

I was struck by this definition "A person who demands that people live their life more concerned about what others will perceive of them rather than who they actually are."

Could this mean you have the ability to be what others see or wish to see? That's a hint.

Now to your OB. Acquisitive. Hmm, sounds like a mash up. Did he mean Inquisitive (questioning) or perhaps Acquisition (acquiring)?

So I will ask you. What would a perceptionist need to know and what tools might they need? Think on this but not too heavily. Just a little light thinking and let the answers come to you.

Interesting that the cars were filled with office supplies.
My instincts tell me you were spot on in not taking the pony.

Or something!!! haha
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on August 20, 2020, 23:50:04
Nameless, interesting! So, what is the deeper purpose for having Observers? Who or what do you observe FOR? Is your job to report your observations to...someone? And, how did you learn that's your role? Did someone tell you that directly, like I was told?

Other than Observers and Rescuers, what are all the other jobs you guys are aware of that projectors do?

Yeah, I don't know what to make of the Perceptionist thing. I'm probably the last person in the world who lives their live more concerned with others' perceptions of me than who I really am.

And yes, I really do think he said "acquisitive" rather than "inquisitive" - as far as what I would need to know or what tools I might need? Well, I guess that depends on what it really means to be a Perceptionist, what I'm supposed to do. And I don't really know that yet, but if the quote you reference is important, it would mean that I would need to have the ability to shapeshift, and to know what I need to shapeshift into in different situations, and how to actually do it. For what purpose? Who knows. And who knows if that's even right! I keep coming back to the circumstances surrounding when I was told this - seeing and killing the 'bad guys' - and some how that prompted the guy to speculate that I must have been a Perceptionist in my last/another life. Hmm.

Anyway, two more experiences that once again don't seem to have anything to do with anything:

16 August 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream??

I said, as I have been of late, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know. I had trouble seeing at first. Took some effort to get my "eyes" open. In front of me I saw photographers, they were taking my photo - bright flash photography. I looked down and I was wearing a fancy dress. There was a woman, we were inside some place with a nice/fancy/classy bar. I walked up to the bar with her and I think she recommended a drink for me. I asked her what the point of this experience was, that is, what is this teaching me, what am I here to learn? I figured since the last time I asked directly at the end, and found out too late I was supposed to "be acquisitive" (whatever the hell that's about), I thought it might help to ask at the *beginning* of the journey, so maybe I can do better!

Well, my question didn't go over so good. She seemed to convey, How are you going to learn anything if we keep telling you the answers?

And I was like, Whenever I try to figure it out for myself I'm *wrong* so I thought I'd ask!

So anyway, I said that regarding a drink, to give me whatever my body really needed. There were cans inside a fridge, you know one with a clear door, so you can see your options inside? I was handed a can of a fizzy, fruity drink. I took some sips, and while I could taste it on my lips/tongue/in my mouth, I couldn't seem to really swallow it. Then I was back.

Then, later during the same morning:

Possible lucid dream? Possible projection *from* a dream? I'm still a bit confused as to what it means if you have a dream of yourself, and  you dream of yourself projecting, and it seems like you actually project - but you were definitely dreaming it. Did you just dream it happened? Or were you in the "dream world/level of reality," and then you projected to some other reality? Ehh...

Whatever it was: I was in my old bedroom in the house I grew up in. There was a cat perched on something on the wall next to my bed (where I was sitting). The cat said something like, The ones in the front room are the healers.

No friggin' clue what this was in reference to. Then, there was a stick. I was handed a stick, or there was just a stick there and I took it. Apparently this stick was for "projection". The stick, like a divining rod, started to move and point the way to go. It led the way downstairs, and out the front door, to outside the house. There were people down at a house at the end of the block. I could see them and started flying towards them, again with the stick seemingly leading the way. But then, it seemed like I got "stuck" mid-air and I couldn't fly forward anymore. Like there was a counter force pulling me backwards. The people down the street pointed in the direction behind me. They were yelling something, but I couldn't hear them and make out the words. Well, I looked back over my right shoulder, and there was a huge tornado coming this way! I yelled for help. Then there were some people outside the front door of my house (I was more in the street) and some guy threw what appeared to be like a fishing line toward me, for me to grab onto. I grabbed onto it and was basically reeled in towards them, to save me from the tornado. The people there brought me a trash can, like expecting me to throw up or something. She referred to the tornado-type thing as a "conjunction current". Like, I almost got trapped in or swept up in a conjunction current.

That's all I remember, no idea what any of this has to do with either being acquisitive OR being a Perceptionist!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: omcasey on August 21, 2020, 02:25:49
QuotePossible lucid dream? Possible projection *from* a dream? I'm still a bit confused as to what it means if you have a dream of yourself, and  you dream of yourself projecting, and it seems like you actually project - but you were definitely dreaming it. Did you just dream it happened? Or were you in the "dream world/level of reality," and then you projected to some other reality? Ehh...

That is maybe the best I have ever heard this worded.

Both these states of consciousness can occur. Which one were you in indeed!

I love your reporting style, GR.. Just sayin'.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on August 22, 2020, 23:01:46
Quote from: omcasey on August 21, 2020, 02:25:49
That is maybe the best I have ever heard this worded.

Both these states of consciousness can occur. Which one were you in indeed!

I love your reporting style, GR.. Just sayin'.

Haha, thanks!!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on August 25, 2020, 18:44:59
A threefer!

This first one I thought was a total dud, but as it turns out, I think it's my very first REAL VALIDATION that I'm really out of body and encountering real things, instead of "Just dreaming" or "imagining."

23 August 2020

Out of body experience - lucid dream - astral projection?

I started off having a dream about a good friend of mine. I was trying to figure out if I was dreaming or not, so I looked down at my hands, and saw that they didn't have nail polish - in real life, they do. Right away I then knew it was a dream. As I continued looking at my hands a beat longer, they started to melt, confirming that even further. Since I was then lucid, I decided to try to project to visit this particular actual friend in real life. I closed my eyes and asked to be taken to see him. Felt myself moving. Opened my eyes again, and was in a white bedroom, with him laying on the bed sleeping. He had a bandage around his head and another one around his chest - these seemed to indicate an injury. I whispered to him to wake up, and when he did, he saw me and was very startled. I told him I was out of body, and I told him I'd just had a dream about him, and so decided to actually visit. At one point he told me, "Laura took me back." Weird, so far as I know he's never been involved with anyone named Laura.

I was bummed. I figured maybe I wasn't really projecting at all, maybe I just dreamed the whole thing (woe is me maybe none of it is real!) that sort of thing. There is no Laura! I figured it was all gibberish. But, I decided to give him a call that afternoon to catch up, which we hadn't done in a while. I didn't want to reveal anything about what I'd experience, I just wanted to find out what's the latest with him to see what he'd say.

WELL. As it turns out, he's back together with LYNDA, a not particularly wonderful ex of his. He said it was an opportunity to "heal old wounds," so that explains why he appeared in bandages. Both names begin with an L, end with an A, are two syllables, and have the number of letters. Laura, Lynda, close enough for government work.

I think this is real validation that I actually visited/encountered him or his asleep energy body/consciousness on some level!!!!

And the hilarious part is that I was so shocked/horrified by what he was telling me my mind went blank and I COMPLETELY FORGOT to even tell him I traveled to him out of body that morning! LOL

25 Aug 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection - remote viewing?

Fell into a trance state this morning trying to fall back asleep. Hypnagogic imagery coalesced into a 2D flat screen, like a movie screen or flat screen TV. This must be remote viewing! All sorts of things that I can't even remember appeared on the screen, seemingly at random or with no meaning. I wasn't "there" or in it, I was seeing it clearly under my closed eyes - a literal screen appeared, rather than actively visualizing. I asked to be shown who my soul mate/ life partner is. I wanted to see what he looks like. Well, they didn't show me that. I can't remember what they showed me, but I do remember them responding verbally, "Go to festivals." Well, ok. Does that mean I'll meet my Person at a festival? I was like...which festival? Where? When? I don't remember what the response was to that, or if I got a response. Definitely said to go to festivals, tho.

2nd experience this morning:

Later this morning, after I wrote down notes for the above and tried to drift off again, I seemed to be in the appropriate state so I asked my usual, Take me wherever I need to go, for whatever I need to know. Felt myself moving and rotating in the air, eventually to feel like I'm levitating horizontally and being carried, as usual. Peeked my eyes open and to my right, the one carrying me, was a black woman. She said she was taking me to my consultations. It seemed like I had two appointments to get to, one down the hall from the other. As if I were going to a job interview or receiving an assignment or something. She said more details but I couldn't remember. I was so tired. I even tried repeating back to her what she said so I wouldn't forget - I even said, "I will remember this!"

Dear Reader, I did not remember it.

Anyway, I asked her, while I was still being carried, to make sure that I got to both appointments OK. I had gotten the sense she was going to deposit me somewhere, and it would be my responsibility to get myself to each of the "consultations" - or whatever they are. She seemed a little annoyed, like doing that would inconvenience her. So, I explained to her that I was currently having a difficult time keeping my focus "out there" - you know, keeping my focus in the astral, or wherever the hell I was. I was mentally tired, and physically felt weak. It was like my astral limbs were all weak and floppy. This all seemed to get her attention, like, OK, that's a legit issue. She then put me down/stood me up, with my feet on the ground. I tried focusing on trying to actually *be* grounded, literally, focusing on the feeling of the grass underneath my feet (we were outside somewhere), to ground myself THERE. There was a man and a woman sitting like on a park bench nearby, we were all outside some sort of building or building complex. Their backs were to us. The woman who'd been carrying/leading me approached them, with me fumbling by her side, and told them about my predicament. She called the man Jim, and the woman seemed to be called Charlotte. My guide seemed to say like, OK, she needs more help, she needs something more, to be fully THERE. This wasn't exactly it, but imagine if there's a top doctor, and there's a patient with an illness, and a lower-tier doctor who is working with that patient goes to the head doctor and says, That strong medicine we have? We need to use that now. You can't withhold that anymore. It was sort of like that kinda vibe. I can't remember exactly what the conversation was (of course I don't...), but after she seemed to try to prod "Jim" to authorize me getting more help or whatever it was that I needed, I (ever the comedian), piped in and said,

YEAH, JIM. Then Jim vanished, and I looked to my helper and "Charlotte" and, still the comedian, added casually, So, who's Jim? I then told Charlotte she was beautiful. I don't think I was being very helpful.

Anyway, my helper and I started walking off across the grass. I looked down and saw there were TONS of little tiny turtles! Either like miniature turtles or baby turtles. They were so cute! I also noticed that, as often happens, I was having a hard time seeing, and AS USUAL, it was my left eye I couldn't see out of. I don't know why, but for some reason if there's a problem, it's always with my left eye. First I tried saying, "My left eye is open!" a few times but that did absolutely nothing, so I resorted back to the tried and true "Clarity now!" which started working and each time I said it my vision got a wee bit better and when things were finally pretty clear I lost focus and was obnoxiously back in my body.

Never did get to my consultation appointments! Arg.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on August 31, 2020, 23:43:47
31 August 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

WOAH, a LOT happened this morning. Multiple experiences.

First: I think I projected from what had the makings of a bad dream. I decided it must be a dream, so figured I'd get the hell out of dodge. Closed my eyes and said my usual, to take me wherever I need to go, teach me whatever I need to know.

Mode of transport seemed to be something akin to a horse. I tried petting its fur, but it seemed to not like that, and like I wanted to kick me (even those I was being transported on its back); I saw its ears pinned back. I mentally apologized to it, and it calmed down.

We were in like a campus bookstore. Someone asked me how long my hair would stay purple. I told a joke at one point and everyone laughed. They were inspecting my clothes; apparently I was wearing a flannel shirt. At one point, I looked down at my hands, and saw that this time they manifested as actually having nail polish (wrong color, tho).

At another point, I think we (myself and my main guide for this experience) talked about how so many of my AP memories aren't getting coded properly - maybe I brought up how much of a problem it is that there's so much I forget. I saw a pad of paper on the counter, and some writing implements. I took a pencil, and decided to try to write stuff down to try to help my memory. There were two young women standing at the counter to my left. I said that it was my first time there, and I even asked if it was possible to email myself. LOL obviously they said no. It seemed like a fully functioning campus bookstore/resource center, and there was definitely a fax machine. The woman didn't seem to want me writing things down - like that's a privilege I don't have yet.

On the wall of the bookstore hung a framed photo of an Asian woman, it was labeled with the name of the woman who taught me formless qigong. As if she were employee of the month or whatever.

At one point, I started spinning around, moving up and down the room a bit, while a brunette woman, who seemed to be my main guide, was talking to some people. Sort of like I was on a very gentle "teacups" ride. She said that this was an opportunity for me to get some studying in. Like, somehow that motion was perhaps me "downloading" information?? I have no idea, whatever it was, it wasn't conscious.

While she and I were later making our way outside into the hallway, I her I was very sorry, I forgot her name. She seemed to think that maybe I might remember on some level. I said, "You kind of look like Julianne Moore, though!" (she had brown hair, however). She was very upset by this, for some reason, and said: "You know, that's the kind of thing I don't want to get. That's bad."

We were walking up the stairs in a crowded stairwell, and after she said this, I was thinking oh crap what did I do! How do I fix this! And a child who was also on the stairs screamed. Back in body.

Second: Wrote down my notes, went back to sleep. Somehow, I projected again. I really don't remember how it happened. One minute I'm in a mundane sort of dream, then suddenly I'm fully conscious, and I found myself back with the same woman who seemed to be my main guide in the above (the one who was offended when I said she looked like Julianne Moore). My experience here began with me walking to a classroom. She said, "Welcome back!" The classroom was like any other - student desks, teacher's desk, and a blackboard. The room was empty other than her and a man, who looked like he was a teacher. I responded something along the lines of, "I'm so glad to be back!" I think this may be the first time I projected directly back to basically (presumably) where I already was, with the same person/entity that I had just been with. I wasn't sure if I should address whatever the faux pas was that I'd just committed, but decided not to.

There was a ton of food laid out on a few tables scattered around the room. I was so excited! This was a learning environment! I wanted to learn stuff! There was writing already on the blackboard, as if from a prior class. It seemed to have to do with learning very practical things about navigating outside of one's physical body.

At one point, I said something like, "I have so many questions, so much I want to ask, but I think I'm just going to be quiet/shut up." And, she only responded by saying to NEVER say "but," rather to use the word "except" instead. This seemed very important, but I have no idea why.

She gave me a small plate of food, it was like small lemon olives. Like, imagine small, pale olives, made with lemon and something a little spicy to give them a slight kick. I think this was the very first time I ate anything out of body. They were delicious!

Third: I don't remember much of this one, how I got there or what else was involved, but what I do remember is entering a campus computer room. It was empty, except for one guy sitting at one computer. I approached him and asked if I knew him, had I met him before? He said yes. I asked him if he could perhaps help me - I'm having memory troubles. Sometimes when out of body, the "brain fog" is so bad that it feels like I'm drunk!

Well, he seemed offended that I'd asked him to help me. As if asking him to help me meant that he was "The Help" or a servant or something. I told him, no, he just seemed to really know what was going on, like he was an expert or an old pro at all this stuff. I think that resolved whatever the offense was. I feel like he said something to me at the end that was helpful or informative, but I don't remember, unfortunately!

Fourth: It seemed like this time I projected straight from my bed. Like I stretched out my body to worm myself away/apart from the physical. While traveling to my destination, It seemed like I had moments of split awareness. Like I became aware of myself laying in bed, partially, and then quickly refocused on the other level of reality. It really is just divided by a faint gossamer thread.

I found myself on a CTA car (Chicago public transit). There was a guy sitting next to me, and his knee was very much in my space. I asked him to move his knee, and he did. It's a bit hilarious to me that even out of body, someone was manspreading and I had to get him to stop!

Anyway, the train stopped, the doors opened, and a bunch of people were getting off. I didn't make a move to get up, yet, because I wasn't sure what I should do. A man standing by the door introduced himself as "Stu," and we shook hands. He went to get off the train, and I was like, Oh, am I supposed to get off here, too? He said yes. We got off the train together.

There was another woman, not the same as the first one, this one was heavyset. I think she said she was a band teacher. They were working on a performance, and I asked what performance it would be. She told me, but I didn't recognize the name. When I said I didn't recognize the title of the piece, she said, "Well, how long have you been here?" When I told her just like a day or two, she said, "Oh, wow." (I knew this was all happening on the same morning Earth Time, but I wasn't sure if having multiple AP experiences counted for different "days," so to speak).

Me, her, and a new, third woman began walking down the stairs. Wooden stairs, outdoors (perhaps down from the train platform to the outdoor campus grounds?). Somehow, the new/third woman shrank, and by shrinking was able to squeeze between a gap in the structure of the stairs, and go back up to a higher position on the stairs. I turned to the heavyset woman behind me and asked, "Am I supposed to follow her?" The answer was yes. I had never done that before - changing my size. I had to shrink myself to fit through the same gap. She said to imagine myself standing relative to something really, really big, so I would be small in comparison. I somehow managed to do this - to shrink myself intentionally to weasel myself through the gap.

But afterwards, I/my energy body felt really sick. I had trouble breathing, hearing, speaking. I laid down on the grass. The heavyset woman and the original woman (the one from the prior experiences, who was suddenly on the scene), called out for a doctor. The doctor came, and he sprayed some kind of liquid up my nose. That got me to wake up.

Last: This one is the murkiest, I again don't remember how I got here, and exactly where the line is drawn between dream and projection. So I'll just make a list of things I remember:

Memory: I was having a dream that I drew/doodled in a notebook while in a trance state. There were a lot of complex symbols, markings, and one very detailed and colorful dragon. The "me" in the dream (projection?) had no recollection of having made the drawing, apparently because it was a very deep trance state.

Memory: The male teacher from the classroom in the earlier experience said, "I'll get the egg." Sure, why not?

Memory: I asked, "How am I doing?" An Asian woman, I *think* the one who was in the framed photo in the first experience, said, "You've had four lessons in one day!" (and indeed, there were, in fact, four experiences prior to this one!)

Memory: A guy named Ben, some kind of masseuse. I was laying on a massage table, and he was working on me. He said he experienced "10 years of drunk sobriety" in Amsterdam. He died on a train, and his ashes were in an urn. I asked him how long he'd been here, that is, in this astral reality, and he said for 11 years. I told him about how I want to help people not fear their own mortality as much, like for those who are terminally ill (I imagine if those who are very sick and dying, if they were able to experience AP, it would help them be less afraid of death). He held me and said he would keep me safe.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on September 01, 2020, 01:37:18
Congratulations on a great experience!

There is a fair amount to discuss in here, (except) lol, I would ask you to spend half an hour contemplating some of the more unclear details and report any more if you can. Go into a light trance state and see if more comes through.

1- The "brain fog" or reduced awareness is often present in the Simulations. I guess it can be lack of awareness or failure to reach a more lucid frequency. It can also not be our fault, rather a condition forced upon us by the environment to better examine our "instinctive" reactions by the Trainers.

