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Raditus's Dream Journal

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Muks Are Not Muks

I was hiding out in some city and some sort of battlefield-dressed guys were coming after me! They even had some sort of helicopter like drone searching for me as well! This drone looked, however, like it could have been one of Da vinci's inventions! When it landed of a nearby rooftop, I ran out from the overhang I was under and ran to an abandoned firehouse! This guy outside said that a manhole inside the place leads down into a great basement, and there's nearly no light. There was a creature down there too, that looks kind of like a Muk (Pokemon) and people tried to go down there and kill it. It kept burning them up with its poisonous body and they died!

I had no choice, because if the soldier dudes knew about the creature, they won't think I went down there! I ran into the firehouse and found the manhole quickly. there was a short ladder that I went down and found myself in the "great basement." The basement was just a huge basement that sprawled underneath the entirety of the firehouse above! I got off the ladder, stepped around in and saw the "Muk"

It did not look like a Muk!

It had a sludging look and slid around like one, and had a purple-reddish hue to the slime. I saw that it was half man/half slimy sliding thing! I had an idea that the other people must have rushed it and attacked first.

"Hello," I state out-loud, to the guy. He turns his head to me and I approach him, hands outstretched to show I am not attacking him.

For a while, he are just hanging out, me sitting on the concrete floor and he just ... laying around, shooting the breeze. I ask him if was okay that I touch him lightly on the arm. He says it is. I gently touch him and pull my hand back, the skin feeling slightly burning. My hand in nearly sunburn red and he looks embarrassed.

Even later, we are still hanging out and we decided to see what happens if we try to kiss each other on the lips. Nearly as soon as our lips meet, my lips feel burning! We pull away quickly, startled and his even accidentally nicks my lower lip, drawing some blood!

"Let's not try that again," I mutter. He agrees with me too. He feels bad that we can't be together intimately, and that he drew blood. As we are talking, this woman comes down the ladder. She was wearing a fur coat.

She sees me and the sludge guy talking and mutters, "I must be high." Then goes back up the ladder. Shortly after she leaves, I wake up.

*** I have a cold and some bad teeth that are acting up because of the cold. So, hence this weird dream!*** 



February 18, 2014

The Old Store and The Killer!

Amye and I went to this dimly lit store. It was supposed to be some kind of catch-all type store. There were 8 metal shelves for stuff, four on each side of the store. the store was nearly so small that the second row of shelving was a spitting distance from the other. None of the items were any good, several of them being in disrepair. The middle shelves were the most disgusting; cobwebs were strewn about. I met Amye up in the middle here, and suddenly we were on the run, being stalked through the area by Hannibal Lecter from the TV show!

**When I awoke, around 4 something in the morning. I had this creepy form of I guess it was SP. I've had SP before, and this seemed like nothing I've ever been through before! As soon as it was over, I rushed upfront, agitated in a short, quick spurt by something I couldn't name. I saw the time, around 4 and went back to bed. Later, my mom woke me up. The call from the Hospital came - they thought my dad was dying. When we got there, they told us he was doing okay, but suddenly went downhill - exactly the time that I went through my SP/not SP thing after my nightmare.

February 19, 2014

Rossi and Reid

I was outside, somewhere lit up with daylight. It was some sort of suburb and it looked reminiscent of L.A. I met up with David Rossi and Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. Turns out Rossi had a twin brother that was working undercover to infiltrate a drug gang. Rossi lost contact with his brother and thus I was drafted on-board to help them find him!

Later, Reid shows us something. the lower half of his back was gone, and all that was holding his back parts in was a large stretch of Saran Wrap stapled to his back. Someone made mention that it started out as pressure sore. I told them two at this point that I knew something of bed sores, that my dad had them. 


February 20, 2014

I Was A Weird Kid

I was in my own bedrrom. John Winchester as Azazel was there with me. He was wearing boxer shorts and white T-shirt. nothing was going on in the adult way; We were shooting the breeze. He realizes that I am not going to try to attack/kill him. After awhile, he both stand up, I guess to leave my room.

"You're a weird kid," he says in a light way.

"What makes you say that?"

"You didn't once try to ice me." He pauses, then adds, "Most people I know would tyr to at least hurt me."

"I made a vow, five or six weeks ago." He nods, showing he's listening. "not to hurt or maim any-"

Suddenly, over our house going right over was this loud WOOSH! It was long, drawn out and reminded me of four or five jets close together and low flying.

Even J/A was startled. "What the hell was that?"

From up somewhere in the front of the house, Jay - my sister - yelled really loud and terrified, "Oh god! What is that?" Only then, from that sound of terror in her voice, did I get scared and wake up quickly with a beating heart!


March 3, 2014


i went into several retail stores in my dream and stole a mess of stuff. Movies, books and whatnot. I woke up even as I was still shoving stuff in my clothing to steal out of the current store I was in.

March 5, 2014


I was suddenly having a dream, mixed with a SP. The SP, a very mild case, started first. It was a general feeling of heaviness and not being able to move. Then I closed my eyes. My dream started, but I was aware of my SP at the same time.

I was like being held somewhere, like I had been kidnapped. Somewhere dim, nearly dark. Like the area had been lit with candles and not bulbs. Hannibal Lecter, from the TV show, was standing near my prone form, which was on it's back. He was walking slowly around, fiddling with stuff.