2- Anything further on the initial dream? Why was it bad? I've missed the point of several healing dreams because I got confused and determined they were bad, thus rejecting them. Or it could be a condition that "jumps" our awareness as we move into the Simulation.

3- There were numerous distractions that could have led you off course; reflection may show these were subtleties that helped you continue to realize you were in the NP. Nicely done!

4- Your thoughts during each event show good, clear, cognitive thinking; a further insight is to compare and contrast this to your PR thinking. This is development of the Second or NP Personality distinctive from the PR one. Notice you didn't have to deal with any fear or sexual or otherwise distracting emotional interference.

5- You tasted food for the first time! Nice, did you happen to notice the vividness of sights, sounds or colors?

6- At least in my own experiences, I found that public transport was a metaphor for moving Dreamers into and around the Dreamzone. Moving up or down stairs is awareness level-shifting, moving up and down within consciousness (aren't crowds so fun and distracting?).

Finally, back on July 16, I rewrote my prediction to 6 days to 6 weeks...I think I got close enough to the 6 week mark, Lol.

Nice work GR!

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on September 01, 2020, 01:55:29
Wow GR, that is a crazy lot for you to unpack. Take your time and congratulations for doing well on a number of challenges. Looks like you took some accelerated courses, good for you!

Definitely give EscapeVelocity's thoughts some attention. He's pointed out quite a bit. I've no doubt you will have a few more revelations in the coming days. You've done an excellent job of analyzing your experience.

Great Job!!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on September 04, 2020, 01:16:09
You had to ask about the bad dream, EV LOL You guys are going to love this. Believe it or not, I had a bad dream about Nameless' Sky Roombas! No joke. I dreamt I was standing in my old bedroom in the house I grew up in, looking out my bedroom window (a number of experiences have taken place at my old house). It was evening. I looked up at the sky and saw one - one of the Sky Roombas! I thought, OMG I can see it! I can see a Sky Roomba!

Well. Then things went south. The Sky Roomba was like an asteroid that fell to the earth right next to my house. There was a huge boom and the earth/my house shook. Suddenly things seemed really ominous and scary, like I was in danger. I thought to myself, wait, this doesn't make sense, this can't be happening, this must be a dream. I then proceeded to get the hell outta dodge.

That led to my first experience that day. I will add that in this "campus bookstore/resource center" scenario, there were lots of other people milling around, going about their business. I had the sense that they were other projectors. Maybe yes maybe no, but that was my inclination - rather than, say, other entities that are not now and have never been human that happened to be there. Or, they could have been illusory/just for show.

As far as how my thinking while APing compares to my PR thinking - there are both similarities and differences. I've noticed that I'm not afraid while I'm out (well, as long as I'm not electrocuted, I guess!), rather I'm overwhelmingly happy, joyful, eager, and grateful. It feels normal and natural, like it's just where I want to be. Whenever I'm out, and I feel myself slipping away and losing focus, I'm never ready. I always want to stay out longer, to learn more. I admittedly am a bit impatient and have been a pain with my 29 million questions, but with all yall's advice and input I've learned I need to take a back seat and not force answers before it's time.

I have indeed at times noticed vivid imagery and colors. Tactile sensations were I think the first thing I marveled at when I started (like, holy crap I can FEEL stuff out there!), I've felt temperature (including sweat on my body), both discomfort/strain as well as pain in my energy body, and now taste. Sound is a bit weird because sometimes it's hard to tell If I know someone said something because I "heard" it or because it was telepathy. It almost seems like the same thing. But I did hear music in the distance at least once. The only sense I haven't experienced yet is smell.

Had a BRIEF one the next morning, and it does seem to be a continuation of this theme:

1 Sept 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

Man in a suit, like he was an administrator. He walks me down a hallway. I'm walking behind him. I don't see his face, just the back of his head and suit. He knocks on a door, but we don't go in. He turns around and I follow him - we're walking back down the hallway the way we came. He stops at another door and we go in. Inside, it looks like a college dorm room. It's fully furnished with a bed, desk, even things like decorations, pillows, etc. It's decorated with what appear to be welcome notes/cards seemingly addressed to me (reading words is always a bit of a challenge, out there!).

The man said: "Get a pencil to tell yourself all the skills, to remind yourself everyday."

That's it. Then it was over.

All this also reminds me of how a few experiences ago, when I asked the guy who was my guide that day what the point of that experience was, he said "To be acquisitive", and I went aw hell, lemme go grab whatever I can find then - and what manifested for me to grab was "office supplies". But you know? That could also be interpreted to supplies.

Accelerated courses, gosh I hope so. But, how does it work if it's all "subconscious" and we don't *know* what we even learned??
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on September 04, 2020, 04:20:49
So, there can be lead-in type dreams that can be significant, as well as lead-out dreams...looks like you had both.

We can learn much, if not more on subconscious levels than we ever considered, it seems...incredibly frustrating I agree, because it happens to me quite regularly...

Did you have a chance to read any of Kurt Leland, either his log or his book Otherwhere?

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on September 04, 2020, 05:07:57
Yes, I read through a bunch of his experiences on his website. He recounts these epic conversations, word for word, and it seems some of the conversations took an hour or two. He couldn't possibly remember every word, right? Or is he putting his own words to the impressions he got? I don't know how it's possible to remember all that!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on September 04, 2020, 05:56:06
With some editing and some additions-

It's not just you or me or several others who have wondered about the length and depth of Leland's experiences. Has he filled in some areas? Maybe so; but I will credit him with getting the insights and the truth of what is going on, better than most; so I let the question go for now. His insights are just that accurate and for me, helpful.
The reason I asked that question is to determine if you might have been "front-loaded" by some Leland information...not necessarily a bad thing but it serves as to the authenticity of your experiences. That's kind of why I was initially hesitant on offering the Leland ideas, because I could already see where your experiences were leading.

Reading through your prior experiences, I got the same idea that I had at the same time during my own experiences...where am I...what is going on...what does this experience mean? Leland was the first to finally give some 'present day' context for me to consider. Our early dreams take place right where we naturally might consider they would- within our own Personal Dreamspace. When we are ready, we move into the Simulation Zone where a curriculum of prepared experiences awaits us, various tests and so forth (these show up even in our early childhood)...once we successfully deal with the Simulations, we are allowed entrance into the Astral Proper or the General Astral Population and that Astral area which leads into development of the next area, by Theosophical definition this would be the Mental, Causal, Buddhic and higher levels. It's just the most sensible framework that I presently have to work with and that keeps some level of conformity.

Leland is the first and only author that I am aware of, to describe the necessity of a test (occult authors vaguely refer to it) of the requirement to show the maturity and mental capability to move into these higher regions, and he accurately describes it; this is the completion of an understanding of the Ten Levels of Dreaming. He calls it an Initiation Level event, and I agree, now that I can look back to consider it.

With due respect to Leland, I won't list all the Dream levels (it's in his book Otherwhere)... but GR, you hit all of them. As I was reading through your post, I was just waiting and expecting them...from sentence to sentence and they were there!

Leland's Ten Levels talks about going from, in one OBE/LD/Projection through alll the dream levels, from bare recognition, to noticing a lengthy plot, to second or third person perspective, to colors, tastes and sounds, then realizing the NP ability to change things, then to final realization of self control... again, Leland calls it an Initiation Level event. Maybe it's what I consider an eighth level Octave moment that launches the next Octave series of learning...hence the idea of sevens, the Western musical scale of seven steps then the octave, followed by the next series of seven. But it is noteworthy, it is big.

This is the NP test that moves you from the etheric or ordinary, the mundane or the base NPR is very subtle in how it plays out, like just another set of dreams. For me it all happened in one long Lucid Dream, and I still didn't realize it for several months. You had it in two or three installments. In my own experience, Szaxx warned me about my tendency towards annoyance...and quite honestly, I didn't get it at the time, perhaps more now, until reading yours GR...where I now recognize a possible issue for you...not a great one, but still one to be considered. Your experience has also served a dual purpose to reinforce my own experience and to realize even more just how incredible these teaching moments are; they are not just ours; they move beyond us and serve to offer insights on many levels to seekers of many levels.

In the Theosophical system, this is your graduation event into the Astral Proper. You can now tour about the place. Nearly all restrictions are removed. You should notice that in the coming months.

Your last post mentioned the administration might capitalize that as Administration Official...nice interpretive recognition! Lol...he was kind of informally announcing your advancement while advising you to maybe take notes...I didn't even get that much of a send off, much less an announcement, lol.

Here is my experience-

Once again, nice work!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on September 05, 2020, 17:31:11
Thank you, EV!

That's exactly why I didn't start reading any more books about the topic, yet. I wanted to get my bearings more, get my feet under me, and that I have a solid sense of things before doing that - if I read about something *after the fact* in a book that matches up with something I already experienced, all the better!

So, if I am allowed to enter the Astral Proper now, this may be a silly question, but: how do I get there? For example, I've been using the request, "take me where I need to go, teach me what I need to know." And I get whisked off somewhere, which you've described as the Simulation Zone. If I *continue* to use that same request, would I automatically be taken to a higher/more advanced learning/training experience in the Astral? Or, would I get sent back to where I was before - sort of like repeating the 8th grade LOL. I want to keep learning and advancing in skill and understanding; I want to know what my mission in this life is; I want to know if I am really a "Perceptionist" (if I heard that right) and if so, what is that? What does that mean? So if the go-to phrasing of my request will function to keep advancing me up the ladder and will eventually lead to answers, that's great. I hope it's multi-functional like that! Goodness knows that when I ask for specific things I want to know about (e.g., asking for someone who will tell me what my mission is) it is completely ineffectual. At least, it was before. Does graduating to the Astral Proper mean that direct questions like that will actually be answered?

On to Leland's "initiation event" - very interesting theory. I definitely never would have guessed that's what all that was! When you say 2nd and 3rd person perspectives, do you mean that I was "inhabiting" those perspectives, or it was simply the introduction of one other person (a "you"), and then multiple other people (a "they" or "you all") to the scenario?

I'm guessing the ability to change things test was, me changing my size? Or was that the final realization of self control?

Yes, I definitely need to work on my annoyance/frustration! It's gotten better but could still use some more work.

How do you know the last experience with the Admin guy showing me into a college dorm room scene was an announcement of my advancement? I picked up on the "take notes" part...but, what's the announcement? I interpreted it as representing a learning environment. Where the things that appeared to be the welcome notes representing an announcement?

Now I read your own experience. Very interesting! I'm amazed you were able to remember everything, that was a long one - good thing you reclaimed that video camera at the end =) Do you think the friendly demeanor and joyful laughter of the guy standing out in the sunshine was symbolic of the energy of "announcing" your completion of the test?
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Xanth on September 06, 2020, 02:13:23
I'm a firm believer that while non-physical, you experience through your learned physical constructs.
Meaning that if you have only ever seen something a certain way, chances are much better that THAT is how you'll experience a projection.

I always say that WHAT you experience while projecting is objective, however HOW you experience it is subjective.

Consciousness isn't segmented into "this is *MY* part" and "this is *YOUR* part".  Consciousness is consciousness.  It's a WHOLE.  All parts of that whole have access to the rest of it.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
Hi GR,

So I read Leland's Otherwhere back around 2012/13, so one could argue that I was front-loaded with the whole Ten Levels of Dreaming idea. It wasn't in the forefront of my consciousness, but no doubt it was there in my subconscious. It wasn't until a couple months later after my Talking to the Hand experience that it hit me and I went back and retraced my steps and I saw the progression. In my exp it wasn't 1,2,3,4...and in yours I see the same all these dream levels don't appear to necessarily have to happen in an exact order, your exp seems to confirm what was my current thinking. Neat how that can happen.

So in Leland's Ten Levels, #10 is full-on realization that you are indeed dreaming and that you have considerable control over your environment. That seems to be how it played out in his experience in his book, but that didn't happen for me in mine, nor it seems for you, in yours. At the start of my exp I was immediately aware that I was in a Lucid Dream and conscious within the NPR. Now I chose to go along with the storyline/narrative and I lost a certain amount of awareness simply because I was strenuously following the plotline. I got the same feeling about you in yours. So we didn't need a Eureka! moment at the end of either your exp or mine...we had the knowing all along; and I think that definitely counts as satisfying the requirement.

The Astral and the Astral Proper- I don't pretend to know but I have to draw some lines somewhere...anything non-physical is happening somewhere, apparently in some huge energy system that includes this physical universe. So rather than argue endlessly about physical, dream, etheric, astral, mental, akashic...and on and on...many of us have just consented to agree on PR Physical Reality and NPR Non-Physical Reality. The acronyms actually do help unlike elsewhere, lol. Personally, I will say that I have seen your experiences move from the Etheric to the personal dreamspace of the Astral and now you are getting a taste of the Mental level dimension. The Mental is like a higher subdivision of the Astral. The next level is the Causal, to give it a name and it is experienced from a nearly bodiless form, maybe point-of-consciousness if you've had a taste of that, a glimpse usually, then there 'ya go. So it can be argued that the Astral is where you are when you close your eyes and go deep. NPR. It could be argued that it's all NPR; we are just experiencing it from and through different energy bodies, so we can both be in the same 'place' and yet experience differently based on the consciousness vehicle we are each utilizing. And then there is our individual interpretation. You and I seem to be in somewhat similar Leland-type interpretation models. That's not everyone, but I'm starting to notice some type of 'groupings'. So we notice our own...

So how do you get to the Astral Proper- Again, it's just a name and a definition of a kind of boundary. You are already there, you have been...this is where all this stuff is happening. Imagination, daydreaming, dreaming, projection...this is all in the Astral or NPR. It's a function of filters and awareness and focus and Intent; whether they are in place or removed. What I have found is that we get treated to glimpses from time to time. Okay, we've seen from an Etheric level...we have experienced from an Astral level, maybe a higher definition level that could be labeled Mental...the tricky ones are like seeing everything as a multi-colored energy matrix (hence the movie?)...was that Causal or Buddhic or something else? How am I to explain point consciousness, where I have no body, physical or otherwise?

GR- I think your now standard request of "Take me where I need to go..." is something you should stick with and an awesome reminder to new travelers. The teaching continues, the lessons continue...we are always challenged to improve and the reasons aren't ever clear. Sorry, but that's how it seems. If you have a specific, I think you can expect a better result. But the wry answers, the mysterious non-replies, the dry witticisms...nah, that seems to be the punch-line of the NPR...they won't give that up...and maybe we won't either, once we are in their shoes...
Don't count on getting certain answers...some of them you may have been the one to decide to withhold it from about that thought?!
I've asked to meet my personal Guide(s) for forty years...nothing! I've pleaded, begged, cried, demanded!...nothing. Seen him or them on the edges. Somebody definitely assisted me to visiting my dad briefly after he died; it wasn't my ability. Talking to the Hand was the most I have ever gotten an idea of their presence. When I did my Gateway program at Monroe in 2018, I met this wonderful lady who was just discovering her talents. She described exploring her channeling abilities with her 8 (count 'em!) Guides...I politely asked that when she got home, could she ask her guides why I have no communication from my own. Three months later she responded. She said she really wanted to be sure of the message so she checked with another knowledgeable channeler  who checked with her several guides and got the same message. They all had agreed that I came to Earth and refused any obvious help, that I chose to do it on my own as best as I could, no communication, no advice...nothing. That froze me. But it explained so much.

So GR, being graduated, if that's what happened and it's only my interpretation of your interpretation of an experience...then yeah, I think you get some more room to move around, but it is all still relevant and personal to you. The lessons never end, it seems. Special requests may now get a little more attention from their side, so go for it; I don't know what answers you may receive.

2nd and 3rd person perspectives- I had my first taste of this during an Etheric exp when I was watching my PR body lying in bed and had a brief flashback to it, then back to my Etheric projection body, then suddenly I realized I was watching the scene from a third vantage point, seeing both my PR and my Etheric bodies...that was startling. There were other moments but I will mention my Talking to the Hand exp...I did not include this but the ride on the train...I had initially started to board the passenger car but it was full and loud with talk and confusion, so I instinctively avoided it and chose the flat lumber railcar. Some guy had joined me and was prattling on and I went silent and deep and during a minute or so, I realized I was also flying about a hundred feet above, looking down on myself.
My point in this is that we can experience multiple perspectives of consciousness, either in rapid succession or even is a huge stretch of the mind, but that is part of the fun and training.

Annoyance/frustration- I guess we all deal with that to some degree, but that was not a problem I noticed with you; that was my problem. What I noticed with you was a tendency to apologize for yourself when it didn't really call for it. I can certainly understand it when we are in NPR situations...last thing I want to do is offend or screw up a Simulation. But do we get too preoccupied with 'stepping on toes'? And is this a difficulty for you in PR life? Annoyance turned out to be a problem that I need to deal with, maybe this one is yours?

The 'ability to change things' test- It wasn't the final realization of self-control; I think like me, you displayed that knowledge throughout the experience, so it really wasn't noticeable as 'a moment'...what it was, was your demonstration of a NP or Non-Physical skill to change the environment just enough to not violate the overall integrity of the Simulation...a nuclear detonation might have been a bit too much...just sayin'...making yourself small...never done that myself! Nice!

The last exp with the administrator? You're moving into a college dorm...are you kidding me? The interpretation being that your level of education is moving upward? Hello! and you got Welcome notes!? I didn't get Welcome notes! I didn't get crap! Who do I write to? Who do I sue?!

You wanted banners, balloons and fireworks? Maybe an Air Force flyover? Sorry, I didn't get even what you did, LOL.  :-D 

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on September 07, 2020, 17:25:39
Quote from: Xanth on September 06, 2020, 02:13:23
I always say that WHAT you experience while projecting is objective, however HOW you experience it is subjective.

A very good way to put it, thank you!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
Personally, I will say that I have seen your experiences move from the Etheric to the personal dreamspace of the Astral and now you are getting a taste of the Mental level dimension. The Mental is like a higher subdivision of the Astral.

What are the indicators of experiencing something on the Mental level?

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
The next level is the Causal, to give it a name and it is experienced from a nearly bodiless form, maybe point-of-consciousness if you've had a taste of that, a glimpse usually, then there 'ya go.

I remember *trying* to do this, and I was unceremoniously immediately booted back to my body LOL apparently they thought I was being ridiculous for thinking I could do that, yet!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
It could be argued that it's all NPR; we are just experiencing it from and through different energy bodies, so we can both be in the same 'place' and yet experience differently based on the consciousness vehicle we are each utilizing. And then there is our individual interpretation.

Great way of putting it!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
GR- I think your now standard request of "Take me where I need to go..." is something you should stick with and an awesome reminder to new travelers. The teaching continues, the lessons continue...we are always challenged to improve and the reasons aren't ever clear. Sorry, but that's how it seems. If you have a specific, I think you can expect a better result. But the wry answers, the mysterious non-replies, the dry witticisms...nah, that seems to be the punch-line of the NPR...they won't give that up...and maybe we won't either, once we are in their shoes...