In the dream, I was still aware of everything. He was stating to me calmly that he saw me earlier, out and about and decided to kidnap me. He was saying this stuff so calmly, detached. He admitted that I threw such a fuss that he had no choice but to inject me with a paralytic. It was one that wouldn't kill me, but would leave my consciousness alone so I would be aware of what he was going to do to me - but unable to move and thus stop it! I remember being so freaked out by this, that I tried moving, waking but nothing would work. There were times that I almost lost the SP, but then it was like Hannibal knew and took another syringe and injected me with a micro-dose of the drug and the state would come back! 

After awhile, the dream auto-ended as did the SP because my mind went someplace else and drifted off into a vague unspecific dream.   


March 12, 2014

There Is No Moonlight Without Her

I went to the BBC Musketeers land or whatever, in the time period. I was disguised as a bloke and somehow got admittance into the castle/main place as a guest or something. I was nearing my end in staying there, and then I ran into Captain Treville. He was suspicious of me. I nearly tell him off.

"You don't want to lose me as your ally." He gently warns. I pretty much figure he'll be a hellacious enemy, so keep the nasty comment to myself.

Later, when him and I were alone, I was training on how to use Muskets, he still knowing nothing about me being a woman, he started nuzzling my neck, holding me closely – saying sweet things. I was astounded, realizing that Treville must be homosexual! His apparent sexual preference isn't what made me inwardly panic, but the fact that if it went further, he would discover I wasn't a guy! I make some excuse and leave the area. Way later, he is having a meeting with the Musketeers. I come in on it just to catch him saying something about the Cardinal. The Cardinal had done something very messed up and the Musketeers had to take him down! Treville sees me and drafts me, even if it was until the mission was over, into the Musketeers. He gives me a musket and I hold it, examining it. I get a bit carried away, and hold it sideways like I've seen Hollywood portray gun holding. Everyone in the meeting room is just staring at me like WTF. I holster the gun, embarrassed.

Later, it is daylight. I was walking in one of the outside hallways. I soon find Treville blocking me in against one of the carved side wall columns. He is holding me from behind, nuzzling my neck again, gently kissing licking and sucking my neck!

"There is something about you." I hear him sigh, almost contentedly. My head is spinning, not literally, at what he is doing to my neck! 

The scene shifts and this time I am either in the future of the BBC Musketeers world, or back in my own time-line in my time. In having to wrap up some unfinished business dealing with my dad's death, I have to catch a flight many miles from home. By myself, not even having taken a flight before! I was kind of nervous, but stoked too; knowing that at some point there would be turbulence in the plane I was on.

I was standing, watching the planes landing. I was amazed that finally, I got to hear and see planes taking off and landing in real life, and not just Youtube videos or Hollywood movies! I was zoning out frequently, on planes just standing still, and other with their docking umbilical extended for other passengers! I wince and swear softly, aloud, when I realize that I won't be able to redeem my ticket, as I left my ID home! This means I am stuck here and have to contact loads of people to help me! I was trying to read plane schedules, but zone out. Mentally, I go to a wooded area, no tech around me anymore! There was this large oak tree, much larger than the one in my front yard! This guy, in threadbare clothing, was either crucified or tied to the base of the tree, with his arms splayed outwards! The guy was beat up and looked either of the verge of unconsciousness or death! I was horrified when I realized it was Captain Treville!  There was some other guy sitting on the ground next to him, facing him. I did not recognize this man.

"And you realize if you don't confess," The other guy began, "You'll never see or walk in the Moonlight again?"

"There is no Moonlight without her." Treville mumbled, barely with it. I just stared at him and my heart broke, knowing that he was talking about me!

Suddenly, I was back at the airport, "with it" I hid my emotions at seeing the previous mental scene. I was back to reading the schedule when I realize that I could have already missed my flight! I walked around, trying to see if there is someone in charge to check to see if, indeed, I did miss my flight.

Suddenly, I was back in the area from before. Treville is still tied to the tree, but the other guy is gone. I rush to him, realized that he is either knocked out or dead! I duck down next to him, grabbing his arm. I quickly go through the motions to see if he is alive or dead. I guess I find that he alive, as I quickly start to untie him from the tree.  I don't even know this other guy had found us, until he speaks. I can't remember what at first he said, but I look over to my left hurried, as the guy sounds like Samuel L. Jackson! It appears to be him, but in costume for that time-period! I go back to trying to free Treville.

"And what if he gets free?" The guy demands. I am assuming he means Treville. 

As soon as he asks this question, I zone out mentally again. This time, I apparently am still in the same time period. The sun is shining very brightly and there is a small creek winding a few feet in front of me. Treville, back to being in his Musketeer uniform is on the other side of the creek. There is some sort of  large statue not too far away from him. Treville is kneeling, sharping his Sabre. He would occasionally stop, stand and take a few experimental jabs and slashes at the statue thing, and act like he was also testing the weight of his weapon before going back to sharping it.   

"Do you really think he'll leave you in peace?" I still am somehow able to hear the SLJ character ask me, even as I watch the sharping and testing of the Sabre.  I do not answer, just think about the question solemnly before waking up.


March 16, 2014

Seeing How The Rich Live

Dr. Phil owned a private island. I was there, following along after him and his family. I was seeing how it was to be rich. He owned a large dock and a yacht.

Later, i found out the family was able to get VIP treatment at different theaters and such. Later, I was bored. At this point, I knew it was a dream and wanted it to end. I would shut my eyes and count to three, then open them. It took three times of this, the third time when my real eyes opened and I was awake in my bed.


March 18, 2014

Hallways and Failed Teleportation

I was in a series of winding hallways, running. never seemed like I was being just, more like I was just running. I thought that it would be cool to instantly teleport myself to the Phantasm Reality (From the movie) and I would think about it as I ran and then wave my hand in a sweeping gesture. it failed, and I was still running through the halls. Next, I snapped my fingers once. Again, i still failed!

March 18, 2014

Visits At The Door

My sister and I had been talking earlier that day about Grimm, and the fact that Viktor can do house calls apparently, based what we saw on the last episode.

So when my Hallways dream faded away, I kept having the same repeating dream of hearing a knock on my front door, opening it and having Viktor stand there, glowering down at me. It repeated like this, over and over again!


March 19, 2014

Home Visit and Drunken Behavior

I was in my own room, which was cleaned up. Cardinal Richelieu from the BBC The Musketeers was there, sitting cross-legged on my floor. he was donned up in his black outfit, minus his cloak. We just sat, not too far from each other, chatting amicably. At tome point in our conversation, he reached forward and starts pulling me towards him, and I am letting him. At this point, Captain Treville storms in, sees what we were getting ready to do and has this terribly shocked WTF look, demanding what we were doing!

The scene shifts and I am still in my lighted room. however, Treville and Richelieu are long gone. Someone else is on the other side of my room, looking for stuff to read. However, we are just friends and completely nothing else. My covering I have for my window has been long since removed and I can see that it is completely nighttime.

I am very scared, too terrified for the circumstances, of a car driving up! I can see, far down where the driveway would have been able to see if not for the night, lights passing that were cars. I turn around, wanting to make a mad dash for my door to my room, to escape someone driving up and seeing me through the window! I feel dizzy and the guy in the room, still looking for stuff to read, is asking me if I am okay.

I feel like I am running through molasses and I can hardly keep my footing, nearly as if I'd been drugged or got unbelievably smashed! my legs are near nonfunctional, and it takes all of my body strength to even remain standing hunched over! When I make a complete break for me door, it is like I am running in the back of a large truck that is doing many sudden turns on the road! however, I know it is just me and my affliction! Several times, my feet nearly go slipping out from under me! I finally make it to my door with glacial slowness, grabbing the sides of the door frame with both hands. I weakly haul on them, clearing the distance and into the hallways in a tangled heap! I lay there, mind soon muddied and then the dream fades out. 


I have been trying methods I read about to induce SP. I haven't been successful yet, but the strange dreams have been happening all the week I have been trying. I think I am getting close.   


March 20, 2014

Out and About, Then Food

There was this grumpy guy I kind of remembered in my life. I had to go somewhere with him. he had a doctor's appointment with a Dr. and then got controlling and demanded I go to the place with him. I said no. He dropped me off at the end of the neighborhood drive and said for me to wait there for him; he would pick me back up once he got done his appointment.

i waited and waited for awhile, he never showed up. I got irritated, thinking he ditched me after the supposed appointment. Rather than waste any more of my time, I walked home, which was in the little neighborhood. He never showed up and I was slightly disappointed, but also slightly thankful.

Apparently, the next day, this red sports car drives up. I go out and see what they want. It's this completely 'made-up' lady. By made up, I mean it is a lady I have never ever seen in my normal day light hours. We get to talking, and she says that she enjoyed talking to me, could she take me out to lunch. She names this place just in town that I know of very well - so I agree, just have to dash into my house and get ready. She waits outside while I do this.

I get ready quickly and it seems like two parts of my house are in two different time-zones! In the living room, in which the front door is, seems grayed over outside, like it is much later. And I am thinking "Damn, she must have left by now."

I get to my room, however, it is like I am back in the correct time, at least the sun is shining like it was outside when the lady and I were talking. I had left me room, made my way up the hall. Before I left the house, I looked over to my right. my younger sisters were sitting at this huge table, like a fold out table. They had their school worksheets out before them, working on them. Then as I passed the doorway to the outside, I woke up.

* * *

Again, another SP failed attempt. I felt warm and weird upon waking up. I fell back asleep, remembering that this was a way to induce it. All that happened was that I fell back into major sleep, have a dream filled with so much nonsense that I couldn't write it down. 



March 21, 2014

Hannibal In A Waiting Room

My sister had to go somewhere very far up the road. The family friend drove her, my mom and I there. I brought along an old folder of mine with some things I wished to draw, and stories I wanted to finish writing by hand. 

In this big building, during my 'getting lost' part, I saw the woman who played Alana Bloom going down this small dim hall, carrying paperwork. I saw the guy who played Jack Crawford bustling around as well. I am thinking that they are filming an episode on Hannibal, and I shouldn't say hi because I might blunder in and ruin the scene.

Later, I find my way to this sort of large waiting room. There is this big table in the middle with chairs around it. It made it seem more board room and less waiting. My sister and mom leave the room, for my sister's thing and I stay behind. Something about the rules saying I couldn't go with them because I wasn't Amye's parent/guardian.

The only door in and out of the room is straight dead ahead. Some time has passed and I hear the door open. I glance up quickly, thinking that they were finished already. Evidentially, beforehand I learned that my whole family, even the friend was taken to "Hannibal World" or whatever the term really would be. For I saw Hannibal approaching the table!