Thank you!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
Don't count on getting certain answers...some of them you may have been the one to decide to withhold it from about that thought?!
I've asked to meet my personal Guide(s) for forty years...nothing! I've pleaded, begged, cried, demanded!...nothing. Seen him or them on the edges. Somebody definitely assisted me to visiting my dad briefly after he died; it wasn't my ability. Talking to the Hand was the most I have ever gotten an idea of their presence. When I did my Gateway program at Monroe in 2018, I met this wonderful lady who was just discovering her talents. She described exploring her channeling abilities with her 8 (count 'em!) Guides...I politely asked that when she got home, could she ask her guides why I have no communication from my own. Three months later she responded. She said she really wanted to be sure of the message so she checked with another knowledgeable channeler  who checked with her several guides and got the same message. They all had agreed that I came to Earth and refused any obvious help, that I chose to do it on my own as best as I could, no communication, no advice...nothing. That froze me. But it explained so much.

Wow. That's both illuminating and (I assume) also really frustrating. I've often wondered about what may be the "contracts" or stipulations I agreed to (not sure the right word), that could explain various things about my life, and if it's possible to *break* those contracts/agreements.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
Annoyance/frustration- I guess we all deal with that to some degree, but that was not a problem I noticed with you; that was my problem. What I noticed with you was a tendency to apologize for yourself when it didn't really call for it. I can certainly understand it when we are in NPR situations...last thing I want to do is offend or screw up a Simulation. But do we get too preoccupied with 'stepping on toes'? And is this a difficulty for you in PR life? Annoyance turned out to be a problem that I need to deal with, maybe this one is yours?

I definitely spend a long time being annoyed, frustrated, and begging for direct answers to my questions. I've gotten a lot better about it, but it took awhile, and a lot of advice from this group! As far as stepping on toes - I don't know, I think if an entity displays annoyance or offense, perhaps we should apologize? why wouldn't we? I hear a lot about the importance of expressing gratitude for the help and guidance we get, so this seems like a necessary corollary to that, all rooted in respect and appreciation.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on September 06, 2020, 03:27:03
The last exp with the administrator? You're moving into a college dorm...are you kidding me? The interpretation being that your level of education is moving upward? Hello! and you got Welcome notes!? I didn't get Welcome notes! I didn't get crap! Who do I write to? Who do I sue?!

You wanted banners, balloons and fireworks? Maybe an Air Force flyover? Sorry, I didn't get even what you did, LOL.  :-D

LOLLOL Aw, poor EV. I'll put in a good word for you with the Administrator, maybe they can send some balloons your way  :lol:
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on September 08, 2020, 02:49:07
Experiencing at the Mental level?- I think that there are higher subdivisions of the Astral that can be argued as Mental...they show even higher levels of focus and consistency, mental coherence and so forth...but that is still an incomplete picture. The higher Causal or Buddhic level experiences are really one off kinds of things.  I am fervently waiting Leland's book that describes the Mental Plane...the few books I have are just not satisfactory (Powell, Leadbeater)...the personal stories here are as much as you will find...

The "Unceremoniously Immediately Booted Back To My Body" Club...yeah, I'm a member and likely the term-limited President until the end of I gotcha and understand!, LOL. You are welcome to take over the role! I'm beginning to think the Astral club we will be a part of is like a fairly rough biker gang...I plan on making things difficult for some people...just sayin' and fair warning...

Still loving in my own the really non-existant pandemic, EV
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on October 02, 2020, 20:04:54
2 Oct 2020
Out of body experience - lucid dream - astral projection?

It's been *quite* a long time. On 7 Sept, my qigong teacher told me to focus on nothing but qigong for the time being, and to stop all other practices (meditation, shamanic journeying, etc), as she thinks too much of my energy is being directed outwards, and my energy is confused, which she thinks is contributing to my chronic illness. I didn't intentionally stop APing, just...stopped. So, I wonder if this had anything to do with why it's been so long since I've been out.

But, this morning, it happened again. I had a series of experiences this morning, and stupidly didn't write them all down whenever I shifted back fully to my body, because I was afraid of "waking up" too much and being unable to easily slip back out. I remember getting to that state. I even tried crawling away from my physical body, further and further, to make sure I fully was in my energy body, and when I was sure, I said my usual - Take me where I need to go, teach me what I need to know! No hands, but floated on my back and felt movement. It felt really good to be experiencing these things again. Of course, this time, I was very much aware of what my qigong teacher had said, and wondered if this was a good idea - like a misbehaving child who was told not to eat cookies before dinner and thinking, well, maybe just one won't hurt....

Since most of this is fuzzy, I can only say that at some point, I appeared to be in outer space - I didn't ask to go there, but it's where I wound up. I'd never been here before. It clearly wasn't normal space. Strange colors, formations, objects. It was pretty spectacular, and I even remember thinking there was no way I would be able to remember and describe what I was seeing! A large portion of my experiences seemed to revolve around the basics: trying to control my limbs and movement. My legs and arms felt leaden, heavy, still, almost paralyzed, or stuck. I could hardly get anything to move. I also periodically had repeated difficulty getting my eyes open and seeing clearly. There was a period where different objects were thrown at me, and it seemed my job was to try to get my arms to move, to catch them - or at least, touch/make contact with them. At one point, I managed to catch a tambourine - and even tapped it a bit to play it! This is so similar to my *very first* experience out of body, where there was one object that kept being thrown at me, and I held another object in my hand, and I had to tap the object I was holding to the object being thrown - practicing hand-eye coordination.

It's strange, like I was somehow back to the beginning. I wonder, Is this because it's been so long that I was out? Is this because I'm at a higher "level" of energy reality, and thus, honest to goodness have to relearn the basics of how to move again, at this new level or "place"? I don't know. I wish I had forced myself to write everything down after each experience, that probably would have revealed something, because I KNOW words were exchanged between myself and "them"!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on October 03, 2020, 02:33:58
Again I will stress that this is my interpretation of your interpretation of a NPR experience. A lot of cross-interpretation going on, but I think several insights may be illuminated. This reminded me of a very similar experience I had at that point in my learning, and like you, I had not realized it's importance and failed to journal it as a result.

A "series of experiences" should be enough to alert you by now that something significant is happening and should demand your attention. Your initial read on "outer space" was right in more than one sense: You hadn't experienced being there before so that was a good insight that it was new but it didn't feel quite right so that may have been an insight that it was a Simulation or your realization of a new and different set of energies which would require new interpretation, again whichever it was a good insight and a sign of developing awareness.

Leland wrote what was for me a very significant insight, that we can be exploring a new and higher energy level/body while still consolidating experiences at the previous level. Now, for me this was initially confusing because I still had doubts as to which energy level/body I was exploring and there were apparently crossover interpretation issues going on. What helps in this is to simply have more data through a slowly widening range of experiences. For example, remember how difficult it was to initially move around in your Etheric body? Slow motion, gravity was off in some way, couldn't open your eyes? That was all because you were applying a PR frame of reference to a new and different energy level. The same happened as you moved into the Astral: Events happen much faster, movement was not so much of a problem, the visual environment was cleaner but new difficulties occurred- emotions of all kinds, confusion, cognitive ability, the situations became more this experience may be reminding you that in this new environment, you have to rediscover your sensory abilities not by applying any of the earlier frameworks, but by learning and developing another framework, a newer, faster, better model. This experience may have been an introduction to the Upper Astral or Lower Mental energy level, if you wish to describe it that way. And yes, it certainly does feel like you are almost starting over...and again that realization is very likely another good insight on your part and a sign of your awareness increasing.

For me, at this point, I felt like I had finally experienced enough different perspectives that a larger picture or framework was coming into view, one that really made me understand just how much of all this is sensing and interpreting energy systems and structures, which is what NPR is.

So yes, you are right. At each new level, it appears that we have to start with the "basics" of that level.

And I think you instinctively knew that you shouldn't wake up to record this at the time; you may have lost the energy level completely. So your only option was to stay 'submerged' and work through as best as you could, which is also great training at the instinctive level. Thus you noticed how "fuzzy" the experience was, which for me means that my awareness is not quite up to speed yet. And that is how it goes...

Great experience! Looks like the weeks of qigong paid off to build the energy to get there!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on October 07, 2020, 05:32:26
 After talking with EV a bit more about your thread here Grumpy, I decided to post a few things I saw there as well. EV does such a damn good job of explaining things that it is hard to find anything else to say, lol!  :-)

As many others here know already, when I was just learning to consciously AP, I had a experience in the "Astral/NPR" where my deceased brother in law was on a stage giving a seminar of some type. I seemed to be pretty far back in the crowd. He then bent down and picked up a bow and arrow that I guess were lying on the stage and he pointed the arrow at me and fired. I watched in slow motion as the arrow began to approach me. This was my first experience with anything like this that had "depth" to it. It's hard to explain, but that experienced seemed to teach me about "depth perception" in the NP.
It was shortly after that that I began experimenting to virtual "yo-yo's", ping pong and other sports simulations that involved not only motion, but "depth" as well. Shooting a basketball into a hoop quickly became my "got to" for "priming the pump".  From there my next lessons were all based on  "navigating" my new surroundings.

When I read your most recent journal entry here I see that you still maintain a very physical mindset, even while in NP experience. I feel that your lesson in this one was that you need to change that. You could have caught any of those objects with just a mere thought.

To progress and move forward you need to have a mindset that matches what lies beyond the next veil. There many other areas you can find yourself in, levels some them, that defy any thinking at all of a physical form. You may get some brief sneak peeks of what could be or what lies next, but now you have learn a  whole new way of "navigating" to be able to access this new "dimension". The same thing happens once again when you are ready to experience the next dimension after that and so on.

Lastly I wanted to share this thread here with you. I know you are coming at this from more of a "Shamanistic" approach. A few nights ago I heard on of my favorites speaking on just that. His name is Robert Moss and there is a video of his that he made years ago here at this link:
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on November 23, 2020, 00:08:41
22 Nov 2020

Out of body experience - lucid dream - astral projection

This is the first concrete set of experiences I've had in well over a month. I started having a weird lucid dream that I think involved Robin Williams (?) Then I thought to myself about whether or not I should take this opportunity to project, given that technically, I'm maybe not supposed to in order to conserve more of my energy. I guess I couldn't help myself! I asked to be taken to my spirit guides. I had a variety of experiences that seemed to last a long time, and because of that, things are a big out of order and I lost a great deal of the details.

This time, my "spirit guides" seemed to be a small group of people. Like 5 or 6 people, both men and women. They seemed to know who I was, and they seemed to know that it had been awhile since I'd been there. I believe I said something about how I hadn't been out in a while, explaining about the qigong, and how my AP experiences just seemed to stop basically right away, and that I don't really understand how that happened. The first order of business from this group of guides was to fix certain things regarding my "energy body" as it relates to my ability to travel out of body. I think I said something about how I was having trouble seeing, as I often do, and often lose my "focus" of the non-physical too soon/easily. Similarly to what happened a while ago where I brought these issues up and the spirit entities recognized this as a problem, my guides from this morning did, too. They said a few things explaining what was wrong, but I can't remember all the details, tho it seemed like they said something like there was a "leak" somewhere. They needed to do something to finish or complete some sort of process. Oddly, it was sexual (shrug??). During it, I felt a fire sensation in my ankles, especially my right ankle. Anyway, after that, I seemed to have one main person who was my tour guide, a woman, she flew around carrying me with her. It seemed like a strange other-worldly, outer space dimension, where there were moons, planets, strange animals and landscapes. I looked around in awe, occasionally getting very excited by what I was seeing. I asked where we were, and it sounded like she said "Sega" (rhyming with "Vega"), and I said, "Oh, like in that movie, Contact!" And she said, yes, but you probably shouldn't say that to anyone (meaning: people will think you're looney). A lot of the incredible things I saw as we flew around I think, in part, were designed to be distractions. She even said to me at one point that it's important to not just see something and fly off randomly to look at it. I was like, Yeah! This is the same advice the people in the forum tell me! Just let the experience unfold, observe, and go with it. Well good on you guys, because she said that's right! So ya'll feel proud, you got a shout out =)

Random interlude: at some point, it seemed we were in a room somewhere, and there was a song playing. I asked what it was, and, weirdly, it *seemed* like she told me it was a George Harrison song from 1992 (RANDOM). So I looked up what all the songs of his there were that came out that year, and the only one that seems to make any "sense" is the song "Tears of the World":   Read the lyrics!

Anyway, at some point, outside flying around, below us was an ocean, and I thought to myself, Uhoh, I bet she's going to take me underwater, as I was thinking about how so many experiences ago, there was the pool, and I was too afraid to put my head below water, because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to breath. And I was right, we flew down into the ocean. It wasn't a bright sunny day, it seemed like the entire thing was unfolding at night, so the water was dark, I couldn't see more than a couple inches in front of me. At first, I could still feel her hands holding me, and I told myself to stay calm, my physical body could breathe air just fine, so my energy body would be OK under water. After a little bit of me breathing underwater, she let go of me. I couldn't feel her hands anymore and I couldn't see her. It was very disorienting, gravity doesn't really exist like we're used to, so since I had no other sensory markers to get a sense of which way was up and which way was down, I became  confused with a vertigo sensation. I didn't know which way was up to the surface! I wasn't sure what to do, but I figured that what I needed to do was get myself, without her help, to the surface, so that's what I did. When I "felt" my head break thru the surface of the water to the air again, I could hear her either clap or say something that affirmed I'd done right/done a good job.

A lot more happened, and they all said many more things to me than I can remember. When it seemed to be time to go, my main guide didn't want to say goodbye/let go of me, and I didn't want to go, either. I felt cared for, protected, and loved. She said, "See you tomorrow!" and I was like, Well, I'll try! But I don't know if I'll be able to get back tomorrow! Anyway eventually she slipped away, and I no longer felt her hands carrying/holding me.

I didn't really want to go back to my body yet, even though that was a really long experience and I knew I would have trouble remembering it all if I didn't start writing things down quick. I think I said what I often say, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know. I felt myself moving/floating through the air, heading in whatever direction. Often at this "in between" stage where I'm in the act of being transported, if I crack my eyes open it seems like I'm in some sort of tunnel, or wormhole, or something. I saw that the wall of this one, when I looked at it, was a particular kinda trippy color pattern of waves and swirls. They weren't bright colors, more subdued pale earth tones, or terracotta shades, almost like combinations of browns, tans, peaches, pinks and oranges. I'm not sure why or how this happened, but I went thru the wall. I'm not sure I was supposed to do that, to be honest. On the other side of the wall was a very weird, mostly empty space. It wasn't the Void I don't think. It was indeed 3D but not perfectly black. There were a few zaps of light, like electrical sparks or signals. There was a lot of mottled gray "noise" and I could feel things "hitting" me, or rather, they seemed to be going thru me, but I felt the impact. Not beings, but like objects. Imagine if you could feel neutrinos banging into you and going thru you. I really wasn't sure what this place was, but I felt scared, like, uh, maybe this isn't a good idea, I'm not sure what's happening.

So, I asked for like a protector angel or whatever to come rescue me. Something or other did show up and take me away, and at first, it seemed like we flew into an indoor, old building, with a built-in stage. I looked out the windows and there were lots of tall buildings mostly covered with water, as if there'd been a great flood. I recognized one of the buildings as Big Ben in London. We flew outside, and I got confused, because I thought the doctor was inside the building where the stage was, but I was told that no, it's actually in the mountains. I was deposited onto some grassy area, and there was a kind of medicinal leaf that I was supposed to eat. The leaf needed to be folded in a very particular way, and then dipped into a special oil, before eating. Also, the stem needed to be removed, because they were toxic. However, it was really hard to get the stem off. I couldn't rip it off just with my finger nails. And I didn't want to use my teeth, because biting into the stem would cause me to feel an electric shock. When I tried pulling the stem out, even though it was a relatively small leaf, this long thread/membrane came out, still connecting the leaf to the stem. I needed help getting this membrane (the one I did NOT want to cut off with my teeth) removed. There was a very burly man, and he had a bow and arrow. He instructed me to hold out the leaf and stem (connected by the long membrane) vertically, so that he could break them apart by shooting the arrow through the membrane. I remember thinking something like, Man, this guy better be a good shot! It worked, and now I finally had just the leaf. I asked him to help me fold it right, because this seemed very important that I eat it, and I wanted to make sure I did it right.

Then I bloody well woke up!!! So now I've been worried all day about how I was in some weird dimensional reality with who-knows-what passing through my body in a way that didn't feel quite right, and eating this leaf was the "medicine" that I needed, and I didn't even get to friggin eat it!

PS Lumaza, that video you posted last time to the Robert Moss talk was great!

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on December 06, 2020, 21:51:00
6 Dec 2020

Out of body experience - lucid dream - astral projection?

Was being carried along, and then my helper and I stopped, she seemed to look at my teeth. There was either a shadow or something dark on part of one of my teeth (top of mouth, slightly off center). She tried to clean it off, because whatever it was, wasn't a good thing that was supposed to be there. Whatever it was, in the act of trying to get it off my tooth for me, it got on her. Then everything started to tilt, like we were on a ship that was sinking head first. Something was wrong, at this point, something bad - like she and her good power/energy was neutralized by whatever the dark thing was that was on my tooth, making her powerless and effectively making her disappear. Then, an evil creature, like an incubus, or demon, or whatever it was, showed up. Kinda looked like the Balrog as depicted in LOTR. One large hand placed on my chest, the other I'm not sure, maybe underneath on my back. I think it was saying things, whatever it was doing it wasn't good. I started saying a Hail Mary, because this thing was bad and I needed help/to be rescued - and my little helper was not capable of being there or trying to help me at this point! But, the being seemed to mock me for doing that. I have no idea what it was saying or doing, but it seemed bad. I could feel something happening to me/my energy where it's hands were on me. Somehow I snapped myself awake.

So this now makes two experiences in a row where something seemed "bad" and like I was being affected with or inflicted with "bad" energy. I'm already sick enough, definitely don't need this  :| :cry:
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on December 07, 2020, 14:16:11
My reply likely will not resonate with you immediately because I understand the feeling of certainty you have for the emotions you sensed during this experience. I would ask that you think about it, consider it and maybe ask your guide(s) for some clarification.

Maybe 5-7 years ago, I had a very similar experience: I was in a barely lucid dream and in a doctor's office. He closely examined my teeth and determined that I had a problem which I took as meaning cancer of the mouth. He put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me into an outdoor operating theater and put an anesthetic mask over my face and I began breathing a purple gas. I had, by now, become increasingly anxious and suspicious of the whole affair. Then a crowd of strangers surrounded me as if to observe the operation. This was finally too much. It felt like the LD was devolving into a nightmare and I struggled and resisted until I broke free and woke up. At the time, I thought that was all it was, a nightmare and maybe a test of my ability to pull myself out and back to PR awareness if I had to; I couldn't make much sense of it otherwise.