He even introduced himself as Dr. Hannibal Lecter to me. I was chatting away with him amicably, even as he had his own folders out, working on his own stuff. He is sitting at the same side of the table I am, but not Listerine close or anything. Most of the time, however politley we were talking, I felt tensed up - and I even wondered briefly what Will Graham would be thinking if he were here and recognized that I knew something about Hannibal.

My sister gets done her thing, so I have to go. Hannibal winds his talking down with a "bye." I am kind of stunned that a guy that hates rudeness ended with a clipped, bye. Fearing that I was going to end up rude, I forced myself to say an unclipped, "Good-Bye."

My family and I come home way later. While at the end of the ramp, to adjust my folders that I was losing grip on, I saw, with actual swearing in my thoughts, that I accidentally nabbed one of Hannibal's folders! It was closed, but his name was on a piece of paper peeking over the top. I did not open it, but told the family friend that him and I needed to go back to the building because I nabbed some dude's business folder by accident.

"Couldn't you just keep it?" He asked me, not too thrilled about making another car trip. "I'm sure he has plenty and won't miss one."

As Hannibal is the Chesapeake Ripper, I don't want him finding out who had his folder and never returned it! Instead, I tell the friend, "But if I kept it and it was something he really needed it would be," I ended, saying the word in Hannibal's accent, "Rude."

The friend relented and went to grab his car keys while I walked down the ramp towards the driveway. The dream ended as I climbed into his car just an this expensive car was driving up behind us.


I didn't try to induce SP this time. I tried pure AP without SP. And fell asleep.       


April 3, 2014

Abuse of A Sheriff's Deputy

I was Ferg from the Longmire TV Show. Not just like I am myself just with the name attached, but actually, 'physically' the man. It would have been kind of hilarious if not the rest of the dream.... Branch Connally was still working there, unwounded. I didn't find out until later though, that he was truly abusive! 

At one point, I end up with the half side of my face beaten, black eye and everything! I am sitting in the back of one of their patrol vehicles. Not as a criminal thought, more like I wanted to talk to someone in that car privately, preferably without garnering too much extra attention. Vic Moretti was driving, as she got out of the driver's side. Someone was still in the car, in the passenger seat, and I think it might have been Walt Longmire. I remembered being ashamed at Branch's bullying going this far, and also making sure Vic and Walt only saw my left side of my face.

Later, Walt and I are out and Walt sees my banged up side. He got sort of loud and stern, demanding to know what happened. I kind of brush it off, not turning in Branch as I was terrified what he's do if he found out that I ratted him out! Branch somehow find out that Walt was talking to me, and that beforehand, he saw my bruises! Walt nor Vic was nearby, and we were on call in the middle of a day to storm this area near a strip mall for dealing. Branch turned on me, yelling at me like a drill sergeant, demanding what made me think I could report him to Walt like that! he grabbed my arm, at the wrist, really hard at one point. My car, my off duty one, is not too far away. Branch goes full anger tantrum thing as is at the side of my car, kicking the door repeatedly. After awhile, dents starts appearing!


This is the dream I had after my 'gorging' on AP travels during the night.


April 7, 2014

The Punishment By Sword and the Secret Life

I was somewhere and this person, a woman I think did something very disgraceful. I do not even know what it was. her punishment was to have the bridge of her nose sliced down with sword. The punishment went through, and later the woman had a fake one made she could plop it right down when people came to visit her to hide the hole.

Later, she nearly got caught out, but passed herself off as her uncle while dressed as a man.


I was in this very huge hospital. I do not know if I was using it as a pit stop on a time out, or visiting someone, but I was not a patient. At one point, I get this ... idea that Kandinsky found out where I was holed up! I was panicked, naturally but knew I had to keep my cool! I navigated what seemed the entirety of the Hospital! I was on the second floor, I knew this.

On the second floor, at some point I run across this massive bookstore/library! It was a lounge area you could rummage through and find music and books, and read them right inside like a Library. But you couldn't borrow them if you wanted one, you had to buy it!

The floors were of a dark green carpet or tile. All of the shelves were of the same green color, as were the ceilings and walls. The whole green color gave off a feeling of the room, which was large as whole unfinished underground basement or a Deepvault. At one point, I think I see Kandinsky go into the library room, so I creep in there, cautiously. I don't see him and soon I come up to the main counter where these two ladies are behind. They are the store clerks.

I leave and enter some new hallways. I see Kandinsky, actually see him coming the other direction towards the store! He doesn't see me straight away as these people go in front of him. I flip out inwardly and quickly cut into another hallway. I ask someone where elevators are and I use their information and find a solitary elevator that will take me down to the ground floor so I can leave, ditching Kandinsky! I have to call it up and it seems it takes ages to get there. I feel myself go like, sort of, "Yay me!" on the inside as I see the inside of the elevator. I step forward, but at the last second, the elevator goes down to the ground floor before the door closes! I watch in horrified amazement as the thing goes down, leaving me to gaze upon the empty shaft before the doors close!

"Steps for me, then." I mutter to myself, backing slowly away.   

I backtracked to the store to go through that to find another working elevator on the other wing of the Hospital. Kandinsky was still in the store, lounging around the counter.