It was at TMI that I gradually learned some things about myself. My Lifeline training had involved much work with the color purple- purple oceans, purple landscapes, purple hells and just plain purple energies. As a child, when the other kids described their favorite colors, they always chose blue or red or green or automatic choice was always purple, even though that seemed out of the ordinary. At TMI as I toured the hospital in Focus 27, I was in fact told by a helper there that all the purple was healing energy for me. He also had me undergo a "balancing" therapeutic exercise that I had originally experienced as what I considered was another nightmare that I had "escaped" from- the Veggie Chopper.

There in Focus 27, I realized that years before I had been wrong about the Veggie Chopper dream, mistaking a healing experience for a nightmare. At that moment I also remembered the Doctor/Dentist Chair experience with the purple gas anathesia and I realized that was also likely a healing experience, but I had misunderstood the purpose, gotten fearful and rejected it.

GR, it seems likely to me that the "demon" with its hands behind your back and on your chest, you could feel something energetic happening. Maybe it was adjusting your energy around your heart chakra or your solar plexus chakra? I have had little "protector" thoughtforms removed from the Heart center more than once; it is also a center that likely needs balancing/adjusting for many of us.

Again, in NPR thought can instantly manifest and fear or suspicion can instantly derail our experience before we even know it; this could be an instance of that. Again the similarity of our experiences on more than one occasion certainly points toward this, so I hope you will consider it and maybe ask for clarification.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on December 07, 2020, 20:09:32
I've been thinking about your post this afternoon, EV, and while doing so I remembered another detail. When my helper said there was something not good/bad/black on my teeth and indicated that she wanted to remove it, I said to her: Just don't hurt me. Obviously, I was remembering that fun time when I was electrocuted, and the last experience before this when I found myself in some weird Cloud Coocoo Land of black and gray electric signals and something passing through me that felt....wrong.

It's interesting to me that both of our experiences involved dental work. The teeth and mouth are a fraught (dream) symbol for so many people.

So yes, it's possible that because I was clearly skittish about something bad happening to me, given the other 2 times, there was a fear element involved. I hope that this is all it was. Next time, I hope I have my wits about me more and can ask for clarification, as you say - but we all know my track record of getting answers when I ask questions! LOL
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on December 07, 2020, 23:09:13
 Too many times to count, I have been in a Lucid Dream and for some reason, the scenario begins to spiral out of control. Things start occurring at such a rapid pace and find myself fighting to stay in the experience period. When the Dream scenario begins to spiral out of control it begins to take on a very negative turn. The next thing I know, I am waking up thinking what the hell was that all about.

I think your experience may have been a test to see how long you could make it last, even as it was taking a negative turn. You did great and held your lucidity for quite awhile.

But as EV was saying there is always symbolism in our Dreams. Perhaps the evil shadow in your mouth was symbolizing your inability to say something to someone in your life that you feel you need to. I see the problems with the mouth or even the throat symbolizing a problem that you need to talk about. I guess the teeth could fall into that category as well. People are always conscious of their teeth and the condition they are in. That to me is more of the "ego" taking over though.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on December 11, 2020, 22:03:57
10 Dec 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection

Was dreaming. Became lucid and decided to project as soon as I realized I was dreaming. Said my usual - take me where I need to go, teach/tell me what I need to know. Usually that's all it takes, and I feel myself float, turn/rotate this or that way, and start floating/moving in a particular direction. But nothing seemed to happen! It seemed like I needed to do more to "get out", as it were. I was pondering this and it seemed almost like I began to experience sleep paralysis. There was lots of strange noise which, at the time in my altered state, I thought sounded like scraping metal. I stayed calm and tried troubleshooting/thinking through the problem, because this "glitch" had never happened before. I decided to try the "roll out" method. I rotated myself slowly, so instead of laying flat on my back I was moving to be up on my right side. It's odd how in that altered state, I still always wonder, Am I moving just my energy body, or my physical body? Because I don't want to somehow "wake myself up"! Anyway, that seemed to work. I started rolling out and I think I experienced the "spinning" sensation. I increased the feeling of that perception, and resumed thinking my usual Ask/Command, until I finally felt myself turn in the air and float off somewhere.

I wound up in something that looked like a somewhat ramshackle office. Lots of stuff everywhere, not super tidy. There was a man at the desk and there was a window behind him. He wanted me to sign some sort of contract or agreement or waiver of some sort, for whatever level of Non Physical Reality. Like, basically, stuff like "I promise not to wreck the place" or whatever. It's a contract/agreement stating things that shouldn't (and won't) do, like I can't needlessly destroy their property - as it were. The guy's name, weirdly, was something like Hopscotch. I told him I'd probably forget, and he said "It doesn't matter." The contract he showed me of course wasn't any discernible language. It looked mostly pictorial, with strange dots and lines and markings and drawings, but it didn't look sophisticated. It looked like a child drew it, honestly.

I asked him to go over the scenarios with me (like, the main things I'm agreeing to), so I know what I'm signing.

The only one I remember going over with him was kinda what I mentioned above - you can't needlessly destroy stuff. Like, there was a tall filing cabinet, and the concept was conveyed to me through the idea of randomly knocking it over. But, if there's a *good reason* to knock excrement over, then it's OK. Like (and this makes no sense, but whatever) what if the only spot of cell phone reception is right behind the filing cabinet, and you *need* to knock it over in order to access that one spot? Then it's alright. That seemed to be the gist of it.

When we were reviewing the contract together, a female employee walked in, and brought three people into a side waiting area. Two younger women, one older man. I remember looking over at them, especially the younger women, and thinking to myself, I wonder if those are real humans who are projecting right now! I want to go talk to them so we can swap email addresses to contact each other! But then I was like, Wait, don't get distracted, focus!

Anyway, then the older man came over to the desk where the guy was going over the contract with me, and he tried talking to the person who'd been helping me before he was actually done helping me. I stood their waiting to see how this would play out. At this point I lost my focus and was back in my body. Never actually signed on the dotted line! Sometimes it seems like right before somet objective "completes", I get booted. Like, Oh I'm supposed to sign this contract --- aaaaand I'm booted. Or, Oh, I'm supposed to eat this medicinal leaf -- aaaaaand booted. I wonder if that final act of completion (actually signing the contract, actually eating the leaf) is truly *necessary*, or if once we cognize "the thing that they want us to do", we don't actually have to do the thing anymore. I'm guessing we do actually have to Do/Complete The Thing, but I'm still scratching my head why, in some cases, right when that thing is going to happen, poof! It's over.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on December 12, 2020, 13:27:02
Awesome! Have you ever exchanged contact info with someone in the astral before?
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on December 13, 2020, 01:01:43
Well, sort of LOL you can scroll back up to my entries of 3 July and 31 August. They weren't particularly robust attempts. And, it's most likely that whatever I was talking to were not actual humans projecting at that time!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on December 13, 2020, 02:53:02
I have read of experiences like this, 'contract discussions and informal signing ceremonies', on this site, others and in some books. I think that I had a couple of these experiences but they were quite vague and some ten or twenty years ago. This again, is a reminder to write all this down as best we can in a journal, even during those years where it seems relatively unimportant...just notes or comments can be so valuable years later.

GR, I'm not sure about the earlier experiences you referred, but this one likely does involve interaction with a sentient being on the helper/guide/higher self level. The scene/situation is your individual interpretation of the energy structure you are operating and interacting within at that moment. This is an example of the 'agreements' that we sign onto as part of our entrance into the PR. Those are certainly mysterious documents; I would surely like to review mine...

It may be what seems to be an incomplete and slightly confused interpretation but nonetheless a fairly accurate one. Strange how they tend to end in such a disorganized sense; I've had that more than a few times. Lol.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on December 13, 2020, 05:01:17
Very interesting, EV! I don't think I've come across that on this site yet. Well if anyone out there is reading this and had a similar experience, send me a link to your post about it! Would love to read =) And, you mean (if I follow you correctly) that the different ways we perceive Non-Physical Reality is something we each agreed to ahead of time, upon coming into this lifetime? Yeah, I wouldn't mine sneaking a peak at mine, either!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on December 13, 2020, 18:05:05
Wow Grumpy I just read through some of your experiences from August 31st. That's a lot to recall in one night. I had learned in school that we average 8 dreams a night, most people I talk to have a hard time remembering 1. I will have to go through some of these again. It's nice having something to read.  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on December 13, 2020, 23:19:45
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on December 13, 2020, 05:01:17
Very interesting, EV! I don't think I've come across that on this site yet. Well if anyone out there is reading this and had a similar experience, send me a link to your post about it! Would love to read =) And, you mean (if I follow you correctly) that the different ways we perceive Non-Physical Reality is something we each agreed to ahead of time, upon coming into this lifetime? Yeah, I wouldn't mine sneaking a peak at mine, either!

I have wrote about these contract experiences in the past here on this forum. One that really comes to mind is posted in the sticky "Souly for Retrievals" and the post was made Nov 22/2017. There is another post about a contract situation I have had in that thread as well. That one was made April 25/2019.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on December 14, 2020, 18:46:06
Tides - Well, remember that we're "conscious" when we're projecting in a way that we're not when "just dreaming", which is why it's easier to remember - but, still difficult, of course! I forget far more than I'd like. That's why it's important to have pen/paper next to your bed so you can immediately write down everything you can as soon as you're up. Also, after I've written everything down that I can remember right away, I lay there and sit holding the pad and pen and just think over the whole experience, because often little bits that I'd forgotten will come back to me, and then I can quickly jot those down, too =)

Lumaza, thanks for pointing me to those experiences! In one of them I think you (or someone??) posted a link to Bruce Moen's talk about getting information through "imagination/visualization" and I thought it was spot on. It's very similar to what it's like getting information about/for a client during a shamanic journey. There's that tug of "am I making this up?" followed by "well, let's just go with it and trust that there's something legit here".
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on December 14, 2020, 19:28:00
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on December 14, 2020, 18:46:06
Lumaza, thanks for pointing me to those experiences! In one of them I think you (or someone??) posted a link to Bruce Moen's talk about getting information through "imagination/visualization" and I thought it was spot on. It's very similar to what it's like getting information about/for a client during a shamanic journey. There's that tug of "am I making this up?" followed by "well, let's just go with it and trust that there's something legit here".
Yes, that's Bruce Moen's technique. He taught people how to open up imaginary/mental conversations with people who have transitioned. I know I am not "making it up" in my mind when the answers/replies I receive seem to either be in another voice or different personality/trait then my own. It's like when I focus on something a person said, a post here on the Pulse and all of sudden I feel I am being shown to say what it was that they needed to hear or do. I guess you could call that "Channeling". Trust is a big thing and yes it has to be earned. But after years of doing this, I have found that it is not simply "coincidence". I don't believe in coincidences anymore!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on January 04, 2021, 18:35:35
26 Dec 2020

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I was dreaming, realized that I had an opportunity, because I was then in the right state to project, and I needed to take advantage of it. I asked to be taken to my spirit guides. Didn't really seem like I got an immediate response, I was just sorta floating there with my eyes closed, waiting. I started yelling (mentally) "TAKE ME TO MY SPIRIT GUIDES." Over and over, insisting. Ain't taking no for an answer! Finally, I felt myself start to move/rotate in the air, and head off in some particular direction.

I wound up in some sort of scary death warehouse. Not really, but I don't really know how to describe it. It was just the vibe. It seemed almost like someone took a warehouse and tried to turn it into a haunted house. I told myself not to be scared. I kept thinking, Take me to my spirit guides, over and over. I didn't have a usual helper carry me along. Instead, I started floating through a cavernous hallway. I think someone shushed me and told me to be quiet, not sure why. I floated thru the warehouse quietly, not recognizing the random people I saw/passed, until I floated into what appeared to be a sparse scary death classroom (as it were, in keeping with the theme of someone trying to make a classroom kinda scary). A desk with someone sitting at it, working, and chairs for student type people. There were a few "students" in the chairs. The "teacher" woman sitting at the desk was petite and had short brown hair, relatively young looking. And, I recognized her! I called out to her that I knew her, I'd seen her before. I always get excited when I'm projecting and I see someone who I think I've encountered before. She looked up at me and responded, somewhat sternly (and maybe with a little surprise), "You're not supposed to be here."

I mean, thanks for the warm reception.

I was kinda like, Well, OK, I know, but I need help and I'm still in the dark about what I'm supposed to do. What are my next steps?!

She and I left the classroom together and "walked" down the hallway, tho it was really more like I was floating randomly and a bit haphazardly beside her, still not being carried, or even locomoting myself. I didn't have full control over the floating. I asked her many questions, first and foremost was, What is my mission? What's the next thing I'm supposed to do, like right now? I'm pretty sure she responded something like, "Do You Hear It?" Like, that was the title of my mission, I think, which makes no sense to me.

Thanks, spirit guide.

She said many more things, most of which I cannot remember, tho I surely tried. It seemed like she said something about the Sisters from Ireland (religious Sisters), as she herself morphed into an older woman, and something about an abortion and the blood that came from it. Not sure. But it seemed like there was a lot of information about the blood and something about the blood was important. Didn't seem to relate to anything else and I don't remember the rest of the conversation surrounding it.

4 January 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - quasi-lucid dream


I started off having a dream, but it was one of those dreams where I thought it was happening in real life. I dreamed that I was laying on my back in some sort of auditorium space with other people, we were all watching something (e.g., a movie, a performance); I was laying there with my eyes closed, and was slipping into the right "state" where I could project. However, nobody knew that, they thought I was just resting or maybe napping. I decided that even tho I was in a public place and there were lots of people around, I should take this opportunity to project. I figured I'd be "back" before anyone tried to rouse me or thought something was wrong. So I was partly lucid in the sense that I was aware of who I was and what I wanted to do, but I didn't realize that I was actually dreaming at the time, I thought that my dream was actually happening.

Anyway, so I project from this dream that I didn't realize was a dream. I decide to say my usual, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know - rather than demand to be taken directly to my spirit guides since apparently, as I was told last time, I wasn't supposed to be there. I slowly start to feel myself floating along. This time I had a helper, there was a woman who accompanied me along the way, we seemed to move down a hallway, and perhaps through a wall/door or two. She was telling me things along the way and of course I don't remember - except for ONE, VERY IMPORTANT THING she said that I do recall. She told me I would meet "A-." - this is the name I use to designate my "main guide" that I encounter on my shamanic journeys. I've wondered this whole time why I don't ever see anything that looks like them when I leave my body!! I recently (a couple weeks ago or so) had a channeling session with someone I've worked with before, and the guide who showed up said that "A" had been a mentor to us both (me and the guide), who taught us both; "A" was higher up, as it were, to me and the guide who showed up during the channeling session. Anyway, at first I didn't realize who she was referring to! Then I was like, "A., my guide from the shamanic journeys?!" (or something like that) and she indicated, yes! I was very excited at the prospect of experiencing my first "crossover" between the shamanic journeys and my out of body experiences!!!

We wound up outside. There was a grassy field/lawn, it was sunny out. There was a group of people/entities sitting in chairs that was gathered and appeared to be there for me, or waiting for me. I scanned the group for something that looked like A. I didn't see anything that looked exactly like him, but I did see something that appeared humanoid and didn't have a head. In this manifestation, however, instead of having feathers come up out of the neck, there were flowers - like a bouquet of flowers. I didn't get too good a look at the group, but as I was floating by and scanning with my "eyes", I thought well, that could be him? It's the only headless humanoid I can see, so...

I had some trouble controlling my body. Like my last experience, I was sort of floating along, rather than experiencing myself "walking" with energy legs. There also seemed to be some force sucking or pulling me away from the gathering, back in the direction I'd come. I clutched ahold of the grass with my hands to not be pulled away. I'm pretty sure I called out to the group for assistance. They seemed to be guides, or otherwise entities who were on my side and there to help me. Two people, who seemed male, helped me and held me steady, floating above the ground, as I was on my back. They seemed unfamiliar to me. One of them told me that we'd do the "last Time Phase" to "learn my fate for the internship." I asked, "The one [internship] I'm doing right now?" He said, yes.

The fact that he said we'd do the "last" Time Phase indicated to me that we've done this [a Time Phase] before, and this would be the last one. I took "Time Phase" to be phasing into the future - essentially, getting a vision of something that would happen in the future. In my state of projecting, I interpreted internship literally, as if I were literally doing an internship in real life, and that I would learn something relevant to how that would end up and thus what the point/end result/my mission of the internship was - conveniently ahead of time. However, I'm not in an internship in my real life. I don't know whether this is more symbolic of where I am in my energetic growth or if it does pertain to something more literal about some project of my life (e.g., I recently had an idea to offer guided shamanic journeys to groups for free until the pandemic ends).

Anyway, the entity who was telling me this put a bracelet on my left wrist. He said that I could take it off whenever I wanted the Time Phase to end; taking it off would take me back to where I was. The other entity, which was on my right hand side, put a ring on one of my fingers on my right hand - either my pointer or middle finger, but I think it was my pointer. I was told not to lose this ring. It was important to make sure it stayed on my finger. Also, I got the sense that this last Time Phase had to happen before I could meet/speak directly with "A" (at least, in an out of body experience!).

As the Time Phase began, I was held by these two beings that seemed male, and I was held with what felt like care, attentiveness, and love. I felt calm. The Time Phase process began with my right leg, or rather my energy right leg, floating up and moving up and down, side to side, in weird ways. This "moving around" of my right energy leg felt familiar, and I thought to myself, "This same thing with my right leg happened last time, so that must have been a Time Phase, too." (but I don't think so?)

So, where did my Time Phase take me? Well, I opened my eyes and it appeared like I was laying on my back in the crowded auditorium that I thought I was in, in real life. There were medical personnel around me. They put something around my neck. I got the impression they were trying to do a tracheotomy. I thought to myself, Do they think I'm dying? Do they think I'm unconscious? Are they trying to resuscitate me? That is to say: I thought that I was having a vision of the future ("Time Phase") of what would happen in my very near future, because I thought my actual physical body was laying in this public place with other people, and because I was in some degree of trance (projecting) it's possible that the people I was with couldn't rouse me and thought something was wrong, and therefore called 911 (of course, I was actually laying in my bed at home the whole time!). But during this projection, I thought I was getting a peek into the future that people would think something was wrong with me medically, because I was super tranced out in a projection; furthermore, to make this weirder, this was supposed to be a peek into the future of how my "internship" would end up. In the dream I projected from (which, again, I didn't realize was a dream), I think I actually was *in* an internship; but when I projected (from the dream that I didn't realize was a dream) and was told this, I didn't think it was in reference to the dream, I thought it had to do with my actual life. Of course, I thought the dream was my actual life, so this gets complicated. This is starting to feel like the screenplay for Inception 2!

Anyway, I knew I was in a Time Phase, and so I knew I wasn't actually under a resuscitation attempt. No one was actually trying to trach my throat. Still, I thought it would be best to "signal" to the medical personnel, even if it was a Time Phase, that I wasn't unconscious/dying. I tried moving my tongue, opening my eyes, to signal, Uh, no, hello, I'm here. I continued trying to stay calm and to indicate I'm neither dead nor dying, so I could continue in the Time Phase to learn the fate/point of my "internship" - unless the fate/point of my "internship" dying? Me almost dying?  

However, there was something that began to seem violent about it; something didn't feel OK, like I actually couldn't trust these medical personnel. Eventually, one of them asked for the "keys", and I interpreted that as something that would lock me in place or trap/keep me there, so at that point I decided to do what I was told I could do: remove the bracelet on my left wrist so I could go back to where I was before. I expected to be taken back to the sunny grassy field/lawn where my spirit guides/helpers were. To remove the bracelet I had to use my right hand to grab the bracelet on my left. Problem was that I was being restrained and held down in some way. So I needed a distraction, to get them looking in another direction so I could quickly free my right arm to rip off the bracelet. Bizarrely, what I yelled was that there was an alligator "over there" in the other direction. They all looked, and I tore my right hand free to remove the bracelet, and in that frantic action I woke up.

So I have no idea what exactly my "internship" referred to, nor do I understand how what I experienced in the "Time Phase" (this fast-forward vision of people thinking I was dead/dying and medical personnel trying to resuscitate me, and then this turning sinister and me feeling like maybe they weren't there to help me and I needed to get away) has to do with the "my fate" for the internship. Does that mean that "my fate" is that I will have a severe medical crisis at some point and people will have to try to revive me on the scene? That's terrifying. I don't know what this means. In the moment of being told I'd learn "my fate for the internship" I interpreted it along the lines of what the point or mission for the internship is. Definitely scratching my head over this one!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on January 04, 2021, 19:56:11
Hey Grumpy, that is a cool experience. I love those, dream within a dream sensations. It is something to think on, what it means when we witness a dream that we mistake as our waking life. I hope my thoughts don't take away from any experience you share, ever, your intuition knows best. I think the confusion or scare might have come in part from recognizing that something was off. Maybe recognizing that the reality was not the reality you thought it was. My friend shared something with me this morning that reminded me exactly of sleep paralysis, but because her mind was engrossed with her dream and she was not as familiar with the common signs of sleep paralysis- this "reaching for definition" happened. Now that grasp for meaning still gave her quite an experience- all of which I consider to be real and have special meaning- but I also believe this confusion and grasping for familiarity steered the direction of the experience into what she described as "dark energy" or "scary."
As for the internship, I think this will become more clear down the road.

So cool!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: T-Man on January 04, 2021, 19:56:51
Great experience GrumpyRabbit,

Lots to digest there but I think the basic conclusion is you passed!  You were told what you needed to do to get out of the situation...Remove the bracelet.  You were prevented from doing that...being restrained.  You created a distraction and got out of the situation.

Congratulations!  That's a pass in my books!  :-)

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on January 05, 2021, 03:09:12
There is a lot in these experiences GR...but that is good, or at least it should be...suitcases can pile means that your NP travels are providing results and opportunities for growth...and damnably difficult riddles and questions...but it sounds like you continue to get more of them.

This is my opinion and mine perspective...but your experience does seem to parallel mine and a few others here at times and to some degree. Not sure if that implies connection or a fairly limited course selection that is available to us...maybe we are all just in the same NPR college...

This is an experience that you really have to question your gut feeling- I sense this as a failed healing opportunity. It's not surprising because these experiences catch us off guard and so much out of position. The last three spontaneous healing opportunities that I had over the last seven nightly semi-lucid dream events...I failed them all...I just failed to recognize them for what they were. In fact, I came aware enough that I resisted and ejected myself from the dream and woke up each time. And I made the mistake of thinking that was some sort of successful NP awareness control that got me out of a possible nightmare or bad situation. I thought that for three or four years. I thought I was getting that much better at my NP mind control...I was wrong. I was mistaking a healing event for a negative event.

At TMI, I became aware of the distinction and in one session was put through an event that years before I had decided was a simple, nasty nightmare (the veggie-chopper) TMI I had the implicit trust in my own NP safety based on their curriculum, so I went through the procedure and realized the healing experience for what it had been all along. Then it happened again with another formerly rejected experience.

Years ago, I made the same fail...people surrounding me, a medical procedure that wasn't fully explained to me...I bailed on the dream and really had no answer for it. It does appear to be a difficult test- as events proceeded, my trust level just reduced to zero, until I said no more.

In your case, I would even point to the metaphor or the symbolism- You are challenged with communicating and getting across your message to the NPR. So you get a healing LD or an experience that leads to an operation on your throat...a tracheotomy possibly. There is a chakra associated with the throat and it has a link to communication within the NPR...hmmm...

This experience sounds like one that deserves further meditation.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: T-Man on January 05, 2021, 18:35:25
Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the right one.

Haha!  That's how I usually start off with my interpretations.  But I forget that this is NP reality and there is nothing simple, easy or straight forward when it comes to the NP!

EV, you are always so great with your comments and insights.  You always make things look so easy and straight forward but I do understand you have accumulated your years of experience and have many notches on your belt!

Quote from: T-Man on January 04, 2021, 19:56:51
Congratulations!  That's a pass in my books!  :-)

Time for me to get some new books!   :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on January 05, 2021, 23:09:55
Hello T-Man and thank you for the compliment! I prefer Occam's Razor as well, even over an electric, lol. And five years ago, I likely would have put forward an assessment similar to yours; after all, she got herself out of a difficult situation, an artful dodge as it were. The arm bracelet was a seeming provided outlet to the experience so that likely lends to your interpretation, but maybe it is a subtlety and complexity of her NP awareness. I'm honestly not sure because this is, significantly, her personal experience.

Another good reason for keeping a Dream or Experience Journal. After a number of years, I realized that I had experienced this 'dodge' many times. For years, I thought I was gaining more awareness and response to situations that could result in nightmares and extricating myself from them. Then at TMI, I had the 'veggie chopper' healing experience and I remembered that exact scenario happening in a LD years before. It was memorable because it reminded me so much of the Resident Evil movie when the soldier is trapped in the hallway with the laser grid that multiplies and eventually slices and dices him...gruesome and absolutely an unavoidable situation. So I remembered that scene! And when it happened to me, I bailed!

But after TMI, I got to thinking about the nature and reason for nightmares and difficult situations like these. Are they actually different kinds of tests or learning opportunities than we normally discuss here on the Pulse and we just usually misunderstand them? So, I've been thinking upon this...

And the subject isn't in any books I've come across, which is most of them. This 'nightmare theory' may be one that I can lay claim to, or at least the pointing out of some of the more subtle mechanics of what is happening...

GR's experiences are just so good that it gives me the opportunity to ask these questions.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on January 07, 2021, 17:32:10
EV, I'm curious if when you realized the scary experiences, like the veggie chopper, were actually healing opportunities (and thus, you decided to take advantage of them) - what happened as a result? Did healing actually happen? E.g., you had chronic migraine every day for 20 years and then you submitted to the veggie chopper and Lo! No more migraine. Or some other thing that shows that the experience was actually healing because it changed something for the better? You may have talked about this elsewhere on the forum so forgive my shoddy memory!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 05, 2021, 03:09:12

In your case, I would even point to the metaphor or the symbolism- You are challenged with communicating and getting across your message to the NPR. So you get a healing LD or an experience that leads to an operation on your throat...a tracheotomy possibly. There is a chakra associated with the throat and it has a link to communication within the NPR...hmmm...

This is a very interesting catch. I hadn't thought that this might have something to do with communication. A very, very interesting possible tie-in with some information the shaman/channeler/energy worker recently told me about my mission (the one I know, not the one you know). It's such an obvious potential connection I'm shaking my head I didn't see it! Leave it to EV to point out all the important stuff =)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on January 08, 2021, 00:25:58;msg371457#msg371457

GR, in this case the healing was felt as very subtle, an energetic and calming of energies...I will admit, nothing dramatic on the Physical level...but not that I really was suffering from any substantial issues. Severe stress at times, as I am susceptible to the general idea of re-balancing energies was very acceptable to me. It is not like a specific condition was healed; possibly because I didn't have one at the time. So, to your question no, but that doesn't disqualify the experience itself but to only point to a more subtle level...which is kind of how it played out at the time. Another participant commented on being "put through the wringer" and I commented about the basic and prosaic quality that was, and then I mentioned my session...and our Trainer was calmly eating her lunch sandwich and commented that all this was normal energy adjustment just part of the that simple comment became very significant, in fact it blew me out of my seat, there while eating a simple lunch. It was not just a simple recognition of her experience but also mine, and the fact she had seen these situations before...this was qualification and confirmation on a very direct level...comments at lunch, think about it.

So yes, that taught me something about difficult or nightmare experiences. But I really haven't had one since I have nothing further to offer...have nightmares been reduced as a result? Because they're no longer required in the same sense? no longer a growth mechanism at the moment? IDK

The recognition and dealing with these states of mind is still an ongoing process...

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on January 09, 2021, 00:38:53
 Hi Grumpy! Your are doing great here!  :-)

I didn't want to interrupt EV's "Tutoring" here. You are in good hands, EV is a great teacher.

Anyways, I replied here because I came across this fantastic Binaural Beat youtube video and immediately thought of you! Enjoy! I still am!  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on January 09, 2021, 14:09:31
Word up Lumaza! I listen to old-school shamanic drumming when I journey, like these:

The one I tend to use is the one with "multiple drumming" at the very bottom. I also really like the double-drumming, towards the top (2nd track from the top). Super simple can be very effective!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on January 09, 2021, 15:10:40
 I will listen to that tonight. Thank you for the share!  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on January 12, 2021, 17:14:21
12 January 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

Started off a bevy of strange and mostly nonsensical experiences this morning by projecting from a dream. Was dreaming that I was sorta flying around a bit. For whatever reason, while in the dream I said some words - they were a few syllabus strung together, I think four of them, each one monosyllabic. I don't know why, I think I was just experimenting. I saw what looked like a phoenix appear - like a majestic, flaming bird. It was visible only for a moment or two, then vanished again. Oddly, the sky turned dark and it began to rain. I thought this was weird, and also figured, heck, I seem to be in a position where I can project from here, I am not enjoying this rain business, so let's blow this pop stand!

I started saying my usual command, until I felt myself finally start to float up, and began to move. I seemed to be moving through some vastly large indoor space. I saw what looked like an elderly woman popping wheelies on a bike. Hmmm. Further on, there were lots of rooms, with people doing various activities. I don't know why but I got the sense of it being part of the afterlife somehow. I asked if it was the afterlife, and my helper said yes. I said I thought the afterlife would be outdoors, like in a beautiful forest, and asked if there were any of this that was outdoors, and was told again, yes. All the activities people were doing were things that they didn't get to do in their lives. Maybe due to fear or circumstance. I guess that explains the little old lady who was popping wheelies LOL

I figured, well, I've never asked to see any of my deceased relatives before, so if I'm here, why not? I put out that intention and saw what seemed to be my grandmother. It looked like she was part of some kinda sewing circle or whatever. She seemed happy, came over and hugged me and said "I'm so glad you're here!" I hugged her and cried.

I came to, and altho I felt drained, exhausted, and just wanted to fall asleep and/or have another experience, forced myself to write down my notes. Then, when that was done, I slipped into a very strange, nonsensical encounter with someone who said she was a blogger about chronic illness. She said I needed to "help her figure out X" (I FORGET WHAT IT WAS!) "and the woman will take you somewhere else," i.e., my helper will take me elsewhere once I help the blogger figure out whatever she wanted me to help her figure out. As usual I became obsessed with trying to make contact with another human being who was projecting, which I assumed this was (probably not), and asked her for her name. She said "Avenue" (odd), and I asked what her website was, and she said "oil booms", and that her website/blog was "old".

Well, none of that seems coherent, so I looked up what oil booms are, and they're those floating containment apparatuses that are used in oil spills. Like you see those orange floating barriers that try to keep the oil spill from spreading further. That's what those are. Strange.

Anyway, took down my notes, and laid down for my next experience which took place at a school for the blind. It was K-8th grade. As I found this all very confusing, I decided to ask exactly what the hell I was supposed to be paying attention to. As in, what am I supposed to learn or get out of this? Because it's really not clear to me what this experience is supposed to mean to me or do for me. The response was that I needed to pay attention to organizational stuff: like the walkways, the bulletin boards, what kind of notices could be put on those boards, things like that.

No idea what this was about, that's all I could remember. I came to, wrote down sleepy notes, and laid back down. I have no idea what I saw next, my notes ONLY say "mission has to do with anticipating what others need." That's all I wrote down for the next experience. So I think what happened is that I was having some strange experience, and I flat-out asked whatever helper was present to give me some clarity about what I was supposed to learn, or what my mission is, etc.

So that's all I got from that, I wrote down that one sentence, and laid back down (this was a very exhausting morning!). Wound up having another experience. There was a woman, and I wrote down her name as "Justyn" - very interesting, but I was told that she operated on my 2nd chakra, in a sense *removing* something. As if she removed the chakra itself. So this is was that last experience from a few days ago was about. It's possible I flat-out asked, Hey, WTF was up with that. I don't know what the conversation was that led to being told this. I got the sense that what happened last time was only Step 1 of, at minimum, a two-step process: the removing of something, and then putting something back still needed to happen.

At this point, I was pretty excited about this because I seemed to be getting good clarifying information about something that happened, so naturally I wanted to basically stay there forever and learn as much as I could, but felt myself lose focus and slip away, came to and took notes - unable, at this point, to project again.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on January 12, 2021, 18:07:46
Hey Grumpy  :-) What a beautiful sight it must have been to see a Phoenix and the happy souls experimenting new ideas.

It rained in my dreams last night too!

Really enjoyed your journal.

Take care.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on January 15, 2021, 19:01:21
Curious-er and curious-er.

15 January 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I think I projected from a dream. Said my usual. For some reason I asked to make a pit-stop to see a particular person I know who did hurtful things. My helper this time was a pretty Black woman. Maybe in her late 40s, looking. She appeared before me, and said in some way, Oh, giiirl.... Like hey, it's not a good idea, you know? I said yes, I know, but I need closure and if they would give me closure in Ordinary Reality then I wouldn't have to try to talk to them in Non-Ordinary Reality! We seemed to have a long back-and-forth conversation, which is unusual. She traced her fingers around, up and down, on my stomach, like the area between the sternum and the belly button. She seemed to be singing "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" as she did so - odd. I just looked up the lyrics and they seemed pretty appropriate. This somehow was supposed to cheer me up and clear up any sad thoughts and feelings. Then, she was going to insert some piercing. It was gold and big, two dimensional (i.e., flat) and very ornamental, circular. And I was like, what?! No! That will hurt! How am I supposed to get pants on with that thing there? As if this would affect my physical body, haha! I even asked her if there would be a physical complement to it in Ordinary Reality LOL She said "I don't know". Well, OK. She showed me something that looked like a flip-book with various levels. Like, level 1 through level 5 or 6 or something. She said I was only on Level 2! It's about what percentage of time you're operating on each level, that's where you're considered generally at. Most of the time she said I'm on Level 2 because I'm too "giggly." WTF does that even mean? Am I not supposed to have joy?! I was like...what are you even talking about. The very first time I projected did I ask to go for a joyride or fly around or visit friends or go into outer space? NO! I asked to see my spirit guides! I incessantly asked about my mission! Like, dude, I've been so serious about this, screw your Level 2 bovine excrement.

That's all I remember for that one. I had at least a half dozen other interlude sessions that consisted of me having asked, I think, to be taken directly to A- -- who I wrote about in a recent post, the entity I've encountered as my main guide during my shamanic journeys. Like seriously, they don't think I'm serious?! Screw that noise. So for the first time I asked explicitly to be taken DIRECTLY to him. I had asked so many direct questions about my mission and was stonewalled. And now they're all like you're too giggly and asking to be taken somewhere that isn't "serious" so friggin fine - TAKE ME TO MY MAIN GUIDE THEN. And honestly, I think I was given the run-around. A main helper acted like she was taking me somewhere - like she acted like she was taking me to him. I had a hard time keeping up with her. There was often one or so other people with us in our group. This usually manifested as going down subway steps to the train platform, like we're going to take public transit or whatever. The experience kept cutting off, and I was wanted to dive back in so this time, I decided to NOT take notes on every single one. I just kept diving back in, and kept winding up with the same helper, who acted like she was going to take me to him. I got the impression that the reason I wasn't successfully "being taken" to him was maybe because of something I was supposed to do that I wasn't doing. Like there was some task or something I needed to accomplish. At first, I thought it was because I was falling behind and couldn't keep up with her. I brought this up with her and she taught me a trick for how to increase my speed - I tried it and it worked! Not perfect but it helped (you push your hand/arm out in front of you and puuuush it into the air in front of you and move your hand in the direction you want to go. Like if the terrain is up and down (hilly) you would tilt your palm like that, like you're following along the terrain with your hand; the harder you push it out into the air ahead of you, the faster you go).

Also there were times when I couldn't see, or everything looked flat and 2D, more like watching a movie screen than actually "being there", and she was able to help each time. But she still wasn't taking me to A-. So after like a half dozen of these experiences, I was like OK, enough of this. I started to think maybe it wasn't because I was failing at doing something right; I started to think, no, I think they're just refusing to take me to him. It normally takes like 5-10 seconds max to be taken where I ask to go, usually. If they're *actually* going to take me somewhere, there won't be all this rigamorole.

And after chiding me for not being serious enough or whatever? That got my Irish up.

So the next time I got out, I absolutely insisted, over and over, TAKE ME TO A-. Finally I saw some images of humans who looked dressed in some kinda polynesian attire. It was kinda like an apparition of these people, they weren't actually "there" so to speak, even in Non-Ordinary Reality. I heard a voice, as if the voice of all these polynesians, booming around me, kinda like, OK, we're answering you because you were so insistent about talking to A-. They told me I have to "please instead of weep, find instead of weld."

Strange. I'm not sure if the first word, "please" is correct, but it is something meaning like "being kind and nice". Weird stuff, especially "find instead of weld."

They also said that I have to leave the U.S. and never come back. I'm not even joking. I have to "go home" as it were, like go to the place that is my true home. THEN, when I do that, I can talk to him directly.

This experience ended, I took notes, and dove back in again. I wound up with the same woman helper, I think, who was in all those intermediary experiences that I didn't take notes on. I asked her if, regarding leaving the U.S. and "going home", is it right, then, to want to go to New Zealand, and she said yes.

So, OK, like seriously? I was planning on going there for maybe like 3 years or so to get a break, but NEVER COME BACK?! We'll see about that. I don't see why they would tell me I can't talk to A- directly when not that long ago they JUST brought him into one of my projections! Not only that, but they chastise me for giggling too much, or whatever, meanwhile every time I ask to be taken to my spirit guides, especially A-, and whenever I ask for clarity about my mission, they put me off or stonewall me. Talk about setting me up for failure and then blaming me for it. Like you want me to be "more serious" or whatever? How about when I ask serious questions about serious things you FLIPPING ANSWER ME.