"Oh, there she is, the one you were looking for." One of the ladies called out helpfully. Kandinsky straightened up at once, when he realized he was seeing me! I knew I was in for it; I got spotted and I would fail miserably at a full-out run from him! He walked over.

"And all this time you thought you were to get away from me." He walked right up to me, then grabbed me strongly by the back/top of my hair! Then he said something like, "Let's see where that gets you now, hm?" The ladies really started looking scared when he pulled a black gun out on me! he made some comments that made me start to think that he wanted me a little bit, not matter what his employer might have told him about touching me!

He yanked me out of the store, the way I just came. I think I might have mentioned the busted elevator. He jacked me up against one of the walls. He got on his cell phone, presumably to call his employer and let him know that I was nabbed and was going to be brought back!

"Spread them," He hisses at me, while gesturing with his gun on the wall. He have my arms out against the wall and legs spread apart just like cops to do suspects they nab that they want to search! he gets off the phone without contacting his employer - meaning the other didn't answer the phone.

He got behind me, searching me. From the sexist comments he was giving me, my earlier guess was right! I was icked out because I was not into this man.


I was at home, in my bathroom. my face in my reflection showed some very disgusting things! First, almost as if I was woman in the first dream, the bridge of my nose looked surgically worked on and all of these warts or something were covering the area!

Second of all, my eyes were messed up. In the upper corners of both of them, pinks fleshy things were growing. They resembled pink little crystals! Something was also majorly wrong with my right eye; something was pressing down into it somehow, making the eye turn downwards, and blood was seeping from underneath that eye!

Nick or David?

Nothing was mseed up in this dream; a guy was on some campus outdoors and talking to others. I couldn't get a good look at him, but I heard his voice clearly. It sounded like either Nick Burkhardt or David Giuntoli.       


April 26, 2014

Jimmy and The Meat Locker

It was one of those messed up dreams where you end right in the middle with all the action going on instantly. I was standing in a dim passage, a hallway that had to branches to my right nor left. Dr. Jimmy Price from Hannibal was there, wearing his lab coat, in the midway of the hall, facing me. He was running at me, hands reaching out growling and snarling!

At this moment, I found out that there was someone behind me and she shrieked really loud in fear, and I saw some of her from the corner of my eye. it was Dr. Beverley Katz! She grabbed me, hauling my backwards. It turned out there was a room behind us and she slammed the door just as Jimmy was in breath-mint distance of us, still hissing, snarling and growling! Bev slammed the door closed and there was a bug thud as it impacted with Jimmy! A few moments passed and I slowly woke up as I realized that Bev locked us both inside a meat locker!


April 29, 2014

Doctor And Phasing

The 12th Doctor and I met up. We were obviously in a relationship, for we kissed each other pretty heavily. Later, one or both of us made angry this woman. We were cursed, similarly like from an old movie I watched years ago. The lady was a hawk at one part of the day, and her love was Human. At the other part of the day, he was Human and she was a Hawk or something. But ours was different in that in one part of the day, I was physical but the Doctor's body was somehow converted entirely to Astral Projection. We could still see each other and talk, but he couldn't touch me nor I, him! One in this state couldn't pick up physical objects either! As the movie, the reverse happens at night, with me 'phased out'. An interesting note, the phased out person still wears the clothes they phased in, but the clothes and person is see-through. You can see them clothed, but the person is see-through like a hologram or something.   

It is in middle of the day and he is phased, and we are talking. I make mention of Pokemon and he exclaims, looking like a kid in a candy store, "Pokemon! I want to play it!" Then he remembered that he was out of phase until the night. He swore, using GD! I just about died of shock upon hearing him use that term before I woke up! 


May 7, 2014

All Cats Past

I stood in my basement, with the little door opened to the outside. I did some sort of spiritual Clarion Call. Suddenly, all of the spirits of our past cats that we had from years ago came swarming into the yard from the woods, towards our house! I was gleefully pointing out to someone who was with me the favorites cats that I remembered very fondly. They all, about 20 or so spirit cats, came into the basement through the open door. After they were all in, I closed the door.


May 15, 2014

Are You Okay?

I was in this big room, that was akin to some kind of huge underground garage. People were all near one corner, like something was going on. I joined them, but soon they went their own ways. Will Graham was standing on this large platform that was only lik three feet acros either way and less then a foot off the ground. Something felt .... off about the whole thing. I had no control at this point and my dream body went over next to him, and kneeled - like Will was a god! 

"Are you Okay?" He asked me. I could actually hear his voice and timbre, crystal clear as if I was awake and listening to him! I was staring at the ground, not looking ahead, let alone looking up at him!

"Yes," I say, using the autmatic response I use whenever I cover up when I am feeling uneasy.

Suddenly, I feel Will reaching down and pressing the first four of his fingers across the back of my neck. They are very cold, as if he'd plunged them into a freeze a few seconds before touching me. Either that, or he was a vampire in my dream or something!

"You're lying," I hear his voice respond. He doesn't sound too happy, sounding instead like he was irritated.

Halloween Blow Out

I am in this huge Halloween store. Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time was there and seemed to be in charge of the little shopping group that I was in. I asked her if the group could go on a huge sugary food and costume shopping.

"If you all are going to actually have a Halloween." She replies.