Not to mention, this makes no sense given what my channeler just said. If A-(and the rest of them) are the beings she said they are, and I am too, and my LITERAL JOB is to connect with them and communicate messages, why the bonk would they deny my request to talk to him in a projection, and tell me I can't do that until I leave the U.S.? Which I won't be able to do for another ~2 years anyway? I'm bonking "one of them" and they won't talk to me?

Man, I'm ticked.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on January 16, 2021, 00:12:38
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on January 15, 2021, 19:01:21
So, OK, like seriously? I was planning on going there for maybe like 3 years or so to get a break, but NEVER COME BACK?! We'll see about that. I don't see why they would tell me I can't talk to A- directly when not that long ago they JUST brought him into one of my projections! Not only that, but they chastise me for giggling too much, or whatever, meanwhile every time I ask to be taken to my spirit guides, especially A-, and whenever I ask for clarity about my mission, they put me off or stonewall me. Talk about setting me up for failure and then blaming me for it. Like you want me to be "more serious" or whatever? How about when I ask serious questions about serious things you FLIPPING ANSWER ME.
She gave you your answer!
"She said I was only on Level 2! It's about what percentage of time you're operating on each level, that's where you're considered generally at. Most of the time she said I'm on Level 2 because I'm too "giggly."

Start there. Ask what it takes to move up a level.

I understand the "giggly" comment. For some reason there we seem to need to be "desensitized" there. Many of the tests I have had centered around me not using my emotions to accomplish the task at hand. I say "desensitize" but it's more like "de-humanize". To move up a level you need to learn to tame your Human/emotional/ego side.

"A" showed up in your earlier experiences because it was necessary at that time. Now, you have moved into a area where "A" isn't needed anymore, but "B" may be soon.

When I was new, I had a "A". He was my deceased brother in-law. He taught me quite a bit about not only my new surroundings, but also how to navigate them properly. When he had finished his teaching and I had learned what he came to taught me, he was no longer needed and because of that he never appeared again. In his place was "B" and when  B wasn't necessary anymore, "C" arrived and so and so on. I don't know where I am in the alphabet today, lol!   :-D:-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on January 16, 2021, 00:52:00
That's just it! The whole "Level 2" thing came because I asked to do something "Personal" instead of "Cosmic" - "Cosmic" here I'm using to reference "big picture" stuff like ultimate meaning, one's mission, purpose, evolution, energetic growth, etc. Whereas "Personal" could be flying around, visiting friends, etc. At least 95% of the time I ask to do something Cosmic. The only reason I ever deviate from that and, every once in a while, ask to do something Personal, is because I try to do Cosmic and they put me off. So I'm like, OK, fine, I'll go do something else instead for 5 seconds, I guess. So I try to go do something else instead, and their reaction is... "you didn't pick Cosmic this time? Bad Rabbit!"; "I didn't pick Cosmic this time because you don't answer my Cosmic questions." And then the spirits are like, "Look what you made me do." Honestly spirit guides are starting to feel like an abusive relationship (just joking, but also, kinda not! LOL)

Is there an intelligible difference between "using" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality and "having" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality? Because it would seem like an impossible task to not "have" emotions because like it or not, we're human. Or do we lose points for simply having emotions while we're Out, too?

I don't think A- is the typical guide that I might advance beyond. It's supposed to be an entity my affiliation with which in part shapes my entire Mission. If I cannot blaze the lines of communication open, the Mission is impossible. Connecting with A- and the rest of them is a condition of the possibility of me doing what I am here to do in the first place. So there are some things that aren't adding up at the moment  :|
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on January 16, 2021, 00:59:39
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on January 16, 2021, 00:52:00
Is there an intelligible difference between "using" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality and "having" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality? Because it would seem like an impossible task to not "have" emotions because like it or not, we're human. Or do we lose points for simply having emotions while we're Out, too?
Here we are Human. There, we are consciousness. Well, here we are too, but we will save that conversation for another day. In other words. "change your mindset, changes your reality"! I say that often here on this Forum because it has been the one thing that I have definitely found to be the truth!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on January 16, 2021, 01:09:09
Okay GR, you've apparently traveled into some heavy weather here. Lumaza hit on the key, I was still struggling with various parts of your narrative, but I knew 'wiggly' was the key...still I couldn't bring it into focus...Lumaza did.

'Wiggly' is your interpretation and a personal term of their NP communication that you still need to recognize and understand a certain perspective of disconnection from the PR Human perspective in your reactions and responses on the NP level. This is an incredibly subtle and personal thing. It defies words and translation to a fair degree. Part of how incredibly subtle and personal our experiences can get, and how we become the only ones to figure them out. I'm repeating but that is my point to reinforce the idea. It's not exactly disconnection from the human condition or dehumanizing in the extreme sense...just a new orientation with regard to relation of these areas of understanding.

Level 1 or 2 or Levels 1 through 6...this is a subtle mention to your own internal reference system of where you feel you are. I would venture that you have had experiences from 1 to 6 but your subconscious is telling you where you are basically anchored...

Regarding Chakras, the area between the sternum and the belly button involves the third Chakra where I experienced a blockage which gave me very turbulent dreams/ that may be something to consider.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on January 16, 2021, 01:15:55
Personal versus doesn't seem to matter how I ask the question, I am disappointed with the answer. That may be a simple fact for some of us. I've gotten the same lack of answers that you have and I'm not happy about it.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on January 16, 2021, 13:07:12
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 16, 2021, 01:09:09
but I knew 'wiggly' was the key

Technically it was "giggly" but gotta be honest, I like "wiggly" better!  :-D :lol:
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on January 16, 2021, 18:54:49
#@*$ spellcheck! Lol.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on January 16, 2021, 20:42:08
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 16, 2021, 18:54:49
#@*$ spellcheck! Lol.
In your defense EV, we do "wiggle" when we "giggle"!  :-D
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on March 11, 2021, 13:16:50
Whew, it's been a minute! Total dry spell these last couple months. Maybe because, per my last experience, I haven't "gone home" to New Zealand yet  :|


10 March 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I think I projected from a dream. I'd been having lots of weird dreams, achieved some degree of lucidity, and clawed my way up and "out". I said, Take me to my spirit guides! I had to say it a few times before I felt myself floating. I heard words in a strange language spoken in my left ear.

Let's just say, I was NOT taken to my guides. Floated along for a few moments, and then opened my eyes. Saw two female-presenting strange humanoid looking creatures to my right. Small eyes and mouths, and they didn't have noses. I think they were wearing cloaks. They were kinda unnerving to look at, but I tried to stay calm and not be scared. I've definitely been watching too much weird TV and I think it's affecting how things manifest. They definitely said stuff to me, but I can't remember what.

Then, I floated away from them - it seemed like I was being "separated" from them, and I'm not sure I wanted that to happen. I wound up in front of something that I can only describe as a very large "mother" creature. It was massive, like at least 20 feet tall. It wasn't humanoid, just...a weird creature. I was told there would be a procedure on me, something having to do with my reproductive organs.

Yeah, I didn't like the sound of that. I said, "I do not consent to this!" I tried to engage the mother creature in conversation, to learn the purpose of it. For some reason, I addressed it as "Lady". I said, "Lady, tell me, what is this for?"

I'm not sure what the answer was. As usual, there was more said than I can remember. But then she said (not in these exact words, but this is more or less the content), "Tell me, what is someone who you have sex with but is not your spiritual or energetic match?"

My response was, "A boyfriend."   LOLLOLLOL

Well, yeah, then they laughed. The mother creature laughed, and I heard a chorus of other laughter, too, but I don't know who else was there. Later, I turned to look back over my left shoulder, and there were a couple young men floating on their backs (like I was more or less floating on my back). The mother creature grabbed one of them by the ankle, and pulled him forward to where I was (the men looked kinda out of it, like they were more or less asleep).

The mother creature said more stuff, but I don't remember. I started losing my ability to see. "Lady, I can't see you..." I said. I couldn't see her, or the man, or anything anymore.

Then, it seemed like the procedure started. I didn't feel anything on my lower abdomen where my reproductive organs are, however. Instead, I felt as tho scalpels were going into each of my wrists (the underside of my wrists) and on the tops of both of my feet. It hurt, but I tried to let it happen in the hopes that this was a "good" thing.

While experiencing that pain, not being able to see anything anymore, I asked, "Lady, who was that boy?" (no idea why I referred to him as a "boy" when it was clearly an adult male).

The mother creature responded, "What's the rush?"

And that was IT.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on March 11, 2021, 14:57:59
On an energetic level you know a lot. It may take time but more will be revealed as your progress. I'm still making incredible discoveries.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on March 11, 2021, 21:03:20
Interesting timing in relation to LightBeam's intergalactic meeting experience the same night apparently.

Nice experience!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on March 12, 2021, 00:33:59
EV: Eh? Where is LightBeam's experience? I'm scanning but don't see it (??)

Nameless: If I know a lot on an energetic level, I always think, fat lotta good it does me most of the time LOL
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on March 12, 2021, 00:45:55
Welcome to Dreams- today

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on March 12, 2021, 00:47:43
LOL, I completely agree with that sentiment. Fat lot a good...
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on March 14, 2021, 18:19:10
14 March 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

Three inchoate, and relatively brief, experiences this morning.

First, I found myself dreaming that I was somewhat falling asleep standing up, and then someone lifted me up and carried me along - as if they were going to get me home. I opened my eyes and saw the ground and the person's feet walking, and it looked like we were outside and he was going to lay me in the backseat of his car to drive me home. I looked up, and saw what looked to be my grandmother. This is the second time I've encountered her, all without asking. Again, like the last time, I cried and hugged her. Then my grandpa was there. I reached out to him and took his hand. He looked at my hand holding his and said, "Her hands are the same." I told them both that I loved them and kept crying.

Then, I tried asking them, basically, where they wound up. Did they properly transition after they died? I asked them if they were in the afterlife, or heaven? I asked what it was like. Grandpa said, I think, "There are eleven sounds." He definitely said there are eleven SOMETHING. And I think he said "sounds". Then my grandma said, "It sounds like milk." I mean...OK?

That's all I remember from that experience.

I tried googling to see if I could find any references to "eleven sounds" in heaven, and I struck out; however, I did find this:

Wild! I somehow missed all the news about these weird sounds being heard in the sky all over the world. Wonder if NASA ever figured it out....


I took notes and then wanted to sleep some more because I was tired. I had more weird dreams, and then I became fully lucid and decided to see where I could go. I said my usual, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know! I started floating along, and found that I was floating up, up, up! Into space. There were lots of stars, the higher into space I went, the more it seemed like there were millions of stars clustering to create weird shapes and designs. Then, I entered a wormhole and started zipping along. I've been through these tunnels many times. Literal tunnels, and on the inside there are all these colors. I've only ever opened my eyes to look around after I'd already entered one; this was the first time I was looking around and saw myself going into one.

One of the interesting things about this was that you could hop on/hop off. Like, hop into this wormhole, zip along, then get off, so you can then hop into this other wormhole over here. Like they were different highways. That's what happened - again, I'm just floating along, somehow being directed, I wasn't controlling this. I floated into one wormhole, zipped along, then "hoped out," only to go into another wormhole from there.

I wound up somewhere civilized, in a large, large, center or complex of some kind. Could be a research center, a political center (like the UN or whatever), I don't know. But it was big and impressive, lots of people (totally human looking) walking around. I was just looking around, wondering where I would be taken.

Then, I got to an elevator. There were a few other people waiting for the elevator, along with what looked like a UPS delivery man with a pushcart of lots of cardboard boxes. And I literally exclaimed: "There are BOXES in SPACE?!?"

Like...that's what amazed me? Encountering boxes LOL

We got into the elevator, which was surprisingly small and kinda old looking. It was rounded, like a pill capsule, instead of rectangular.

And that's all I remember, that experience ended.

I forced myself to sit up enough to take notes. By this point I'm just bone tired. I really just wanted to sleep! But I dipped back in and had another experience.

I don't remember how this one started. The first thing I remember is that I'm being carried along by someone huge - like, Thanos-huge. It was male. For some reason, it said it couldn't tell me who it was, yet. There was a reason for this, but I don't remember.

I asked, "Are you a spirit?"

He said, "As a form of a spirit."

That was interesting. I was're a FORM of a spirit? What does that mean....?

I asked: "How long have we known each other?" Because I got the impression this fella knew who I was, and was there to help me.

In response, he replied as though I had asked an entirely different question. He said, "Who are YOU?"

As in, he replied to me as if I had asked "Who am I?" and his response was to repeat my question back to me, "Who are *you*?"

And I was like, hmm, that's a much better question that I should have asked, knowing who I am would be much more interesting that knowing how long we've known each other!

So I said, "Yes!" Like, yeah, tell me the answer to THAT question!

Well, I shortly woke up after that.

There is one thing, however, that I know he also said. The problem is that I'm not sure WHEN he said it.

He said, "Centuries old". Chronologically, I remember him saying it last, at the very end. But I also remember vaguely that this content was something he was saying about himself. As in, I asked him if he's a spirit, he said he was a form of a spirit, and I was like, ..... A form of a spirit? And he indicated that he's centuries old.

That's what I think happened, but it's a bit foggy!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on March 15, 2021, 16:03:35
Wow Grumpy, that is beautiful. Your dream reminded me of an experience talking with my Grandmother who passed. The dream was in a car ride as well, I think she was in the backseat. It makes me happy to see your loving connection for them...

And really amazing details about space and the wormholes... Milk to me is very symbolic, and sound makes me think of creation/vibration. 11 is also a harmonious reflection of the inner and the outer.

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on March 22, 2021, 15:12:14
22 March 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I don't remember this being a projection from a dream; it seemed like I was more awake - at least, I *thought* I was awake. I felt like I was in the right state, and stretched my arms up and out, feeling myself float upwards. Said my usual, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know. Finally felt myself start to move, feeling some strong momentum/pressure.

Moving along, some glimpses of imagery, then see what appears to be an opened door, and a woman standing on the other side of it. She seemed really excited to see me, and indicated she had seen me before. Said she was waiting 24hrs/day till I came back.

I asked her why, but I couldn't hear/catch her reply.

She wanted me to follow her. We entered a stairwell, and she quickly walked down the stairs. I flew along behind her, but had trouble "aiming" my flight pattern to steer properly and had a hard time keeping up.

Down the stairs on the level/floor we were supposed to be at, there were a bunch of empty chairs on the stairwell landing, right outside another open door leading to a larger room. Whatever her intentions were for me seemed to have something to do with lots of makeup, etc. As if I were going to be given a makeover!

She went down to an even lower level and was taking out the trash. She asked me if anyone else was there yet - that is, on the above floor where there were the still-empty chairs. I said no.

Just then, another woman sat down in one of the empty chairs. I went over to that area to stand by the chairs and wait.

Then I came-to, that experience ended. I took notes and laid back down. Not really intending to have another experience, but I didn't feel like getting up yet and thought I'd just lay there and rest for a bit.

I wound up having another experience anyway. I don't remember it being a projection from inside a dream, and I don't even remember projecting at all. Maybe it was "Just" a dream, but I was there, it was 3D, and I had the same senses/sensations I do when I'm out.

This one was definitely more ambiguous, I think, and I'm not sure what was really going on and whether it was a dream or "more" than that.

Someone had brought me down to like a ground floor/basement level. Like a student or something. There was a classroom of students and a teacher who didn't seem to think I belonged there, and kicked me out. But the other students seemed to want me there, they seemed to think I had done something good (something that I couldn't remember).

The teacher seemed so rude, that altho I was now up some stairs and no longer in the classroom, I used all my strength and energy to tell him off, basically, to send my voice booming out with my thoughts, about how rude he was to me. Like hey man, I'm just a human on earth who is trying her best and who was brought here and is just trying to go with the flow and observe and learn.

I was so weak after doing this I was gasping for air, and slumped down on the floor, leaning against the wall, too weak to move or do anything else.

Then a cloaked/hooded figure arrived, with some sort of a mask over its face. He seemed like an evil figure. I had the feeling I'd seen this hooded figure before.

He said, "Isn't it time we shut down the basement?"

I tried to explain that I was very weak, I could barely talk, and I was too weak to talk to him more, or to do anything much, as I had just used all my strength to tell off that teacher!

He put his hand on my right side. I felt extreme pain on the top of my right hand, the top of my right foot, my right side, and under my right armpit. It almost felt like he was sticking his hand INTO my right side. It almost seemed like he was trying to tickle me awake, but there was so much pain, too.

I was so weak I couldn't do much. I asked for help. I tried to "thought→action" him away but it didn't work. Slowly, the hooded figure and the entire scene started to fade, becoming more indistinct, and finally I woke up.

Some things I noticed is that both of these experiences involve going down to a lower (deeper?) level of a building. And, in one of my last experiences in space, there was that elevator that I got into, and I had the sense it was going to take us down. The first experience today was a good one - my helper was that woman who (while I was out) I seemed to recognize, who seemed to recognize me, and the experience was suffused with a sense of safety.

The second experience was terrible! Other students bring me to a lower level classroom, I'm rudely kicked out, and then this cloaked figure with a real sense of evil causes me more severe pain. Very strange.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on March 22, 2021, 19:31:05
 Grumpy, it sounds like there is a real push here for you to not only be aware of your "basement", but also "clean it out" as well. Does that sound right? The "basement" is always viewed as lower part, almost negative part of our existence. It's usually about cleaning up possible "skeletons" that have been left down there. This normally leads to "forgiveness".
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on March 23, 2021, 00:47:48
I will offer a couple additional ideas to what I think Lumaza has insightfully pointed out. To me, 'basement' means subconscious. But your 'feel' of the situation is equally important, especially now as your experiences progress. In my interpretive model 'basement' or 'moving downward by elevators/floors/levels'  can also mean moving lower in awareness or frequency of the current energy body. If you 'feel' lower energy or awareness, a kind of fog or 'dumbed down' in some way...then that indicates for me that I may be in a form of Simulation and the Instructor has forced this condition on me to test and develop my instinctive NP ability.

If you didn't 'feel' that, then I go back to the idea that you are being shown an issue that resides in your subconscious, as Lumaza indicated.

The hooded/cloaked figure is fairly common when important information is being communicated. It could be a higher level Instructor and it is cloaked to not overwhelm you with its brilliance and power, which may only distract you. Or it could be hiding the fact it is your Higher Self, again not to distract you. So we often tend to misread it and infer evil of some sort.

I cannot explain the pain except that maybe it was 'pressing the point on you'. Maybe the pain indicates an issue with the 'right' side of you you feel you always have to be right? Or maybe it has to do with the right side dealing with emotion, expression or creativity...just some ideas to maybe meditate on. Or ask for some clarification.

Complex and very stuff! You'll work it out!

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on March 23, 2021, 12:58:46
Thanks, guys!

Lumaza: I think your interpretation of the symbolism makes sense. Especially with the helper taking out the trash - that one seems kinda heavy-handed, but I do need a little help figuring out what the hell they're trying to tell me, so... =) There are certainly some things that need to be "cleaned out" as it were - and maybe that's why the hooded figure said it was time to shut down the basement, like, hey, let's move on from all that, shall we? So that makes intuitive sense to me.