I was stoked; I knew I was. So I went around the store, throwing stuff together, wanting to go as a certain Witch, Dark Willow. I also thought to myself that I could still use the stuff after Halloween! One of the things was a real glass potions bottle. It was fasion like a woman's leg - it nearly looked like the leg part of the lamp from A Christmas Story. It had a stopper to stop the other end up. There was fake potion liquid in it and I thought about how I can do away with it later, clean it out, and put real stuff inside of it!   


May 16, 2014

Projection: A Rare Planet's Moon Convergence And Spell

I ended up projecting (As dreams are projections) to this large, open area. it seemed as if many people were milling about. It appeared to be dark, but i wasn't sure what time of day or night it was. I saw who appeared to be Clara Oswald from Doctor who, and the 12th Doctor walking along. Neither looked happy, and seemed to be having a row between the two of them! i waited until "The Doctor" stormed off, leaving Clara to sulk along on her own. I came up to her, and saw that she was in tears!

We got to talking and it turned out that it wasn't Earth we were on. It was some planet. This planet was in a binary star system, with the main sun in the position where ours on Earth would be.

This planet that I was visiting was exactly the same position Earth was to Sol. The other sun was far out, in the distance so that heat and/or excessive light wasn't an issue. The planet had two moons that frequently, during each month would appear to converge on one another - side by side. However, there were very rare chance that the two suns would appear in a formation so that both moons were full.

This was a very huge deal to the populace of this world. It was fit for world wide observances and partying, feasts, etc. People would also use that exact moment of the convergence for praying to their believed deities, etc. In the waking, physical world, I know of a spell that I had actually drafted myself a couple of years ago. And that I used nearly every time a Full moon was out. When Clara talked, and I learned of this world I visited, I wanted to try the spell, to see what effect it would have on me in this moment, with two fulls moons in the same night sky!

I told Clara just as much, and she was astonished. She calmed down a bit and told me she wanted to watch, to learn about the celebration I was going to do for the convergence. And what made her and the Doctor fight with each other, was the during the day after the rare convergence, there would be feasts all day. Much like May Day here. She wanted to do the feasts, but he evidently had something come up and needed to leave at the "First Sun", meaning when the main sun came up for the day. The planet's occupants call the other sun, "The Second Sun", and that is viewable during the last part of the day, until at least 12 midnight. 

So, I have her permission, as it would sort of take the sting out of not being able to do the feasts during the First Sun. the Doctor comes up to us, and we make out introductions. Clara tells the Doctor what I was willing to do and he seems pleased that Clara is doing okay and not as angry at him. He seems recovered as well.


May 21, 2014

The Gift of the Snow

I was a true observer in this dream. It started in Longmire's office, the TV show version. Longmire, Moretti and Conally were having a discussion about this small time criminal gang that stole a lot of money. Walt didn't want Vic to go after them, but she had a hunch.

She didn't listen, but instead got Branch in on it too. Ferg wasn't around, I think he was on vacation. She dug around Durant, mostly at night and uncovered what other crimes this small time group of thugs did and everything! Walt found out and nearly blew a gasket until Vic revealed that she and Branch found out that the gang came from Maryland, on the East Coast and usually did things like infiltrate Nursing Homes and steal the people's money.  At this point, I became one of the members of the law-breaking group, and stopped being just an observer. It was more like I dream-body-hopped into one of the preexisting characters! It was snowing, and there was snow covering everywhere! We were turning down on my actual neighborhood drive, chasing Longmire who was on horseback. He got away and so I was the one who had to get out of our car first. When I had body jumped earlier into this guy, I kept some of my knowledge of how Longmire doesn't things, but all I could do was to think about these things. For the most part, I was helpless, pretty much having to act on this guy's instincts! This explained to me why I recognized it as 'my' neighborhood driveway, but acted like I didn't at the same time!

I was thinking, uh-oh! Guy! You tried to chase Walt Longmire down? Through the snow? Bad news - he's gonna win!! At one point, near one of our neighbor's driveway, the guy turns to go the other way and sees some money, cash, laying atop the snow! Right when he starts figuratively drooling, the money was one single bill for $2000!

I was like, freaking out inside - knowing the bill was too fresh to having been dropped that long! And considering $2000 was the *exact* amount that the gang robbed from Nursing Homes back in Wyoming ... But the guy, as always, ignoring my misgivings.  Right when he stepped within spitting distance of the lone bill of money, from behind us I heard a nearly stereo, nearly deafening click that I knew and made my blood run cold! We/I turned around and Branch, Vic and Walt were standing just at the tree-line, guns pointed at me! Later, I am back to being a true-observer. I am back in Durant, seeing Walt enter his office. It is sometime at night, the inside is lit by lights and there is the inky blackness of night beyond the uncovered windows. Walt enters his office, shuts the door. Vic enters the main pen not too long after but notices something. It's just a few items that are out of place, including Duracell batteries but it makes her alarm bells go off!

She bangs on Walt's door and screams something about battery bombs and Walt runs out. Vic tackles Walt to the ground. There was a loud pop and battery acid and other stuff is flung everywhere, but since Walt and Vic were on the ground, it misses them! I got some kind of voice narration. Vic is suiting up in Police armor, and voice over plays, using a guy's voice that I have never heard before. Branch and Vic got promotions and Walt lived, as Vic saved his life. The rest of the gang had been rounded up and caught!


May 23, 2014


In real life, my mom got this DVD player that you can have five or more DVDs loaded at a time. We were having Pizza and stuff, and going on a Marvel Movie binge. Thor, Avengers, Ironman and many others. Also, we are playing World of Warcraft during the 'party.' In a cut scene that happens in my mind during my awareness of the party, resulting in a weird mental 'split screen' of the dream, it turns out that very soon after we start the 'event', the whole family, house and everything we own is taken to the Earth-616 reality! No one knows at first, neither my family or others and I am playing WOW at the time, but I am chill, not connecting the dots.

Some time later, I am playing wow again, taking a break from the movies and stuff. This time, suddenly, if by magic, I connect the dots and nearly have a panic attack. At this point, JARVIS somehow comes across the signals put out by the DVD player. As smart as JARVIS is, its able to decipher the signals straight away and alerts Tony Stark to what's going on. As I am not aware of what's been going on, I flip out and run into the living room. I started flipping out, rapidly telling the rest of my family what's happened. They laugh it off at first as a prank, but then as my telling get's more 'in depth' about stuff, they started acting like if they aren't sure ... 


May 26, 2014

Musketeers BBC Evil Rulers

Tt starts with a map of word, but focused on specifically France. Cardinal Richelieu's base is on this map, along with King Louis XIII's castle. The map looks like something from an old 80's adventure game from Nintendo or something. The map combines both 'lairs' of the two. This is seen as bad news. In the dream, I promptly forget this combinations has happened. Many years later, 2014, digital map looked at sees some indescrepences. (GE?) Some places seen through street view look kind of familar - traveled to location, feeling like exploer guy from Fraggle rock, going to all these far off places.

I Find ruins and go deep down. The King and Cardinal are still alive, but are ruling alongside each other and seem to be undead, but not rotting. They know serious magics! They are ruling in this huge underwolrd place! The fight plays like Boss fight from some kind of game. Robb Stark comes in and tries to help.

Many panels, lit up by candles inside of them + stained windows means what type of boss I am to fight! Attempted assasination failed, thrown knives deflected. Tried again, got closer, but still failed! They activate trap, boss fights assumable start. the Cadrinal starts timer. Around corner is some kind of large boss panel of a spider god - huge, apparent! The paneil is half stained glass rep. of spider face. Also has resemblance of grinning smile. Robb and I have to flee before Spider god thing pops. We faile, thus, in getting rid of the two underworld rulers!

I end up in some place, a hospital, as a guest, looking for a friend. Some sick Indogene  were apparentl in there too, so it was like a Defiance dream at this point. I came to this big room and was telling some people packing up about what happened in ruins. They laughed at first, but then were curious.


May 26, 2014

The Major Accident

There was a famirly large crater, and in the middle was some stone construct made to look like a gate. there was a huge attraction around it, with tourists comeing all over to see this. I ended up standing next to this one man I didn't like because I felt serious wrong vibes from him. I kept it civil, however, and we chatted while watching the event. Something, being transported by some kind of airship, was being brought over from another reality! It was called, apparently, The Vualt of Time. The airship was suppposed to lower the thing carefully into the top of the stone contraotion. the way Mr. Wrong was telling me, was that the thing could hold many different things from Time itself. Most importantly, the reason it was being moved, was that because The Vault of Time was holding a very dangerous prisoner from the reality it was being taken from!

I went back to watching as the strangley shaped airship moved over the thing, a nearly spherical thing of crackling red energy. That was the Vault, in it's nearly true form. it needed a thing to interact with, the empty arch, to make it where items could be shoved into, to store in Time! During the lowering procedure, something started going wrong! This lady, who was the coordinator of the even for the tourists started clearing us out to a safe distance! I turned back to view the spectacle, as did many others, when we got to the safe distance. The red sparly fell from th ship and plowed into the stone box! there wasn't a fiery explosion, but a silent burst, a mini nova of red light. the stone mausoleum like structture was flattened! Suddenly, this huge white horse, like twenty feet tall appear standing just before the spot of the structure! It was sort of see through and reared up! It ran, up from out of the crater and towards us. it stopped on the path, looked at us, reared one more time and silently faded away. When the tourists were running back to the area, amid the coordinator's protests, I could see white hoofprints where the horse ran and stood on the road! there was also whisps of white smoke trialing from each of them. I avoided stepping into them as I hurried with the others. We got back to the original viewing site. The structure was now a pile of rubble. Mr. Wrong was back in his place he was standing in earlier.

Someone started picking their way out from the structure. I was scared, as I remembered what Mr. Wrong said about a dangerous prisoner! It was the danger guy! Mr. Wrong made his way down to the site, to the guy! I hid behind a large piece of rubble and one of the others coordinators saw me and hid down next to me. We watched, our mouth dropping open as the two men kissed each other, seemingly passionately. But I saw, I knew what was happening somehow. It looked like two lover kissing each other, but those guys wern't human. They were exchanging their energies to each other, allowing them to see and witness what the others recently been through! Now knowing about me through the exchange, the danger guy found me hiding.

"I like her," he stated to Mr. Wrong, "She has a warm soul." They stood, talking, with me standing in a large space in the middle, what was to be done with me!


May 29, 2014

John Foster?!

I had a dream where either it was in an AU where John Foster from Skins was my dad to begin with, or my mom remarried and he was who she got married to.

One day, either me or my other two sisters ticked John off. I don't know what happened; I think, though, it was because he wanted to know who what chatting to who on one of the computers and they told him to Eff off. It spun right into a shouting match and whomever did got grounded from nearly everything for showing disrespect to John!