EV: there are definitely times when I feel like I'm "drunk" or otherwise in a lowered awareness fog (good to know what that might be about!) but I don't think that was this time. Is there some writing (either here or elsewhere) that discusses the common appearance of a hooded/cloaked figure in APs? Now that I've seen one I'd like to read about it a bit.

There do seem to be some common areas where I have felt pain. The first time, when I was basically electrocuted, the "device" was put on the right side of my face/head. But the feeling of pain was my ankles (both of them). Tops of feet, ankles, tops of hands, underside of wrists - these areas seem to be targeted more. And now right side abdomen. So, usually on both sides of body at once (i.e., both wrists, both ankles). But, this time the figure was standing to my right, so his hand touched my right side. Maybe that's why the pain this time was not bilateral on this occasion.

Whenever I have asked for clarification about the pain stuff, they don't give it to me. Am I asking the question wrong? Is there some way of phrasing the question that would be more likely to actually get me an answer?
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on March 23, 2021, 14:08:01
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on March 23, 2021, 12:58:46
There are certainly some things that need to be "cleaned out" as it were - and maybe that's why the hooded figure said it was time to shut down the basement, like, hey, let's move on from all that, shall we? So that makes intuitive sense to me.
"Moving on" is usually the byproduct/result of some kind of forgiveness, either "self or other"!  :wink:

From what i have seen, the "cloaked/hooded Being" can have a number of purposes. I have experienced it as the initial "welcome to the Astral World, Gatekeeper type". I have seen him as the "harbinger" of a approaching lesson and also a harbinger of bad news. I have experienced something similar in a few Retrievals I have had. Even though he is "hooded", it seems he can wear all kinds of hats!  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on March 23, 2021, 16:53:48
Hey Grump, I'll add to the hooded cloak convo. I had a dream the night of your AP which ended with someone presenting a dark hooded cloak of armor and the name "Madoni" (pronounced like... mao-donny) was said before waking up.

In a separate experience, in my earlier years, I woke up in the in-between state and the appearance of a hooded/cloaked figure was floating down the hall outside my bedroom. The door was open and I saw him gliding. He had a gold and black aura about him and a misshaped head. He stopped to look at me. I couldn't see his face, in fact the whole environment felt fuzzy. I could only feel that he was looking at me. I am confident he directed a very loud metal screech in my head and I passed back out, waking up later in the day.

This probably only adds to the confusion/curiosity. But I hope you enjoy. I do like reading your experiences!

Until next time!   :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on March 23, 2021, 22:08:25
I can think of a few books that talk of the hooded/cloaked figure and speculate a bit on their true nature. Robert Monroe's first two books Journeys...and Far Journeys. He sometimes could make out a face but not recognize it, other times the identity is hidden from him. One that escorted him many times, he referred to as an INSPEC, short for Intelligent Species. Kurt Leland, in his books Otherwhere and Multidimensional Human, received assistance from similar beings. Look for Leland's website and in his AstralProjection Log you might find a reference.

They seem to show up for special occasions such as Lumaza's Gatekeeper when we are introduced to a new dimension or new aspect of our higher learning; or to deliver important messages; or to bail our butts out of trouble, lol.

Often, it seems to me that they hide their identity for what I imagine could be a few reasons. The hood and cloak can also be to tone down their energy which can overwhelm our NP senses and distract from the purpose of their visit. Both Monroe and Leland reported this realization. I personally think it can also be a function of how ready and able we are to understand and interpret their energy and purpose and if it is unclear then our default perception could be that we actually 'paint them' in the cloak, hood and other words, if we can't understand it correctly, then we camouflage it with something we can understand even if it's just throwing a mysterious cloak and hood on it.
Just some ideas.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on March 26, 2021, 19:15:32
EV, interesting. I read Monroe's first (I think??) book, Journeys Out Of The Body, right when I was starting to project. I don't remember anything offhand about cloaked/hooded figures so I'll have to re-read it!! Maybe he talked more about them in the other of his books you mentioned, which I don't have yet. Will be interesting to re-read and see if anything jumps out at me, since it's been almost a year since I read it and started this journey.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on March 27, 2021, 02:40:20
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on March 26, 2021, 19:15:32
Will be interesting to re-read and see if anything jumps out at me, since it's been almost a year since I read it and started this journey.
There likely will be!  :-) Re-hashing is always a good thing. Especially in this practice where a "evolution"/progression of sorts is experienced!  8-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on April 10, 2021, 21:11:44
10 April 2021


I'm really not sure what all this was. Some degree/combo of lucid dreaming and projection, I think.

First experience:

Strange dreams, I think. I was dreaming that I was asleep in a bed, and some others were making some annoying noise. A man approached my bed, and while I was awake they thought I was asleep. I decided to pretend I was just waking up, hoping that they'd realize they were too loud. But instead of opening my eyes in my dream, I *actually* opened my eyes - my physical body. And...THERE WAS SOMETHING STANDING NEXT TO MY BED in the exact same spot as the man in my dream - like, literally. It was like a shadowy form, and I jolted and gasped, thinking it was an actual human in my room, maybe a burglar (it was still dark out, so there wasn't much light available). Upon my wide-eyed, scared stare and gasp, the shadowy figure took one slow step backwards, and slowly dissipated.

::stares::  :? :-o

Second experience:

There was a woman who was doing something surgical to my brain. My skull was open and my brain was being directly worked with. I felt a LOT of uncomfortable pressure in my brain! It did hurt, but at least not as bad as some of my other pain OBE experiences.

Strangely, the wall opposite of me where this was happening was a mirror. I looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror and I didn't see my head's top-of-skull surgically removed, instead I had no head at all! Well, at least in the reflection, of course, as I could still feel everything that was going on.

I asked, as you can imagine, what the point of this procedure was, and naturally could not remember the explanation. I think after this was over (timeline gets fuzzy) I said that what I really want is to be healed, for my illness to be taken away. The woman told me to take the #9 cupcake from the tray (which had other cupcakes with other numbers on top of their icing), and eat it when I get to the platform. Like, some sort of transportation platform, like a train.

Some dude with brown hair took me (and my cupcake I was holding) to the "platform" but instead of train platform it looked like we were outside an airport, like you know where the public transit/buses are. I was talking to him, asking if the cupcake would really heal me of my chronic illness. He said a lot but I don't remember.

Then, I saw the woman surgeon again. I talked to her, and asked her about whether the cupcake would cure me. Her answer surprised me as it seemed that the cupcake had zilch to do with any physical healing! She said, "It's enough to believe in the way men love you."

I mean, huh? OK. I was totally caught off guard but it seemed like a sweet sentiment so I paused, thought, and said, "That's beautiful."

Anyway, I ate the whole cupcake! I COULD taste it but it was kinda like mildly cupcake cardboard. I made a joke to the guy, saying that food in the NP tastes like the worst stale vegan gluten-free food you've ever had! There was some bits of cupcake and icing left on my fingers, and he licked it off.

Back to body, took notes.

Third experience:

Surgery lady again. This time she wanted my DNA for some reason! Like, NO, surgery lady. No.

I didn't want to do that, so I got her to agree to explain everything to me first. Well, I was too trusting I guess, because she tricked me. Instead of explaining, she started coming at me with some sort of syringe. I thought "HOME!!" and of my physical body and basically got myself back lickety-split, right as she was approaching me with some sort of syringe device to suck up my DNA.

Took notes.

Fourth experience:

Some sort of situation I didn't like, might have been a lucid dream, so to get out of it I decided to ask to see my higher self. I felt myself begin to float, and I felt various hands on me - not really carrying me per se, but just touching me. It wasn't like the scary "clutching hands" I've heard about, tho. It felt benign.

This time, my higher self looked like a woman. She did explain the significance of the "touching hands" but I can't remember. There was her, and a table where others sat, both men and women. At least two of them I felt like I recognized and had seen them before. No idea how or where or when.

My "higher self" said to the others, that I came to them too late after I got the Death card (referring to tarot). As a consequence, when I pass them when I'm flying (and when they're flying, and I guess we fly by each other), some negative consequence could occur, but only when their own relationships with each other are collapsing.

None of that makes any sense to me, but OK.

She put me in some sort of trance-like state. It was a little uncomfortable, because there was something happening either physically or energetically. Tiny, glass-like beads/spheres came out of the tip of my tongue. She took the glass beads and one by one gave them to each of the others who had been sitting at the table. This was important for them to get, to I think rectify whatever the situation was (in terms of me arriving to them "too late").

One of the guys at the table was referred to as my "brother", and seemed to have a name like Colum (like Scottish, Colm). There was talk of his and my "mother". My higher self also then injected something into my arm, something for "durability" of my out of body experiences. I had asked for help so that I can stay out longer and don't fade away so quickly.

I asked if if we all have particular missions that were here to do, and she said yes (whereas, in one of this mornings earlier experiences that I can't even remember, I was told no, we don't have missions, we only have "jobs", and we choose the "jobs" ourselves and they can be long-term or very short-term jobs, either important or not). But now I was being told yes - so I was told two contradictory things by different beings/entities in the span of a single morning!

I feel like there was more, but I don't remember. I was back and took notes.


Not sure what sort of experience I was having, but I felt someone tap my right thigh and ask my name questioningly, and I immediately awoke with a start.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on April 12, 2021, 16:50:17
Hi Grumpy, I am a fan reading your projections. Thanks for sharing.  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: T-Man on April 12, 2021, 19:39:30

Wow, some very interesting experiences you have had.  Did you not get a heads up on those?  Haha!  I would be asking for a class outline of the topics covered during these experiences!  I too enjoy reading your posts.   :-)

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on April 13, 2021, 19:47:24
I wish, T-Man, no CliffsNotes for poor 'ole me =(
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on April 29, 2021, 14:52:24
Strange, fragmented experiences this morning that I can hardly even organize/write about.

I dreamt that I was sleeping somewhere, projected from there. I wonder whether I actually projected or if this was still "just a dream". There was someone that looked like a "fairy godmother" character. I asked her if she knows what my mission is and she said yes - I told her that no one will tell me what my mission is even tho I keep asking. She said, "Don't beg for food" and then something like, "You need to come in" or "You need to go thru the door" - something like that. I asked her to tell me more information about things, but she said I wouldn't remember. This is not the first time I've been told that I wouldn't remember something, so they didn't even try telling me.

At the time, I interpreted this to mean something like, stop begging us to give you the answer; step into it/take it/go there before you "know". Not sure, it was a vague impression.

I was in and out multiple times, and at one point I had an experience where someone, a woman (not the 'fairy godmother') told me that my "real name" is Remnis. I "wrote it down" multiple times in the NP to make sure I would remember, and googled it just now. Remnis is the name of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER from Dungeons and Dragons (lord of the eagles!). I've never even played Dungeons and Dragons! I have no idea how I would know this name, but also, I am obviously not a fictional character lol

The extra annoying thing is that I've been told my "real name/soul's name" from three different sources and they're all different. This does make me question the validity of some NP stuff, because the information all conflicts. In one of my first out of body experiences almost a year ago, I was told that the name of my soul is "Amorphis". A shaman/channeler/energy worker (in real life) told me my name involved Hebrew letters that would transliterate to something like "Anella" (messenger of god; light). Conflicting information doesn't inspire confidence =(
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: EscapeVelocity on April 29, 2021, 21:56:36
an interesting effect I noticed as my NP awareness increased over time was that my recall of dreams/experiences that occur deep in sleep also increased significantly, although as you describe, the recall is often fragmentary and confusing.

My suggestion is not to doubt the messages gained through your NP experiences, but recognize and re-organize and expand your acceptance of your increasing range of experiences. And of course, certainly question them as to their authenticity and meaning. But this 'incorporation of the message' can take days, weeks, months or sometimes years. And sometimes it requires a secondary event to occur, to complete the message.

My own and what I think I see in your experiences, is likely involvement of independent sentient beings, but also involve messages from your subconscious, and your higher personal consciousness which may even involve several or more possible 'alternate' lives. These are highly personal experiences and ultimately only you can interpret them.

Inquiring with the NP about our personal 'mission' appears to be a tricky proposition. It has been for me. I haven't been directly told by anyone, seems it is up to me to infer it from my life. Maybe that was a condition that I agreed to upon entering this life.

I really notice symbolism and metaphor in these experiences; that doesn't mean I'm right, but that is just part of the method I use to interpret these things. In your exp GR, I think your interpretation is right on 'don't beg for food' and 'you need to go through the door'. Communication, sentences and words often get somewhat garbled in these deep states but maybe there's a purpose to that, as well. Maybe it's supposed to really make us think hard and dig deeper. The 'name' Amorphis reads more like amorphous which means vague and undefined, and fits with the unclear responses you are getting. Remnis in this context makes me think of the word 'reminisce', so maybe that is an idea to consider. Anella...I got no idea on that one except 'messenger of God' makes good metaphorical sense.

Finally, going back to your post about hooded, cloaked, mysterious figures; I think you would really enjoy reading Monroe's two later books, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey. These would shed further light on that earlier question. FJ takes you far off the common track with experiences that honestly I haven't had myself or read in others accounts, but it's still excellent and UJ gets back into more familiar territory and ties up his 'mission'.

And as to the idea of 'mission', I have come to the same general conclusion as Lumaza has written: Many of us may just be Observers to the Human and Earth experience at this time. I 'feel' that there is more to my purpose and Observer is somewhat frustratingly a too limited answer, but there it is...for me at least at this moment.

Hope that gives some further ideas

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 01, 2021, 00:51:34
Thanks, EV! Those books are on my must-read list, and I admit I'm a little chomping at the bit to read them, but I've been restraining myself. I feel like I need a better foundation or experiential "lay of the land" first; I'm soooo itching to get them, but if I have a certain experience *after* I read them, then I'll always have to wonder whether it was just my own subconscious "noise".

Odd, how the idea of a "mission", which is so fundamental for each one of us, seems to be something They are reluctant to just tell us!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on May 01, 2021, 01:51:35
I also enjoy reading of your experiences GR. I hesitate to respond at times to give you yourself the chance to analyze what you have written. That is also how most of us here tend to be, responding as we see fit in the moment, to ask the occasional question and provide encouragement. We too search and don't always get those clear sensible answers we seek, it takes patience for sure.

Like Lumaza and EV have both stated I too feel like I am in observer mode and it is highly frustrating as it feels like I should be doing more doing. I will add that I have come to realize that perhaps we are not meant to fully understand HOW we operate on an energetic level. At least not until we are ready for that knowledge. All we get are bits and pieces. But I believe on that more 'hidden' level we do indeed have plenty we do.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 01, 2021, 13:27:12
Thanks, Nameless =) I appreciate that!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on May 01, 2021, 16:36:34
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on May 01, 2021, 00:51:34
Thanks, EV! Those books are on my must-read list, and I admit I'm a little chomping at the bit to read them, but I've been restraining myself. I feel like I need a better foundation or experiential "lay of the land" first; I'm soooo itching to get them, but if I have a certain experience *after* I read them, then I'll always have to wonder whether it was just my own subconscious "noise".
I just had a great walk down memory lane. A member of ours here named PhaPriSpa just shared a bunch of links in his last post here. I never know what to say to him. He seems to think things in the Astral are always out to get him. But he posts some good links and is very thorough in them too. This link will bring you to a Seminar that Robert Monroe did. In it, he describes the "Human experiment" and more about the history of the Institute and "brain entrainment" in general. Like I said, it was a great walk down memory lane. Even if you have already heard it in the past, it still can give you those "ah ha" moments.  :-)

QuoteOdd, how the idea of a "mission", which is so fundamental for each one of us, seems to be something They are reluctant to just tell us!
It wouldn't be a "challenge" if we were told everything. We came to this "school" here for a reason. Part of the "lessons" involve seeking out and finding our true purpose. Not just finding it. It's more like "embracing" it.  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 01, 2021, 22:39:05
Thank you for the link to the talks, Lumaza!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 01, 2021, 23:37:13
(fascinating, towards the very end he casually mentions soul-part retrieval!)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on May 01, 2021, 23:53:59
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on May 01, 2021, 22:39:05
Thank you for the link to the talks, Lumaza!
I thought you might enjoy those!  :-) Thank PhaPriSpa, he/she is the one that refreshed my memory on them in his/her new thread here.  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 08, 2021, 12:39:38
I'm a little behind, so here are three different recent days!

5 May 2021


Jumble experiences this morning, possibly just weird lucid dreams, or some kind of combination, I'm not sure. What I do know is that I was at the very least lucid and *trying* to project. These are the only things I can remember:

Having some experience and then asking, "What was the place I was?"

I heard the reply, from somewhere (didn't actually see anyone, it was just a response): "$hitty sleep."

Like, OK, is that your cute way of telling me that I wasn't actually projecting? This voice literally said "$hitty" sleep!

At some other point, I once again was asking about my mission, and was told: "Who are you to peek? To know the good you have to do, without having good to do it with?"

As in, you don't get to know right now, you have to have a certain thing inside you to "earn" the knowledge of your mission; you can't know your mission until you have what it takes to actually do it; until then, you don't get to know.

And I'm like, yeah well maybe if I know what I have to do that might help me get to the point where I can do it. Kinda helps to have an endpoint in sight so you know what you have to work towards.

Then, another set of strange call and response from the disembodied voice in the dark:

"Take me to the memory of X" - I don't remember what it was. There had been some strange experience/information about the importance of memories, processing memories, remembering certain things, etc.

Reply: "You should go to the memory of Y"  - some other thing.

"Who is that?" I asked of this disembodied voice.

Reply: "Your highest self."

Well, that's helpful! "Then take me to my highest self!" I said excitedly.

Reply: "That's not going to work."

Srsly?!?! My highest self is a smart butt.

"Take me to my highest self anyway!!" I insisted. I don't think I actually got there, that's all I remember.

7 May 2021


Another spate of jumble experiences this morning. Something about my me being "really" a bobcat inside, my helper seemed to be named "Eric", and more about the importance of memories, and remembering certain things. Something about it being important for me to remember when one of my baby teeth was knocked out (false, this never actually happened); something that looked like a scene, as I was shown, on a plantation, where there were slaves being cruelly overworked (what does this have to do with anything??). Then at some point "Eric" seemed to tell me that I approach things/life with happiness. I talked to this helper about how I don't know how long I'm going to be able to "stay", because at some point I can't keep the focus and I wind up back in my body. Then, my vision started to go. So then he injected something into the right side of my head (probably around my right temple), and I felt it there as well as in my right ankle. That was it, I woke up.

8 May 2021

Was having a dream, became lucid. As soon as I did, I decided to try to project. Asked to be taken to my spirit guides.