Later, part of the stipulation of the groundings was that the person had to, during a family meeting, to apologize to John for the disrespect!


June 26, 2014

Mansion Hijinks

I was in some big house. It was evening/night. It had the creepy haunted house feel. It seemed as if it was raining. More of drizzle. Some other people were with me, only two to three more. They were telling scary stories. It was one person's turn and they start telling a fantastical story and I realize it's about the Chesapeake Ripper. I am thinking, wait a minute ......

Later, at midnight or so, I can't sleep in the creepy house. It is still lighting raining and I am creeped out by the fact of being in this creepy house, in the apparent Hannibal Reality! One other person, an unknown woman can't sleep either so we go through the dim-dark mansion, exploring. All the while, I have images of Crawford and the others flipping through my brain. I just settle in on the mental of Hannibal Lecter just shortly after he kills people. I vaguely wonder if Fred Chilton is alive.

Nearly after that moment, there was a banging on the mansions large doors. The woman and I jumped. As we approached the doors, I someone knew who it was: An image popped into my head of that glasses/spiky haired crazy bonk. In the mental image, he was wearing his large tan colored coat, waiting for the door to be opened! I have this sort of thing happen before. I dub this, when it happens in dreams as 'Dream Knowledge." It is like psychic stuff, but in dreams. Fine then, I thought as I came to be in front of the door, I'll just tell him off and send him away!

I opened the door with a ticked kind of flourish. It was the guy, but he was standing there, no lips version! He roared like a zombie and lashed his arm out at me to grab me! The girl and I scream and slam the door before he could grab us or get inside! We run back to the common room. We tell everyone and the rest of them start flipping their shirt, thinking mistakingly that either we are lying, or there is an honest-to-god zombie after us!

Later, when daylight shows up, I spy out of the one of the windows from the top floor, some chick ripping some guys intestines out. But then I am laying on the  mansion floor. Turned out that one of the jerks from the party spiked the soda everyone drank. I fell asleep right after the scary stories. Due to the drugs, I dream everything inside of the dream, including the guy at the door and the killer woman outside!


July 6, 2014

The Old Man And The Dark

I haven't been practicing Astral Projecting lately due to problems, mainly neighborhood drama. I decided that I needed to get back to it, to still keep on track no matter what.
Within the dream/projecting there was much moving about with a small group of people and stuff. it faded quickly, suddenly and left me hovering in the void.

One of the members of the expedition was in front of me; A long haired, distinguished old guy. He was general okay to me during the dream/projection so I floated up to him. he saw me perfectly, making eye contact.

I reach out to his left hand, touching it with my own. I felt something wrong and did it as a "Everything was going to be Okay." Gesture. His hand felt ice cold, and I mean, like Ice cold. The kind that is so cold that it nearly feels wet. I grimace and go to pull away and he grips my hand with cruel strength with that hand! I immediately raise my right hand in the air like I am going to give a solid thwack across the face but good to stun him into releasing me. just as quickly, he lashes out with his left hand, and grabs my right hand, stopping me, right near my wrist with that same strength!

So now, both my hands are trapped by this guy, with both his hands being ice cold! He starts snarling, saying this horrible thing. It alluded that he was going to assault me! I try pulling away from him, struggling just a bit and I go back to my room, from under his nearly painful grasp! I waste no time in getting awake, not wanting that guy to track me down just because I didn't stop AP'ing fast enough!


July 7, 2014

Back To Storybrooke and Rumpelstiltskin And The Storm

I decided that this night, I would go back to one of my earlier places that I had been to via AP. Go to a couple of earlier places that I felt comfortable with, to get over the fear of that old dude. So I smoked Mugwort, as the last time had been a month ago if that. I plugged in my usual sound file and started. Beforehand, I thought about the Storybrooke that I had been to before in AP. So I did; and I stopped by the pawn store.

I told Gold what had happened last since I visited. My dad was alive and fairly well last time, so I gave him the news my dad died. He was horrified and asked, stunned, "What happened?"

I gave him the short story of it and lamented it. I even told him the details of the newest events of the rest of the neighborhood and the drama that was causing my family and it was basically tearing them apart. We both were sitting down in his office and he hugged me in a comforting manner.

The AP ended, faded out on it's own and next thing I know, I was dreaming of home. First, my mom and I were out shopping. We were having ball; we had a bunch of coupons and got a bunch of cool stuff. Later, somehow, I obtained a huge signaling light for mountains or something. I brought it home and set it on the backyard. Later, there was storm and plenty of rain. The storm started finishing passing through and the rain slowed to a very fine drizzle. We go outside and test the huge light. It is a huge, multicolored light on a very long metal pole. It has this huge base and I found out it can be opened and stuff stored inside!

Prince Charming and Snow White, from Once Upon A Time race around into the backyard and declare that a bigger storm is headed in. Rumpelstiltskin is with them. He is in his Enchanted Forest looks/costume. He has to go with Charming and Snow to clear off some of the pine trees on our land to prepare for the storm.  Rum is going to use his magic on some of the trees too. I want to go along with them to see this and help. Mom, though, she makes me help her back at the signal light to shove unopened food, blankets, etc. into the base storage area. Within moments, the group is back, there job done. Everyone at this point is stuffing the bin with items and I wake up.