Felt myself start to turn/move in space. Usually during the transit I keep my eyes closed. But this time I started to peek my eyes open. At first, in the tiny bit one of my "eyes" was opened, I saw a massive, unhuman eye looking right back at me, right in front of my face. I opened my eyes fully and saw a funny little head. Definitely not human. The eyes were massive, skin pale. Small little thing (there were possibly two of them, I held one's hand), like imagine something 18 inches tall. I was a bit startled by their appearance by told myself whatever they were, they were clearly helping me, and I said thank you to them (or it, if it was just one, not sure).

I was taken to a room in a house, it seemed. Furnished, homey. The room was empty. This was a room to wait in. I was asked, next time please make an appointment (if I want to see my spirit guides).

I have to...MAKE AN APPOINTMENT?! I thought. What's all this? I've never been asked to make an appointment before...

Anyway, they/it told me the way to make an appointment was to write the appointment request on a piece of cardboard. The little creature gave me a piece of paper with examples of requests written in a few different languages/alphabets. None were recognizable. The little creature left.

Eventually, the room began to fill up with people - other people who were waiting. Probably already had appointments, ha! I saw a couple, Asian, but who seemed to be American, husband and wife. I asked them if they could translate/explain the written request system, that this was my first time there.

They tried explaining but it was hard to hear/understand. Soon enough, multiple people waiting in the room tried explaining it to me, but I couldn't hear/understand.

Then, an employee of some sort, who also looked Asian, came in, and offered me something from a tray. I was clearly supposed to take one and do something with it. The things on the tray looked hot/warm and steaming. I couldn't tell if it was one of those rolled moist towelettes you're supposed to clean your hands with, or some sort of edible noodle!

Again, I explained that this was my first time, and told him I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. It seemed clear this was something I had to do before being admitted to see my spirit guides. He did explain but his voice was quiet and it was hard to hear him. Eventually, it seemed it was edible, I got the impression he wanted me to eat it, and that I was supposed to swallow the entire piece in one gulp. Like just open your throat and down it all at once (rather than chewing it up).

I was still a little flustered/nervous, because I didn't really hear the instructions, and I was afraid I'd mess up/do it wrong. I didn't want to make a mistake.

But, I opened my mouth to swallow it down, and as I started to do that I woke up.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on May 17, 2021, 20:38:23
Hi Grumpy, I wonder if you have been able to make heads or tails of these experiences since writing them. I have ideas but will hold off till your reply.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 18, 2021, 16:57:14
Hi Nameless, thanks for stopping by! The best of any thoughts I had I already put in there (i.e., not much). I don't try to "turn over" these experiences too much after I have them, because it'll just drive me crazy. Whatever sense I make at the time, I write it down, and then generally don't go back to read them again. I just let the new experiences come, on the hope that eventually, one day, things will start to make sense! I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on May 19, 2021, 15:43:57
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on May 18, 2021, 16:57:14
I just let the new experiences come, on the hope that eventually, one day, things will start to make sense!
You are not alone in this. We need to always trust that we will "know" what it is we need to know, when we need to know it!  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on May 19, 2021, 23:18:11
Totally agree with you GR and Lu, when the time is right we will know.

Regarding your last three episodes I only wanted to point out that there exists the possibility that you are being misled, confused or deliberately lied to. I do believe as per my own experiences that this can and does happen. As to the what and who may do such a thing that's up for grabs. Deliberate(?) Maybe but not necessarily. Always ask for guidance from only those helpful individuals with your best interest at heart. Accept no other.

If this does not resonate with you just ignore but something to think about.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 20, 2021, 15:00:34
I have to admit, this is something I think/worry about a lot. In fact, I've been thinking/worrying about it since the beginning! In part because I don't get clear answers, but also because of all the physical "pain" I've been caused. I'm not sure there's a way to know with 100% certainty if something is acting with my best interest at heart. I generally only ask to be taken to my spirit guides or my highest self - so if I *am* taken to them, presumably they're operating for my greater good. I don't know how I would be taken somewhere else, tho - some believe that it is in fact aspects of our highest self that does the "taking/transporting" of us! But I honestly don't know, I really don't. Sometimes I think maybe I've encountered something bad or at least meddling, other times I don't know. I just don't know there's a way to know this for sure. I don't know of any "fool proof" way to make sure we make contact with something that is only good/helpful.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on May 20, 2021, 21:42:50
I don't presume to know but I believe it was Delores Cannon who talked about 'permissions'. Seems that one way or the other many (maybe all) of us have given our permission or authority away to countless 'others'. Whether we are aware of this or not. The Bible also speaks of this, again I don't presume to understand it all. What I can tell you is that awareness of this situation and action on our part can resolve it.

When I first heard/read of this I decided to try removing permissions and/or retrieving my own authority. This is an exercise in faith, whatever faith you have. I set my intent, meditated/prayed and took back all permissions granted knowingly or unknowingly. The only thing I was afraid of was that I might be making a huge mistake and meddling in things far outside my own understanding.

The results: Dead silence. Nothing, nada and I figured it must have worked. After a couple of weeks I began granting permission but only to those I felt good about. I prayed to God as this is in my own belief tables. Since then while I still have 'things' going on that I have trouble processing what I don't have is a lot of noise going on in the background. I'm still not perfectly clear on who is speaking or that I am interacting with at all times BUT I am a lot more confident. I am much more confident trusting my own guides/helpers/angels/higher self/God.

I hope and think that this will not confuse you as you do seem to have quite a good handle on yourself. Much of what I have typed is for others who may read this thread who may not understand.

Once you have stated your intentions and desires it can take a lot of faith to trust the outcome. After making yourself known wrap yourself in the purest light you can imagine making it a barrier between yourself and others who may harm you but permeable so your helpers can enter unmolested on your behalf.

Hope that helps. We are all learning together so also appreciate your insights and interpretations.

Hugs, Nameless
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on May 27, 2021, 19:34:29
27 May 2021

??? Parallel life/dimension? Simulation? ???

This morning, I was still so tired when I woke up, I stayed laying in bed and closed my eyes, hoping to fall back asleep. I felt like I was getting into a certain state. Thought of a song - not a real song, but it seemed real to me at the time - and thinking of it helped me generate the spinning/vertigo feeling. I capitalized on it to stretch up and out of my body multiple times.

First, I asked to be taken to see A., one of my oldest friends, who I haven't seen in years and thought would be an interesting test case for veridical OBE, because I could talk to him about it. There was a male voice, or male-presenting entity, who said he would need to do something to my mind/brain - nothing to do with my request to visit A., but it had some other purpose related to me alone. I said OK, as long as it's in my highest and best interest. Then, I was like, wait, is it going to hurt? Then I don't remember anything from that experience, I snapped back.

Not satisfied, I did the same weird "song" trick to go back down, spinning/movement, and up and out. I found myself in my house where I grew up. Suddenly, my cousin was in the kitchen. I wasn't sure what she had to tell me or why she was there - she wasn't sure, either, what the point of all this was. We were both confused. There seemed to be three "bodies" that looked like my dad in the den area. She told me they weren't really him. Weird.

That experience ended, I was back, and went out again using the same method as above. I asked again, insisting, that I wanted to see my friend. The male entity, which I took to be the same from before, said yes OK, ok. I heard his voice make a request, like as if announced over an intercom system, for someone to facilitate transporting me - as if you hear something like "CLEAN UP ON AISLE 3" but a different request for the kind of helper needed to shuttle me LOL. Immediately, a female-presenting helper arrived and stood behind me and held me. I felt her hands around the front of my arms, thrilled to feel the helping hands again. We seemed to hover in front of a large door, like the bay door of a spaceship or space station. It started to open and I got scared for a minute about going out into space, but my helper told me not to be scared, just close my eyes. Then I was like, Oh yeah, there's nothing to worry about, I can breathe out there! So we floated out the bay door and right there on the right hand side of the opening, was a wormhole. There was some snafu getting up into it, like somehow the door itself had opened such that it was in the way, and someone else had to come out to get the door back so we could position ourselves directly under it to be sucked up. While hovering around waiting, I could see others going up into the wormhole. I could see, far up in the distance, what appeared to be the faint glimmer of others transiting in another wormhole route. It seemed like a complex transportation system.

I was excited but also confused. I had started off on earth, in my bedroom. I leave my body and ask to see my friend - also on earth - but somehow I wind up in space, and have to take a wormhole back to earth? Not exactly direct.

So we finally get up in the wormhole and start moving. This entire time this morning, I was on and off having trouble seeing. I don't really remember noticing much of anything during the trip, and then suddenly....I'm landing over the back of a couch onto someone's lap and throwing up.

I was throwing up!!! It felt so real. The acrid taste, the wetness, the gagging. I was I actually throwing up? Is my BODY throwing up? How is throwing up happening? WTF?

[sidenote: I feel like maybe a month ago I remember someone else on the Pulse saying they threw up in the Astral, and I can't remember who it was. If you're reading this, fellow vomiter, remind me of your experience because this was SO weird and had never happened to me before!!]

I was in a living room, seemed like a house party. The couch on which I fell, well, my friend A. was sitting on the couch, I fell party over the back of the couch and onto his lap. He was like, awww she's throwing up! Like he wasn't even mad at me. Like as if I had been there the whole time, and maybe I had too much to drink and threw up and this was normal. I was sitting on his lap with what felt like vomit around my mouth and trying to explain to him that...didn't I just get there? Like I hadn't been there a second ago, right? I'm out of my body? I just got here because I wanted to see him. I tried asking him questions to learn where we were, what year this was, etc - no luck.

I don't think I was actually brought to see the real A. on earth. I was either given a vision/simulation of 'what might have been' or this was some weird parallel life in a parallel dimension - did I "enter" the "body" of a parallel ME in another dimension, living out a different life? It felt very 'sliding doors" - there were what presented as NP helper entities that were explaining to me that what I was currently experiencing represented the "quiet possibility" (those are two exact words I do remember) that they wanted to show me - the "quiet possibility" of what would have been our life if he and I had really gone for a romantic relationship. The entity seemed to try to tell me that it was a good thing that we didn't go down that path, because "you'd have to teach him how to live life" and apparently that would have been not the best option for me in my own life.

Yet, to whatever the "A." was that was there, I felt nothing but love, and got nothing but love from him. He and I kissed. The NP lesson seemed to be that a life with him in the romantic sense was not the life for me, but what they SHOWED me wasn't a "bad" life at all. How bad is it to be enduringly loved by someone who isn't mad at you for throwing up on them? LOL!!

Just goes to show you gotta be specific with what you ask. I asked to see my friend by name, and instead of taking me to see the "real" A...they were like suuuuuuure yeah we'll take you to see him and I get a weird simulation sliding doors vision or who knows what!?
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Nameless on May 28, 2021, 11:17:00
Very interesting Grumpy. Sometimes the np I think shows us the deeper answer to why we are even asking a certain question in the first place. Can't recall a post where someone threw up in np.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: tides2dust on May 28, 2021, 14:01:46
Hi Grumps,
It was me, the fellow throw-upper-er  :-P

I hadn't much to say about that experience, other than I was confused and can't recall that happening before;msg375797#msg375797
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on June 26, 2021, 16:43:54
26 June 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection

This morning, felt myself in what seemed like The State, stretched/reached starting with my hands, up and out. Turned left, went out through the wall/window. Asked to be taken to my spirit guides; I added lots of things like please, I ask this with humility, etc. I felt myself moving slightly downward, and then two female helpers showed up, one on either side, each took one of my hands. I think as they approached I heard something like "Take our hands" or whatever. They guided me back to the ground. They sounded British, and I could see they were communicating telepathically (I could hear them talking also to each other but their mouths didn't move). I was taken to what looked like a racetrack for car racing, although the ground was dirt. It seemed like I'd have to compete in this for some reason. I was kinda thinking like...WTF, I can't race a car! I don't know how to do that! I stood in line to participate. The only other people were men, they were all taller than me, kinda buff, and they were only wearing what seemed like underwear. I didn't understand how all this was supposed to work so I asked the ones in front and behind me in line - I couldn't understand what they were saying in response.

As it turns out, this wasn't car racing and we weren't the ones "in the race". There were others who were racing horses, and we (the ones who were in line) had to advance as much as possible hiding somewhat under the dirt, hoping to not get trampled by the horses whenever they came around. Like, you could choose to hide under the dirt anywhere along the track when the time came, but it was sorta russian roulette if you'd be in any of the horses' paths. After one round, I came up from under the dirt to see I seemed to be in second place.

I can't remember what happened next, but the next thing I know I'm with one of the two helpers who brought me here. I was kinda like, what was all that about? She responded that I was being taken to see Master So, and that he wanted me to see that I have the ability to best people even when I don't think I've got it in me (or something like that).

I responded with glee that I'd never been told I was going to be taken to a specific guide/master by name before! As a side note, it sure sounded like "Master So" and that's what I conceived it to be at the time in terms of spelling. The helper added, at some point, some information to the effect that Master So was very busy and important or whatever.

We were in a hallway going down some stairs. It wasn't particularly nice, seemed like an old building, not fancy. I saw an elder man, dressed in robes with longer hair and beard - kinda like a Confucius type character. That's how he looked. Except - he was wearing reddish/mauve colored heels! Not sure what that was supposed to signify. He said some things to me which of course I can't remember. Then, he handed me my own pair of shoes, just like his. I accepted them from him with two hands, very solemn and humble, and bowed a little to show my appreciation. He said, "I'll be seeing you," and walked off.

Right after he did, the helper took me into a room that was right there in the hallway where I met Master So. There wasn't a door, you had to part some fabric/curtain like material to enter the room, as if going into a tent. There was another curtain/fabric partition at the back of the room, and that's where we were headed. It looked like some kinda religious type meditation area or whatever. The helper sat at one end and I was supposed to sit at the other. I got the sense that she was giving me some practice on how I was to interact with Master So, or how it would go when I meet him more - like a rehearsal, to help me practice. She sat at one end and I sat opposite her, and then I woke up.

Why do I always gotta wake up right before the good stuff actually happens! LOL I'm like feeling all excited because I thought I was actually gonna get to ask a real "master" type guide all my questions and the movie cut off shortly before any of that happened.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: T-Man on June 26, 2021, 17:19:07
Hey GrumpyRabbit,

You always seem to have some interesting AP's!

My impression I got from reading your post was that you were given all the information you need to talk to the 'Master'.  The shoes were maybe your meditation shoes.  Need them for travelling like shifting your consciousness.  Your guide was showing you how to interact with the 'Master' through meditation.  Just ask your questions during meditation and let the answers come to you and accept them in whatever form.  They could come immediately or later in dreams, thoughts or physical reality. 

Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 26, 2021, 00:52:48
25 July 2021

Lucid dream - astral projection

I seemed to have some degree of dream or 2-D imagery. I thought to myself if only I could make it 3-dimensional, so I could step into it and go somewhere. I reached out my left arm straight ahead of me and "pushed" it into the two dimensional "movie screen" of the image in front of me (tho, filling my vision), and it seemed to go "into" the two dimensional scene so that that part of me *became* three dimensional, and I kept pushing and stretching the rest of my body into the scene as well, until all of me was in, and I felt like I "peeled" out of myself.  I asked to see my spirit guides. Expressed gratitude. My helper was a blonde woman, and I had the feeling she'd been my helper numerous times before. There seemed to be some kind of tissue or something that I was carrying, and I put it into some kind of slot. My helper rubbed some kind of lotion or ointment on the underside of my right elbow (in the crook of my elbow), and I asked what it was for. She said something to the effect of it was to see if there's any {something something} there, or to see if there's any {something something} left flowing - or something like that. It stung a bit after a few seconds.

I asked pointedly why she and no one else would tell me why I'm here, answering my requests for help knowing my mission and purpose. I really went off on them. There seemed to be other helper type people around. I started talking to all of them, like, I have asked all of you for help, and all of you I've worked with, and none of you have helped me, every time in my life I thought I knew what my purpose was, I was wrong! Intuition can be wrong! So don't act like I don't need this help, I'm asking for this help because I need it! I ask you for help and guidance and you don't give it to me.

I felt like they were listening and looked chagrined, and I don't quite remember what happened next, but the scene started to fade and lose it's 3-dimensionality, and then I was back.

Man, I've been in such a dry spell the past few months  :| I hope things start clicking a bit more soon.
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: shineling on July 28, 2021, 13:49:09
It's interesting you should mention elbows... that's one of the two spots I know where 'galaxies' develop. The other place are the soles of the feet. 'Galaxies' are like little stars where Light collects. Almost like a camel has a hump for extra water... 'galaxies' are like a small active reservoir of Light you can tap into.

I am reminded of the the poem by Dylan Thomas:

They shall have stars at elbow and foot;
Though they go mad they shall be sane,
...and death shall have no dominion.

As for your spirit guides I can only say that mine don't speak to me either. It might some kind of rule. I think they are only there for emergencies. Maybe some kind of prime directive? Not sure... but I have had an emergency or two in my day... and I was SO greatful they where there to help me. I love them dearly whoever they are.

Nice post!  :-)

...and death shall have no dominion.  :-)
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on July 29, 2021, 18:20:51
Thanks Shineling, that's interesting. Where/who/what tradition says that galaxies develop in the elbows?
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: GrumpyRabbit on September 20, 2021, 16:33:01
20 Sept 2021

Still in a dry spell!

Brief experience this morning. Possible projection from sleep. I realized I could "go", and was hemming and hawing about where to ask to be taken. I was thinking over trying to decide what to pick this time, taking an uncharacteristically long time to deliberate with myself, when suddenly I felt a helper's arms around me from behind. I was told (to the best of my recollection), more or less, "We're taking you to the throne room to improve your communication with us. You've been there before. The process will take about 30 minutes."

I mean, I was real excited to hear this! I was very grateful, etc, and there was a lot of traveling, traveling....still traveling (wow this place must be FAR). Then suddenly, before we got to anyplace that seemed like "the place" and then suddenly...I was out in that other 3D "otherwhere" and my awareness was back to me lying in bed and I was like, damn, again something cool is about to happen and I click out before we get to the good part!!!
Title: Re: Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **
Post by: Lumaza on September 20, 2021, 18:46:23
Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on September 20, 2021, 16:33:01
20 Sept 2021

Still in a dry spell!

Brief experience this morning. Possible projection from sleep. I realized I could "go", and was hemming and hawing about where to ask to be taken. I was thinking over trying to decide what to pick this time, taking an uncharacteristically long time to deliberate with myself, when suddenly I felt a helper's arms around me from behind. I was told (to the best of my recollection), more or less, "We're taking you to the throne room to improve your communication with us. You've been there before. The process will take about 30 minutes."

I mean, I was real excited to hear this! I was very grateful, etc, and there was a lot of traveling, traveling....still traveling (wow this place must be FAR). Then suddenly, before we got to anyplace that seemed like "the place" and then suddenly...I was out in that other 3D "otherwhere" and my awareness was back to me lying in bed and I was like, damn, again something cool is about to happen and I click out before we get to the good part!!!
Grumpy, something tells me you are not done with this place yet. Be patient. Things like this seem to come in phases! Not phases as in Astral Projection. I mean "phases" as in time lapse groupings. Some lessons and teachings take months, if not years to fully comprehend. But we aren't in a race!  :-)